Zhang Jiu was standing outside the Di Jiu box, feeling that Di Jiu was still in the aura, slightly smiled in the box, and it wasn’t too busy prostrating to the restriction of Di Jiu’s box.

“What’s up?” There’s a hard answer in the box.

As much as you can say, “I made the Chamber of Commerce Union Lord, the Dust. Some things you want to talk to Fellow Daoist about, don’t know if Fellow Daoist can pull some time?”

“Sorry, there’s something to talk about when the auction is over.” The sound in the trunk continues to be hard.

Hey, a little less! People are invited to collect: (www.zhaishuyuan.com) the fastest rate of updating the Ramadan Court.

Di Jius answered perfectly well for the dust. This auction will be too good, Di Jiu has a crystal stone on the universe, and it’s weird if you don’t want to do anything else to buy something else. He came here more to make sure Di Jiu wasn’t there.

“You stay here, don’t slow down Fellow Daoist Di.” When the dust turned around, the two auction venues guarded outside the Di Jiu box were told to cruise cultivator.

Shit, a little less! Ramadan Court www.zhaishuyuan.com, update the latest chapter!


After Di Jiu left the city of the Holy City, there was still no stopping, and he was relaxed. When he’s out of town, no one’s taking action, he’ll be fine this time.

Even in the outside city, Di Jiu did not think he was safe enough, and he stepped up and ran off the outskirts of the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif in the shortest possible time. As soon as Di Jiu left town, the rules were applied to Escaping Technique, which disappeared instantly.

Di Jiu left town outside the city to make the Holy City, and the cosmic heart started auctioning.

God, I can’t look again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court (www.zhaishuyuan.com).

The cosmic heart is also what he wants, and don’t look at him as Union Lord, who built the Chamber of Commerce, and as one of the sponsors of this auction, he is equally ineligible for the cosmic heart, and he wants the universe to compete only through auction. The main reason for allowing Di Jiu to remain in the box auction is that Di Jiu buys some of the top treasure.

When the cost of the cosmic center comes to 20,000 top grade spirits vein, 500 angel spirit vein plus nearly 100 top-level nutrients, there’s no price added.

At the beginning of the season Ai report, the dust stood up, because the box three, three, five, did not bid for crystal stone in the universe. Like the universe, there’s no reason not to bid for the universe. His face is a little ugly, and he realizes where the wrong place is. The cultivator was too calm to speak when he went to the magnetic box 3, 31, 5 cultivator.

The dust was almost the first time coming to the door of the Di Jiu box, and his hands ripped off the restriction of the Di Jiu box, and when he saw that the restriction was just a refined puppet, it looked blue.


this moment, he felt that he was not City Lord’s disadvantage.

If City Lord did, even if he did not move Di Jiu, he would have ordered the lock-up of protection array in the city and in the outskirts of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and would never have left the leisure. It’s not just keeping the door in Di Jiu’s box.

The “Maggie” dust called the name of the woman next to her, wrinkled the eyebrows, not all of them going on.

The woman standing next to the dust seems to know the general meaning of the dust, saying, “Union Lord, City Lord, has sent someone to seal down the inner city that built the Holy City, and it should also be for that third and fifth number.”

“When was it?” The dust is busy asking.

Maggie replied, “When Union Lord came back from Box Three, Three, Five, City Lord ordered it out.”

Nodded, that’s normal. The universe crystal stone is not his own memory, but only City Lord is qualified to lock down the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif.

“I’ll keep an eye on the gates of the Holy City, and as soon as a stranger cultivator emerges…”

Liu’s dust shakes off and interrupts Kiki’s words, “It’s useless, this man’s gone long ago, and I was late for the first time I came. Even City Lord take action, it’s too late. Take care of that Di Jiu, about cultivator 3, 31, 5, without investigation for the time being.”


No need to investigate, no need to investigate. There’s too many people who run with crystal stone in the universe. If he wasn’t the only one who knew that cultivator using crystal stone in the universe was in box three, one, five, I’m afraid too many people came here to find cultivator three, one, five.

What he’s going to face now is how to explain that he didn’t get three, three, one, five. In the eyes of others, he was afraid to have caught three, three, one, five. It’s really nothing meat can eat, get it all wet.

It’s just this cultivator very difficult to deal with with it, and it’s so resolute that the puppet takes his place in the first place after getting to the universe, and then leaves the box. Just what way this fellow left?

At his auction, leave can, want to leave without consciousness, then stop dreaming.


Di Jius rule Escaping Technique was too fast than Qin Tin and the others, and when he came to Blue Star, Qin and the others were not here yet.

Blue stars are all over ravine, and fractured mountain rivers look like a broken ravine. In some vertical ravine, a while of killing aura.

And don’t say Spiritual Qi here, even if it’s thin void aura, it’s messy. As for Heaven and Earth Law, it’s even more messy.

Imagine what was going on here.

Di Jiu was surprised that he fell by a small, yet unfinished river and watched a little fish swimming in the water. So powerful to kill aura, this little fish is still alive. Lucky isn’t normal.

This planet is truly crippling, not all broken, planet aura is running away and Heaven and Earth Law is still stubborn.

The most satisfying thing about Di Jiu is that this planet has a life force aura, which is definitely not the kind of thing that’s going to break down.

So big a planet, legitimately, is built here better than anywhere else. But Di Jiu is also well aware of why the city of Al-Quds was not built here, and this planet has a fatal weakness. The planet’s main Dao Principle of Heaven and Earth was stripped and planet destiny was weak. Even if it was forcibly repaired, it would soon collapse, only for a short period of time. And after forced repair, it’s still not cultivating.

When the cultivator of the Five Elements universe was prepared to build ground here, it was estimated that it would also be time to move as soon as it stood.

But these problems do not exist for Di Jiu, and planet Dao Principle of Heaven and Earth are stripped and can still be regrouped slowly, as long as Heaven and Earth Destiny are suppressed.

But this thing that oppresses Heaven and Earth Destiny is not likely to come out. And there’s no one else to take it out, and it needs a grade treasure. A treasure of a grade that’s more valuable than this planet, who would have to take it out to suppress this planet?

Once Earth’s Dao Principle of Heaven and Earth regroup again, it will completely integrate treasure into planet Earth and disappear. In other words, it’s a fossil treasure in exchange for a broken planet like this. The last owner of this planet doesn’t know who it is who wants to be.

The fact that Di Jiu did not know that both Ning City and Yemer and Ultraviolet were willing to make treasure to coat Star Condensation Dao Principle. Unfortunately, whether it’s Ning City or Yemer or Purple, they make treasure incomplete. Making treasure incomplete makes it impossible to gauge Star Condensation balls Dao Principle.

Until they figure out a successor, five Elements, the cultivator of the universe was destroyed by the rest of the universe. Several great fortune treasure owners are missing.

Di Jiu owns a fossil treasure, the Heavenly Dao altar. This Heavenly Dao altar is a complete cosmic treasure, and Di Jiu intends to use this Heavenly Dao altar to gauge Star Condensation Dao Principle and suppress planet destiny.

Di Jiu, however, did not take the Heavenly Dao altar out of nowhere, not in circles, building his own place, but in silly places.

Di Jiu is stronger, and he can only avoid those experts who built the Holy City.

To refine the planet’s Dao Principle of Heaven and Earth, the first thing is not to take out the Heavenly Dao altar, but to find a way to kill all invaders.

Otherwise, it would be wedding dress for someone else.

Come here today, friends. Good night! (b)

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