If it were n’t for North Huanhuan to rush in, Di Jinxi must have been killed. Beihuanhuan gave his life to save him, and has left traces in his heart. From deep in one’s heart, he hopes that father can allow Beihuanhuan to walk together.

Di Jiu is puzzled and watched Di Jinxi and Bei Huanhuan, “How can you come to this place with your strength?”

I was thinking about Cao Xi before. , Di Jiu simply didn’t think about it. Now that Cao Xi crossed the Bridge of Reincarnation to reincarnate, Di Jiu naturally remembered this matter.

Do n’t say that Di Jinxi and Cao Xi are both Dao Integration Realm cultivation base, even if both of them make Transformation Realm cultivation base, I am afraid they ca n’t come to this place casually.

Di Jinxi immediately said, “I came from the Divine Realm, and I found Heavenly Dao ’s handwriting on a turtle shell in the sect Taoist Hall, and then I followed the place to find it. It was sent here … “

speaking in between, Di Jinxi had taken out the tortoiseshell that he did not know how many years had passed.

Almost at the same time Di Jinu took out the tortoiseshell, Di Jiu raised his hand and rolled out countless Law Array Flags. These Law Array Flags formed a body protection array in a blink of an eye. The body protection array will Di Jin was protected all over his body.

bang! A white infiltrating handprint hit the body protection array arranged by Di Jiu, and there was a series of shaking around.

Until this moment, Bei Xiaocheng’s three talents reacted, and they saw a white light rushing into the Bridge of Reincarnation and disappeared at the fastest speed.

“This …” Di Jinxi’s dull watched the direction in which the white light disappeared. If it wasn’t for father’s sudden take action, the tortoiseshell in his hand might have been captured.

“Brother Di …” Bei Xiaocheng’s face was very solemn.

Di Jiu said, “This matter should be premeditated. The one that escaped just now is a remnant soul. If I guessed right, this tortoiseshell should be the remnant soul, the remnant soul is very Awesome. “

The reason why Di Jiu said that this remnant soul is very powerful is that this rennant soul knows that he wants to fallen, so he deliberately placed the tortoiseshell somewhere in Divine Realm, He will look for the tortoiseshell after reincarnation in the future. If he did n’t do it, the latecomer can bring tortoiseshell to the designated place and send it to him. Of course, not doing it back is just in case that’s all.

But what he did n’t think of is that this one really needs to be used in case, because he really did n’t do it back.

The Heavenly Dao Bridge of Reincarnation is missing, and all Heavenly Dao reincarnations are controlled by Chi Yao.

The remnant soul is reluctant to dare to choose the small reincarnation, and all are trapped before the Heavenly Dao reincarnation of the Five Elements universe. The reluctance to choose is because the remnant soul knows that he chose the small reincarnation, and he will never be able to regain his previous strength, even tortoiseshell. He did n’t dare to choose because the remnant soul guessed that if he chose small reincarnation, he would probably be aware of his existence by Chi Yao.

A remnant soul came to Heavenly Dao before the reincarnation, and actually knew the small reincarnation and had a complete memory, which is of course very amazing.

Later he built the Bridge of Reincarnation, and the remnant soul watched the whole process on one side, and dared not step into the Heavenly Dao Bridge of Reincarnation and enter the other side. Originally, the remnant soul waited for him to leave, and then chose to reincarnate, but before he left, Di Jinxian took out the tortoiseshell, which made the remnant soul unable to control his inner possession madness, and then took action to snatch it.

In general, the remnant soul should also succeed. Unfortunately, he met Di Jiu, Di Jiu created a new Formation Dao, almost at the same time he felt wrong, he completed the layout of the protection array.

As for why it was not snatched before, the remnant soul may not have determined whether the tortoiseshell is on Di Jinxi. Even if he is sure, he can’t escape even if he snatches it. But here is Bei Xiaocheng, a place controlled by the pseudo Heavenly Dao. Where can he hide?

Di Jiu’s eyes fell on the old tortoiseshell, the handwriting above was very vague, ‘The Divine Realm offering Heavenly Dao, the Garden of Shejiwan …’

It will not be clear later, in fact, Di Jiu know, that is not to see clearly, but simply not.

Di Jiu spiritual sense sweeps up, still these words, spiritual sense passes through the tortoiseshell, it is no different, it is an old tortoiseshell.

When Di Jiu opened Dao Eye and looked at the tortoiseshell again, Dao Rhyme of a was caught by Di Jiu’s Dao Eye. He vaguely saw a vast universe outline, and even There is a powerful Grand Dao Aura surrounding it.

The two Dao Rhyme condensed words of ‘Tianxuan’ are wrapped in the infinite Grand Dao Dao Rhyme, and the aura seems to be stronger than the rules of the nest.

“This is at least a treasure level of treasure, and even more than that. Just what does the word” Tian Xuan “mean above, I don’t know …” Di Jiu mood grave said.

Bei Xiaocheng suddenly said, “The fellow who fled just now, I suspect it was Di Buyan. This person ’s magical treasure at that time was Tianxuan. I heard that he built the Universe World called Tianxuan. He also There is a very powerful magical treasure called the primal chaos door … “

primal chaos door? Di Jiu secretly thought in his heart, but this is a coincidence, the primal chaos door is now on him. But this primal chaos gate was Xiang Chenchen’s suppression of Chi Yao. As a result, not only Chi Yao was not suppressed, but also the primal chaos gate was taken by him. This mansion is really sad, not to mention how it was killed by someone, so I had to choose reincarnation. Before being bombed, even the magical treasure primal chaos door was also snatched by Xiang Chenchen. It seems that Di Buyan was killed, which is likely to have something to do with Xiang Chenchen.

“Let ’s go, let ’s go to make the Holy City right now. It ’s still a long time since the sacred position of the Holy City is made, but I have to go ahead.” Di Jiu estimates Ye Mo and Ning Cheng now Still in the fortune nest, he must not let Chi Yao go to the fortified city to make a big kill.

Once Chi Yao went to the Daocheng Dao City for a big kill, and when he was competing for the holy position, he and Ye Mo and Ning Cheng could no longer gain a foothold for the Five Elements universe.


The plaza of the Holy Universe outside of the city of sainthood is still expanding, not to mention the outer city of the sainthood city, even the inside of the sainthood city The city also disappeared in half.

The sign of Di Jiu occupying the holy throne of the universe, covered in blood at the moment, ca n’t even stand, and aura is despondent. As for his side, Di Jiu controlled the two cosmic arguments with the protection array. The protection array has long been broken. No one is occupying these two lanes, because there are several people nailed to void in both lanes.

In addition to the few people nailed by void, there are also two double-tailed dogs, one black one white, which are also nailed here. Blood fell from void, apparently was established.

Two twin-tailed dogs are still alive. At least half of the nailed monks are fallen.

A man with a face like a sculpture is standing on the path where Zhao is. This face like a sculptural work and ice cold eyes make people feel that this is not a living person. It is a Dao Principle that exists together. Fortunately, the starry sky prodigal bun on his head made him a little angry.

Beside Zhao ’s body, a man was also standing. This is a middle-aged man with messy hair. This man blocked his carved face.

“Jin Jae, you are also the Dao Lord of a universe. Could you stop me from getting burnt and revenge? I’m afraid you can’t stop with this ability.” The voice of the man with a carved face and his eyes Like ice cold, there is no interest at all.

It was Jin Jae who stopped him from killing Zhao, or if it was n’t Jin Jae, he had already killed Zhao who occupied the position for Di Jiu.

Jin Jae also suffers from numbness in the scalp. He knows that compared to the expert in front of him, he is afraid that it is simply not enough to look at. But he has made an appointment with Di Jiu. If Di Jiu’s position is occupied by people now, he will not be able to talk about it, then it may be a problem to join hands in the future.

Although this matter is not within his oath, he still has to stand up. Di Jiu’s potential and strength As he saw with his own eyes, Di Jiu is not weaker than the fellow in front of him. Unfortunately, Di Jiu is not here.

Jin Jai brace oneself a cup one fist in the other hand, “Just burn down the Fellow Daoist, you know, this sign is also my old knowledge. It ’s not as good as the Fellow Daoist to occupy the position, how to let go of the sign

“hahaha ……” laughed sullenly, “Di Jiu killed Yu Yu of Baoquan Universe and snatched the vast iron crystal of Baoquan Universe, you let me let him go? If you want courting death, let ’s die together … “

The voice has n’t fallen, and the vast space has been shrouded by a Hegemon pestle. Jinzai has n’t started yet. The next ka ka rang out.

Jinyu complexion changed, Dahun ruled quickly rolled up the layers of Dao Rhyme wall, he did not dare to fight with Ju Fen, only hope to block the divine ability of Ju Fen, and then say.

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