“Dao Rhyme Law fluctuation should have been sent to Missy a few days ago before it became known that he had been killed. When Missy was going after a woman in the Five Elements universe, that woman called a pity. She’s got a Lotus Supreme Treasure, which is exactly what Missy needs. The place where they were killed is probably an inch old.” The cultivator in the corner is very clear.

A brown youth stood up, “City Lord, let me see.”

Decapitate nodded, “You can go, but you need a help. Remember, if that person was Di Jiu, send back the message immediately.”

Everyone knows who this brown youth is, and this man is also from the Seven World Universe, call the wind. It’s even delicate and pretty three points more than the most beautiful woman, tall body, straight nose, white skin. But he was a man without discount.

Hey, a little less! People are invited to collect: (www.zhaishuyuan.com) the fastest rate of updating the Ramadan Court.

The cultivator who can kill the Different God doesn’t have to be strong. But guts must be small, so there’s some suspicion of Di Jiu.


power of the wind is stronger than that of epi27916; it is particularly strong, and the reason for the decapitation is that the wind sends a message as soon as it meets Di Jiu. One because he suspected that the wind was not Di Jius’s opponent, and the second because he needed the first time to catch Di Jiu.

Shit, a little less! Ramadan Court www.zhaishuyuan.com, update the latest chapter!

On one side, the dust laughed said to a woman standing on the other side, “Maggie, go with the wind and have a response.”

“Yes.” The woman standing next to the dust, complied, went to the side of the wind.

“You’ll be there in a minute, and you’ll be right back.” Decapitation is extreme against wind nodded, and it’s a little bit of dust.

The dust was an extremely wild fellow, but the man had the same ambition, and when he came to the city of Al-Quds, he was absolutely supportive. As for the threat of dust, beheading is really not in the heart.

God, I can’t look again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court (www.zhaishuyuan.com).

“Yes.” 27916; some terrifying beauty of Yu pale, who dares not to get angry, only regrets, and regrets coming here to seek the most help.

Grab your Dao Rhyme, it’s like exposing his Grand Dao secrets to daylight. Moreover, beheading B is a means of sacrifice, which, once carried out, will be less likely to live than death. And that’s thats all, and more importantly, he’s through 27916; what’s the face in the future?

It is also unclear how long Di Jiu, who stood on Bridge of Reincarnation, waved his hand to rhyme, and Dao Rhyme bombed the crossword of Bridge of Reincarnation on the verb of the beginning of the beginning of the day, and opened it up directly, and Dao Rhyme, the age of immense loss, was involved.

Dao Rhyme, the years in which these seats were rolling, bombed at that rhyme aura that Di Jiu waged, and void made a ka noise, even with a trace of a trace.

Come on, you’re back! Go, you too!

Dao Rhyme tracks are still Dao Rhyme tracks, but aura of Grand Dao is no longer Grand Dao Aura.

Time Freeze comes down, Di Jiu can even withdraw Bridge of Reincarnation into an inch deep. But he didn’t all do that, and his Dao Rhyme folded Bridge of Reincarnation, and if it wasn’t in this inch, or where domain was low, he suspected that he could turn time back.

Since insights law of time, Di Jius time law Divine Ability has allowed time to be suspended immediately or even indefinitely. There has never been the possibility of turning time back, although many cultivator, including Di Jiu, know that time should be reversed, or that no one can ever do it.

“That’s the turn!” Di Jiu called out and whispering.

How’s the wheel back?

If he refines two machines of age, standing here on Bridge of Reincarnation and shooting two machines of age, then I’m afraid it’s terrifying more than his four machines.

Bridge of Reincarnation, driven by Di Jiu, crossed an inch deep, with Bridge of Reincarnation and his turn back to the Dao Rhyme wall, where he could look for material.

For more than a month, Di Jiu received a variety of law of time materials in an inch.

This includes time iron, time corn, age stone…

Although the material was taken out of value that could not be measured, Di Jiu had always felt that the material was the most important long arrow in the age of two, and had always been missing something.

Di Jiu decided to search for another 10 days, and if he hadn’t found any better, he would have refining a long arrow with stones.

Bridge of Reincarnation is still on the way, and a rock of age, large enough to have grilled plates, appears in Di Jius’s sight, and Bridge of Di Jiu under the foot, of Reincarnation, quickly landed next to the stones of that age, until Di Jiu grabbed the stones, and Di Jiu heard a little bit of ka noise.

Immediately after Di Jiu’s surprise, the wheel he built went back to Dao Rhyme all broken.

At the next moment, the ruthless terrifying year of age has passed through, just instantaneously, Di Jiu felt that life had gone halfway away, that his hair quickly turned grey and that a feeling of a complete separation of life had flowed.

Di Jiu couldn’t afford to pick up the stones of his age, and he grabbed the pens, and he sprayed out the words of truth.

The crossword opens up and builds another time domain, and with Bridge of Reincarnation Dao Rhyme blocks that terrifying age.

Di Jiu once again spilled another round back to Dao Rhyme, but it was just breathing time, and his real time domain and his turn back to Dao Rhyme broke.

Come on, this is definitely a time hole. He accidentally arrived at an inch of the old time hole, but no one can live.

Before Di Jiu withdrew, it was still that old rock.

As soon as the stones fell into Di Jiu’s hands, they split directly, and only one inch of gray painted material appeared in Di Jiu’s hands. Even in Di Jius’ heart, Di Jiu still feels the law of Time aura on this long material.

This inch of material is in his hands, and he feels like he’s catching the whole universe.

Follow a sudden name in Di Jius’s head, an inch of light.

Is this an inch of light? It’s also a law of time material. At this point, Di Jiu 100 per cent affirms that in an inch of originality, the law of Time treasure must be the most precious. His age two machines are down.

“Kacha!” In a moment, the time that Di Jiu built was literally domain and the wheel back to Dao Rhyme wall entirely broke apart. If it wasn’t an inch of light, Di Jiu would have turned around and left. But one inch of light here, Di Jiu can’t go anywhere. One inch of light can only refine a long arrow, the better he wants to refine two long arrows at the age of age.

Di Jiu gave him another Dao Pill, captured several fruits into the entrance and, at the same time, contacted Establishing Wood to provide him with life force, and once again spilled “Life and Death Ten, six wheels back!” ”

Another true time domain overlaps, and Di Jius turns back to Dao Rhyme, allowing Di Jiu to keep Bridge of Reincarnation in control.

Di Jius spiritual sense swept out, almost in a short time, and he found three more inches of light again. Unlike the first one, these three inches of light are not packed with stones of age.

“Kacha!” Di Jiu can withdraw these three inches of light, and all his time Dao Rhyme’s walls are broken again. Di Jiu also wants to do it again, with more terrifying time holes coming up, a shadow of death in Di Jius’s heart.

Di Jiu, where can you stay here for half a minute? He went crazy and pulled Bridge of Reincarnation back.

Here’s the update today, friends. Good night! (b)

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