
The boundless blade wave crushed over, and the Origin Spirit girl felt that she was having trouble even moving. Everything was suppressed by the killing potential blade wave. She felt so desperate for the first time since her debut. It wasn’t before she was in despair, every time she could use her own World or Dao Companion to help escape.

But today, when the millions of blade waves swept over, she was almost forbidden in space and time except her thoughts were still moving.

This is the most terrifying and violent divine ability she has seen, in other words she is crushed.

I almost burned my life essence, and I moved the Spirit Spirit reluctantly, “I am the City Lord Dao Companion of Qiandao City, Qianyuan, killing me is tantamount to death …”

Well, one less! Like to ask everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan is the fastest to update.

Di Jiu didn’t even move his expression, as if he hadn’t heard the words of Qian Spirit, and his hands frantically shouted out countless rules Dao Rhyme.

Don’t say Dao Companion who created the Holy City. Even if the City Lord who created the Holy City came here in person, he still takes action.

Fuck, it’s one more missing! Zhai Shuyuan, the latest chapter updated soon!

What is Di Jiu doing?

Apart from Ruixi who knew what Di Jiu was going to do, everyone else was a little confused. It stands to reason that Di Jiu does not need to move. His blade momentum completely crushes the Qian Spirit Girl, and the next moment can turn the Qian Spirit Girl into debris. If you don’t want to kill the Origin Spirit woman, he can control restraint’s own blade momentum. Now Di Jiu’s gestures are complicated, and every time he takes an action, it seems like there are endless Dao Rhyme rules out. This does not seem to be holding up the blade momentum, but to strengthen the repression of Grand Dao Dao Rhyme.

Until the Blade momentum wave was about to be completely submerged by the Origin Spirit female, Nianyan only saw something. She stared in shock at Di Jiu’s tactics and felt the rules of Dao Rhyme that Di Jiu blasted out. An unthinkable thought appeared in her mind. Is this to open the World of Origin Spirit Women?

This is crazy, right? Open a World that made Transformation Realm expert? Don’t talk about making Transformation Realm, even if it is a Cultivator World that just entered the realm of creation, it can’t be opened casually.

Day, I ca n’t look any more! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

Di Jiu hand-rolled, and the endless treasures in the Origin Spirit Female World were all involved in Di Jiu’s own World. At the same time, a man who looked completely lacking in energy was also rolled out by Di Jiu and landed on the plaza outside the world.

Following the Blade momentum wave sweeping past, the female of Origin Spirit did not even have dregs left. After the endless blade momentum wave drowned the female of Spirit Spirit, they disappeared.

“Five Elements Daojun?” Almost everyone was surprised when they saw the man thrown out by Di Jiu. Even when the original Spirit Spirit girl was beheaded by Di Jiu, this moment was set aside.

Five Elements Daojun? Di Jiu’s eyes fell on this man with no energy and spirit. He had heard of Five Elements Tao Jun, called Du Mo. This fellow should be a disciple who can’t get over. Plot against it is very ambitious. I did not expect that ambitions were not enough for strength, and that a woman was imprisoned to create the universe.

Looking at this picture of Du Mo, you know that Qiang Origin Spirit is not too loyal to Zhan Yiji. Moreover, the move of the Origin Spirit female imprisonment to Momo is likely not all to find a face, more likely because Momo is one of the five sages who created the universe and has the sacred place of the universe.

Du Mo, although his energy and spirits are weak, is still the first to understand his situation. Someone could kill Qian Spirit Girl and rescue him. In fact, this is not what shocked him most. What shocked him most is that this expert who killed the Origin Spirit girl can save him.

You must know that he is in the World of the Origin Spirit Girl. If the Origin of the Spirit Girl fallsen, he will eventually die in the World of the Origin Spirit Girl. The premise is that the World of the Origin Spirit does not collapse. If you want to rescue him, you must be able to open the World of the Origin Spirit Girl. How amazing is this?

“has seen Fellow Daoists.” Du Mo has recognized most people and hastened to greeting everyone cup one fist in the other hand.

Although these people are termites in his eyes, usually he doesn’t even bother talking to them. But now that he was rescued by these people, no matter how proud he was, he had to say hello.

No one speaks, what is the nature of Du Mo, everyone knows. When creating the great war, Only I Am Supreme killed many unrelated people, and he hated Ye Mo and Ning Cheng. If it were not blocked by Zixiao senior, Du Mo might have refining the Five Elements universe. After entering the created universe, the cultivator of the Five Elements universe joined forces to deal with a few people such as the created universe expert, Du Mo, but they took care of themselves and had already escaped. Such a person, who would like to talk to him?

Du Mo seems to know that he is unwilling to be seen. After greeting him, he took the initiative to give Di Jiu a cup one fist in the other hand, “du Mo many thanks this Fellow Daoist for salvation.”

Obviously, it was Di Jiu who saved him. To his astonishment, he didn’t know Di Jiu, and Di Jiu didn’t seem to be from the Five Elements universe. Dao Rhyme around him didn’t have the Grand Dao Law Aura of the Five Elements universe.

Di Jiu also doesn’t like Du Mo. If he knew it was a fellow, he wouldn’t necessarily take action to save him.

“You’re Du Mo?” Di Jiu’s eyes fell on Du Mo and asked a nonsense.

Du Mo even felt that Di Jiu’s had a high profile and was extremely uncomfortable and uncomfortable. But he couldn’t do anything about it. Now he has no strength and Dao Rhyme is scattered. If he angers the expert that even the original Spirit Spirit can kill, he has only one dead end.

“Yes, it’s Dumo. Fellow Daoist’s salvation, Dumo will report.” Dumo gave a slight bow this time.

Di Jiu laughed, “Forget it, don’t report it to me. I heard that you can’t even kill your Adoptive Father. I dare not let you repay.”

Du Mo’s face changed. Few people know about it. Even the Five Elements universe is unknown, how did Di Jiu know? If he is capable, then with the words of Di Jiu, he raises his hand and kills Di Jiu.

“Benefactor, don’t listen to rumors. I am Du Mo, who is this kind of person.” Du Mo forced his heart down, and his tone still sounded respectfully.

Di Jiu laughed, “Do you think he can’t die? He is still alive and well. If I didn’t guess wrong, I shouldn’t let you plot against it deliberately. If I didn’t let you plot Against, you’re afraid that you can’t really fight against it. As for the eight Primordial Chaos that you treat as a treasure, I’m afraid not to all at heart. “

Du Mo’s face was a bit hard to look at, he guessed that Du should not have fallen. As for not being able to plot against him, he has repeatedly thought about it after his success in Grand Dao, and there are many loopholes. This means that Di Jiu’s statement is likely to be true, and he did not intentionally plot against him.

Di Jiu said again, “I can’t fight with you, then Fellow escapes fast, otherwise, I would have used his head as a urinal.”

People who do n’t know if they ca n’t do it, Du Mo is too clear that they do n’t have much terrifying. Di Jiu actually will not escape, we can see how powerful Di Jiu’s is. He doesn’t suspect that Di Jiu lied to him. Di Jiu can even kill the Origin Spirit girl, and even open the World of the Origin Spirit girl. It is really nothing to defeat the duo.

In the face of Di Jiu’s words, Du Mo can only remain silent. If Di Jiu wants to kill him, he cannot resist.

Di Jiu laughed and said, “Well, I don’t expect you to repay. But my graciousness of life-saving is not just a gift. You will naturally need some thanks for saving your life.”

Thank Di Jiu for the fee, Du Mo is relaxed, as long as he doesn’t kill him. At this moment he hurriedly cup one fist in the other hand and said, “Graciousness of life-saving should be reported to Yongquan. This is the right thing to do.”

Di Jiu said with a thumbs up, “Yes, yes, it seems that others have a biased view of you, and I am very optimistic about you. When I heard that you entered the gate of good fortune, you took out a white jade stone tablet, just give me that stone tablet. “

Day, I ca n’t look any more! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

(That’s all for today, good night friends!)

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