
Although they are asking for help, both Jing Wanying and Hong Lin Old Ancestor know that their probability is almost zero.

Just when the two planned to admit their fate, Sanwu raised his hands and took out two black glows.

Two black glows accurately hit the years long arrows that Di Jiu shot at Jing Wanying and Hong Lin Old Ancestor, and the two years long arrows stayed slightly. The aura of space is suddenly weakened, and both Wan Wanying and Hong Lin Old Ancestor have lived for countless years.

pu pu! Two blood lights exploded, because of the scattered take action, which made Jing Wanying and Hong Lin Old Ancestor dodge. These two years long arrows just blasted on the arms of the two, and disappeared.

The arms of the two are transforming into nothingness under the strikes of these two long arrows.

Both of them are very excited, hurry to Sanwu and politely say, “many thanks to senior take action to save the grace.”

What is an arm compared to losing a small life. Some of them are treasure, it only takes ten tens of thousands of years, and these two arms will be restored as before.

Sanwu nodded to the two of them, “I and Divine Race, some friends of the Red Lin tribe have been in contact for a long time. It is nothing to save you.”

After Di Jiu left, Sanwu’s attitude towards Jing Wanying and Hong Lin Old Ancestor obviously improved. After Sanwu finished talking, looked towards Bai Xiao, Di Jiu’s arrow apparently just disgusted Bai Xiao, and had no effect on Bai Xiao.

Bai Jun Xiao’s face is very ugly. He grabbed a man, and then his hands printed the countless Grand Dao fingerprints. As Bai Junxiao’s handprint hit the man, blood imprints surrounded by Dao Rhyme permeated from the man, and then printed directly to the Gate of Life and Death.

As this blood imprint keeps leaking out, the men caught by Bai Junxiao are getting thinner and thinner, transforming into nothingness in just a moment.

But Bai Junxiao watched Sanwu and Wen Moqingyu and said, “If you have a sacrifice, hurry up and take it out. I didn’t catch a powerful human race cultivator, just a little Fifth Step middle stage. “

Sanwu smiled slightly, and raised his hand to grab a cultivator. He was a human cultivator, which was also the existence of Fifth Step middle stage. The hands of Sanwu burst out the Grand Dao fingerprints, and the woman’s Divine Soul and blood essence were blasted out into Taoist seals, offering sacrifices to the Gate of Life and Death.

Wen Mo Qingyu didn’t move. I don’t know if there are any sacrifices or whether two are enough.

As the woman was gradually commemorated, Sanwu, Bai Xiao and Wen Moqingyu all shouted a long roar, freed from the life and death sand that bound them, and rushed towards the Gate of Life and Death like electricity.

Jing Wanying and Hong Lin Old Ancestor naturally rushed past without the slightest hesitation. They lost an arm. If they did not take the opportunity of these Sixth Step experts to open their way to the Gate of Life and Death, they might never have the opportunity to touch Sixth Step again.

Yu Zhaiyi just hesitated and rushed in.


As soon as Di Jiu entered the Gate of Life and Death, he immediately felt a crush of Dao Rhyme wandering between life and death. Both his divine element and Dao Will are compressed to the extreme. As long as they do not change or cannot change this state, he may soon lose consciousness under the crush of the top life and death Grand Dao.

Di Jiu will make this kind of life-and-death Grand Dao deprive himself of consciousness. Losing consciousness is tantamount to being slaughtered.

The Grand Dao circulatory cycle around his Dao tree is running wildly, and the three Grand Dao form a circle of circle, wrapping Di Jiu in it. As Di Jiu continues to advance, this ring continues to expand. The Grand Dao Dao Rhyme that crushed Di Jiu’s life and death was lined up by the road ring penetrated by the road tree of Di Jiu, and then slowly moved away from Di Jiu. The free space around Di Jiu’s body was also increasing.

Relaxed Di Jiu is also secretly sighed. If his strength is stronger, he doesn’t need to use Dao tree to blast away his life and death Grand Dao Dao Rhyme. He can completely integrate this life and death Dao Rhyme In his circulatory cycle, then with the help of Tao Shu insights, let Tao Shu add another branch.

Because of the protection of the three Dao Rings infiltrated by Dao Shu, Di Jiu’s speed is getting faster and faster.

After half a month of continuous rush, Di Jiu was puzzled. How deep is this Gate of Life and Death? At his speed, even half a month did not escape.

I heard Sanwu said that the Gate of Life and Death is a human expert, and a human expert can arrange the Gate of Life and Death. I am afraid that cultivation base is more than Sixth Step.

What is the purpose of the Gate of Life and Death under this expert arrangement? If the opponent is opposite the Gate of Life and Death…

Di Jiu thought of this, step one stopped, and subconsciously stopped.

He even struggled with the other’s Gate of Life and Death. If the opponent was opposite the Gate of Life and Death, wouldn’t it be like dealing with him without no difficulty?

The most important thing is, why should the other party arrange the Gate of Life and Death? Di Jiu doesn’t believe that there are so many good people in the world. The Gate of Life and Death is arranged to let the weaker cultivation base cross the Gate of Life and Death and then pursue a higher level.

If it is not for this reason, it is…

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense falls on the Dao ring stretched out by Dao tree. He has three Dao rings, just like the three Grand Dao branches on his Dao tree, each Grand Dao branch has a ring around it Around him, Dao Rhyme penetrated into the Gate of Life and Death.

Not everyone has three rings, he has the two best brothers. If there is no three-way ring, then a ring simply cannot stop the Dao Rhyme of Gate of Life and Death from crushing.

Sanwu and Bai Jun Xiao let him honor the Gate of Life and Death with blood essence, probably wanting to integrate his blood essence into the Grand Dao Dao Rhyme of Gate of Life and Death…

Di Jiu thought of this, like a flash of lightning in his mind. Why is there a memorial service? And is it also a human race cultivator memorial service?

Di Jiu Dao Eye opened, and he immediately found a faintly discernible life and death Dao Rhyme ring on the edge of his three-way ring. This life and death Dao Rhyme ring seems to be constantly penetrating his three Grand Dao rings. Just because his three Grand Dao are the highest Grand Dao, and each Grand Dao is a Dao tree condense, three fuse together, ordinary Dao Rhyme simply cannot penetrate. Not only that, his three Dao rings are constantly repelling life and death Dao rings.

If it is just the a ring, I am afraid that the life and death road ring on the edge has already penetrated. What does this life and death ring penetrate into? Obviously it’s Grand Dao Dao Rhyme who stripped him…

Now his Sandaodao ring has the upper hand, continually repelling the life-and-death ring, so that the life-and-death ring cannot penetrate. Once the space repulsed by his three Dao rings is at its extreme, the life and death Dao rings are likely to prevail and penetrate into his Grand Dao Dao ring.

Di Jiu thought of this, subconsciously called a quiver. Outside the gate of Tianqiu is a tree shape, and here is stripped into the Grand Dao Dao Rhyme of the Gate of Life and Death cultivator. Obviously, clear comprehension Dao Shu is Grand Dao’s final direction, not Di Jiu, but others.

Only Di Jiu had better luck, he met Ye Mo and Ning Cheng, and even the three of them joined forces to create a new universe, so he could build his own tree among primal chaos.

Di Jiu can be sure at this moment, establish this Fellowship of Gate of Life and Death, search for the top Grand Dao branch here, and build a tree branch.

Here with blood essence, hehe, that’s a fool. If he really believes in Sanwu, if he takes out the blood essence, then after entering the Gate of Life and Death, both his soul and Origin Spirit will be transformed into a branch of others’ tree that’s all along with the blood essence.

Every human race cultivator sacrificed here will eventually become Grand Dao. These ancestor cultivators, perhaps Grand Dao is not very strong. However, many Grand Dao that are not very strong are condensed together. Under the Da Dao nutrient of Dao tree, it is likely to slowly improve and finally form a complete Dao branch.

Di Jiu was furious when watched was still infiltrating Dao Rhyme’s ring of life and death, which was infiltrating his three paths. son of a bitch, he did not move the idea of ​​life and death Grand Dao, he even told the idea to hit his head here.

If you die, he doesn’t believe he has no chance at all. Was he still alive in primal chaos?

(Today’s update is here, friends good night!)

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