“In fact, the second person who killed me and your dad mentioned that when one day your dad kills you, he will remember what I said. Remember, it was Five Elements that made me die. Heavenly Dao. I am not allowed to live by Heavenly Dao, and do not allow reincarnation … “

Di Jinxi was stagnant, if mother said this in his face, he would not think Heavenly Dao is a people. That is a vast Dao Principle, a universe Heaven and Earth Law.

“Heavenly Dao will not allow me to live, and will also restrain my reincarnation. Although I told you dad that I may have the opportunity to reincarnate in the future, in fact Heavenly Dao will never let me It’s reincarnation … I violate Heavenly Dao’s rules and stay with your dad for 831 days. This is my happiest time … “

Di Jinxi clenched his fists no matter what Heavenly Dao is , He must rescue his mother back.

“Heavenly Dao curbing my survival must not have anything to do with crossing. You are not strong enough now, after you step into the Third Step, if your dad can kill crossing, tell this thing You dad. If you are uneasy, do n’t have any ideas, no matter how strong your strength is, do n’t have any ideas … I ’m so reluctant to remember you, remember to say, must live well … “

It took a long time for Di Jinxi to exhale.

According to the meaning of the mother, the vast primal chaos has many universes, and the Five Elements universe is just one of countless universes that’s all.

However, it is not easy to leave the Five Elements universe. Rumor is that the door to nature can leave the Five Elements universe. Otherwise, only by cultivating to a certain degree can you leave the universe at will. And that one should have such strength.

The Five Elements universe was originally similar to other universes, but when the universe was formed, one person joined forces with the universe with great perseverance, and let the Five Elements universe immediately condense out the clear Heavenly Dao rules. This makes the Five Elements universe more destiny than other universes.

It stands to reason that whoever forms the Heavenly Dao with the universe, even if initially there are five emotions and six desires, it will eventually be completely transformed into a true Heavenly Dao, and completely transformed into a cold Heavenly Dao aura.

But the cultivator of the Incarnation Five Elements universe Heavenly Dao, but not at all completely makes the self disappear, and truly becomes a cold rule, but always has self-awareness. Otherwise, it will not be related to the crossing.

After thoroughly understanding the entire process of development, Di Jinxi decided to save his mother.

Miss means letting him step into the Third Step to find father, but now he has just succeeded in joining together. Third Step is much more difficult than joining together. Still alive?

Even now, Di Jinxi is not sure whether his mother is still alive.

Since the mother cannot go to samsara, as long as she is not dead, she can only stay in Samsara Channel and wait for him and dad to save.

But where is the Samsara Channel in the Five Elements universe? Even if Di Jinxi successfully joined forces, he doesn’t know where the Samsara Channel of the Five Elements universe is.

He does n’t know, someone must know sect, or the top floor of sect Taoist Hall should also have this kind of record. His star Dao Sect is one of the three major sects of Divine Realm. If even Star Dao Sect can’t find what he needs, then he can only choose to leave Divine Realm and continue searching.


bang! The whole Baiye Mountain exploded into slag, and a black light glowing with azure glow rose into the sky.

At the moment when the azure black light soars into the sky, all the universal rules around the entirety are torn by the black light into fragments.

What Di Jiu did not expect at all was that the great array he had arranged was also directly torn by the black glow of this azure.

“Want to wait for me …” Di Jiu hurriedly dropped this sentence to Ji Ji and Ji Hu, then disappeared.

Ji Ji immediately said, “Brother Di went to chase the vast iron crystal, we will now make the Holy City.”

Di Jiu simply did not expect that the vast iron crystal After being alarmed, the speed and explosiveness were so terrifying. To be honest, this completely exceeded Di Jiu’s original estimate.

Before moving the vast iron crystals, Di Jiu knew that it was a material that surpassed one side of the universe, not an ordinary one. But no longer ordinary, he arranged the great array of rules, plus he is in control of the great array himself, and it will not let the vast iron crystal escape.

It seems that he is really too arrogant.

The vast iron crystal tore apart the rules of great array escape that he arranged in almost instantaneous time, and ignored all Dao Rhyme blockages set by him. No wonder Yu Yan chooses blood sacrifice vast iron crystal. The speed and ability of vast iron crystal is definitely not Yu Yan’s strength.

When Di Jiu followed the breakthrough of the vast iron crystal to create the nest domain and entered the vast void, Di Jiu knew how powerful the vast iron crystal was.

After breaking through the vast void, the speed of the vast iron crystal is getting faster and faster. Di Jiu is sure that if he does not have Escaping Technique, Grand Dao Law is not perfect, he simply does not want to touch the shadow of the vast iron crystal. Even now, he can only follow the trajectory of the vast iron crystal escape. As for catching the vast iron crystal, we still have to look for opportunities.

The terrifying vast iron crystal makes Di Jiu not want to give up. Imagine how terrifying Heaven Dancing Blade is once this material is incorporated into his Heaven Dancing Blade?

In order to deal with Chi Yao, he can prepare everything. The only thing he ca n’t prepare is his magical treasure. His magical treasure has long been formed, and automatic advance. It’s just that after Heaven Dancing Blade’s nirvana, advancing to this level is already extreme. It is almost impossible to make Heaven Dancing Blade advance 1 grade.

To find the vast iron crystal for Heaven Dancing Blade advance is also a temporary intention of Di Jiu. If it was n’t for him to hear that there are vast iron crystals here, he would also like to not raise. Now seeing the speed of the vast iron crystal escape, Di Jiu becomes more heated and cuts, he knows how powerful this material is for Heaven Dancing Blade. . He must obtain this material.

A few days later, Di Jiu and Haohan Tiejing had already left the chemical nest far away. Countless broken planets or huge void meteorite blocks in front of the vast iron crystals are all turned into debris in an instant, but the vast iron crystals will not stay at all. Di Jiu estimates that if instead of chasing the vast iron crystal behind him, he would have already caught up.

He does not have the means of vast iron crystals, and he can ignore all planet obstructions.

No matter how fast the vast iron crystal is, Di Jiu’s spiritual sense has always followed this iron crystal, and the rule of Escaping Technique will not be a bit stagnation.

Di Jiu knew in his heart that this is definitely not the way to go. Spiritual intelligence like Haohan Tiejing may be able to escape for thousands of years, and even if he can escape for tens of thousands of years, he doesn’t have so much time to follow. He must return to the city of fortified saints as soon as possible to participate in the cosmological debate and the sacred battle.

“Yi! The vast iron crystal?” A grey clothed man spiritual sense sitting on a broken planet swept to the vast iron crystal almost ignoring the distance of space, and was immediately pleasantly surprised, he without the Slightly hesitation stood up, his hands rolled up infinite Dao Rhyme, and at the same time caught the vast iron crystal.

“Bang!” Hao Han Tiejing easily tore the Dao Rhyme Formation of this grey clothed man, and then burst a blood flower, exploding the palms of this man, and then left.

When Di Jiu followed Hao Han Tiejing to escape from this man, he was also surprised by the grey clothed cultivator really strong. This mighty power of the vast expanse of iron crystal actually only blasted the man’s palm in half.

What surprised Di Jiu was that because the grey clothed man take action blocked it, Di Jiu was much closer to the vast iron crystal.

When countless Law once again formed a complete rule chain, the speed of the vast iron crystal finally weakened again, and Di Jiu took advantage of the opportunity to constantly blast out various rule constraints.

(Today ’s update is here, good night friends!)

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