Red-eyed looked blue, but hesitated for a moment, raised his hand to tear the void, stepped out in one step, and disappeared instantly.

Qing Ru was surprised to watch the red chrysanthemum, and after a while he was puzzled and said, “It is logical that he could not go?” After a full silence of 2.5 minutes of time, he said, “He should have more important things to do, and this matter is very urgent. He can’t take me anyway in a short time, so he chose to first To deal with that urgent matter. I’m sure that Akane has a way to find you and me. After he’s done with it, he will find you and me … “

Ye Mo said that he stopped here, It stands to reason that Qing Ru is also very important to Akagi. If he is replaced with him, he must immediately kill himself and then deal with other things. What made Chihkan leave so anxiously?

“Ye Big Brother, Chihuo can still find you and me, what should I do?” Qing Ru was anxious, Ye Mo’s power increased almost several times. But Ye Mo’s blade just made Qingru see it. Ye Mo was worse than Chihu.

This is not because Ye Mo’s path is not as good as that of redhead, but because redhead has once stepped into the Fourth Step, standing higher and looking farther away.

Ye Mo is lightly smiled, “Red is not as powerful as you think. He chose to leave because he couldn’t help me in a short time. But he looked at himself too much, maybe I still Weaker than him, as long as he does n’t step into the Fourth Step, my weakness is also limited. Even if he does n’t leave, he ca n’t kill me.

Redhead should leave a mark of Dao Will on you He thought he could open my World at will and look at everything. In fact, I’m sure he can’t open my World now. As long as you enter my World, I can find the mark left by him. It’s just … “

“Just what?” Qing Ru asked.

Ye Mo frowns, seems to be thinking about something. After only 2.5 minutes of time, Ye Mo eyes shined, and then said, “I see.”

Ye Mo watched Qing Ru, “Red may be looking for a Dao Companion, he looks for Dao Companion I chose you. I’m sure it’s not the most important point. The important point is that Chihu must take you away. “

” Why? “Qingru asked.

The reason why Ye Mo said this is that he is proud of the experts who are in the bones. Qing Ru clearly obsessed with him, and after seeing it with his own eyes, Qi Ru pleaded with Qing Ru. As long as Qing Ru walked with him, he didn’t care, which was not in line with the expert pride of Chi Ru.

Ye Mo said, “I guess that Chih-hsuan was plot against, primarily because you were nailed to void and affected his Dao Heart. He was deliberately plot against because of you. … ”

Qing Ru was stunned by Ye Mo ’s words. Ye Mo said that Chi was not plot against because of himself, and that he was plot against because of himself, or intentional, this is not Is it contradictory? Why does Akabane abandon the Fourth Step without proof, but is plot against?

Ye Mo explained, “Red is not confused because you like to be in the bones and see you nailed to void. It is because his Fourth Step Grand Dao lacks a line of life force, so He has to get you, and you are the key to perfecting the Akasaka Fourth Step Grand Dao. Akasaka should have suddenly realized this after prove the Dao Fourth Step. “

Qing Ru also understands After coming over, Akagi looked for her and maybe had a little love in it. But more importantly, because of her Grand Dao, her first life was a sense of vast life force in Condense. Chihkan wants to make her Fourth Step Grand Dao perfect and round.

So it is true that Akagi wants to be Dao Companion with her. Similarly, if Akagi really becomes Dao Companion with her, immediately she will turn her whole person into herself again. A line of life force in the universe World.

Qing Ru shuddered, if Ye Mo could not come, she really had a chance to plot against the red chrysalis? If she can’t fight against redness, she will turn into a trace of life force and completely dissipate in the universe.

Ye Mo felt Qing Ru’s emotions and reached out and held Qing Ru, “Qing Ru, don’t worry. Chihkan wants to find you, that is impossible. You or we will kill Chihkan The main reason is that even in the future, if the redhead has stepped into the Fourth Step, without you, his Fourth Step is definitely not the most complete Fourth Step. As long as the Redhead’s Fourth Step is missing, we will have a chance to kill him in the future. ”

Ye Mo was consciously aware of the lack of Chihu because she stepped into the Fourth Step. It is also clear that it is impossible to stop Chiba from entering the Fourth Step. As long as it is incomplete to step into the Fourth Step in the future, he will join hands with Di Jiu and Ning Cheng to get rid of it.

“Well, what are we going to do now?” Qing Ru didn’t continue to care about Chiba, Chiba had nothing to do with her.

“Now you enter my World, we will immediately be your side of the universe. Akagi must not find us, and he cannot peep at my universe World. When I find a safe place, I will try to strip it The mark of Dao Will left by you in red. After the mark is stripped, we will create the universe. “Ye Mo said without the slightest hesitation.

If it is before meeting with Qing Ru, Akao may have a way to capture his universe World. Now Ye Mo is 100% sure that Akabana can’t help his World.

Akajima gave up this opportunity to take away Qingru, and there was no chance.

“Okay.” Qing Ru naturally has no opinion.

After speaking, Qingru seemed to think of something, and quickly said again, “Ye Big Brother, when I went to Saint Dao Sect, Sister Su Su and Sister Bing Yu said that they would go to the universe to find you. I guess they have already gone to create the universe, will that place be dangerous? “

Ye Mo’s face changed a little, and then he said,” We are going to create the universe now. Broken planet, we used to live there. First strip off the Dao Will mark on your body, then we will look for them. “


Red幺 While tearing the domain frantically, he is constantly grabbing his own rules. By his means, as long as he is willing, his Dao Principle of Grand Dao can be taken back at any time. Even if you cannot catch it, you can turn your Dao Principle into fine powder at any time.

What scares Akane now is that he can only sense that his Dao Principle has been decomposed and deduced, but he cannot capture that a because it is isolated by an invisible great array. He got Dao Will. Not only that, he couldn’t make his Grand Dao into fine powder, also because of the block by the great array.

In this vast primal chaos, someone can use the great array to isolate him, even this great array cannot be broken. This is by no means a general great array. This great array is likely to be a new Form Dao, which surpasses this vast new Form Dao.

The more so, the more shocked Chichi was. He stepped into the Fourth Step. No one could stop him. He had this confidence. But now that his Fourth Step lacks some perfect factors, he is confident that he can perfect them. But if anyone could see the traces in his Grand Dao, it would not be easy.

Once his Grand Dao is snooped on, it means that he is no longer 100% sure that he can crush others.

“It’s done!” Ning Cheng stood up excitedly.

Di Jiu raised his hand and waved dozens of violent Dao Rhyme aura. The Grand Dao rule that was split and decomposed by the two for many days burst in Di Jiu’s violent Dao Rhyme, and then turned into fine powder.

Afraid of everything, there is no chance at all, and now they also have the opportunity to get rid of red crickets. This is their confidence.

(That’s all for today’s update, good night friends!)

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