Zi Xiao has been staring at the position of the overflowing and declining aura, the more frowned the more.

“Zixiao senior, waiting for the vast primal chaos, there must be great war, we …” Hao Zuo looked worried like Chi Yao, with a solemn tone. But he didn’t stop at all after he said it, because Zi Xiao didn’t care about his words, or even all the changes around him.

“Zi Xiao senior …” Ye Mo and Ning Cheng also felt wrong, stopped discussing the Tao, looked towards Zi Xiao.

Zi Xiao sighed, mood grave said, “I actually felt a familiar aura in that decayed aura, it seems, it seems …”

said two in succession It seemed that he frowned again.

He is a sky-opening expert, he existed when the vast primal chaos broke into countless large universes. Even if it is not, he is not qualified to be old. Maybe the primal chaos of the Five Elements universe were divided, he did n’t know, but he remembered all his past in the Five Elements universe …

In all these past, he never remembered and that aura There have been intersections, and Zi Xiao is sure that he has no memory errors. Now, however, he clearly felt some of the memories he once contained in the decayed aura at the center of the Holy Place plaza.

And those memories are not limited to the Five Elements universe, but another level of universe domain.


Di Jiu grabbed the broken praying mat again, and there was a little Dao Rhyme left on the praying mat. Di Jiu felt a bit of familiarity in this Dao Rhyme. It seems that some of the people he knows are also cultivating this way. But he thought about it for a long time, and did not remember who he was. It’s really because this kind of awareness is too vague, vague, almost nothing.

Spiritual sense penetrates into the praying mat, which surprises Di Jiu that there is a broken space in the praying mat. The restriction of this broken space is almost all broken. Di Jiu immediately became cautious. He was sure that as long as his spiritual sense passed slightly, this broken space would collapse completely.

spiritual sense carefully fell in this broken space, a jade slip was brought out by Di Jiu. Before Di Jiu went to the space to find something else, the broken space collapsed completely.

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense quickly landed on jade slip, and jade slip turned out to be broken, or the previous part has been mottled by Dao Rhyme and cannot be seen at all.

The whole jade slip can be seen clearly, even 1 /10000th is not left.

“… The Jiuzhou Calendar 4500 Hundred and Seventy-Three Three Hundred and Twenty-fourth Meeting 631, the sixth massive robbery came … Under the robbery, prove the Dao There is no one for the saints … the saints are almost gone, and the Universe Dao Principle tends to be gentle … “

” The Jiuzhou calendar of the seven thirty-sixth century two thousand four hundred and fifty-six In 902, the seventh expanse of mass extinction came … “

Di Jiu’s heart jumped. He didn’t experience this, and it doesn’t mean he didn’t know what mass extermination was. The so-called volume robbery is the collapse of the universe, the collapse of the Dao Principle, the collapse of life force …

Depending on the size of the volume robbery, if it is a mass robbery, everything will collapse. Di Jiu subconsciously looked at all around the gray space, and there is an irregular piece of Heaven and Earth, thinking in my mind, is this what remains after the mass robbery?

This is not right. It stands to reason that after the World Extinguishment, everything will collapse, where will the space domain remain?

Spiritual sense continues to fall on the broken jade slip: “… in the seven times of extinction, the Kuihe universe is entirely broken down, hundreds of millions of monks collapse, billions of stars starry sky nirvana transformation, everything Not saved, Saint Huachen … “

Di Jiu suck in a breath of cold air, this is terrible. Even Saint has turned into dust, what else can exist? The level of Saint cultivation base on this jade slip should at least not be weaker than him.

“After the mass calamity, a vast primal chaos remains in the Kuihe universe, which is the first year of the 7th, 320th, and 5098 years of the Jiuzhou calendar. The vast primal chaos life force evolved and the fission star river universe … It ’s the year, and the remainder is the first year of the new calendar. ”

Di Jiu relaxed. According to his guess, the Five Elements universe and all the existing universes gathered in the Holy Place plaza should be after the mass calamity. Formed during the period. All these universes were conceived by the vast primal chaos.

This expert that records jade slip, I do n’t know how strong it is. I have seen the collapse of a vast amount of robbers, and then I have seen the rebirth of primal chaos split to form the universe.

What worries Di Jiu is that this amount of robbery seems to come and go without any warning. From the record on this broken jade slip, it seems that there have been seven robberies.

Is the vast universe so unstable? Will there be volumetric robbery? After the massacre, those Saints turned into dust, what else could exist?

What is he cultivating Dao for? And my friend is eternal in the vastness. But under the present situation, any immortality is a joke. In other words, cultivating Dao cultivating to finally, it is also two words, Huachen.


Besides the vast primal chaos, countless monks are crowded here. For them, there is no way back. Entering the vast primal chaos, mostly fall, but not entering the vast primal chaos, attacked by this decaying aura, the same is fallen.

“Zi Xiao senior, brother Ye, Brother Ning, we have no way to retreat.” Zhao looked at a person from Chi Yao, he knew that this great war could not be avoided.

The argument has n’t started yet, the great war is about to start, and it ’s for the robbery. That declining aura seems to be blocked in the vast primal chaos surrounding.

There is a hollow zone between the vast primal chaos surrounding and the decaying aura. This hollow zone is temporarily safe. But this place is too narrow to accommodate monks in so many universes. Everyone wants to survive, there must be a great war.

“No, you can go inside the vast primal chaos, you see.” Ning Cheng pointed to the vast primal chaos in the distance. At this moment, Primal Chaos Aura in the vast primal chaos is starting to weaken, and the safe space they can keep is growing.

Fate Daojun sighed, “Once this decaying aura penetrates the Five Elements universe through the gate of fortune, it will be a huge disaster for the Five Elements universe.”

Ye Mo felt a bit heavy, he still explained, “Don’t worry, the door to nature has been closed. If this decay aura can still penetrate, it can only be said that Five Elements universe destiny has arrived.”

He was in a heavy mood because when this depraved aura came out, the entire chemical universe fell into a situation of nirvana transformation. And he simply did not find them. If Su Su they are still hiding somewhere in the Five Elements universe, I am afraid he will never see Su Su they anymore.

Even if cultivating to his current level, or even to the extreme of this side of the universe, there are still some things he cannot control.

Chi Yao suddenly took a picture, and the black gravel formed a weak sand ring around his body. At this moment, he walked towards Zixiao, and his murderous aura pervaded under the surrounding sand ring Dao Rhyme.

Ning Cheng laughed, took out the Spirit Transformation spear without even caring about it, Ye Mo moved a step, and Zilu was already in front of him.

Chi Yao wants to fight, even if Di Jiu is not, they do n’t even fear it.

Zi Xiao ’s gaze withdrew from the decaying aura, and the jade dish was also caught.

Because of Chi Yao ’s actions, the experts on both sides have taken out the magical treasure. Although the great war has not yet begun, the vast primal chaos is already filled with killing intent, and the great war is on the verge.

In the place where there is more than 10 zhang from Zixiao, Chi Yao actually stopped, and the tone ice cold said, “Zixiao, you are also a character, but today ’s thing, if you Without giving me an explanation, I promise that all the people behind you will have no chance of reincarnation, and all will be buried outside this vast primal chaos. “

Ye Mo sneered,” Chi Yao, Lao Tzu’s mood today It ’s not good, you have to fight. You trifling a pseudo Fourth Step, and I ’m not seen by Lao Tzu. ”

“ Chi Yao, you split my Five Elements Universe Rule and hide my Five Elements I have n’t calculated the accounts of Primal Chaos Aura in the universe yet. But the current situation, as long as the eyes are still there, can clearly see what is going on. If it is the reason, I think it is likely that you forcibly entered the Fourth Step , Let this side of the vast rules collapse, resulting in the penetration of the rules of decay. “Zi Xiao’s tone eased, but with an indisputable attitude. Obviously, he thinks this decay aura is related to Chi Yao.

Chi Yao laughed, “What about Di Jiu? Why not see Di Jiu appear? If I am not wrong, the decay of aura here must be made by Di Jiu.”

Speaking of which, Chi Yao has a cup one fist in the other hand to all monks, “Everyone, Di Jiu this person’s insidious treachery you may not have seen, but I know more than everyone.”

(Today ’s update is here, friends good night!)

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