
For Ning Cheng, the Taisu world already has things that have remained the same, but people have changed. Few familiar friends have left, and few familiar enemies have left. He didn’t even bother to fight for the power struggle of Taisu Taoist court. He left Taisu Realm only after Xuan Huangzong stayed for a while.

His Word is not perfect, he needs to go to the vast universe to perfect his own Grand Dao Law. The Five Elements universe Heaven and Earth Law is complete, although there are still some shortcomings, but it is constantly improving automatically and does not require him to do anything.

Ning Cheng’s spiritual sense crossed void and landed on Xuanhuang Tianwaitian. He originally wanted to see if Xuanhuang Tianwaitian had a familiar friend. Unexpectedly, I saw Destiny Dao, Dao Rhyme is mellow, obviouslyly more than one level stronger than before.

Ning Cheng is overjoyed. He doesn’t know how Destiny Daojun left to create the universe, but he decides to see Destiny Daojun first.

Well, one less! Like to ask everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan is the fastest to update.

Fate Daojun can live, Ning Cheng is naturally extremely happy.

The current realm of Yining City, if you want to go to Xuanhuangtianwaitian, just tear the void and you can reach it in an instant. When Ning Cheng wanted to tear open the space, he suddenly felt a beating of his heart. It seemed that there was a kind of heart that was once unable to give up, but was left for a long time. The string that belonged to the most sensitive heart was moved.

Fuck, it’s one more missing! Zhai Shuyuan, the latest chapter updated soon!

He saw a woman in a light yellow clothed skirt, who was holding a long sword and watched a grey river blankly. The river is a bit strange, and there seems to be a cycle of aura in it.

But these are not important to Ning Cheng. The moment he saw this woman, Ning Cheng seemed to be hit by a sudden thunder arc, and instantly settled. He must be Yan Yan, 100% Yan Yan.

Even if Yan Yan came in reincarnation, Kunning City believes he will never read it wrong. Everything familiar, familiar aura made Ning Cheng’s eyes instantly red.

Yan Yan followed him for a day of stability, but chased from Cultivation World to Immortal World and then to Divine Realm too vegetarian …

Day, I ca n’t look any more! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

Now he saw Yan Yan again, the softest piece in Ning Cheng’s heart. At this moment, it seemed like he was being bombarded by a huge sledgehammer, and the whole person was stuck in place. He couldn’t even take a step and landed in front of Yan Yan.

Seeing pity, he finally saw Yan Yan again.

After several breaths of time, Ning Cheng was calmed down. He took a deep breath and was about to tear the domain off when he fell beside Yan Yan. A sudden voice interrupted Ning Cheng’s action. “What’s your name?”

Ning Cheng was startled. He was just attracted by Yan Yan, he didn’t care about the surrounding void. But even so, no one can come to him silently, right? At least there is no such expert in the Five Elements universe.

As the voice of this voice fell, there was already one more in front of him.

Standing in front of him was a middle-aged man in ordinary clothes, and Ning Cheng was surprised to find out that this person turned out to be a Transformation Realm or a Real Transformation Realm. From his mellow Dao Rhyme, Ning Cheng knew that this person proved the true Supreme Grand Dao.

“Who are you again?” Ning Cheng frowned, looked up and down the middle-aged man, and immediately determined that this person was very terrifying. This fellow’s whole body, Dao Rhyme, flowed perfectly without any stop. Ning Cheng has seen Chi You, even before he re-improved his Grand Dao, he was far from Chi You.

While this middle-aged man standing in front of him, Ning Cheng is sure that the fellow will not be weaker or even stronger. When did the Five Elements universe produce such an expert?

“It doesn’t matter who I am, what’s important is that you have used one of my Bodhi Seeds.” The middle-aged man’s tone is soft, as if chatting with a neighbor.

Looking back at Bodhi Seed? Ning Cheng was shocked. This time, Bodhi Seed was originally exchanged with a remnant soul in the abyss of Eternal Hope. Looking back on Bodhi Seed is this person?

“At the beginning I took out seven Bodhi Seeds and I also had one. For this reason, there must be fruit. My name is Dubu, you and I will take a trip. You are very useful to me I believe that in the future you will also be glad to get this opportunity … “Without finishing talking, you raised your hand and grabbed Ning Cheng.

Ning Cheng didn’t move. He just raised his hand and grabbed him. A Dao Principle of indistinct was caught by him.

Du Bu’s hand stopped suddenly, he watched Ning Cheng in horror.

Even if he himself used Bodhi Seed from others, he would not be able to catch the Dao Principle of Reincarnation of Bodhi, because this Dao Principle has become a soul with the fleshly body after reincarnation. In front of this young man, he did something he could not even think of. What level is this?

Dao Rhyme burns in the hands of Ning Cheng, looking back at the Dao Principle of Reincarnation disappeared without a trace left by Bodhi Seed. He watched faintly, “I have seen a man named Du Mo. What is his relationship with you?”

Before clear comprehension, he can only go. For Ning Cheng, it is not even a stumbling block.

Fat not hurry up a cup one fist in the other hand, “I’m offended this time, I’m a disciple that I used to leave, leave.”

speaking in between, if you don’t turn around, you will have to escape. Ning Cheng took a hand and created Spirit Transformation spear to roll up hundreds of millions of spears. This endless spears seemed to lock the entire universe in an instant. With his strength, he felt chills all over his body. At this time, space and time were no longer under his control. This Heaven and Earth Law is no longer his familiar Heaven and Earth Law. In this void, he is like an outsider. He was like a fish in shallow water, watched with his big hand, and had nowhere to run.

The madness appeared in Dubu ’s eyes. Before the appearance of a Di Jiu, he was extremely depressed. Now there is a stronger fellow than Di Jiu. Where did these fellows come from?

Where would you dare to take Di Jiu? Looking back, the Bodhi tree unfolded behind him, and the fortunes rolled up one after another, Dao Rhyme, and blasted out. If he can’t even tear up the billions of spears in Ningcheng, I’m afraid he won’t be able to escape today.

“Break for me!” Dao Rhyme was soaring, and in the roar, the light of the Wheel of Nature exploded.

ka cha! Ning Cheng ’s billions of spears were shattered, and finally he could n’t escape until he could leave at any time.

It’s amazing to cross over. It stands to reason that this terrifying spear of Ning Cheng should not be torn apart so easily. Why didn’t he do his best to tear up the billion spear mang? Murphy Ning is tough on the surface, but in fact looks impressive but is worthless?

It’s just instantaneous time. Ning Cheng seized the Spirit Transformation spear and didn’t look at him at all. But deep in blankly’s watched void, Ning Cheng didn’t even care about him at the next moment, tore open the universe and disappeared into the void.

To see Ning Cheng tearing the domain of the Five Elements universe, and getting cold all over, he is sure that he is no worse than Ning Cheng. He was not Di Jiu’s opponent when he didn’t make a difference. Now that he has made Transformation Realm, he has not met Di Jiu’s revenge, but he can’t beat an unknown junior in this place. If it were not for this young cultivator to leave, would he be able to retreat today?

So, does he still want to dominate the Five Elements universe, or even the created universe? How ridiculous is this? Dubu even felt his Grand Dao’s tendency to collapse.

I do n’t look down and watch my own hand, his hand is a little trembling. He is making Transformation Realm, and he is really making Transformation Realm.

It’s only a short time, and I can’t calm down. The Five Elements universe can’t stay, Di Jiu is gone, and there is a more terrifying descendant. This junior was apparently given up on killing him because of something. If he continues to stay here, I am afraid there is really only a dead end.

No matter how strong these younger generations are, he will never be the strongest. Why can’t he stay at Peak again?

Thinking of it, he turned around and chose a crazy escape. He wanted to leave the Five Elements universe as soon as possible.

Day, I ca n’t look any more! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

(That’s all for today, good night friends!)

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