Both the fog and the others have come up here, and they all bow to Ning City


Nemesilingly watched Sha Su, “Old Shah, long time no see, cultivation base.”

There is little interest in the royalty of the river Holy Sect, Ning City. Wang Zheng also knew that Ning City was not waiting to see itself, but was standing on its side, asking about Shenzhen, but not to interrupt Ning City.

“Pongchuan has seen the Monarch of Ning, many thanks to take action, preside over justice and avenge me.” Pong Kawakawa is also coming to pay tribute to Ning City.

Hey, a little less! I like to invite you to collect: (i) the fastest speed of updating the Japan Court.

I saw Pong Kawakawa speak, and Sha Su saw the plane on the side.

Ningchuan’s eyes fall on Pongchuan, and it’s kind of cold, “Pongchuan, do you think my mind and you are at the same level?”

Shit, a little less! Japan Court, update the latest chapter!

Ningcheng laughed, “Oh, I can’t believe it. How dare you attack me with this lame reason?”

How can Pong Kawakawa do that to Dao Companion of Pongchuan? Even if it’s done, a common cultivator in Pongchuan won’t be able to help?

“Ningdong, my Dao Companion was killed not only by that person, but he robbed


noise of Ningchuan City
of cold and severe rise,“ and another chance, if you don’t say, you’ll never have a chance to return, and I’ll soul search again ”

day, and I can’t look again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

In the eyes of Pong Kawakawa, he had always wondered that Ning City was likely to be just cracking domain divine ability, and if it did, the three of them, together, might barely confront Ning City. Until now, he realized how naive his thoughts were, compared to Ning City, they were not even zero.

“ Ningdong, I said, “Pong Kawakawa will be cut off at any moment by Ningxiang, where do you dare to continue the bullshit,“ because there is a divine ability that needs Innate Dragon Pearl, and I hear that protection array in Taisu has an Innate Dragon Pearl repression,

you let a woman sacrifice for you and then find excuses to do what he wants? ”The noise of Ning City killing intent is growing.

“ I never took action to do this, and my men stayed in love… “Pongchuan was so cold as to fall into the ice.

I saw the eyes of Ningchuan moving from Pongchuan, and the other two cultivator bowed to the courtyard,“ Ningdong, we really don’t know what Pongchuan did. And from the beginning to the end, we didn’t take action. ”

Ningzhou hehe said,” although I do not know why you did not take action, it is not a reason for your life, and anyone who dares to do so will surely die. But for the sake of your lack of initiative to take action, I will allow you to return. ”

With the sound of Ning City, the violent void power crushed down. At this juncture, the three communities cultivator felt that everything around them no longer belonged to them. Don’t say divine ability, they can’t even feel the rules. As if Grand Dao of cultivating these years was false, all divine ability and Dao Rhyme had nothing to do with it.

The three Sea of Consciousness ka broke and fleshly body began to collapse. The fire in

Ningchen City came along, and even their souls started to burn.
“hehe, hehe…” Always drowned the darkness, and Pongchuan only mocked himself, and he hated not to slap his ears sharply. When

Jiu returned


the Human World, it was found that there were more than 10 people here. But if we don’t come here, it doesn’t seem like we believe what he said. There are a few more people out there, and there are five Elements out of the universe.

The newcomer Di Jiu doesn’t know each other, and Di Jiu just sued a few acquaintances and started seclusion therapy.

Two machines of refinery age were seriously injured and attacked by the deer pearl Dao Rhyme, even more so. He has to recover before someone else finds it.

If it did not go to the Human World, she did not think that the Human World was a safe place, as Di Jiu thought. Even now that the Human World is being built by Di Jiu, it can only fall down all. This place, Dao Rhyme, is broken, the rules are broken, and not cultivating at all.

From the five Elements universe to the universe, it’s too bad to know more than anyone that your strength is building the universe.

It’s not even the mattress, it’s part of that mattress. So now, if it’s too bad, it’s the most important thing to raise your strength. Neither called Blue Star nor Human World, that place could raise her strength, so she had to look for a new edge in the universe


Besides, if we know better than anyone, that place in the human world will never last long. Once the expert who made the Holy City finds out that the human world has five Elements in the cultivator of the universe, it will be the first time to destroy all life in this place. Di Jius is good at it, but it’s too far from the experts who built the Holy City.

She persuaded Di Jiu, unfortunately Di Jiu didn’t listen to her.

If there is a target for where you want to go, it’s a vision of the world. If there was no escape for all these years, she would have gone into shaping her eyes.

The rumors have emerged in this place as the universe opens. These cosmic pathways go to the universe, and to the great primal chaos.

Because it’s a cosmic passage, there’s a crystal stone in the universe. Most of the universe’s crystal stone was torn away by the passage vortex, partially picked up by cultivator. Beyond that, a small part of the universe crystal stone was engulfed and hidden.

For shame, as long as she can find a crystal stone in the cosmic eye, or find herself Grand Dao’s secret, reaching a higher level


Heaven and Earth Law, which made the universe, is not cultivating at all, let alone the five Elements of the universe cultivator that came out of Heaven and Earth Law Inadequate.

So if you leave an inch behind, it’s a crazy drive.

Unfortunately, it was still rushing and suddenly felt void law fluctuation not far from her, but also fluctuating aura in the fight.

If it comes out of the Five Elements universe, she immediately senses Dao Rhyme in the Five Elements unicultivator from the fluctuation aura of this fight. Open and aboveboard is building the universe void to kill five Elements of the universe cultivator, all experts from the big universe, and the rear is strong. If she hadn’t gone, maybe she would have been trapped again, just like at the beginning, and was almost deadly to be chased by Missy


But the idea was that Di Jiu had taken the initiative to save her a while ago because she came from the Five Elements universe, and if sighed, she’d never run away.

Nor does it have to be regretted at this point that a woman who spreads her head comes from a distant distance.

“If you’re sorry, how are you?” The woman’s hair was slightly yellow, and when she saw it, she shouted out.

She knew she was wrong, and before she felt it was a lifestyle, she didn’t expect to rush in and meet her. I’m afraid the strength is not as good as her, plus the pity, just send out one more person for thats all.

“Who’s after you, Junior Sister?” If you want to ask me immediately.

It was precisely cigarettes who were chased, who were originally born at the Pan Yuan Palace, not only Pill Saint at the top, but also Formation Dao expert at the top. By way of consciousness, five Elements, there are few people in the universe who can go beyond smoking. What is most admirable is that smoking is good and never malicious to anyone. She just heard that smoker’s death and Yemer had something to do with it.

“Shame on you, run away, I’ll get rid of that person. It was Origin Spirit, who built the Holy City, and I was almost killed and fled here with a symbol…” When I finished reading the cigarette, I was going to turn around


If complexion changed, she was too familiar with Origin Spirit, she would not be more powerful than May 27916; it was particularly poor. The point is that this woman’s history is so scary that Dao Companion, the city of the Holy City Lord, decapitates itself. This is not the usual Dao Companion, but Dao Companion, who’s been with him since he was weak. Both cultivating together, coming to the universe, taking control of the city of the


“You can’t go away and meet the monuments, and we will all die.” Too bad sighed.

For a cigarette, if she natnatnatnatnatnatnatnatnaturally understand the truth, it’s just a matter of time.

Far away, killing intent gets closer, and suddenly, say, “Read cigarettes, maybe there’s a place where we can live and go first.”

Where? “” Smoke is almost unconscious asking out.

God, I can’t look again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

Come here today, friends. Good night! (b)

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