From time to time, expert from Hall never bothered Di Jiu and Di Qin. At this point, maybe it’s thought it was known, and after all Di Jiu and Di Qin said that. The cultivator on the left, which is slowly said, “You Di Family has anyone else, one after another, to say a little less guilty, and I’m afraid it’s hard to say.”

Di Jiu, “Di Jiu”, who was worried about Di Qin, was well aware of how terrifying these people were. Anybody comes out, it’s a finger that can crush his Divine presence.

Di Jiu Di Qin, who just cut DiQin’s legs, did not see this creator cultivator, but watched sitting on the top of the line, cultivator indifferently said, “I’m just asking you one word.”

“Is it because of the relaxation of his restriction, you think you’re amazing? You should have barely entered the third step, too?” The group expert just said a short word, and never answered Di Jius.

“Is your name Di Jiu? No wonder it’s guts because of the third step. It’s been a third step, hehe….” The creator of that conversation before cultivator saw Di Jiu not answering his words, ironically, grabbed his hand to Di Jiu.

Di Jiu’s eyes are cold, and space in the field is locked directly into this creature cultivator, and the long blade behind it is torn into a blade glow, and it says, “You’re right, I really think I’m amazing because I’ve crossed the third step.”

There is no movement around, and in the view of all, Di Jiu is no more than a cultivator thats all just crossing the border. The boundary is created somewhere else where terrifying exists, in the stars, and no one is really seen in the eyes. There are too many boundaries here, and most of them are the middle stage or late stage stage.

No one else can see for a while, but the creature of Di Jiu is a cold one in the cultivator heart. He found himself unable to get rid of Di Jius. How could he fight Di Jiu even in Di Jius?

His fingerprints were also banned in the Di Jius space field, and he stretched to take action, as if he was frozen. At this juncture, he can only see the blade glow roll of watched Di Jiu blade fall from his eyebrows, and he has no resistance.

Is there any such expert in heaven? This creature cultivator is all terrorized.

The first thing that doesn’t seem right is to sit at the top of the group expert, and he suddenly stood up loud shouted, “Stop it.”

pu! ”One blood light explodes, almost simultaneously with the two words that cultivator threw out of this line. Stop it. Di Jiu didn’t intend to stop after blade got out.

One of Hall’s silence, one of the horrors surrounded by Hall.

One blade, Di Jiu, just blade, killed cultivator. Even the strongest expert of the stars, there is no way to kill one blade. When Di Jiu came out of blade, he couldn’t resist it. No wonder the man came to the stars without half hesitation.

Five Elements in the universe, when did this top expert come up? Didn’t you say that after the second great war, the expert of the Five Elements universe had almost been hit by a net?

“Did you… kill my family?” “You sat at the top of the world, cultivator, shaking the sound, pointing to Di Jiu, who didn’t know it was angry or scared.

DiQin was stuck, too, and he didn’t expect his family to have such an extinct expert, and a blade killed that old fellow who looked very hard to deal with. Although he had not seen his own old dad, it could also be inferred from the mother’s words, and his old dad was certainly not that strong.

“Yeah, I did. Do you want to come up? Come on, I’ll let you out of divine ability.” Di Jiu speaking in between, and even hung up the long blade of action just now.

This group cultivator at home, instead, calm down, and he tried to relax his tongue, “I’m called Patriarch of the family. My family inheritance from Dao Monarch Lu Ya never bothered anyone, but it was not an act of bullying. And friend just came here to kill my family, cultivator.”

Di Jiu laughed, ironically, “So I should have waited for him to shoot when that blast just shot me?”

“Udon ‘t at all want to kill you, just to conquer you. With your strength, it’s good to try to unify it, but you chose to kill it. My family has always been in the forefront of reason, but my family does not have to fear.”

At this time of his conversation, the whole star knew that there was a world expert here, and that he had to do something to kill him.

At this juncture, the trapping array of the family has been inspired, and countless experts have flown to the galaxy of the family.

Di Jiu ironically said, “So to speak, is my Di Family Dickin here for no reason? His legs are slashed too?”

狄秦悲愤的说道,“这些人就好像强盗一半,直接杀了我的两个同伴,然后restrain 我,将我抓到这里来。他们一来就要我透露Di Family 所有的成员,以及他们的去处。我除了我father 之外,根本就不知道Di Family 还有谁。因为我说话慢了一点,就被slashed 了双腿,还不允许我自己续接。”

Di Jiu, come on, laughed heartily, “Is that a good reason? Good. I’ll tell you my theory.”

Di Jius has not fallen, and all cultivator in Hall is taken out of magical treasure, almost everyone has bombed their strongest magical treasure. At the same time, the Hall’s door was opened again, with several cultivator and two co-cultivator. After they came in, they didn’t have half a word of crap, the best divine ability in Merchy, exploded towards Di Jiu.


ravage fields of aura and killing potential came under pressure, and Dicken had some hard breathing, just instantaneous, and he started bleeding, and that didn’t have to be beaten at all, and he was going to be crushed by aura.

obviously, it’s going to be much less successful, Di Jiu, where it’s going to be, a long blade roll, a blade glow formation of blade screen, a blade screen formation of blade momentum, blade momentum formation of blade wave, blade wave, blade wave, as if the flood blade wave came from the depth of the universe!

Three machines, that humble one, the wave surging is real. Blade glow 90,000 miles, not half the dust.

Di Jiu take action is the killing move from the back of the road, and there’s nothing else to be nice at this time, just to see who killed Dothats all.


surging blade momentum wave exploded, and those together with Dao Cultivator were almost half of the resilience. Together with the seven third steps, a total of seven creators and three collaborators have joined forces to block three machines in Di Jius’s age.

blood mist continues to explode around the triggered Trapping Slaughter Array, as if it was vague at this moment, not only does Di Jiu not have a half-impact, but is torn apart into pieces by three Di Jius machines.

At this point, all the cultivator family has a cold heart. Together, they blocked the fourth blade momentum wave, with only four blade waves, while ten third step cultivator died, and all of Dao Cultivator died. And look at Di Jius blade momentum wave, obviously more than four lines, because the Fifth Wave Blamomentum wave has come to the table.

Di Jius’s three planes are going to scare off, let alone general’s third step cultivator.

“Stop, Fellow Daoist Di, and we apologize unconditionally for this,” and he seems to have inheritance from Dao Monarch Lu Ya’s home, even if he’s not a Di Jius opponent, so many experts, Di Jiu will be torn apart again.

But who knows that Di Jius is strong enough to make an impressive point, and they suspect that even if Dao Monarch Lu Ya came here, it would not be possible to crush Di Jiu.

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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