
The two attendants brought by Yiyi Zhi have already bowed to the ground to give salute at the moment, and the tone is even more humble and respectful.

St. Sect Master? Wu Yizhi completely forgot the question he was asking and stared at Ye Mo in amazement.

Whether it is Saint Dao Sect or other Sects, as long as you are still in Saint Dao Realm, there is only one person in Saint Sect Master, which is Ye Mo, the creator of Saint Dao Sect.

Yes, he has seen Ye Mo’s statue. The man in front of him is indeed several shadows of Ye Mo. He didn’t take Ye Mo to heart from beginning to end, simply couldn’t be respected, so simply didn’t think Ye Mo would appear here.

Ye Mo ignored the two cultivators who bowed to the ground. His eyes still fell on Yi Yizhi, but he answered Yi Yizhi’s words, “Yes, I know Yi Taiyi.”

Su Yizhi suddenly shouted, “What about you Ye Ye Sect Master? Ye Ye Sect Master can smash others’ shops at will? Ye Sect Master, many rules of Saint Dao Sect are established by yourself. Do you want to destroy yourself? “

Ye Mo coldly snorted, “Smash someone else’s shop? Is my shop contract fake? Or was this shop sold when I was asleep?”

“It was given to me by Qingru. As for how this shop got to Qingru, I don’t know.” At the moment, Yi Zhi was cold and his scalp was numb. It is likely to die here today.

If you know Ye Mo is back, he will run away even if he is desperate. Now he can only hope that his loud voice will attract a large number of onlookers and make Ye Mo jealous.

It’s just that Luo Yuedan’s Sanctuary has been arrogant for a long time. Any noise and trouble will not be watched by anyone. Everyone knows that watching the liveliness here is no different than putting your head in your hands. Good cultivating, who wants to come here for courting death?

Ye Mo took a shot, and the still clamoring Yiyi Zhi was shot directly by him. While still in void, a Dao Rhyme long spear passed through Yiyi Zhi ’s eyebrow. Dao Rhyme long spear directly nailed Yi Zhi into void. Yi Yizhi’s heart dropped of blood, but he failed to die, his body was shaking slightly, I don’t know if it was spasm or fear.

Ye Mo didn’t worry about Yi Zhi’s terrified expression, and asked coldly, “Say, how did you get this shop? And, where did you get this flying boat?”

Yi Zhizhi clearly wants suicide. As for Ye Mo, he didn’t want to answer a word, but at the moment he said involuntarily, “This shop is opened by Fairy Fairy. I once came with my adoptive father. Here, after seeing Qingru Fairy, I could n’t help myself immediately. My Adoptive Father helped me to persecute Qingru Fairy here … “

Ye Mo heard the killing intent overflowing, and he resisted his urge to break up Yiyi Zhi, “Who is your Adoptive Father?”

Since Qingru has opened a store here, it has the default of Saint Dao Sect.

This shop is his. Since he is gone, the shop will be managed by Saint Dao Sect. If Qing can open a shop here, she must have permission from Saint Dao Sect.

“My Adoptive Father is the Deputy Sect Master of Saint Dao Sect. His name is 邙 勇 …” 澹 易 志 replied.

In Ye Mo’s mind, there was a Fellow with a Red Seal on his forehead, which was extremely treacherous and cunning. Joined him in Zong Piaotian’s questioning contest, and the result was not enough. He wanted to get a quota from him with a medicinal pill, and he was ridiculed directly, and the two set off a grudge. .

didn’t expect After he left St. Dao Realm, this fellow was able to sit in the position of a deputy Sect Master in Saint Dao Sect. But this is not uncommon. When it comes to strength and ambition, Wu Yong doesn’t say the Deputy Sect Master, even if he sits on the Sect Master of Saint Dao Sect, it is normal.

Although I want to inquire about Yong Yong’s whereabouts, Ye Mo still forcibly resisted, “Where is the young man?”

“My Adoptive Father asked her to become my Dao Companion, but she took the action unexpectedly. My Adoptive Father’s strength is stronger than Qingru Fairy. If not, Qingru Fairy’s cultivation technique is weird and seems to be able to continue without limit Life force, already fallen under the attack of the Didi ability of my Adoptive Father. Later, Qingru burned Grand Dao and ran away. I would n’t understood where I went, and I would not find the Adoptive Father. ”Wu Yizhi answered.

Qing Ru is not dead? Ye Mo was pleased in his heart, what Qingru cultivating was the Grand Dao of life. As long as there was a breath, he would not fallen.

“How did you get this flying boat?” Ye Mo took out the top grade Immortal Tool flying boat.

“This flying boat has been in the shop, I haven’t moved it.” 澹 易 志 replied.

Ye Mo’s spiritual sense penetrates into the flying boat. He wants to perceive Qingru’s trace of aura, and then find Qingru. When his spiritual sense penetrated into the flying boat, before he could find Qing Ru’s idea, he unexpectedly found a trace of Nie Shuangshuang’s message.

“Sister Qing Ru, I still give this flying boat back to you, I have no face to ask for his things, I will leave this domain, I don’t know where to go in the future, you take care …”

Ye Mo heard this and immediately understood what was going on. After seeing Nie Shuangshuang, Qing Ru gave the flying boat to Nie Shuangshuang, and Nie Shuangshuang later returned the flying boat to Qing Ru.

Ye Mo sighed and closed the flying boat again. Qing Ru left from here, and after he had packed up these garbage, he would seal it up. With his current strength, it is not impossible to find the fluctuations in the position of youth when he left.

Because he and Qing Ru are still familiar, the life of Qing Ru cultivating Grand Dao should have a certain relationship with his World Tree.

“Where is the brave man?” After withdraw flying boat, Ye Mo’s tone became even colder. He just didn’t find the brave sense in the spiritual sense. If he got to this man, he would have braved the brave.

“He left St. Dao Realm.” Wu Yizhi replied.

“When was it? Who was the Sect Master at the time? Why did Yong Yong leave? Is Daitaiyi your mother?” Ye Mo asked a few questions at a stretch.

“Specifically … 60,000 …” After speaking for a while, Wu Yizhi fell into thinking.

Ye Mo waved his hand, “answer the next question directly.”

“The Sect Master at that time was Xiang Ye, and he did n’t agree with my idea of ​​Adoptive Father. My Adoptive Father was weaker than Xiang Ye Sect Master. I also suffered a few losses in various struggles and had to leave Saint Dao. Sect … “

Ye Mo was surprised when he heard this. Saint Dao Sect even produced a Sect Master that is more powerful than Ji Yong, and has a better mind than Qi Yong. This is a rare thing. No wonder Saint Dao Sect was not destroyed by the heroine, it turned out to be the existence of Xiang Yue.

After Yi Yong left, he still left Yi Yizhi here, the meaning is very obvious. That is, he is not Xiang’s opponent. Sooner or later, Xiang Xiang will leave Saint Dao Sect. After Xiang Xiang leaves Saint Dao Sect, Yi Zhi will take over Saint Dao Sect. Therefore, when he left, there should be no conflicts, and even contributed to sect, otherwise Yi Yizhi is afraid that he is not qualified to stay here.

But it seems that Yiqi Zhi is still in Saint Dao Sect, but he is far from trying to take over Saint Dao Sect.

“Yi Taiyi is my mother, my mother and my Adoptive Father are friends.” After Yiyi Zhi answered, his will became clear. He watched Ye Mo in horror, but did not dare to ask for forgiveness.

Ye Mo watched is still indifferently asked, “How many people in Saint Dao Sect are related to Yi Yizhi?”

“No, after the Young Master lost the chance to compete for the Sect Master, the person disappeared, and we were left. We originally waited for the Young Master to stabilize on the Road Realm, and took the Young Master to find Mistress’s . “Poon Hoon replied.

“Is it Taiyi?” Ye Mo asked.

“Yes.” The two should know that Ye Mo would not let them go, nor did they continue to beg for mercy.

(That’s all for today’s update, good night friends!)

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