He’s gambling Di Jiu with only six blade de. If Di Jiu had a seventh blade, Di Jius might be a little stronger than him. Although he is the transformation Realm, created by the apparatus prove the Dao, his strength, apart from City Lord, is not in the last place among 10 Vice City Lord and 10 Honorary City Lord.

Once he took out defense of magical treasure, that would be like an undercover card. His defense of magical treasure is also his strongest attack on magical treasure. Even if he finally killed Di Jiu, he had to pay off. He was able to occupy a place in the city of Al-Quds because his magical treasure was never shown. In the building of the Holy City, his opponent was not Di Jiu, but the rest of City Lord. Everyone knows he’s got a kill move that never shows up, how can his killing move come out here?

If Di Jiu has a seventh blade, that means Di Jius is probably a little less powerful than he is, Vice City Lord, even a little bit stronger.

He can’t see Di Jius Dao Principle aura, but with Di Jiu following a five Elements coscultivator and Di Jiu saving the cultivator of the Five Elements universe, assuming Di Jiu is probably from the Five Elements universe. Five Elements, the universe rules are incomplete, and Di Jiu can never be stronger than him. So he judged that Di Jiu this divine ability was only six blade, six blade was the Di Jius limit.

Di Jiu is well aware of the palm and the rear hand, and his seventh blade would have completely drowned after his sixth blade had torn up the plasma. Di Jiu also believed that his seventh blade could dry down. To deal with this fellow right now, there’s no need for the eighth blade.

Di Jiu was confused that after he tore the melting furnace divine ability, it was not taken out of magical treasure, nor did it come back.

Di Jiu is not going to believe it. But this divine ability also makes Di Jiu fully aware of his strength. His strength will never be worse than most Vice City Lord here, stronger than the current flat, and not stronger.


thought turned a little bit, Di Jiu understood it.

He was not treated as a rival, even if he was guessing he didn’t have a seventh blade, and that was a bold step back and didn’t want to expose his bottom card. This misunderstanding is probably because he’s from the Five Elements universe.

With this understanding, Di Jiu know that if he hits the seventh blade of the three machines while he hits it, it’s not dead, it’s afraid it’s serious.

Think of it, Di Jiu, not only did he take out the seventh blade, but even the remainder of the sixth blade was dragged away by him. As usual, his opponents are not even flat. Murder is easy, but there’s too much complexity behind it. If he crosses into Transformation Realm now, kill him. Now he hasn’t crossed into Transformation Realm and stayed here for a while, so Pyongyang can’t kill at least now.

bang, it looks like he and Di Jiu split autumn. His sky and earth furnace didn’t melt Di Jius divine ability, let alone Di Jiu. And Di Jius divine ability, after crushing his sky and earth furnace, turned into debris.

Unharmless landing on the ground, flat down is some dumbfounded. Di Jiu didn’t know seventh blade, but Di Jiu took the sixth blade. What do you mean?

If Di Jiu does not take the balance of the sixth blade, blade wave, then even if he is not injured, he will be wolf.


Suddenly, there was a cold sweat out of

the back, and he suspected that he had just guessed wrong, and Di Jiu should have seven blade de.

The takeover of the remainder of the sixth blade seems more difficult than the bombing of the seventh blade. He knows very well that Di Jius blade wave divine ability seems to be made by the divine and spiritual sense condense, which in fact is time divine ability. Time divine ability took out was hard to take back, which was all the more difficult.

“Fellow Daoist Di is strong, and since he can stop my furnace, Fellow Daoist Di is entitled to speak here. I would like to introduce myself, Hiroshi, the sixth Vice City Lord of the Holy City, and everything that is responsible for shaping the city outside the Holy City. I don’t know why Fellow Daoist Di attacked my prison outside of town.” Once it is understood that Di Jiu may be in the seventh blade, the palace immediately calm down.

Di Jiu has the power to confront him, and he doesn’t want to be stirred now, and if he does, he’ll probably fight again.

Di Jiu beats him up, and he won’t be helped. He was killed by Di Jiu and then killed Di Jiu and took this power, Vice City Lord. It’s Di Jiu and him both sides suffer, and he’s the last one who failed.

No one felt weak, and in the creation of the Holy City, it was about ability to speak. You have the ability to speak, without the ability, you don’t even have the chance to talk.

Di Jiu was just checking on Di Jiu’s eligibility to speak, and Di Jiu just showed that Di Jiu had this strength and the Pyongyang dialogue.

Di Jiu knew that he understood what Di Jiu meant, that he withdraw Heaven Dancing Blade, tranquilly said, “City Lord, I am not at all attacking the prison, because there were grievances that were going to be blaming City Lord, and that would be as the water recedes, the rocks appear.”

Di Jiu is blind with his eyes.

“What’s wrong?” ”

Di Jiu once again cup one fist in the other hand, “I have a couple of five Elements universe friends held here with private grievances, and I want to build a prison outside the Holy City to be held captive as a prisoner, and my five Elements universe cultivator each and everyone are so kind and why are they locked up in locks?”

Because it was not clear whether the prison was confined only to Shen Jiu and Chiu Soo, who said vague.

“What are you waiting for?” Pyongyang snort, immediately say to a male cultivator next to him, “go immediately and release all cultivator of the Five Elements universe in the lockdown. When she comes back, let her come to me. How did she do that?”

“Yes.” A brown-clothed cultivator flashes and disappears immediately.

When this brown-clothed cultivator disappeared, watched Di Jiu, who smiled in the face, said, “Fellow Daoist Di, this time I lost my inspection. Fellow Daoist, over here, will you come to my City Lord Mansion tomorrow?”

Di Jiu knew each other was going to pull him together and should have seen his battle capability.

But Di Jiu was relieved, which meant that the Five Elements universe was actually being completely suppressed in the construction of the Holy City not at all. Otherwise, Pyongyang would never dare speak to himself like this.

He was naturally a cup of one fist in the other hand and said, “Many thanks City Lord has invited me to visit after this.”

The cultivator that looked around retreated, and everyone knew it was not all over, because through 27916; especially not yet. * 27916; especially the Honorary City Lord, status is not under the umbrella.

Di Jiu received a sound transmission again, “You show the strength to make Pepper want to close you. But do you know why Cheung Ping wants to wait for you to see you tomorrow? Because Yu Ping knows, through 27916; Yu is coming back today. If you can’t come back from the day of ‘27916; Yu’s hand is alive, everything Ping said is bullshit. You saved your friend, and the future is better off than it is now.”


is no need to clean up with spiritual sense, and Di Jiu also knows that it is silent. He must not be alone in giving him so much information, not because of his eye, but because he wants to work with him. It’s just that he hasn’t saved it yet, and the others have saved it, and even if he doesn’t come to him alone, he’s going to find zero.

As long as Di Jiu and three people are not at all waiting, the brown-clothed cultivator brought three cultivator.

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