Di Jiu is certain and = 27916; he will perform the eighth blade in particular. Eighth blade has never done it, and although he knows he can do it, he wants to meet a good blade stone. In Di Jiu’s view, 27916; especially this blade stone.

In the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, he performs the 8blade, most likely seen by other experts, exposing his bottom card. Secondly, even if he pressured restrain through 27916; in particular, if he were to stop 27916; especially for help, I’m afraid someone would take action.

Even if it were Ping, it might have been one of the reasons why he had not shown the seventh blade when he performed the seventh blade.

So, unless he’s mentally handicapped, there will be no choice in the city of the Holy City: “27916; especially”.

Zero had changed his face several times, and he had seen it from Di Jius, and he was sure that Di Jiu would no longer cooperate with him if he did not agree.

Think of my sculpture, zero alone or sighed, “Okay, but I’m limited, and once I can’t control it, I’ll get out of here right away.”

“No problem, go now.” Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation agreed.

Even Qin Jiu was going to help, and Di Jiu refused. Qin’s strength is good, but Di Jiu is sure to deal with 5,27916; in particular, Qin is still far from there.

The zero lonely cultivation base, although it fits the line, Di Jiu feels this fellow won’t be much weaker than delusional. And zero kills a Dao Lord, and he’s still having a good time here, and he must have a little bottom card. Of course, most importantly, Zero does not dare plot against = 27916; Yu.

Normally, cultivator in the city of Al-Quds, hears 27916; in particular, the first idea is how to avoid each other.


One hour later, zero stopped, “Diggy, as long as he was through 27916; Yu came back, he would have passed this place.”

“Well, then put trapping array on, I’ll put killing array on.” Di Jiu is extremely decisive and catches Array Flag and says.

“Di Jiu, after a while then say,” Dude, you’re not going to kill each other with Trapping Slaughter Array, which we both set up? ”

Di Jiu has begun to install killing array, and he still says, “Yes, I do.”

Zero sighed, he had some doubts that his choice was not right. With him and Di Jius Formation Dao, trapped with Trapping Slaughter Array; Yu? It’s too weird to start a little bit.

But he promised the Di Jius thing, and he didn’t regret it. Instead of setting trapping array, a one-way transmission array was installed. Once something goes wrong, he sends it away and leaves with a fission symbol.

Di Jiu was certain that his Formation Dao would not be more vulnerable, or even less sophisticated, but that he had never thought that he could trap Trapping Slaughter Array, a lonely Trapping Slaughter Array.

His real killer was three machines of age, and unfortunately he got a three-fold string that he didn’t use, otherwise his three machines plus two elevated versions of his age, 90 per cent of whom were sure to take rid of S-27916; Yu.

Di Jiu wanted to do everything possible before the three machines were erected; Yu. Big injury = 27916; especially by Trapping Slaughter Array and two machines of age.

This Trapping Slaughter Array is not about him and Trapping Slaughter Array, who is unaccounted for, but about Law Great Trapping Slaughter Array, which he secretly drew. Di Jiu will not underestimate 27916; Yu, 27916; especially this harsh fellow, confronted with a flash flash, is to find himself uncomfortable.

Di Jiu believed that his law great array could definitely be heavy injury = 27916; it was, in particular, a self-confidence. After he crossed the line, his law Array Flag had no traces. Unless he/she is particularly aware of Grand Dao and even spying on his World Rules, he/she cannot see it before Law Array Flag great array starts.

a Array Flag was set up by Di Jiu and Zero, and Zero clearly was also a great Formation Dao expert, who set up a pair of grade 9 dilemmas, Divine Formation.

Di Jius grade 9 kills Divine Formation and his grade 9 trap Divine Formation call should form a chain of great array, and this great array is all satisfied.

Satisfaction, he still sighed to Di Jiu and said, “Di, this great array is dealing with people in general, and I’m afraid we don’t need to take action. I’m afraid I can’t see enough.”

Di Jiu is still spreading Array Flag.

He has set up a serial trap here with Law Array Flag to kill Divine Formation, a top-level explosion of Divine Formation, and a nexus Sea of Consciousness Divine Formation. These Divine Formation has invariably surpassed the trend of grade 9 Divine Formation, but is limited to the rules of the universe that Di Jiu is now exposed to, and his universe has not gone beyond the cosmic universe, and great array rules have not crossed into higher levels, which is restricted to restrain.

With Di Jiu’s current strength and Grand Dao realm, he was not alone, except to see Di Jiu planted a grade 9 to kill Divine Formation with Array Flag.

Di Jiu would naturally not let him alone know his rear, that he was alone and that he was just a ordinary collaborator, whether from the confrontation of United States dollars 27916; and, in particular, that Di Jiu did not have to let him know his own means.

The two men will trap Divine Formation and hide behind.

But the day passed quickly, don’t say 27916; especially, the cultivator who passed by, Di Jiu didn’t see one.

“Dickie, it looks like I got information that might be fake.” Zero was just saying a word, and his communication bead came to a rhyme message.

Di Jiu was not convinced that the message was false, that it was not alone, that the news came back was fake, and that the message was not true.

Yu Ping asked him to meet tomorrow, and obviously knows through 27916; he’s coming back today. It appears that only Di Jiu, who is not dead, will be eligible for dialogue with Pyongyang. At that time, Di Jiu had not come to the city outside the city where the Holy City was built, and the news was true.

Not until Di Jiu answered, he said again, “Dig, I’m going back.”

“What is it?” Di Jiu immediately asked.

Zero didn’t hesitate to speak.

Di Jiu, hand over, “Zero, you have to go back in advance, through 27916; Yu hasn’t come yet, and he doesn’t know when to come. When you get the message, give me the message.”

“Okay.” Zero not alone, just go. He knows why he received information at this time, but he decided to leave. It was because Di Jiu was dealing with 27916; the means were too rough to give him any confidence.

Di Jiu was without the slightest hesitation of Heaven Dancing Blade, who was definitely not alone for no reason. And he knew himself when he walked through * 27916; he would have come, but he left. Seems to be working with these unknown fellows, there’s still a lot of risk.

“haha…” almost just left, and a ridiculous sound came from the void, followed by a golden, tall man. As for Di Jiu and Trapping Slaughter Array, who was not alone, he seemed to have seen the usual.

“Are you Di Jiu? It’s time to build the Holy City, and it’s so naive that you’re used to living in the Five Elements universe. Do you think I’m leaving alone, afraid of you working together? hehe, you look up at that zero. I just don’t want to let Zero know that you have one of the Dao Principle thats all I need…” With golden brochures of men going down, Di Jiu and Zero Trapping Slaughter Array are just like the usual, fractured inches.

Di Jiu was in deep heart, and he was very thoughtful, even if he had been through 27916; he was also hearing two things from the words “27916”. First: 27916; Ultimately, there is no loneliness, no doubt that there are no means of escape, and therefore there is no hope that he will not be left alone with his secrets.

Second, 27916; she must have met. Who knows he’s got Ninth Dao Principle and a dao Principle gone? If it were through 27916; Uget rid of no, it would be highly possible to understand thoroughly the law of the heavens and the earth of the Five Elements universe, and today he will not kill 5,27916; in particular, the cultivator of the Five Elements universe will be faced in the future: 27916; in particular, it will be a dish.

“From 27916; Yu?” Di Jiu Heaven Dancing Blade said the two words, while Heaven Dancing Blade roll billions of myriad blade Mun.

Yu Formation Dao is far stronger than zero, I’m afraid not weaker than him. Good thing he’s got law great array waiting, otherwise he can only face up and down to 27916; Yufirmly resist.

Come here today, friends. Good night! (b)

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