
Wan Wanying laughed, “Brother Di is indeed strong and has knowledge.”

After he finished speaking, he seemed to be fine, and came over and gave Di Jiu pats his hand.

Haiyi is silently watched and frightened, this face is also invincible.

Di Jiu knows Jing Wan’s thoughts very well. Hong Lin Old Ancestor doesn’t seem to have any intention to do it with himself. After Jing Wan and his punch, he may be very clear that he is not his opponent. So at this time, he did not take the opportunity to step down, except for courting death, he could only stay away from the Holy City.

Although I really want to kill Wan Ying, Di Jiu wants to know what is important in Jing Wan Ying and Hong Lin Old Ancestor. You can bear him until now.

So after Wan Wanying counseled, he was too lazy to continue his hands, but stood above the ruins of Yuhuan Tower coldly said, “From now on, Human Race will live in Wanzu Holy City. No matter who dares started the Human Race cultivator for no reason, this person is the end.”

After finishing, Di Jiu pointed to the Qibujing that had been flamed to ashes.

Fan Qinxuan and other cultivators from the pioneering world are all trembling with excitement. Why didn’t Human Race dare to come to the Holy City of Wanzu, because one came to die. However, Holy City is the center of this universe, and it is also the place where natural resources are allocated. If you don’t come to this place, where are the cultivation resources? Without cultivation resources, how can you become stronger?

Yin Ding forgot that his legs were broken, and the dull watched Di Jiu asked, “Qin Xuan brother, who is he?”

Fan Qinxuan said with a trembling voice: “That’s the Fifth Step Que Sheng expert that my Human Race finally appeared. If we weren’t this expert before, we could not save you simply.”

“many thanks Senior’s kindness of salvation.” Yin Ding quickly greeted Di Jiu.

Di Jiu smiled and said, “In the future, the Human Race corner will be where Human Race stands in the Holy City of Wanzu. You can transfer the part of the pioneers to the Human Race corner. I believe that with your aptitude, No matter how many years, it will step into Fifth Step.”

“Human Race corner is a large area developed by senior, in the center of Wanzu Holy City.” Fan Qinxuan quickly sent sound transmission to Yin Ding. He not at all entered the Human Race corner, but from the outside he guessed that the Human Race corner It shouldn’t be small.

“Yes, follow the teachings of senior.” Yin Ding can’t control his voice. He doesn’t know how many years in the Holy City of Wanzu. He knows better than anyone. He has a place in the Holy City of Wanzu. How important. Not to mention the most central place, even if it is a remote place, as long as it is in Wanzu Holy City.

“Tomorrow’s Wanzu Conference, you take a few people with us.” Di Jiu nodded to Yin Ding.

Although he was also born in Human Race, after all, Holy City is not his place, and he will not stay here forever.


Although the Wanzu Conference was held in the Holy City of Jiujiuyu, it is also one of the most important conferences of the remaining Jiyuyu.

The Wanzu Conference is not held in the inner plaza of Wanzu Holy City, but in the outer plaza of Wanzu Holy City. The most important item of the conference is to redistribute the cultivation resources of this universe.

Di Jiu knew this before. Under the introduction of Yin Ding and Meng Ruolou, he realized that this side of the universe is beyond the wild edge and there is a piece of Holy Land called Tianqimen.

An area named gate is indeed strange. But people who know this place will not be surprised.

Tiantuomen is indeed a door. After entering this door, the natural resources inside are all piled up like a mountain. In addition to the endless variety of scare treasures such as Divine Spirit Grass, Artifact Materials, and Dao Guo, there is even a god of mine. Here it is regarded as the vein of Supreme Treasure, most likely it is made from the sky.

When the door is opened, it is a hazy mist, but as long as you step into the mist, you can feel a cultivating Heaven and Earth and treasure world.

The Tianduomen appears once every 100,000 years. After each occurrence, the contents inside will be searched out by the cultivator. But what is strange is that when the door is taken again after 100,000 years, countless treasures appear inside again, as if the place where the last time it was ransacked was not here. And with more and more times, more treasure appeared.

Therefore, the Wanzu Conference is also held once every 100,000 years. The main reason is that it is for the sake of heaven. The distribution of natural resources is also because of the fate.

The entry quota of Tianshumen comes from several parts. As long as there are Que Sheng experts in the first race, each Que Sheng can have ten quotas. The experts of the second group say Saint on the Battle Method Stage under the expert. The top ten rankings all have quotas to enter the sky. There are ten quotas in 1st place, nine quotas in second place, and so on.

The third is auction. Every time the door is taken to enter the quota, at least hundreds of quotas will appear on the auction.

Although everyone knows that these hundreds of quotas are controlled by those experts, they can only recognize them by holding their noses. These strong tribes with Que Sheng not only have a large number of quotas that enter the Tianduomen, they can also earn a large sum of money through auction. For a long time, it didn’t work if you didn’t want to be strong.

Di Jiu know, after that, he can only sigh. These cannot be changed in the short term, and he is definitely impossible to stay here for a long time. After he opened the head for Human Race, whether Human Race can develop here in the future depends on Human Race itself.

“Brother Di, Tian Yuanyu’s word Saint came, and he also publicly auctioned the Saint Saint that came out of the Holy Plaza on the Battle Method Stage outside the Holy City.” Di Jiu was thinking about his departure. When anyone came to control the corner of Human Race, Haiyi hurriedly reported to him.

Tianyuanyu’s words Saint? Di Jiu immediately remembered who this fellow was. It is rumored that this fellow was the first to find out that Saint, who came out of the plaza, can help him make a statement. Saint stepped into the Fifth Step, he was originally planning to find this fellow, didn’t expect that he hadn’t yet, and this fellow actually turned out Publicly auction Saint in Saint City.

“Have guts, I’ll check it out.” Di Jiu laughed and had to admire these fellow have guts. He heard about Wan City Holy City, even if he is deaf? Now that I have heard, this fellow dare to come here to auction Saint of the Holy Place plaza, how much guts is he or how powerful?

Haiyi understands what Di Jiu said, and chuckled said, “This fellow should be everywhere to catch our companions who have just come to the Holy Place plaza. I heard that this fellow has almost no friends, and has always acted arrogantly. It is estimated that no one told him that the Wan Family Holy City has more Human Race corners.”


Haiyi is right, Tianyuan is indeed just coming to the Holy City of Wanzu. He has always been doing his own way. He is very arrogant and directly beheaded with a single word, so no one really told Tianyuan about Di Jiu in Wanzu. plaza thing.

In addition, Di Jiu hasn’t been in Wan Clan Holy City for a long time, so even if there is a big change in Wan Clan Holy City, he can’t think of it all because a Di Jiu came.

There are many people stronger than Tianyuan in this universe, but no one offends this person. Mainly because this person has always been seeking revenge for the slightest grievance, and is alone. Once this person is offended, the entire race is under this person’s plot against. However, this fellow can skipping grades to kill. After this person stepped into Fifth Step, no one is willing to intersect with this person.

Tianyuan apparently knew this too, so he immediately occupied the Battle Method Stage of the plaza outside Wanzu Holy City as soon as he came to Wanzu Holy City.

Tianyuan didn’t care about it at all, but stood on the Battle Method Stage and said one cup one fist in the other hand, “I’m going to spend a little time here, mainly for everyone’s sake. I have a bunch of crossings here Fifth Step’s Grand Dao human furnace, which is also the result of my most recent hard work. I’m sure that as long as Fourth Step’s statement Saint has this Grand Dao human furnace, it is a sure thing to step into the Fifth Step. p>

The Grand Dao human furnace was auctioned at the Wanzu Conference, which Tianyuan had planned for a long time. With this batch of natural resources, he may become the first expert in this domain to enter Sixth Step, right?

The expert of as for here will do it for him? hehe, he really doesn’t care. After stepping into Fifth Step Que Sheng, his strength has risen in a straight line, and his strongest divine ability is Tianya Dun. No one can catch up with him and offend his results, so wait for his endless revenge.

(Today’s update is here, friends good night!)

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