After entering the auction, Di Jiu knew it was full of boxes. I guess the cultivator who sold the ticket heard he wanted a box, should know he was new.

Di Jiu and other cultivator generally, as soon as they enter the box, the first thing is to reorganize the box’s restriction.

He didn’t all set up such a powerful defensive restriction, just set up someone else spiritual sense.

After the reconstitution of the room restriction, it was a half-day time, and the cultivator came in a lot more. Di Jiu tried to clean up spiritual sense, come here cultivator, and the minimum cultivation base is also a border expert. As for Dao Cultivator, he didn’t even see it.

Hey, a little less! People are invited to collect: ( the fastest rate of updating the Ramadan Court.

Another half-hour passed, and Di Jius spiritual sense swept into the restriction at the Hall Gate of the auction was activated. A beautiful woman with starry sky hair went to Hall’s middle auction. Although Di Jiu did not visit the woman with spiritual sense, it could also be seen that each other must be a transformation Realm expert.

Think of the five Elements universe, where neither Transformation Realm was built, came to this city where a brick fell, and I’m afraid it was going to smash a few transformation Realm experts.

Shit, a little less! Ramadan Court, update the latest chapter!

Di Jiu hear here is clear, and there’s some expectation in mind. It means that this time we get a lot of treasure. Due to the meagre monks, City Lord and Dao Lord, who built the Holy City, want to compete only once.

Now that everybody’s here to compete, that means there’s something good, and the cosmic heart is one of them.

Tiai raised a jade box, “Fellow Daoists, this first auction was a Universe Dao Principle, this Universe Dao Principle is big] in the universe, with Heaven and Earth Law, Grand Dao Dao Rhyme of the universe. The bottom price is a thousand top grade spirit vein, not less than 20 top grade spirit vein per time. Doudous or with the remaining treasure bidders, based on the item presented.”

Di Jiu sighs himself, top grade spirit vein, all this stuff is sect Supreme Treasure. Now, five Elements, major section in the universe, how many more sections can afford top grade spirit vein? I’m afraid there’s only one or two thats all. And here it begins with a thousand. Good at Universe Dao Principle, too, is Supreme Treasure, not even measured by top grade spirit vein.

God, I can’t look again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court (

Di Jiu has no interest in Dao Principle, but there are too many interested people, and in a short time, this big] universe, Universe Dao Principle, was purchased with 3,000 top grade gods spirit vein. Di Jiu looked at the offer, mostly with top grade spirit vein. Very few offers of fruit, and almost no offers are made from the angels spirit vein and spirit and marrow.


are tens of thousands of top grade spirits in his world, and there are nearly hundreds open angels spirit vein and dozens top grade spirit and marrow pulses.

No one else cares about this price, except Di Jiu, because it’s a habit.

The next thing to auction is to leave Di Jiu out of words, to open treasure, even semi-finished treasure, Innate material, all too common.


‘s a lot of good stuff out of everything, Di Jiu. It feels good. Unfortunately, he trifling million top grade spirits vein, and if he bars anything, he’s gone a few times.

high grade Divine Crystal had a few mountains in his world, and the auction had not been mentioned, and no bid had been made with Divine Crystal, and Di Jiu estimated that Divine Crystal was not here.

“What we’re going to do next is a material that is neither open material nor Innate material. Specific archives of materials, let’s see for ourselves.” Tiai said he’d grab a ring and the ring was hanging in front of her void.

Because there’s no restriction in the ring, everyone can clean it up with spiritual sense.

Di Jius spiritual sense also fell into the ring, and when Di Jiu looked at the material, he almost stood up.

This material looks like a huge piece of iron, which is just enough to have ten thousand zhang, and it also shows some archaeology. The Dao Rhyme aura, Di Jiu, who opened up his own world in the vast universe, seemed to have felt it. It’s just that he felt Dao Rhyme aura, much weaker than this huge piece of iron.

Just cleaned up, Di Jiu knew that he had found the long bow material for the second machine in his years of age. He had a three-dimensional string, plus this material, and he would certainly be able to refine a fossil treasure.

This piece of iron will not be much worse than the trillion string, and it is likely that the universe will emerge as the universe begins.

Di Jiu, while feeling that the material was useful to him, felt a lot of expert aura who was interested in the material in the auction Hall.

Di Jiu secretly sighed, I’m afraid his top grade spirit vein wants to compete for this material.

The quarterback ring, which puts it in a jade box hanging in front of it, hits restriction and says, “Everyone should have seen this material, and its history cannot be considered. According to the identification of several experts, this material is likely to be the first of the great universe, between the five Elements universe and the fossil cortex of the universe, and we tentatively call the universe well, of course it’s not an iron mother that can compare.”

Di Jiu guessed that the five Elements universe and the cosmos were adjacent at the time, or that’s not what Sealy Eide would say.

Feel the way people rub their hands, and Sealy continues to say, “I remind you that ordinary flames on the side of the universe can’t melt. If you want to buy Fellow Daoist from tool refining, think about whether you have this tool refining flame. Well, that’s not much bullshit. The bottom price on the universe is 8,000 top grade band spirit vein, and not less than 100 top grade spirit vein per time.”

Di Jiu suck in a cold breath, this thing is too expensive, and his family just happens to make a first offer.

Di Jiu is also deeply saddened that cultivator and cultivator of the Five Elements universe are completely different in measuring the value of the item.

If this auction is held in the Five Elements universe, that big] the Dao Principle price of the universe will never be cheaper or even more expensive than the universe. There is no comparability between the value of Dao Principle in the universe and the universe.

That’s the case, I’m afraid it’s the expert here who built his own world, big] the Dao Principle of the universe, though well, for other universe experts, it’s all thats. It’s like chicken ribs, eating meat, abandoning it.

The universe is different, and it means the highest treasure. With the universe, once it becomes its top magical treasure, battle power will multiply.

Di Jius, the price on the universe has risen to 10,000 top grade spirit vein, plus ten open angels spirit vein.

Di Jiu packed up his own things, Doudous more, and his dough is probably worthless in this place. Real valuable dough, he doesn’t have much.

Sealy’s voice can be heard in any corner, “Now the highest price is 12,000 top grade spirits vein, 100 angel spirit vein, plus void clouds divine fruit 10…”

The truth is that Sealy doesn’t say it, and everyone can see the highest price on the big array screen.

Although Di Jiu can’t afford it, he feels that he’s not too poor. He has 10,000 top grade spirits vein, and a hundred open angels spirit vein, and it’s still nice to see the family here.

Di Jiu also knows that this family is not good because he’s really rich, but because she’s rich. This woman is building the Holy City, ignoring how much Dao Disk has stripped the rest of the universe of the cultivator.

The offer has to be made, this universe is on his way. Since there’s not enough top grade spirit vein, it’s a crystal stone offer in the universe. The only thing that makes Di Jiu fuzzy is that, to date, he hasn’t seen anyone bargain with a crystal stone in the universe. So he only knows the value of the crystal stone, and he doesn’t know the extent to which it is.

Come here today, friends. Good night! (b)

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