pu! A blood light exploded on Chi Yao’s avatar and followed the avatar as a whole. Di Jiu is very clear that if he takes out two machines at this time, he is 70% sure that this avatar of Chi Yao will have a heavy injury again, and even let this avatar escape.

However, Di Jiu still refrained from taking out the two machines of the years. This is his killing move. Until now, no one can know that his two machines have three time and space arrows.

These three long arrows are his ultimate killing move, and he is ready to kill Chi Yao. As for the severely injured Chi Yao’s avatar, he has already done it, there is no need to expose it again.

Di Jiu did n’t do anything anymore. He was staring at the pale split, he knew that he was still not the opponent of Chi Yao, but he did n’t want to crush him. He didn’t rush to tear away the opponent’s Formation to escape, although he can now tear it away. No matter how strong the Formation is, under the impact of the two’s divine ability Dao Rhyme, there are also cracks after crack. It is not difficult to tear.

Because Di Jiu is sure that Chi Yao is locked up by things, otherwise, with Chi Yao ’s strength, he wants to come to his doppelganger, maybe it is between breathing.

Chi Yao ’s doppelganger also stared at Di Jiu and replaced it with any kind of divine ability. Do n’t even want to hurt him just now, but the Dao Rhyme concept of a plane in that time just hit him Weakness.

“You are strong …” After a while, this avatar only said three words, but it didn’t mean to leave at all.

Di Jiu slightly frowned, he would have waited for Chi Yao ’s avatar to leave before leaving. Now Chi Yao’s avatar doesn’t mean to leave at all, he doesn’t want to continue accompany.

Di Jiu was just about to tear up the restriction. Aura, the same as imposing manner, rolled over, and Di Jiu subconsciously shifted the lateral li.

Followed by a shadow, the next moment was merged with Chi Yao ’s avatar. Chi Yao, who was already injured, quickly rose rapidly in an imposing manner, and completely charged this domain space in an instant.

Di Jiu’s heart sank, is Chiya deity coming?

Di Jiu soon understood that it was n’t Chi Yao ’s deity that came, but Chi Yao ’s second avatar, and the two avatars could be superimposed and merged. This divine ability is really amazing.

“I have ten such avatars. If you think you can go away today, you can just go and see.” Chi Yao’s avatars have a dull tone, as if to say something extremely ordinary.

Di Jiu clenched the Heaven Dancing Blade and stared at Chi Yao ’s avatar. He did n’t believe that Chi Yao had ten such avatars, but he was thinking about why Chi Yao is about to enter the Fourth Step Expert, but also condense?

Cultivating Dao to his level, naturally understand, how great the benefit of the condense avatar is to Grand Dao not at all. Every condense one avatar means tearing your Divine Soul one more time, and apart from this will waste a lot of time.

Chi Yao can step into the Fourth Step, aptitude and chance are obviously stronger than other monks, but Chi Yao has not crushed other geniuses to this point? Not only leading others into the Fourth Step, but also cultivating out multiple avatars? And every clone is better than him?

Di Jiu is sure that Chi Yao does not have ten avatars, but there should be two or three.

Where did Chi Yao come from? Where did so many chance treasure come to condense avatars?

The jade dish in Chi Yao ’s avatars rolled up hundreds of millions of awns again, this time he was sure Di Jiu had no chance to give him another blade.

Di Jiu also knows clearly that the divine ability of a single machine can be used once for Chi Yao ’s avatar, and definitely not for the second time. Even if it is coming for the second time, this is not the case now.

Terrifying ’s Grand Dao rules rolled over, and the jade dish seemed to gather a cosmic killing imposing manner, and Di Jiu, who had just repressed just after taking out, almost breathless.

Di Jiu’s injury has not been completely recovered, and where will he stay here? After being blasted by the killing glow of this jade dish, he couldn’t bear it.

Grand Dao Law is running wildly, while Di Jiu forms Small World all around, while Heaven Dancing Blade has a blade strike out, this void domain is torn apart by Di Jiu, Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation Go in.

pu! Despite Di Jiu ’s fast walking, that jade dish killing glow still had several blasts on Di Jiu and rolled up a awning blood mist.

Di Jiu escaped apparently as Chi Yao expected, he caught up without the slightest hesitation.

Di Jiu relaxed, even if he was only seriously injured, as long as he was exhibited by his rule Escaping Technique, Chi Yao would not want to chase him.

But just for several breaths of time, Di Jiu’s face changed. No matter how he uses the Escaping Technique, there is an intangible Dao Rhyme aura that wraps him up, making his speed even less than half before.

This is another old son of a bitch plot against the, Di Jiu knew, although he has just a blade strike cracked red avatar unitary, the same also that Jade Mountain Road disc heavy injury. Just anxious to go just now, it hurts again.

Now he has not recovered, the Dao Mang wound that Yudie blasted on him has Chi Dao Grand Dao Aura flowing, making his speed slow down virtually. Not only that, he couldn’t escape Chi Yao’s hunt.

Di Jiu is anxious in his heart. He is not afraid of Chi Yao ’s avatar, but once he cannot escape from Chi Yao ’s avatar, Chi Yao will come sooner or later.

Thinking of this, where does Di Jiu care about where he is going? He broke into the void domain without the slightest hesitation, and then tore the void domain again …


Di Jinxi did not know how he came from the garden He escaped, he only knew that after he entered the garden of Shejiwan, he was wrapped in a force that he could not control, and then he was brought here …

No, it should be that he was violent After the power was wrapped, it was nailed into this void. He does not say to save his mother, even he has no power to fight back.

Di Jinxi worked hard to stretch his spiritual sense, and the spiritual sense was locked in a place three feet away. In front of his eyes, there was a vast and tumbling river. The river carried a kind of bloody qi, but the color was gray. The opposite side of the river is dim, and simply cannot see clearly.

What is this place? Di Jinxi raised his head hard, he saw five words, Heavenly Dao reincarnation of the river.

Here is Heavenly Dao ’s reincarnation? Di Jinxi was cold all over. The place he was looking for was correct. Under the Garden of Shewanwan, it was indeed the place where Heavenly Dao’s reincarnation could be reached. But what use did he find? He does not say to save mother, even if he can live alive.

When he came to this place, he did n’t even have the chance to do anything. The mother is right. It is in this place that the ants are among the ants.

Di Jinxi stared at the five grey-brown characters of the Heavenly Dao Samsara River, and there was an awkwardness in his heart that he could n’t say. He has a desire to blast these five words into pieces. Even if he is dead, he will do it.

spiritual sense gathers a little bit, and the gods are also a little condense. Perhaps this was the last thing he did in his life, but he did not regret it.


Di Jiu, who is madly escaping between domains, completely calmed down, he continued to tear while trying to drive away the jade dish Dao Rhyme left on himself. domain. As long as he destroys the jade dish Dao Rhyme left on him, Chi Yao can’t catch up with him when he comes, let alone doppelganger.

Chi Yao ’s doppelganger is nothing more than …

Di Jiu thought of the shock in his heart, he finally understood what happened to Chi Yao ’s doppelganger. That simply did not come from Chi Yao ’s own Divine Soul condense. Chi Yao ’s avatar was at best a fusion of Chi Yao ’s Dao Principle of Grand Dao. Rather, Chi Yao ’s avatar was not an avatar, but a living monk.

The reason I can think of this is because Di Jiu thought that Chi Yao had also left a Dao Principle of Grand Dao on him, but he was stripped away. Obviously, Chi Yao wants to condense him into a doppelganger. This king of eight is really a domineering and powerful divine ability.

This kind of condense divine ability of Chi Yao definitely has more than one way. Some avatars can retain the monk’s fleshly body to merge Chi Yao’s Dao Principle of Grand Dao, and some avatars can abandon the monk’s fleshly body, and only need soul and Origin Spirit to merge Chi Yao’s Dao Principle of Grand Dao.

After understanding this truth, Di Jiu was overjoyed. If it is such a doppelganger, then he will still eat a machine of his time.

Just when Di Jiu is in a good mood, he starts suddenly. He felt a bloodline connected aura, even the bloodline connected feeling was very close to him.

(Today ’s update is here, good night friends!)

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