
No one answered the words of the lonely step person. After knowing that there was Fourth Step, no one could bear the Fourth Step.

Which of the primal chaos can stand on this side, which one is not the shocking and stunning generation? Which one was not killed from countless monks? Before, there was no way to break through the Fourth Step. Even now, with the opportunity to break through the Fourth Step, who will stay behind?

For a time, almost all the monks rushed towards the golden light of the magnificent cosmic ladder. Even the many experts invited by Di Jiu from the loss of Dao Realm hurriedly greeted Fate Daojun, and then followed Many people rushed up from the universe ladder together.

At this time, there is no enemy of mine, and the most important thing is to climb the stairs.

“Let’s go up too, Ye Dao Lord, Ning Dao Lord and Zixiao Dao Lord are all on it, Di Dao Lord is definitely on it too, we can go up and help.” Zhao unable to bear said.

After Di Jiu left, there was Di Jiu’s wife and children Nong Xiuqi, both sons were here, he could not leave early.

“Is Ye Dao Lord and Ning Dao Lord Ye Mo and Ning Cheng?” Russell asked with a trembling voice. After Ye Mo entered the gate of fortune, she didn’t have seen Ye Mo.

Yan Ji quickly said on the side, “Yes, Sister Susu. Ye Big Brother and Xiaocheng have gone there. Ye Big Brother has been with you for a long time before, didn’t expect you are trapped in the vast primal chaos Medium. Sister Luo … “

The last sentence Yan Ji was shaking with the name of Princess Ji Luo. She knew very well the position of Princess Ji Luo in Ningcheng’s heart. Princess Ji Luo was all right. That was the greatest luck.

“Let’s hurry up, the good things are definitely not and the others’ …” Wu Ying’s eyes are immediately shining, and it can even be imagined how much treasure is to enter a new domain through the universe ladder.

“Yi Mo, let’s go see you dad again …” Su Su comforted Ye Yimo, she had an excitement and longing in her heart, and also had a deep guilt.


“This is the true holy plaza …” The edge of the holy plaza trembles, staring at the huge plaza in front of the golden light flashing.

Several monks who came to 9 Heavenly Layer ahead of time, such as Xiang Chenchen and Xin Nuo, were shocked to stare at the Holy Place plaza of 9 Heavenly Layer.

“Maybe right here …” Xiang Chenchen muttered to himself, he felt the Fourth Step, and he was sure that the Fourth Step should be justified in this Holy Place plaza.

“There are a lot of holy places in it.” Dachen Daojun watched those holy places, and suddenly wondered if they could fight for them at will, as long as they got it?

Almost at the same time, Xiang Chenchen and the others thought of going in to snatch the Holy Place.


“Holy place plaza can not enter” Ning Cheng said with some surprise, just now he wanted to rush into holy place plaza, but was blocked.

Zixiao senior incarnation reincarnate Heavenly Dao, but Zixiao senior reminded them to pay attention to the so-called Saints in the Holy Place before leaving.

Never resurrect these so-called Saints. Once these people are resurrected, they will do everything possible to stop them three from building a whole new universe.

Without reminding Zi Xiao, all three of Di Jiu know that Saint who can have a holy place here does not have a good person, or a good person.

Kind people will never leave a sacred place here, such as Zixiao senior, who will do everything they can to just let the souls of the vast universe have the right to live in peace. And all the Holy Lords here are thinking about how they can once again control the vast universe and control all life, Only I Am Supreme.

Now the rays of light are flashing in the holy place plaza, and none of them can enter, which clearly shows the problem.

“This holy place plaza is a little weird. Also, did you hear the chi chi sound?” Di Jiu just stared at the holy place in the holy place plaza, his tone dignified.

Ye Mo and Ning Cheng are both nodded, Ye Mo said, “This should be the universe and Earth Law where our Universe Rule begins to naturalize the Holy Place Plaza. Once these followers understand that we are naturalizing the universe, they will never stop there easily. “

Never mind the naturalization of other places, 9 Heavenly Layer and the Holy Place plaza certainly do not allow others to naturalize.

Di Jiu three people watched each other, just a few breaths, the three said almost in unison, “lay out the trapping array.”

Their three current Grand Dao cultivation techniques are indeed no longer restricted by any Heaven and Earth Universe, but they only have three. How many Holy Lords are there in the Holy Place? Even if only 1% of these Holy Lords were resurrected, the three of them might only be beaten by the crushers.

Not to mention, their three cultivation bases have not reached the most peak yet?

After understanding the dangers of this incident, the three of them even lost interest in speaking, a Array Flag was refined, and then the three began to arrange the first trapping array after the birth of the new universe.

After so many hardships and hardships, they have finally found a correct path. Now they will never allow anyone to destroy the new big universe, even if the other party is Saint.


“ka cha!” A statue at the edge of the holy plaza suddenly cracked. After the statue split the golden light outside, it was like a mummy who didn’t know how to store many years.

What ’s more frightening is that the mummy opened her eyes.

The mummy ’s hand shook suddenly, and there was only one voice in his mind. Someone was naturalizing Heaven and Earth Law of 9 Heavenly Layer ……

This sentence appeared repeatedly in his mind. As an expert who did not know how many epochs Dao Lineage ruled the vast universe, he knew too well what this meant.

Once the 9 Heavenly Layer is naturalized by the new Heaven and Earth Law, they may only exist in the Holy Place plaza and cannot go out forever …

Even if you go out, it is under the Dao Principle of others. You have to know that they all control the existence of the Dao Principle.

No, the Holy Place plaza is about to be naturalized. The defense of Dao Principle outside the holy plaza is now chi chi sounded …

This mummy trembles all over, it’s crazy, how old is the 9 Heavenly Layer? How many epochs does the holy plaza exist? From the beginning of the development of the universe, 9 Heavenly Layer exists, and the Holy Place plaza exists.

All the Holy Lord who went out to control the new vast universe at 9 Heavenly Layer prove the Dao will follow a default unspoken rule, and it is absolutely not allowed to move the Heaven and Earth Law of 9 Heavenly Layer. And these Holy Lords also understand that in the future they will also come to the holy place plaza to occupy the holy place, waiting for the coming of their own vast era.

In fact, even the Holy Lord wants to change the Heaven and Earth Law of 9 Heavenly Layer. If the Heaven and Earth Law of 9 Heavenly Layer can be changed so easily, then 9 Heavenly Layer is no longer 9 Heavenly Layer, and the Holy Place plaza is not the safest place in the entire vastness, and the location that the mass robbery cannot reach.

But today some people really want to naturalize the Heaven and Earth Law of 9 Heavenly Layer. Not only that, this new rule is already in the defense of the Dao Principle outside the naturalized plaza.

Is this crazy? Do n’t know that once the Dao Principle of the holy plaza is naturalized, there is no way out even if you control the vast universe? Will the universe Heaven and Earth volume robbery let go of being naturalized by the new Universe Rule?

No, this Heaven and Earth Law must never be allowed to continue to naturalize the Plaza and 9 Heavenly Layer.

“Who is who is the naturalization of 9 Heavenly Layer and Heaven and Earth Law of the Holy Place?” An angry roar came from the middle of the Holy Place.

“Is it the Holy Lord?” The mummy who first discovered the problem screamed anxiously, “I am a wind prince …”

With the sound of a mummy-like statue body, it sounds like a casserole that has been rubbed and rubbed, which is unpleasant and vague.

“We are guarding the Holy Place now, and simply cannot stop …” Kai Mo became more alarmed. He controlled the life of millions and millions of creatures. Under his control, the hundreds of millions of lives were nirvana transformation in the vastness Big universe. But that has nothing to do with him. In his view, under his control, millions and millions of creatures can live is his gift. When the vast amount of calamity comes, millions and millions of creatures can only build life for his holy position Dao Foundation that’s all.

Now that his own life is in danger, that is not enough. He is the Holy Lord, the Holy Lord who controls the millions and millions of creatures. All ants can be turned into dust, and he, the Holy Lord, cannot naturally have any problems.

(Today ’s update is here, friends good night!)

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