“Where are they both?” Di Jiu asked urgently.

Zeng Leifu, who was suppressed underground by Di Jiu, looked at him with a fear in his eyes. Zeng Leif couldn’t wait to slap himself 10,000 times. He clearly thought that this place might be a pit, but why did he return to the first Holy Lord domain?

Think of here, Leif was more angry stare to make an ophthalmologist, if not this son of a bitch said ningcheng good fortune to enter the door to get out, he will be a bright Leif God Number One Person, where will he come here?

Anyway, he must save himself.

I heard Di Jiu inquiring about Di Di and Di Feixue at the moment, and Zeng Leif hurriedly said, “senior, I haven’t touched them. Di Di and Di Feixue were both captured by the Shi family. , Because Di Feixue ’s Five Lands Dao Tower was also taken away. They imprisoned Di Feixue here just to wait for you to come over, and then seek the Five Continental Seal … ”

莒 pale face, He knew he was finished. He even wanted suicide, but in that terrifying space of unfamiliar rules, suicide was a luxury for him. As for Zeng Leif, he can share riches and riches, but not share his adversity. He already knew that he had no choice but to rely on Zeng Leif’s strength. But he didn’t expect that after Ning Cheng went to the gate of good fortune, there were experts such as Di Jiu who came to terrifying and came to Guangming tomorrow.

“I secretly let them go. It’s time to leave the light and dark universe. I don’t know where I went …” Tang Hua said.

“You let them go?” Di Jiu watched Tang Hua in amazement. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe Tang Hua’s words. Tang Hua’s words were too outrageous.

If Tang Hua can let go of Di Di and Di Feixue, he won’t be nailed to Plaza in Holy Lord.

Tang Hua bowed her head in shame, “Yes, when I went to catch Di Di and Di Feixue, there were also my Tang family. Because they were caught by everyone, they were imprisoned. In the first Sacred Domain prison. My Tang family still has some status in tomorrow, so my Tang family is also eligible to enter and exit the prison.

I grinded my grandfather and asked for Array Token and entered the prison. They replaced them with two puppets, but took them away. After I took them out of the first Holy Lord domain, Sister Feixue said that there was a Splitting Realm Talisman, and they escaped the light and dark universe on the spot with Splitting Realm Talisman. “

” Why are you letting them go? “Di Jiu watched Tang Hua’s eyes. As long as Tang Hua had a lie, he could see it.

Di Jiu didn’t know Tang Hua’s grandfather Tang Shi ’s status in Guangming tomorrow. If he knew, he would not doubt whether Tang Hua could rescue Di Di and Di Feixue.

Tang Hua said with more guilt, “Ningcheng Big Brother came here to help me a lot, and even left me a bright scroll. Sister Di and Feixue are both from the Five Elements universe. They It ’s like the older sister who was weak at that time, it ’s all because of treasure. And the older sister of Feixue also said that she had received the favor from Ning Big Brother … ”

Di Jiu only understood that the original Ning Cheng Have been here before.

“You were imprisoned here because you let them go?” Di Jiu asked.

Tang Hua has a deep sadness in his eyes. “I just let them go on my forefoot, and the Tang family was besieged by the rest of the first Holy Lord. My family didn’t survive. As for why you want to pin me on Plaza and not kill, I still do n’t understand what is going on. “

” This is my Di Family that has affected you. “Di Jiu apologized, not Di Di and Di Feixue, the Tang family should not be destroyed.

Tang Hua shook the head, “No, my grandfather told me before he died. Even if there was no Di Di thing, my Tang family would be destroyed sooner or later. Because of the bright scroll, my Tang family got It ’s already known about the Guangming scroll. This time, what happened to Sister Di and Feixue is to find an excuse for those insatiable people that ’s all. ”

so that’s how it is, Di Jiu’s Gaze fell on the exhausted body.

Before Di Jiu asked, Zeng Leifu eagerly explained, “senior, they nailed Tang Hua here in the hope that Tang Xun could come back here with a bright scroll to save Tang Hua. . “

Tang Hua heard this, his expression was a little, and then she looked sad, and seemed to understand something.

Seeing that Tang Hua did not explain, Zeng Leif, who had a strong desire for survival, explained again, “Tang Xun is the grandson of Tang Shi and a cousin of Tang Hua. When Tang’s family was destroyed, not at all got the Guangming scroll. That ’s because Tangshi guessed that the Tang family was destroyed, he has granted the Guangming scroll to Tang’s punishment and escaped Tang’s punishment by means. “

Di Jiu understands No wonder Tang Hua’s eyes dim. The bright scroll was made by Tang Hua. Tang Shi did not return the bright scroll to Tang Hua and let Tang Hua escape. Instead, he gave Tang Hua his bright scroll to Tang Xuan and let Tang escape. These people nailed Tang Hua to Plaza and wanted to punish Tang Hua to save Tang Hua, but they thought too much. Very obviously, Tang Xing did not intend to come back to save people.

“Who were the people who hunted down Di Di in the first place?” Di Jiu’s tone of voice was killing intent.

Feeling Di Jiu’s strong killing intent, Zeng Leif hit shiver and didn’t answer again. He knew that even if he asked for mercy again, Di Jiu would kill him. This simply is not a matter of asking for mercy for a life.

Tang Hua replied, “All the influences in the Holy Lord domain of the whole Bright tomorrow have participated in the hunt, just for the Five Lands Dao Tower.”

Di Jiu’s eyes fell on The first Holy Lord domain surrounded by Spiritual Qi, the tone was lightly said, “It looks like there are many innocent people here.”

At this moment Di Jiu is sure that Di Di ’s Holy Spirit Eye is not exposed, otherwise, Tang Hua absolutely cannot save Di Di.

“Big Brother Di …” Tang Hua was stunned. She had heard Di Jiu’s. Is this going to kill the first Holy Lord?

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense sweep out, I have seen the Chamber of Commerce and the Clan family, as well as under the foot, the so-called light of tomorrow, the first expert Zeng Leif’s huge cave mansion.

“Big Brother Di, almost all the experts in Bright Tomorrow are in the first Holy Lord domain. If you kill all the experts here, Light will soon be occupied by the dark days.” Tang Huadu I felt my voice trembling.

Di Jiu not at all, his spiritual sense directly rips the restriction and protection array of all sect influences. In just 2.5 minutes of time, Di Jiu took back the spiritual sense. He watched Tang Hua said indifferently, “Maybe there are some innocent cultivators, but this so-called Holy Lord domain really has no meaning in this humble one. As for the darkness The sky will occupy the light tomorrow. What’s the difference? The bright Sacred Domain is useless.

You just nailed here by their open and aboveboard that’s all, those secretly from the sect family.龌龊 There are more things. I just saw only a few of them, and you do n’t even know that’s all. In fact, when an avalanche comes, there is really no snowflake in it. It may not be appropriate, but even if there is something here The innocent person can only be counted as destiny poor that’s all …… “

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense After scanning the secrets of these influences, he has decided to remove the first Holy Lord domain which is not worthy of name. . As for here, will it be replaced by the dark sky, and what’s the matter with him? Doing Di Di has hit his bottom line.

Tang Hua startedled, and said after a while, “Big Brother Di, maybe you are right. At that time, Nong Ximu exhausted his life’s efforts for the bright tomorrow, and finally fellen for the bright tomorrow. His Daughter Nong Xiu was bullied here, but in the end it was not even available, because his daughter Nong Xiu had a source bead. At that time, no one stood up to help her, and finally Big Brother rescued her. Really innocent people are not eligible to live in the first Holy Lord domain. “

She is not ignorant or numb to the many acts of the great influence here. Because it is the same with her Tang family.

Di Jiu raised his hand and patted it. The entire First Holy Lord domain immediately collapsed, all rules burst, the space began to collapse, and even the library of light that could never be forcibly opened began to collapse.

I raised my hand and rolled it up. Everything in the Guangming library entered a ring. Di Jiu grabbed a black nail from the ring, and then handed the ring to Tang Hua, “Here you go, how great you can accomplish in the future, it depends on your fortune.”

There are many good things in Guangming Library. For Di Jiu, how useful is not at all.

After seeing the collapse of the first Holy Lord domain, Kuang and Zeng Leif are both pale. They murmured in their mouths and did not know what they were talking about.

No matter what they say, they know it’s over and everything is over. The first Holy Lord domain was destroyed by Di Jiu. All the experts will be here tomorrow. It is conceivable that this place will soon be occupied by the dark-day expert.

What kind of existence did they get into?

Did not wait for the two to wake up from this fear, Di Jiu once again raised his hand and patted them, two blood mist exploded, and the two Worlds were also opened by Di Jiu. These two Everything in World is taken away by Di Jiu.

As Di Jiu expected, in the exhausted world, he saw the Five Lands Dao Tower.

“Big Brother Di ……” Tang Hua subconsciously took the ring that Di Jiu handed her, and her lips were a bit sloppy. Perhaps starting today, the light and dark universe will no longer have light tomorrow.

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