Di Jiu cleaned up the harvest at the Qi Family House of Commerce before he felt like he had taken back a cultivation warehouse.

From the low grade magical tool to the top grade magical tool, there are eleven top grade magical tools. What makes Di Jiu most happy is that he has harvested a low grade spirit item inner armor.

Medicinal pill Di Jiu is not taken seriously, and all are piled up on one side. Artifact Materials and spirit grass are also a lot, because the medicinal pill is not valued, and the spirit grass is also piled aside by Di Jiu.

Instead, those Artifact Materials were all sorted out by Di Jiu. Adding to him and Geng Ji and Shudi at Fountain Forest, his Artifact Materials piled up like a hill.

What makes Di Jiu the most important is a bunch of jaw slips, which include a variety of introductions to cultivation, Fountain Forest’s introduction. In addition to this there are cultivation techniques jade slip, various types of technique jade slip. Tool refining jade slip , pill refining jade slip , Array Dao jade slip , Dao of Talisman jade slip ……

As long as it is a cultivation aspect, it is all here.

Cultivation technique Di Jiu Don’t care, he thinks Star River Secret Art is very good. There are hundreds of cultivating techniques, and Di Jiu is a one that doesn’t pull all over again. There are at least seven or eight versions of Controlling Wind Technique that Di Jiu won’t.

Finally selected by Di Jiu are two techniques, one is Thunder Sword and the other is a fist skill. Said to be a fist skill, in fact, only a punch, even the name is not, it is estimated that a broken Spell.

Thunder Sword is Di Jiu and is ready to give Geng Ji cultivating, he is going to cultivating himself.

If Di Jiu is delighted by what Qi Family House of Commerce has gained, then Di Jiu in the Qi Shao ring is really shocked.

When I got rid of Ouyang Tao and harvested hundreds of low grade spirit stones, Di Jiu felt that Ouyang Tao was so rich. Now that he opened the ring of Qi Shao, he realized that Ouyang Tao was poor.

There are at least 20,000 low grade spirit stones in Qi Shao’s ring, in addition to thousands of middle grade spirit stones. It is the high grade spirit stone that Di Jiu has never seen, and hundreds of them have been seen here.

The medicinal pill was only used for healing, but I saw a more high level cultivating jade slip in the Qi Shao ring.

Di Jiu After reading the cultivating jade slip, he made up his mind without the Foundation Establishment Pill Foundation Establishment. Jade summary, the Foundation Establishment is thousands of people, absorbed Heaven and Earth Origin Qi, without the help of the medicinal pill Foundation Establishment. Great accomplishment is one of the thousands.

Dijiu is convinced of these summarized cultivating jade slips. These are countless cultivators accumulated through countless years, and these experiences are more valuable than theory.

The magical tool in Qi Shao’s ring is relatively high level. Of course, the highest level is the top grade magical tool that Geng Ji has refining. Di Jiu estimates that the spiritual sense that is not required for the spirit item is too large, and the magical tool in the Qi Shao ring is estimated to become a spirit item.

Perhaps the most precious of the Qi Shao rings is not the tens of thousands of spirit stones, but an axe. This axe, Di Jiu is going to be used by Geng Ji.

After the things were sorted out, Di Jiu gave Geng Ji and Shudi a part of the spirit stone and threw the pill refining jade slip to Shudi. According to Di Jiu’s, that is, everyone must learn a whole body skills. He chooses tool refining and Array Dao, and Shudi can only choose pill refining.

As for Geng Ji, Di Jiu not only threw Thunder Sword and axe skills to him, but also threw Dao of Talisman jade slip to him.

Since everyone is fleeing in Fountain Forest, they must fully upgrade their abilities.

Shudi didn’t want to pill refining, but Di Jiu forced him to learn pill refining. He couldn’t do it. It is Geng Ji, what Di Jiu said, then what to do.

His aptitude is just fine, and taking some time to learn talisman refining is nothing.


Star River School main conference hall, the atmosphere at this time is even more dignified. Including Supreme Elder Liu Musheng, who is just out of the customs, almost all of the Golden Core cultivators at Star River School are here.

Xiang Tianyi’s face is still a little pale, after losing an arm, he is likely to stop at Golden Core Perfection.

Just now, Liu Musheng is sitting next to Xiang Tianyi. He doesn’t look like an expert who just stepped into Origin Soul Realm.

“Supreme Liu, the situation is that the Qi Family House of Commerce will definitely not let me go to Star River School, and my Star River School must take action before this,” said Elder He Hui of Law Enforcement Palace.

He Hui and Elder Yu Jingyan are excellent friends. After Qi Zhishang fight, Yu Jingyan was killed and he also suffered a minor injury.

However, compared to the life and death of Star River School, his injury is nothing.

Liu Musheng sighed and turned to Xiang Tianyi and asked, “What is the specific thing that makes Qi Family House of Commerce want to work on my Star River School?”

He knows his own affairs. When he closed his death a hundred years ago, he only had more than a hundred years of life essence. Originally, he was unable to break through the Origin Soul this time, because the kill mansion will be passed to the cave mansion of the seclusion. After hearing the annihilation warning, he entered the Origin Soul Realm under the mad impulse. It stands to reason that Origin Soul Realm has Thunder Tribulation, but he doesn’t have Thunder Tribulation at all.

That is to say, his Origin Soul Realm is false, his life essence has not increased by one point, and for more than ten years, he will life essence to fall.

Xiang Tianyi said all that she knew, and found that Yu Jingyan of Di Jiu and Geng Jihua has fallen. After saying this, Xiang Tianyi worried that Supreme Liu would give up Di Jiu and added, “I thought this kind of genius, even if it was a big disaster, we should also help them to save it. Otherwise, I will take it at Star River School. What to inherit? What to stand in Extreme Night Continent?”

Liu Musheng nodded, and before he could talk, Ouyang Mufei took the initiative to say, “Sect Master, Elder Liu, I am not only disgusted by my grandnephew Ouyang Tao being killed by Di Jiu and Geng Jihua plot. Di Jiu and Geng Jihua robbed Qi Family House of Commerce in Fountain City and killed Qi Shao, which attracted Origin Soul expert Qi Zhishang. Imagine that in the future they will bring more disaster to Star River School. This disciple will only let sect go Desperate, I suggest that sect issue an expulsion order to drive the two men out of the sect and send someone to chase them.”

Xiang Tianyi frowned, but before he could talk, a flying sword fell into his hands. Xiang Tianyi looked at the contents of the flying sword, said solemnly, “Di Jiu killed Qi Shao’s investigation came out, specifically because Di Jiu and Geng Jihua’s rogue cultivator Inn cultivating in Fountain City was too large, causing Spiritual Qi Whirlpool, which It caused Qi Shao’s suspicion. Qi Shao broke Di Jiu’s protection array and found Di Jiu and a Tree Spirit.

Qi Shao took Di Jiu and Geng Jihua to the Qi Family Inn on the spot. After preparing to kill Di Jiu and Geng Jihua, they robbed them of the secret and Tree Spirit. I didn’t expect Di Jiu to be afraid of death. He faked Qi Shao to Qi Family House of Commerce, then sneaked back to kill Qi Shao, and finally robbed Qi Family House of Commerce and fled with Geng Jihua and Tree Spirit. Fountain Forest. ”

Liu Musheng even nodded in agreement. After Xiang Tianyi finished speaking, he said, “Do you mean that Di Jiu is done from start to finish?”

“The news I got is like this. The Geng Jihua cultivation base is very low and there is no strength. If I change to me, I will do the same. It seems that Elder Yu is not mistaken, Di Jiu and Geng Jihua’s cultivating aptitude is very heaven defying Otherwise, this kind of cultivating situation will not be caused. This time, Heaven Ruins battlefield, my Star River School paid a great price, can only drink a little foot washing water, but also look at the eyes. There is no Di Jiu’s thing, my Star River School has no strong heritage to continue, and will completely fall into the Extreme Night Continent.” Xiang Tianyi without the slightest hesitation said.

Liu Musheng’s tone eased, “Sect Master, you have to eat bitter, check out Di Jiu why kill Ouyang Tao. If Di Jiu kills Ouyang Tao for good reason, then my Star River School is broken and will not let myself sect The disciple is being bullied and chased. If Di Jiu is really trying to snatch the spirit stone, then drive out the sect. Sect does need to pass on, but does not need such a person to pass on.”

“I am worried that Di Jiu and Geng Jihua are very dangerous in the Fountain Forest. Qi Family has issued a killing order. Several Golden Core Cultivators have entered the Qi Family Forest to find their whereabouts.” Xiang Tianyi said with some concern.

“I didn’t understand why Di Jiu killed the senior and junior brother before they could live on their own. But Elder Hui said just fine, Qi Family House of Commerce has ten Top Origin Soul Elder, rumored Qi Family House Of Commerce even surpassed the existence of Origin Soul. Our Star River School is limited to natural resources and cultivation techniques. Except that I am barely an Origin Soul, there is basically no Origin Soul Cultivator out…” Liu Musheng’s tone is very worried

River Lord Peak’s Peak Lord Wu Zhenzhen stood up and said, “I received a secret message, Qi Family House of Commerce found an ancient ruins, and the Origin Soul Cultivator in House of Commerce almost went to that place. So in Qi Family House of Commerce’s Origin Soul Cultivator didn’t come back, my Star River School didn’t have to worry about it.”


The Qi Family House of Commerce was robbed by a disciple of Di Jiu’s at Star River School in Fountain City. The Qi Family House of Commerce’s Qi Zhishang was going to kill Star River School. It was discovered that Star River School also hides an Origin Soul. The rumors of Old Ancestor spread out in an instant.

This also reduced the number of people who went to Fountain Forest to find Di Jiu and Geng Jihua, and offended the Origin Soul Old Ancestor, not to mention it.

And many people find that the Origin Soul Old Ancestor Qi Zhishang of the Qi Family House of Commerce did not come to the Fountain Forest, which is even more true.

Qi Zhishang can’t go to the Fountain Forest now. His arm is destroyed. He has to find the top grade treasure to restore his arm in the shortest time. Otherwise, he will stop at the Origin Soul 4th layer in his life.

Golden Core Cultivator has many limitations in Fountain Forest, and the Origin Soul Cultivator limit is not that much. Qi Zhishang was unable to go to the Fountain Forest and actually made Di Jiu and Geng Jihua safe.

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