Also in the absence of a wheel crack on the meteor, a blood man sat in void, leaving the flesh, the skin and skeleton of the surroundings of Neona Rhyme. It’s not just a man, it’s a skeleton.

Dao Rhyme was already very weak on his body week, and he knew himself that there were years left, and he was completely fallen in this meteor without a wheel crack.

At this juncture, he has not yet clearecomprehension of a new Grand Dao and has not been able to escape from the meteor without a wheel crack. He can do it, just wait for death. The only difference is that resistance and resistance are years old or years late. It’s still because he had World Tree, and if he hadn’t, he’d have fallen in a meteor without a wheel crack.

It was Yemer who had turned into a skeleton, and he and Ning City knew where their shortcomings were before they stormed into the meteor without a wheel crack.

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Because it was clear where you were missing, Yemer came here and quickly found his way of refining Grand Dao, which was condense’s own species.

Meteorological fission is the best place for condense, so good condense species, and I’m afraid we can’t find a second in the universe.

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condense is indeed the best way to refine his Grand Dao rule, and condense will stand at Peak in the vast universe. But what about this? Because he condense is using his own Grand Dao Dao Rhyme, the most important thing missing is life aura.

It was because of the lack of life aura that Yamer hesitated for a long time. It was strong after condense, wouldn’t he grow up because of that, just Grand Dao, without anything else? If it’s just a ruthless Grand Dao cultivating, he’d rather not condense this way.

Think of five Elements, the cultivator of the universe here is like trivial ant, and Yemer will soon come to a determination, in any case, to refine his grand Dao, and for others, later. He believes he can handle it.

As soon as he operates Grand Dao, condense, there are already people on condense avenue right away from insights to the universe. From that condense to Grand Dao Aura, he immediately understood that Ning City was the kind of condense.

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His third life, Dao Secret Art, was born out of three gold pages, but after he cut off the Dao, he had nothing to do with the Golden Page World.

Deviate Dao Rhyme by the Grand Dao rule of his insights, into two, two, three gave birth to Myriad Things universe!

His way and the way of Ning Town are like, where people go, where they are.

The only difference is that his path derives all things, and that of Ning City is one.

This is not dividing into high and low, but once the gates are clustered, his path is clearly better suited. As long as he condense the style, he can even go back to repair the Grand Dao Dao Foundation, which was missing from the Five Elements universe.

Now Ningchen takes a step to condense the universe, and he can’t condense it anymore. Otherwise, he and Ning City can only be the opposite. Even if it wasn’t the opposite, the cosmos varied by two condense, and the power would fall a few times.

Yemenin could metaphor a ruptured ulcer aura, scratch all his blood and skeleton and even Grand Dao Dao Rhyme, and do not want to rob Grand Dao Dao Foundation with Ning City.

So Yemenin can find a new Grand Dao direction in this meteor without a wheel crack, his own flesh and Grand Dao.

As Yamer prepares fell, he suddenly stood up, and his eyes fell far away from the meteor, with interesting eyes.

Soon, he just flipped his mouth, “Thank you, brother. If you can’t get out of the meteor without a wheel crack, leave everything behind to me.”

What he didn’t think was that when he almost couldn’t support it, Ning City had collapsed the path that had been condense.

Yemer immediately realized that Ning City was supposed to be clear comprehension, so he abandoned the continuance of condense, to let him come to condense the universe.

He had no idea where Ning City was, nor was he able to stop what Ning City did. The only thing he can do now is get the condense after Ning City has given up. Otherwise, neither of them has a vengeance.

Yemmer has no further delay, and Dao Rhyme rules have been brought together quickly to begin deriving pathways.

And the new Grand Dao Dao Rhyme, as Yemer himself, Dao Principle, has become more and more cohesive, and at this point, a life aura suddenly emerges in a circuit, which is…

the watched Hollow meteor has no wheel crack, and this moment Yemmer knows better than anyone that life aura is not from the world Tree, nor from his own Grand Dao, but is left behind by a cultivating life, Grand Dao.

“Blue like” Yellow held his fist and had a bright life, Grand Dao Aura, whose style would be perfect and without blemish, and would stand at Peak, the best in the vast universe.

dao Rhyme aura of condense and that life aura quickly merged, azure frozen, shaped. All collapsed Grand Dao Dao Rhyme bees came together, and blood flesh on Yemer recovered at naked eye.

And the whole meteorological ruptured ulcer has been transformed into a nutrient that breeds up. As in Ning City’s guess, the Yemer condense species do not need to collapse their own world, nor do they need three gold pages of the world.

Cave mansion No. 11 of the alphabet, formerly made the city of Deacon out of Al-Quds Al-Sharif invincible. Five more cave mansion have now been built next to Lord Cave mansion.

But the owners of these five cave mansion don’t think cultivating, and all of them are gathered in the cave mansion of Qin, waiting for Di Jiu.


has been the ninth day since Di Jiu and Zero left for ambush = 27916; in particular, they have not returned.

“Qin Fellow Daoist, do you think Fellow Daoist Di is talking about Shen, even though he has no complete sentence and everyone understands what he means?

When the earth did not have the winds of the past. In fact, as a cultivator of the five Elements universe, it’s not easy to live today.

The question was Shen Jin, but the eyes of several others fell on Qin Tin Tin. Only Qin Jiu and Di Jiu are most familiar here and know what Di Jius means.

Qingdao tranquilly said, “No matter what happens to Brother Di Jiu, we have nowhere to go. We are now safe here, and if we leave this cave mansion, we may be remembered immediately. Besides, Brother Di Jiu didn’t come back, that epi27916; didn’t he come back? So I don’t think so.”

Qin’s voice just fell, and a few people heard a happy laugh, “Old Qin said good, I’m fine, everybody goes to heal and cultivating. I’m going to go see Pepper, and I guess this old fellow can’t help it.”

“Fellow Daoist Di…”

“Brother Di Jiu, haha, I knew you were okay.”

Hear Di Jius sound, a couple of people inside the house at the same time. Di Jiu is back, which means that Di Jiu and Zero do not ambush in isolation = 27916; it is particularly successful, otherwise it should come back from = 27916; Yu.


The cave mansion of the House of Vice City Lord, which shattered the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, came out of a sigh, “Pai, go arrest several cave mansion people of the 11th edition of the outer city.”

“Yes, City Lord. It was just that” cave mansion came out with a response, but it was just a little hesitant to speak. Di Jius, he saw that, as long as Di Jius VII blade came out, his master would surely collapse with heavy injury and even fleshly body.

“I’m supposed to be too tall to look at that kid, and he and 27916; Jubilee’s still too far away. Are you trying to ask why Suzu never came back? Yu is waiting for me to show him. I locked these people up in locks before he got back, and I don’t want to be in and out of 27916; especially now, this man’s power is too strong.”

Come here today, friends. Good night! (b)

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