
Chi Yao also calmed down. He knew that although he stepped into the Fourth Step, he wanted to kill Ye Mo, Di Jiu and Ning Cheng at the same time. I was afraid that there would be some difficulties. Even if he could do it, he would have to pay Some price. What’s more, there is a Zixiao on the side.

At this moment Di Jiu provoked him, he must kill Di Jiu before Ye Mo and Ning Cheng reacted.

So Chi Yao decided to take action with all his strength and not to leave behind.

15 Kuihezhu, who had originally dealt with Zixiao, was brewing a murderous aura, and was only waiting for a fatal blow to Di Jiu. Daomai was entrusted to him by his hand, while his void was hidden in void.

Just like Di Jiu has never shown the third arrow of two machines in front of him, he never let anyone know that his killing move is not 18 Kuihezhu, nor Heavenly Dao Road Pulse, but the sting of the sky.

Unfortunately, 18 Kuihezhu now has only 15 left, but he feels the diminished aura on Di Jiu and believes that 15 Kuihezhu can also kill Di Jiu. As for the stabbing sting, it was only when Di Jiu was able to resist. If Di Jiu couldn’t even handle 15 Kuihezhu, Tiancani was left to Ye Mo and Ningcheng.

“Di Jiu …” After Chi Yao just shouted Di Jiu’s name, 15 Kui Hezhu turned into fifteen killing intents.

Every killing intent is like carrying a complete universe, and then gather all the murderous qi in this complete universe to exploded towards Di Jiu. It is equivalent to the killing intent of the fifteen universes at the same time. With the imposing manner alone, it has almost crushed the entire 9 Heavenly Layer.

If it is still Di Jiu before, all areas at this moment will be automatically split under this violent surging killing intent imposing manner.

Chi Yao knows Di Jiu’s means. Di Jiu’s Blade Dao is already a dive ability that can control space and time. The three terrifying long arrows can even make space and time rewind.

If it was before, he would still guard a bit, but now he will definitely not give Di Jiu a chance.

Ye Mo and Ning Cheng watching from a distance, even Zi Xiao are slightly frowned. As soon as Chi Yao’s 15 Kui Hezhu came out, they knew that Chi Yao’s Tao was close to perfection, and it was ten times more powerful than before.

Before Chi Yao was not one of them can resist, now Chi Yao’s strength is more than ten times stronger, and the realm of the three of them is relatively reduced.

Ning Cheng ’s eyes looked towards Ye Mo, he even wanted to intervene. Chi Yao was so powerful, beyond their expectations. It can be seen that Chi Yao also has any opportunities here, otherwise, Grand Dao of Fourth Step will not be perfected to this extent.

When Ye Mo wanted to speak, he felt the slight changes in the rules around him, and then he smiled slightly to take the head.

Ning Cheng also feels the rules change, their Universe World rules have been naturalized into this space.

Di Jiu’s heart is filled with infinite fighting intent, once he has been crushed by Chi Yao. Although he had never suffered a loss in a battle against Chi Yao, in fact he never really faced a great war with Chi Yao alone. Now that his Grand Dao rules have nothing to do with Kuihe Universe, he wants to see what Chi Yao uses to crush him?

What if realm is not enough, he is not the first time to kill expert with low realm adversity.

Heaven Dancing Blade trembles slightly, and it seems to feel Di Jiu’s thoughts. Without Di Jiu took out, the endless fighting will fluctuates around.

Feeling the 15 Kuihezhu, which was wrapped in an infinite killing intent, and Di Jiu was sighed instead. His pride seemed to have faded a lot. He even withdrawed the Heaven Dancing Blade and hung the Heaven Dancing Blade behind his back. And then punched out in situ.

The rules of their universe Grand Dao have come here. At this moment, they are really invincible with Chi Yao. He is too lazy to continue to use Heaven Dancing Blade.

Seeing that Di Jiu does n’t even use Heaven Dancing Blade, he even exploded towards himself with one punch, Chi Yao was ecstatic. He didn’t have Di Jiu to look down on his discomfort, but just wanted to get rid of Di Jiu quickly.

Soon Chi Yao felt wrong, Di Jiu ’s punched out of ordinary, as if scrolling the endless primal chaos vastness, then he had a kind of suffocation, the divine ability was unsustainable feel.

bang bang bang ……

Di Jiu’s simple punch trembles the entire universe. Chi Yao 15 Kui Hezhu’s powerful domain is cracked like an eggshell.

The Kui Hezhu, which has skyrocketed like a planet, turned into debris. Unable to withstand a single blow, got a perfect interpretation here.

With the first Kuihezhu turning into debris, Kuihezhu cosmos turning into dust, then the second and third …

Chi Yao sluggishly watched his 15 Kui Hezhu under Di Jiu’s one punch, after one simplified to slag, and even forgot to take out Heavenly Dao’s veins. Did not move. Or he knows that even taking out is useless.

“Bang!” Di Jiu’s boxing Dao Principle slammed into the sluggish Chi Yao’s chest, blasting Chi Yao’s chest into a huge blood hole.

Chi Yao is still dull watched Di Jiu, “You built your Heaven and Earth Law at 9 Heavenly Layer …”

Di Jiu withdrew his fist, tranquilly said, “No.”

He is not building his Dao Principle here, but turning 9 Heavenly Layer into a corner of the new universe that’s all.

When Chi Yao wanted to ask and so on, his fleshly body was directly collapsed by the Dao Principle of this fist, transforming into nothingness between 9 Heavenly Layer.

Ye Mo and Ning Cheng did not speak, they both understood what was going on. As if they were dealing with Chi Yao before, now Chi Chi is in the same position they were in. The difference is that Chi Yao was just an insights into the rules of the Kuihe universe, and now the rules here are directly reduced to Heaven and Earth Law of the New Universe. What would you compare with Di Jiu?

“Di Jiu, you built a new big Universe Rule”, the three watched Di Jiu who were surprised by Zi Xiao in the distance.

Ye Mo laughed, “Zi Xiao senior, this time, three of us have built a perfect Universe World with the help of the Dao Principle of Grand Dao of three people. Now this Universe World is still growing, because before the Universe Rule 9 Heavenly Layer has been changed, so Chi Yao is unable to withstand a single blow. “

“Yes, seniors do n’t need to worry, soon the broken Kuihe Universe World will also be naturalized into a new universe, because with the Grand Dao of Ningcheng, from today, the big universe will never be again. There is no amount of robbery … “Di Jiu followed.

“good, good …” After Zixiao said several good words one after another, suddenly the complexion changed, “Not good …”

“How?” The three of Di Jiu asked almost simultaneously.

“Quick, give me a copy of your Grand Dao cultivation technique …” Zi Xiao didn’t even say the reason, just asked Di Jiu three people to portray the Grand Dao cultivation technique.

The Grand Dao cultivation technique of Di Jiu, Ye Mo and Ning Cheng, but the cultivation technique of building a new Universe World, it can be said that any of these three cultivation techniques stands in this new universe. The existence of the top of the universe. This is beside them. If it is in another domain, the Grand Dao cultivation technique of three of them appears, but there will be Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon. Now Zi Xiao let their three people hurry to portray a cultivation technique to him.

But whether it is Ye Mo and Ning Cheng or Di Jiu, there is no point of care and hesitation. All three of them portrayed their Grand Dao cultivation technique without the slightest hesitation and gave it to Zi Xiao.

Zi Xiao ’s spiritual sense instantly penetrated into the three Jade slip ’s Grand Dao cultivation technique, just a moment, his Dao Principle of Grand Dao began to change, and in a short time and the surrounding Dao Principle of Heaven and Earth fits together.

“Zi Xiao senior …” Di Jiu screamed doubtfully. He thought, “Zi Xiao wants Grand Dao cultivation technique at any time. They will definitely give it, why should they be so anxious?”

Zi Xiao ’s eyes were opened at that time, and there was no anxiety and panic in his eyes, but the watched Di Jiu three said, “This new universe will indeed not be looted again, it is just one step away Let me make it up. Also, you must remember, do n’t revive any Holy Lord on this Holy Plaza. Once these Holy Lords know that you are naturalizing Heaven and Earth Law of 9 Heavenly Layer, they will be resurrected , And then frantically besieged the three of you … “

“senior, what’s the difference?” Ning Cheng asked eagerly, he really didn’t take seriously the false holy plazas.

Zi Xiao smiled slightly, “Before Chi Yao asked me to assist him, turn into Heavenly Dao, I did not agree, because he was not qualified, nor that ability. Now, I voluntarily evolve into Heavenly Dao of the new universe. Otherwise, although the universe will not collapse due to mass calamity, it will eventually die stillness because there is no reincarnation. Thank you three for giving countless lives a choice. Starting today, the Tao has survived, and people will be here, my generation No more suffering … “

(Speaking of one thing, the book is basically over here. It ’s just that Lao Wu is helpless, because the number of words in this book is not enough, there are hundreds of thousands of words missing. I have to continue to write, should I still have to write hundreds of thousands of words. Whether to continue to write on this plot, or to write on the Holy Place plaza, I am a little lingering. Writing the book to this day, this is the first time I have encountered this kind of thing, embarrassment. p>

If you want to whine, please do it in the back, as much as possible. My updates and the progress behind this book, you have the power to complain. In fact, I also read some comments. Most of them that follow today are my old readers and old friends, such as Zen Buddha, Yaji, Kettle, Aishang, wooder_chen, Duoduo, Huihui ’s big brother, boredom Sao N’s old mortal mouth, Sword Immortal, Xiansen came, etc. I can’t list them all. Many of them were chased from the playboy madman. I was only touched except ashamed.

Because I am not very satisfied with this book, I can only update one chapter every day. From the first day of this book, I knew that I had done something wrong and was in a hurry. More words, I said in WeChat, alas, it is really hard to say.

Today ’s update is here, friends good night! )

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