原本打算escape 的Di Jiu 再次停了下来,裂道令他现在already not in 意,因为他有了一枚。但这枚裂道令绝对不能被归言得到,一旦被归言得到,那归言随时都可以出去。

His Di Jiu, though not much well-known, is still a quadrier in the Five Elements universe, and he has an old nest.

The enemy’s enemies must not be friends, but Di Jiu decided to take action for once.

Let’s not say that there are a few people around each other, and there are trapping array and killing array, even if the opposing party is to say one word, it will never be easy today.

It’s impossible to get out of this place and run into void. There is also a glimmer of opportunity in the depth of primal chaos continent, which is also negligible.

Even if it is clear that opportunities are minimal, the border will remain a turning back.

primal chaos continent, for new people like Di Jiu and Arthur, is difficult to hide from it as long as they come in.

But to the contrary, he has a way to avoid revelation. The day when he lives in this place will not be less than the time to survive here. The point is not to hide, but to turn back now.

He’s trapped in this Trapping Slaughter Array, and he can’t get out.

Di Jiu felt that the perimeter was turning away from Trapping Slaughter Array, in the heart of relaxed. If he wanted charge ahead, he couldn’t really help. Even if he helps, he won’t help. Help the story rip this Trapping Slaughter Array out of the continent, and Di Jiu can only wait to die after entering the void.

Because at this time, he will never be able to hide.

Now there is absolutely no way to go back to primal chaos continent, and Di Jiu naturally has a way. At the same time, Di Jiu wrapped a key rule in Trapping Slaughter Array at the same time as his hands were ripped off to trapping array. He cultivating is Grand Dao Law, which can’t be worse than it is. Because he meets array outside the world a lot of years ago, he is more powerful than he says.

You rip a crack and open it, and this Trapping Slaughter Array is fake? Follow him, whether real or not, and now Trapping Slaughter Array ripped off, his first element is to get away.

As for the triggering array behind Trapping Slaughter Array, he was more lazy.

Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation went out, and Di Jiu landed on the ground and became a stone after a hundred miles. At this point, he has ruled that Escaping Technique can definitely disappear and that he will not be caught in the end.

But Di Jiu was afraid to take this risk because Arthur said that he had captured the Dao Principle images of their escape. In the end, terrifying, he goes faster and will be caught in space change. As long as there’s a little change, the story will know that he came in, and even helped to end it.

There’s no way he can escape here, Di Jiu. He’s not familiar here, and anywhere is likely to expose him.

If Arthur knew he’d come out, not only escaped, but turned into a little stone, he’d be mad. Because the landscapes in the eye are everywhere weak spot, and this stone looks like around, in fact, in expert eyes, like a big light bulb.

Di Jiu, however, is different, and it is true that when he is in the hands of Arthur, there is weak spot everywhere. In his hand, this fantasy has risen. And now he’s not only the same as the surrounding stone, Heaven and Earth Law, but the same thing. This fantastic method is definitely far more than he is now, too much safer.

When you take your hands off the side and tear Trapping Slaughter Array, it’s a cold smile in your heart. He knows very well that he wants to rip off his Trapping Slaughter Array, dream about it. At least within ten breaths, there is no hope at all. Ten breaths of time, he can go back to the edge 20 times and kill five times.

So when Trapping Slaughter Array was ripped off the side, the story didn’t even have the first time to take action, but it was a big divine ability that was ready to get rid of it once. What he didn’t think was that his divine ability just triggered, ripped Trapping Slaughter Array and escaped.

The story is almost insane, and he went out of the trapping array, torn off by the slightest hesitation, trying to escape from his eyes, so stop dreaming.

“bang!” Making the story even more crazy is that he was blocked by his own trapping array. The crack that just ripped off, disappeared out of the sky. It’s like he never ripped up his trapping array at all, and that’s how he ran out of trapping array.

How could that be? A crazy boxing exploded towards trapping array, and his trapping array was blown apart. When he wants ahead, the border will never disappear.

Don’t look at the difference between time and time, and the disappear without a trace long enough to escape.

Instead of chasing the border, it turns to dozens of co-experts who call “immediately blocking this side of the space, and there must have been some help. Otherwise, it will not tear my trapping array apart.”

What is the level of the horizon, and it is clear in the end. He said he couldn’t tear his Great Trapping Slaughter Array, which was never ripped off.

“Dao Lord, even if someone is helping the border, that or they’re running away.” A white cultivator is careful to say a word.

In the end, “No, this side of space I’ve been in control. There is no second space fluctuation in addition to the space fluctuations at the perimeter. If there is, I will surely know.”

To be proud, he has a proud capital. ‘Cause what happened just now is that there is only one person on the other. Although at the time of the outbreak, the space rules behind him changed considerably, and that was just a small range of thats all. As for array’s law fluctuation, that’s normal, it rips the array off, and the array rules don’t fluctuate. Unfortunately, he did not know that there was an anomaly in this volatile rule.

The circle is banned by the word circle, and the fire at the top of A is blown down. A long time of noise in space, not to mention array Array Flag in a 100-mile space, is a variety of Heaven and Earth Law, as well as the flame flame flame flames that were also reported.

Di Jiu had a dark surprise in his heart, and he thought he was wrong, and he should follow the side and stop it for a hundred miles. Now he’s almost on the edge of the space forbidden by the wrap-up circle, and as long as he goes a few miles to the outside circle, he’ll be in the middle of the writings.

This blazing flame, which is very serious in terrifying, is that he Di Jiu does not fear, will not be found in the report as long as he combines his efforts with Heaven and Earth Law with space rules around it. But this fellow is afraid that this terrifying flame in the end, Di Jiu dares not to guarantee that he won’t come out of Grand Dao.

Maybe this fellow thought he wanted refining Grand Dao to be so quiet. Once Arthur suspects him, 100 per cent of the story will be found. Even if he can’t stand it, he is dangerous in this flame, a little bit different from the surrounding law fluctuation, and he will be found in the report.

After half a pillar of perfume, the word is that your hands have taken the flames, and the face is as black as ink. He has confirmed that there is no one in this side of the space, which means that no one helped at the time of the escape, but save face before the end of the border.

“Dao Lord, there is a great risk of hiding strength, and this time it comes out.” In the end, the woman who looks like a shadow opens up.

In the end, nodded, “I look at this person, and I’m fortunate to leave this person here and not let him out. The man’s heart is so deep, and once it goes out, it will be a great disaster. Declare that you immediately inspired this continent’s protection array and did not allow the opening of great array until it had been seized. Different, with regard to the excitement of protection array, you help me explain to those people.”

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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