
Di Jiu spent a full month on Zhai Yun ’s holy throne, and no one found him here. Di Jiu knew that no one would take care of it.

It ’s not that the top Saints do n’t know that they are here, it should be that the Saints are really strong. Great Saint simply did n’t take this seriously.

Even if he trapped the Holy Place plaza, he could n’t even get in and out of 9 Heavenly Layer, and he did n’t take seriously. The only possibility is that the real purpose of most Saints here is not to continue to control the vast universe, but like Zhai Yun Saint. As said, want to pursue God Realm higher level.

Di Jiu cultivating is Grand Dao Law, although staying in this holy place can temper his own Origin Spirit, but this slow progress Di Jiu simply does not care.

Holy place plaza is completely sealed by him, even if he wants to enter 9 Heavenly Layer, it is extremely troublesome, and even needs to cultivate to create Transformation Realm perfection level. After rebuilding a new universe world together with Ye Mo and Ning Cheng, although his strength was stronger, the cultivation base fell to the realm of creation.

Since Saint does n’t bother him here, he naturally has to ask God Realm 9th Layer what is going on.

Di Jiu still has some doubts in his mind, but so many Saints here only care about God Realm 9th Layer, not even 9 Heavenly Layer, he naturally has to figure it out. About God Realm 9th Layer, Zhai Yun Saint told him a lot, Di Jiu estimates that Zhai Yun Saint himself is also a small character here, and what he knows should be limited.

Di Jiu thought that the trapping array could not be broken right now. Most of the holy places here are the same as before, sitting on their holy place to absorb Origin Qi and condense their own Origin Spirit.

What Di Jiu did n’t expect was that after he left the throne, he found that most of the saints Saint did not continue to stay in his holy place, but just like him, hurriedly came and went outside.

In the middle of the Holy Place plaza, there is a golden Hall. On the huge plaza outside Hall, there are many Saints trading.

Di Jiu came to the plaza outside the Golden Hall and found that most of the transactions here were top grade god spirit vein.

To be honest, after cultivating to Third Step, the usefulness of top grade god spirit vein is unrestricted. After cultivating to Fourth Step, the role of top grade god spirit vein is even weaker. He really doesn’t understand why so many Saints are trading top grade god spirit vein here.

“Zhai Yun Saint, congratulations, you have found a good fleshly body. Are you planning to stay here, it is better to trade those useless top grade spirit vein veins to me. I promise not to disappoint you, The material magical treasure you just pick … “A sudden voice sounded behind Di Jiu.

Di Jiu reacted after two breaths. The other party was calling him. It should be the Zhai Yun Saint Dao Principle aura exuded from him that made him recognize it.

Di Jiu hugged cup one fist in the other hand, sighed said, “I have some problems with my body possession, and it has not been solved now, so I came here to find some more fruit of Divine Soul and fleshly body … “

When it comes to this, Di Jiu’s words are even more apologetic, “Sorry, I just remember that Fellow Daoist is a bit familiar, and the name can’t remember for a while.”

The Saint in front of him should have no body possession or Origin Spirit. Origin Spirit is very solid, and looks not much different from having a fleshly body. The face is long and the eyebrows have a little triangle starlight ……

Wait … the eyebrows have a little triangle starlight, this is a bit familiar. Soon Di Jiu remembered that he was indeed familiar. When he had not entered the Holy Place plaza, he looked at the statue of Saint seen, called Haiyi Saint. It has been a long time to control the vast universe. It seems that it was 821 years of the 7861 period, and it has experienced seven mass disasters …

“It turns out to be you …” Haiyi Saint stretched out his hand to Di Jiu, his expression revealing suddenly.

As for what Di Jiu said after having a body possession, something went wrong, and he could not recognize him. Haiyi Saint is hehe. This kind of saying had to be a little child, so to deceive him Haiyi Saint? At this moment, he was sure that Di Jiu was the fellow who entered the Holy Place plaza and arranged the trapping array. Or Zhai Yun ’s Saint body possession failed, but was destroyed by the opponent.

Di Jiu clapped his hands before Hai Yi Saint said it, “Aiya, I remember, Hai Yi Fellow Daoist, I’m so sorry … Oh yes, just now you said what did you mean?” ? “

Di Jiu’s expression is confused.

Haiyi Saint saw Di Jiu actually recognized him, and said a little awkwardly, “It turns out that you really have a problem with your body possession. I just thought you were the expert who came in to arrange the trapping array . “

“What trapping array to arrange?” Di Jiu was even more at a loss. “I have been stabilizing my Origin Spirit and Fleshly Body after my body possession. I just came out. Is there something I do n’t know?”

After Di Jiu recognized himself, Hai Yi Saint no longer doubted Di Jiu, and there was nothing to hide the thing that locked the Holy Place plaza by the trapping array. Because the body possessed Saint and wanted to spy on the other party’s memory, the probability was almost zero.

After listening to it, Di Jiu said with fear, “Haiyi Fellow Daoist, if I didn’t recognize you just now, would you want to do it to me …”

Do n’t wait for Di Jiu to finish talking, Haiyi Saint just laughed and said, “Zhai Yun Fellow Daoist, you might be wrong. In fact, including Taihong Saint, almost everyone in the Holy Place plaza now knows The person who arranged the trapping array hid in the holy plaza. But no one cared about that’s all. Taihong Saint is not concerned about the cultivator who arranged the trapping array now, but how to get out of here and find a God Realm Fifth Step. Way. So even if you are not Zhai Yun Saint, at most I just ask you for some top grade spirit vein that’s all, it won’t be too much trouble. “

“Fifth Step is related to top grade god spirit vein?” Di Jiu slightly frowned.

After hearing the top grade god spirit vein, Hai Yi Saint immediately came to the spirit, “Qin Ji Saint just returned from primal chaos, he and Tai Hong Saint and Duo Yi Saint and many other Fel Daoist derived a seemingly Feasible means … “

Di Jiu’s eyes light up immediately when he hears that there is a viable means of God Realm 9th Layer. If there is really a way to enter God Realm’s higher level, he will never miss it. It is a pity that there is no way to pass the news to Ye Mo and Ning Cheng. Anyway, this matter is not in a hurry, it seems that Haiyi Saint’s tone is still in the air.

“What way?” Di Jiu asked eagerly.

Haiyi Saint has some doubted watched Di Jiu, “Zhai Yun Fellow Daoist, have n’t you always been eager to control the vast universe again? Are you also interested in finding a higher level of God Realm?”

Di Jiu helplessly said, “I did want to control the vastness before, but now Taihong Saint obviously is not interested in breaking the trapping array here. If the trapping array ca n’t be broken, I ’m perfecting my own fleshly body, And when will it take to construct a vast universe of its own? Besides, even if it is constructed, it will not be faced with quantity robbing in the end.

Of course, these are not the most important ones. How many Saints are in the most important body possession this time? There are hundreds if not a thousand, right? So many Saints have a complete fleshly body, hehe … “

Haiyi Saint laughed, “Zhai Yun Fellow Daoist thought it was transparent, in fact, Taihong Saint thought about this problem, which is one of the reasons why Taihong Saint did not want to open the trapping array. Who was the fleshly body before? Completely perfected with Grand Dao, whoever is in turn will continue to control the vastness from 9 Heavenly Layer.

Now you think about it, so many Saints have a complete fleshly body, so who is the first to control the vast universe? Once the trapping array is broken, the entire 9 Heavenly Layer may be destroyed under these great wars of Saint. In fact, everyone knows it well, so now the top grade god spirit vein is extremely rare, and every one is contested. “

Speaking of this, Hai Yi Saint no longer waited for Di Jiu to inquire, and took the initiative to say, “With Qin Ji, Tai Hong and other Saints deducing, and exploring in the infinite primal chaos, the conclusion is There must be a higher level than 9 Heavenly Layer, but this place is separated from 9 Heavenly Layer by infinite primal chaos.

Any Fourth Step Saint cannot survive in this infinite primal chaos. Even Tan Ji Saint can only stay in primal chaos for a short time, so if you want to pass through primal chaos, you must use the spirit vein of the burning god. Anyone who wants to join the higher level team looking for God Realm In this case, you must contribute at least 30,000,000 top grade spirit spirit veins … “

Followed by 30,000,000 top grade god spirit veins, he opened the universe world of many Third Step experts, and also got rid of Zhai Yun Saint, top grade god spirit veins in the world are piled up like Mountain Range, but there are also no 30,000,000 .

Top grade God Spirit vein has a thousand zhang to 30,000 feet long and looks like a continuous Mountain Range. In fact, the combined magnitude can only reach about ten million, even not yet.

(Today ’s update is here, friends good night!)

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