In the end, there was a irony, a step forward, a slow grab of your hands to Di Jiu, a good way to hide, and when I was going to kill the side, you were hiding on the one hand. Even my eyes have been deceived, you have pride in qualification. But that’s it. Let’s go with me today. ”

The space was slowly shrinking, and Di Jiu had a sense of chilling all over him. On the one hand and the others on the other, it is only at this time that the power of the word is known to be strong.

Di Jiu’s eyes are similarly a while of contraction, and for the first time he saw such a perfect space area. He can break this space area by three machines of his age, but he can’t do that.

Seventh blade, his trump card, was the third of his machines, and the seventh blade might be significantly reduced when he came out and broke out of this area of space. As a result, the three machines at the age of three could not be trump card cards, but would be exposed.

Around the space area, with a shrinking sense of ownership, ice cold and depression are becoming more and more depressed. The cultivator outside the Bureau of War has reason to believe that Di Jiu would be squeezed into a blood mist once the area of assertion is completely formed.

Di Jiu is supposed to be out of touch at this moment, otherwise he should resist it. Of course, Di Jiu is also unjust in the area of reporting such an expert.

Di Jiu, an open hand, appeared in his hand, and he decided to shoot the other side with two machines from the age of two, and then blade wave from three machines from the age of three.

In the end, he must not be confused with each other. It’s always the strongest method, and it has to be the strongest method.

Killed the story and did not dreadful, because no one dared to call him in the city of Al-Quds. The city Lord, who made the city of Al-Quds, is looking for him to account, and he has to be blamed. That would be bad if it were not to kill the word.

See Di Jiu still takes out of magical treasure, and the last eyes are pumping, and Di Jius’s strength seems to be somewhat more than he expected.

“haha, brother, come to the little brother’s place, how can it be so big?” A wonderful laugh comes out.

The silence was crushed by the stop and did not continue to crush. His face at this moment is somewhat not good, even if he doesn’t want to stop, and at this point he has to stop.

next moment, locking Di Jius’s space will disappear, laughing at his face, “Brother long time no see. This kid killed my man, robbed me of something, so I couldn’t wait to sue my real brother.

Di Jiu and the others have seen someone, tall figure, an cultivator. This fellow week, Dao Rhyme, is different from the depth of the ocean in general. This fellow’s Dao Rhyme aura is like a peak, and you can see, but you don’t know where the peak is going.

This reminds Di Jiu of his divine ability, gathering ridges and peaks and waves of anger. Please beg really Dao Rhyme, just like his divine ability.

“haha, this is a small thing. Where do you need to go back to your brother? I’ll go and get these men, and I’ll drink them first, and I’ll give them back to my brother.” Begging is a fantastic laughed.

“Yes, City Lord, it is reassuring that none of these people will walk away.” A white clothed witch should be left behind and fall in front of the word.

In the end, complexion changed, not waiting for him to talk, and begging really again, “Brother, I’ve got some good wine, come on, we long time no see, and we have to talk more about it this time.”

After all, there is no waiting for a final rejection, and it goes straight to the front.

“Then it’s too much trouble for the man to take my treasure, and I’ll get it back.”

In the earth where begging is true, it is not possible to resist with impunity. Others blasphemed him, and begging was a little cruelty, and once he turned back, I’m afraid it was a life and Death Great War.

Please beg for truth and confession, and the five Di Jiu people are still unable to leave and stop them from being turned into witches. The witchcraft didn’t even call the gang, and obviously didn’t look at them in the eye.

“I know you did only 80 per cent of your power when you tested St. Dao Sect, even if that’s the case, you still have no way in my hands. Give you two choices, just let me do it. If I do, basically all of them are abandoned foundations and Sea of Consciousness. Two, you open your own world and then I’ll take you away. Your friends can live, and I promise that they can leave the city of Al-Quds.” The word of the witch is to Di Jiu.

Di Jiu never ignored him, and he didn’t have the slightest hesitation saying, “Back together.”

speaking in between them, Di Jiu has moved back into the Highness of Supreme Treasure, and the rest of them have followed Di Jiu back.

“What do we do? I’m afraid the witch will immediately launch Trapping Slaughter Array, and under this top Trapping Slaughter Array, it is very likely that we will not see anything coming out of it.” The first day they come here, they waste time at the Highness of Supreme Treasure, will probably have found the location of the protection array array core.

Di Jiu, “Don’t worry, I’m sure the witch will not start Trapping Slaughter Array immediately, not only so, but he will be slowly consumed with us.”

“Why?” The Jupiter questioned.

They cultivation base, though strong, is much less experienced than Di Jiu. They planted base strong, just because they lived long, and they’ve been here cultivating. There is, in fact, little experience in the field and little experience in the fight.

Di Jiu painted Law Array Flag, and explained, “The begging was really not intended to come out, and he wanted to see what I and I were going to do. After I pulled out the notes, begging was really excited, and this fellow wanted me to open the pencil.”

This side of the universe has a lot of plantation resources, and there’s no such treasure as crafts.

“Please beg for my opening pen, and surely I will not let me fall in my writings.” Even if you want me to fall in the middle of my writings, you’ll take my pencil first. He sent witches to block us here, deliberately to get me into the Supreme Treasure Palace, and then trapped us at the Supreme Treasure Palace. “Di Jiu is very well aware of this.”

Sighed, “I want to see the Highness of Supreme Treasure first, and then find array core to pick up a few things, and now there’s no hope.”

Di Jiu shook the head, “No, hopefully more. If I’m not mistaken, then array core is in the Highness of Supreme Treasure. And the stuck female cultivator, she’s my friend, though I don’t know how she came here, waiting for us to save her when we left.”

“What?” Four people are staring at Di Jiu, full of charge with exciting rays of light.

The more Di Jiu painted the law Array Flag here, the more it felt that the Supreme Treasure was located at the protection array centre of the continent as a whole. Since the Highness of Supreme Treasure is the protection array of the entire continent, the array core must be in the Highness of Supreme Treasure. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have returned to keep each other trapped. His strength is still easy to kill the witch. The witch is stronger and for others, and for his Di Jiu, the witch is only the second Dupinthats all.

“Brother Di, you save your friend first, we’re here looking for array core.”

“No.” Di Jiu shook the head, “I know that my friend must finally save you from the entrance of Highness Supreme Treasure. It is certain that the word will come here for a moment, and the time of the witch will surely be trapped in this meeting and will not allow us to meet with one another. But it’s just my guess. What if the witch comes in? So the Highness of Supreme Treasure entrance is to be kept.”

For Di Jiu, he must not now save Lord Azure Lotus. Once he saved Lord Azure Lotus, they would not be able to stay here. Because it means he can break the trapping array of the Supreme Treasure Palace, break trapping array and restriction of the Supreme Treasure Palace, begging is a new nerve, nor can he remain in the Supreme Treasure Temple.

Now, for Di Jiu, all kinds of law Array Flag must be painted continuously. After finding array core, the trapping array of the Supreme Treasure Palace was ripped off and then escaped with everybody. Of course, before we get away, magical treasure here is still going to take a few.

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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