“You go, but you are not allowed to stay in the Five Elements universe in the future.” Ye Mo finished, raising his hand to tear the void domain.

Dachen Daojun’s eyes flashed with horror, and he could really tear the universe domain at will, much stronger than he was then. He had spent a lot of time trying to come to the Five Elements universe.

But Ye Mo doesn’t kill him now. For Dachen Daojun, that is the greatest luck. He almost didn’t think about it, and stepped directly into the domain ripped by Ye Mo, not even accepting his World.

Without Union Lord, Ye Moke sent Dachen Daojun to his World and took Di Forgotten River and Ye Nianxing out of the big space.

“Where are your mother and aunt?” After taking Ye Nianxing and Di Forgotten River out of the big space, Ye Mo immediately asked the whereabouts of Ye Nianxing Russell and the others.

Ye Nianxing said, “After I strengthened my cultivation base, I entered the void experience. When I returned to Saint Dao Sect for the second time, I heard the news that my mother is closing the gate of fortune. Before, I went to the gate of good fortune … “

Luo Susu and the others were looking for Ye Mo, now Ye Mo is here, it’s very obvious that they didn’t find it.

Ye Mo felt a buzz in her head. Russell they entered the created universe? But he had never heard of the whereabouts of Russell and the others.

Also, he is in the making of the universe and it is difficult for him to protect himself, let alone inquire about the whereabouts of Susu and the others. For Russell and the others, once they enter the created universe, once they are intercepted by humans, the strength is probably only mermaid.

No, you must immediately enter the created universe.

After seeing Ye Mo’s stagnation for a long time, he didn’t speak. Di Forgotten River couldn’t help but ask, “senior, can I father in the Five Elements universe?”

Ye Mo After coming to my senses, spiritual sense swept out, and soon rejoiced, “Go, they should have waited for me for a long time.”


“It looks like we don’t need two of us Yeah, Ye Mo is here. “Ning Cheng laughed and watched void in the distance.

At the same time, Ye Mo and the three fell from void.

Di Jiu immediately saw Di Forgotten River. Although there was no seen Di Forgotten River, when Di Forgotten River stood in front of him, he immediately recognized it. This was his son Di Forgotten. River. Even if Di’s strength is progressing as fast as he can, he can’t join forces now.

“Forgotten River ……” Nong Xiuqi even rushed to the past. After separating from Forgotten River limpid autumn water, she saw her son again for the first time.

Although everyone has something to say, at this time, the time is left to the Di Jiu family.

After a while, Nong Xiuqi grabbed Di Forgotten River and said, “This is your dad Di Jiu, when we were still at Forgotten River Temple …”

The topic came back to the Forgotten River Mountain Range with memories, and Di Jiu disappeared. After waiting for Di Jiu for years, Nong Xiuqi and Shen Ziyu left the Forgotten River Mountain Range with Forgotten River limpid autumn water, and the family left the ends of the earth.

It took a while for the three to tell the story, and then I remembered that there were other people on the side. Di Forgotten River immediately pointed to Ye Nianxing and said to Di Jiu, “This is the Big Brother, not the star. Help me, I’m afraid that skeleton doesn’t exist. “

The current Di Forgotten River is no longer than it was then, when Cheng Xi’er asked him to wait, he waited dumbly. . Fortunately, Ye Nianxing came over and took him to Dachen space. Thinking of it now, I am afraid that Cheng Xi’er never really cared about him, and was with him just to cultivate that’s all. If he didn’t leave that day, 90% of Cheng Xier would kill him.

Ye Mo also came and said, “When I found them, they were cultivating in Dachen. The place is Dajin Daojun. Dachen’s old fellow is probably a contemporary fellow of Redhead, Grand Dao is very amazing, and it is very likely that it is a deserted road. “

Ye Mo mentioned Chihu, and everyone’s mood fell sharply. Everyone gathered here, mainly to deal with Chihu.

“Chihu should not have stepped into the Fourth Step, we will create the universe as soon as possible …” Ning Cheng brought the topic back.

Di Jiu took out a ring and handed it to Ye Mo, “Ye Mo, when I first met you, I forgot to give it to you, now I will give it to you.”

“Yes What? “Ye Mo took the ring in confusion.

Di Jiu sighed, “You open and look understood.”

Ye Mo rolled a hand, a coffin suspended in the void in front of him, and then Ye Mo also Sigh.

“Is both?” Qing Ru’s face changed slightly, and her spiritual sense had swept the suicide Nie Shuangshuang’s body in jade coffin.

Ye Mo was nodded and didn’t speak. He and Nie Shuangshuang really didn’t know what to describe.

Di Jiu said, “When I saw Nie Shuangshuang, she was under house arrest in one place, and I ruined that place. She told me about you and her, and then in front of me I was suicide, I did n’t stop. ”

After being silent for a while, Qingru suddenly asked,“ Did she say anything before leaving? ”

Di Jiu thought She replied, “She said,” If you meet him one day, tell him, I’m sorry, I don’t want to forgive him, I just hope … “That’s all, right. She’s gone. I also sang a few words, ‘I never went back yesterday, and happiness is more expensive than anything, and I can’t take it back with water …’ “.

“Brother Di Jiu, thank you.” Ye Mo sighed again and sent Nie Shuangshuang’s jade coffin into his world within the realm.

“Ye Big Brother, can you save both?” Qing Ru couldn’t help but say a word.

With Ye Mo’s strength, Nie Shuangshuang’s fleshly body is still there, and it should be possible to rescue it.

Ye Mo shook the head, “She has already died out of Divine Soul. When she suicide, she has no intention of reincarnation. When I return to earth one day, I will bury her coffin. In earth, maybe this is what she hoped for. “

Everyone is dead, and there is nothing to care about.

“The three of us are from the earth …” Di Jiu and Ning Cheng spoke at almost the same time.

The three looked at each other and suddenly felt a little weird. How many planets does the vast universe have? How much Star Land is there? Just a Five Elements universe, there are countless little planets like earth. But why now stand in front of this gate of creation and support the existence of the Five Elements universe, and even the vastness will be enslaved in the future depends on the duel between the three and Akabane.

Ye Mo also spirit slowly recovers, he also said, “This thing is indeed a bit weird, and do you think that we could meet some experts here in the earth. We and I also met here. Ning Cheng has seen the Ming River and the prime chaos Tao Jun. The magical treasure of the prime chaos Tao is the prime chaos bell. Also, I even suspect that Zixiao senior has a relationship with Hongjun Old Ancestor … “

Di Jiu also said in amazement, “Me too, I have heard of Lu Ya, and also destroyed the family of Lu Ya’s descendants.”

Ye Nianxing said eagerly, “Senior said Lu Xing Is it the Lujia family? We were forced by the Lujia family to hide in the cultivating space. “

” Yes, it is the Lujia family. “Di Jiu nodded,” but there was no land pressure in the future. Come to me to calculate. I would like to see the land pressure treasure. “

” If I haven’t guessed correctly, even if the redhead has stepped into the Fourth Step, there is no life force. Dao Principle. This means that Chiba’s strength will not be the strongest Fourth Step. “Ye Said unitary red will be their three opponents, the red weaknesses unitary say, it is more favorable to them.

(That’s all for today’s update, good night friends!)

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