All eyes fall on those who talk, this is an old woman. Old women are full of white hair, and wrinkles on their face are like new wrinkles, shallow, ugly.

“Fellow Daoist, I intend to exchange your soils with hundreds of triple fruits?” Oldwoman’s voice also seems to have broken the crow voice of his voice, which sounds very uncomfortable.

Di Jiu heard that. Do you think this old lady is stupid? Hundreds of third trajectory fruits, indeed, are worthless and simply not available outside. This is primal chaos continent. Don’t say hundreds of third steps, even thousands, I’m afraid.

How long did Di Jiu come here, and most of his time in cultivating, he picked up dozens of third steps on his way. Even though selling nothing special, or someone else leaves no one else, that’s a third step.


‘s not crazy to use hundreds of third steps of fruit for the exchange of information here.

Suddenly, chuckled, “I’m sorry, I decided to exchange this Fellow Daoist Zimo.”

speaking in between them, the meditation has passed a jade box blocked by restriction to Di Jiu.

Di Jiu almost smiled. This old tree is called Sue. Is this a real show or a fake show?

Even though he was laughing, he brought jade box at a very rapid pace.

“Brother Di, et al. …” Almost while Di Jiu captured jade box, he received a negative sound transmission.

Di Jius spiritual sense has passed through jade box, the kind of creation of the world’s Earth Element activation aura was felt by Di Jiu, and Di Jiu knew that it was a source of interest.

No matter why he’s slow, he won’t slow, but not searching for it, miss today, where did he go?

When the fire and the rules of the universe were handed over to the meditation, and after the retreat, Di Jiu questioned the sound transmission to the side, “Dude, why are you slow? This thing is about our way out.”

“You’ll know right away, but don’t worry, even if that old woman took your soils, we’ll get it back on the road.”

Di Jiu frowned, grabbing his soils? Is his stuff so good? Besides, it’s still in the hills. Don’t you want a little face?

Everyone will look forward to Di Jiu, even with some sympathy.

“Fellow Daoist Zimo, the show intends to exchange your soils with ten third steps?” The watched Di Jiu Jiu of old women smilingly wrinkled in the face of the new handbag, and the tone deliberately carries a gentle tone that she sees herself, which makes people listen to.

Di Jiu ignored him, and his heart was seated. And call yourself Suzuko, how can there be such a disgusting old fellow in the heavens?

“Fellow Daoist Zimo, you have two options, the first and the show deal, and the second you can choose to fight with the show.” Dupin suddenly inserted at this time.

Di Jiu complexion sank, when he wanted to speak, Dupin said once again that “We in the mountains have a rule that new customers cannot refuse when older customers need the first new customer. Once new clients refuse, they must go to Battle Method Stage Life and Death Fight. Fellow Daoist is my old client for 3,000 years. Fellow Daoist Zimo came first, so he had to deal with Fellow Daoist.”

Di Jiu has a sense of reason with dogs, and there’s this strange provision.

“Duman or Lord, I fight for my friend.”

Dupin slightly smiled, “Of course you can, you should know the rules. If you’re going to fight for your friend, you have to destroy an arm while sealing 20 per cent of the base.”

Di Jiu stood up and stopped talking, watched Dupin coldly said, “Your hills have not been closed so far, and you have to say you’re lucky.”

Dupin coldly snorted, around Dao Rhyme, and the imposing way came up.

“If you want to fight, you give up something to get out of the hills. So far, I’m standing in the mountains, and the provocations have no idea how many, but those who provoked my hills have become dust.” The Dupin sound is full of charge of a dead aura, and obviously is angry.

Di Jiu is sure that even if he’s surrendering something now, it’s hard to get out of the hills.

“Zimo, don’t mess with it.” The side of the world has challenged the story, and if it comes back to Doping, they may say there’s no way to go.

Di Jiu laughed, stretching your hand void, and one ordinary long blade appeared in his hand, “The old man doesn’t give up today. How about you, Grandpa Dietrich? Call me if you want. I used to say that Tianyama was lucky, but that’s how lucky it is today. Dupin, you’re on your own, or with this old Ghost. Let your grandfather see if you can pull out one of your grandpa’s hair.”

If a battle had to be fought, why would it have to hide its name again, then fight. And Di Jiu speculated that the story had not crossed into Transformation Realm, and no one had crossed into Transformation Realm, and that Di Jiu really did not know what the story was about Dao Lord.

People are watching, and many think that Di Jiu’s last choice should be to come with Suzuki. Even if it’s lost, or there’s a life left.

But no one thought that Di Jiu was allowed to be half dust in his eyes and directly provoked Manor Lord of the Hiroshima.

“haha ha ha ha, I was alive today, or for the first time I saw someone like that guts who dared to kill me in my hill.” Dupin laughed, where’s half a smile, all of which is ice cold Killintent.

It is also the case that a few people stand with Di Jiu at the same time, and obviously, as we all know, this great war is inevitable.

Di Jiu, “Four Brothers, many thanks to you. But I don’t need your help today, you plunder me and see how I can get rid of this hill.”

Things are coming, Di Jiu is trying to fight a lot, see what the power of cultivator is in here. Dupin gave him a chance. Why would he be so kind?

“Brother Di” is surprised to say what to say.

Di Jiu, stop it, “Brother Brother, believe me. If you can’t, take action again. I’m taking action a bit heavy now, because cultivation base is not home, so I can’t control my own streets.”

After that, Di Jiu once again said to the rest of cultivator, “Fellow Daoists, who is arrogant to the head of I Di Jiu today. So today I Di Jiu is going to shovel the hills, and to do the right thing with I Di Jiu, stand opposite me, do not want to interfere with this, please leave it alone.”

Di Jiu is excused, and this time even his name comes out, imposing the way out.

In the end, a common cultivator, why did Di Jiu bury his name? He wants dignified to be in his own name, and he’s standing on this continent, and then he’s smashing up the great array here. Di Jiu came to see him, he did not fear.

After that, Di Jiu felt that the whole person was a little relaxed, and that moment, his strength was as high as a few levels. A naked eye saw the chains coming out of him and breaking apart.

Di Jiu had a long tsunami, and that was his way. The God-fearing tail is finally a weak layer of imposing way. Di Jiu would have regretted hiding for several years if he hadn’t received 72 hallucinations before.

“Kill me.” Dupin’s voice is getting lower, and that kind of killing plan is almost as substantive as his words form out of the void.

With the Dupin voice falling, four collaborators cultivator crossed void, four colored magical treasure rays of light locked Di Jius space. The same way you took out of magical treasure after the four collaborators, cultivator.

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