
Yuan Chang Xiao did not speak. He watched Di Jiu and seemed to be waiting for Di Jiu to speak. As for the face that dare not move after being threatened, simply does not fall within the scope of Yuan Xiao. Threatening and so on, he simply did not take seriously.

Whatever is good for him, even if he is desperate, he will never hesitate to stop. Grand Dao has no half benefit for him, even if others look down on him or threaten him, he will only be regarded as air.

As long as Di Jiu says he is willing to help him, then the member of Chang Xiao without the slightest hesitation will take action on this Que Sheng.

Di Jiu simply ignored Yuan Xiao, his eyes fell on this Que Sheng, “Aren’t you from the Red Lin tribe?”

speaking in between, Di Jiu is still drawing the Law Array Flag.

Behind this Que Saint, more than a dozen people are all from Fourth Step’s statement Saint.

The reason why Di Jiu asks in this way is to confirm whether the follower is the Honglin tribe. If the opponent is not from the Red Lin tribe, then he immediately killed him. If it is the Red Lin clan, he need not worry, because he and the Red Lin clan are deadly enemies, there is no room for loopback. He also asked the Red Lin tribe about Di Xian and Tian Gang Illusion Technique.

“Just now you called me the golden armor holy city of Holy City. I am the City Lord of the Holy Family. I specially came to teach you how to make my holy city golden armor the holy…” The name Que Que was bland, but the surrounding Dao Principle aura was surrounded by Dao Rhyme, whose plain tone became a surging killing.

No wonder it came faster than the expert of the Red Lin clan. It turned out to be the City Lord of the Holy City of the Wan Clan. If the golden armor saint of the Holy City of the Wan Clan was called by him, the City Lord would still be fine. I am afraid that the City Lord will not have any more prestige.

Di Jiu didn’t even bother to answer, Heaven Dancing Blade rolled up the infinite Dao Rhyme, and turned into a surging blade screen rushing down like a torrent. Dao Rhyme, who slid out of his body, blinked away under the surging blade screen.

He must kill the Xun Xun as soon as possible, otherwise the expert of the Red Lin tribe will come soon, and he will definitely work without the slightest hesitation of the City Lord. I heard that the Red Lin tribe has two Fifth Step experts. Di Jiu has not yet worked with the expert of Fifth Step, and he does not want to be under the cooperation of three Fifth Step Que Sheng.

Di Jiu estimates that Yuan Xiao Xiao will not do it. This fellow should be the kind of pure cultivation Daoist who only has Grand Dao in his eyes and other things will not care about.

As Di Jiu guessed, as soon as Di Jiu started, Yuan Xiao Xiao immediately escaped. Di Jiu’s domain simply did not target him, so he without the slightest hesitation withdrew from Di Jiu’s domain. At the moment he only has a single thought, Di Jiu is crazy.

Trifling Four Steps, even the Fourth Step that can skipping grades to kill, dare to speak to a Que Sheng and a dozen or so Fourth Steps to make a saint. Isn’t this crazy? Moreover, he is well aware of Di Jiu’s situation, because Di Jiu’s real enemy, the expert of the Red Lin tribe has not come over.

It won’t be long before he understands the meaning of Di Jiu’s. This is to take advantage of the fact that the expert of the Red Lin Clan has not come, let’s kill some opponents first.

There is nothing wrong with the idea, but you also need to have strength.

Yuan Chang Xiao’s speechless shook the head. In fact, Di Jiu’s character and strength are really suitable for helping him, but it is too stupid. The City Lord of the Holy City, Wanzu, is also endlessly afraid.

“Sure enough arrogant…” Li Xun was ridiculed by Di Jiu, has seen arrogant, and Di Jiu so arrogant, he really did not read has seen.

The reason why he didn’t do it right away was because he wanted to know what changed with Di Jiu. didn’t expect He didn’t do it, Di Jiu took the initiative instead.

Xian Xun didn’t even intend to take out magical treasure, but he soon realized that something was wrong. Di Jiu’s field is a bit weird, this is a kind of…

Xian Xun quickly determined that this is definitely a brand new Time and Space Rule field. Rules in this field…

When he was convinced that he couldn’t catch Dao Rhyme, the rule of Di Jiu’s field, his face changed a little.

There are only two possibilities for this situation. The first Di Jiu’s cultivation base is far stronger than him, so his Dao Rhyme simply cannot penetrate the Di Jiu’s domain rules. The second Di Jiu cultivating is a Grand Dao rule that has nothing to do with the vast universe. The Grand Dao rule has nothing to do with the vast universe. That can only be derived from Di Jiu’s own Grand Dao.

Cultivation base is stronger than yourself, because it is impossible because Di Jiu’s field is strong, and he has not been able to completely restrain him. That is to say, Di Jiu’s Grand Dao is derived from itself. This domain does not know how many experts there are, and no one has ever evolved Grand Dao rules that have nothing to do with their universe. To evolve Grand Dao Law, which has nothing to do with their universe, can only be in the vast primal chaos.

It is difficult to survive in the vast primal chaos, and you must derive your Grand Dao from the clear comprehension in the primal chaos…

The shots of excited rays of light shoot out from his eyes, Di Jiu is definitely weird. If he can derive a Grand Dao like Di Jiu, does that mean he can control this universe?

Di Jiu’s rule domain is stronger, if you want to completely use the domain to restrain him, then stop dreaming.

Thunder Hammer was taken out by a tangle, a and a bucket-thick gray thunder arc surrounded him, the roaring thunder sounded as if from the ancient time, the dull sound made people tremble.

Di Jiu’s rule area instantly emits the sound of ka ka. The dozen or so Fourth Steps whose face had changed under the Di Jiu area originally stated that Saint is all breathless, without the slightest hesitation taking advantage of the opportunity to take out magical treasure. There are City Lords of the Holy City in front of them blocking the terriifying rule area of ​​Di Jiu. If they do not borrow the maneuver, they will claim to be Saint.

Lei Yin is still in the dull brewing, Di Jiu’s Heaven Dancing Blade blade momentum has already rolled up five consecutive waves of shocking Heavenly Blade.

Although Di Jiu took action first, but after he blocked the field of Di Jiu’s rules, more than a dozen expert divine ability entirely take action including him.

Thunder Hammer’s divine ability finally came out of the condense, and it turned into an infinite thunder-like thunder bomb on Di Jiu’s endless blade wave.

bang bang bang……

Various divine ability Dao Rhyme hits together, countless Dao Rhyme rules are shattered into pieces, and the violent Heaven and Earth Origin Qi and infinite blade momentum rise into the sky.

Various Five Elements Law fragments, blade wave Law fragments, Rayman Law fragments…

This time Di Jiu simply does not have any control, and the space where the billion myriad blade’s potential waves are rolled up is no longer limited to the regular space of Di Jiu divine ability Dao Rhyme.

The protection array of Wanshen Building is stronger. Under the impact of this terrifying blade wave impact and the squeeze of divine ability, it is also reduced to debris.

Without Di Jiu’s control, the blade momentum of nearly a thousand ten thousand zhang swept through, coupled with Xun Xun and more than ten Fourth Step’s Divine ability Dao Rhyme strikes, everything around the restrictions, protection array, Shop…

Under this terrifying blade momentum wave, it is entirely reduced to debris and nothingness.

It’s just that the idea hasn’t taken shape yet, and Xun Xun’s eyes reveal a shocking expression. Di Jiu’s blade momentum, which is about to be crushed by them, has rolled up the Sixth Wave, as if there is no firewood out of thin air. With the addition of countless dry wood, the declining blade momentum rolled up again.

The Sixth Wave blade momentum rolled up again has already surpassed ten thousand zhang, but this is not the end, he actually saw the embryonic form of the seventh wave of blade momentum wave.

The seventh wave of blade momentum waves must definitely surpass 50 Million feet. The blade momentum waves of thousands of ten thousand zhang swept through. I am afraid that even the entire Wanzu Holy City will raze to the ground.

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