
Such a powerful punch hit the burly male cultivator, but the male cultivator was not blasted out of the flying boat, but when the male cultivator fell to the ground, it was already like a puddle of mud, and his skeleton was all over the body. Di Jiu this fist smashed into pieces. If it were not for Di Jiu’s intention to leave him a life, the life of the fellow has been harvested by Di Jiu.

“You…” The burly male cultivator fell to the ground with despair in his eyes.

He really couldn’t figure out why a cultivator who had just entered Tianduomen and came to Grand Dao’s road would be so powerful. This makes no sense. There is really no reason, if there is a reason or he has seen it, he will not casually board Di Jiu’s flying boat. But then he thought that with Di Jiu’s strength, even if he is not on Di Jiu’s flying boat, the result will not change much.

If Di Jiu blasted him out of the flying boat just now, he is sure to rely on Forbidden Technique escape. It’s a pity that it’s just a matter of fact, now he is still on the flying boat.

“Answer me a few questions. If I am satisfied, I can let you go. Of course, before you leave, you must open Universe World and let me see how many alchemy golds are still in it. It is needed.” Di Jiu indifferently said.

After speaking, Di Jiu just calmly watched this burly male cultivator in front of him.

Yu Zhai swallowed a bite, he was a little dull. Di Jiu’s strength is definitely stronger than prove the Dao Sixth Step, and it is not a little stronger.

He has seen Di Jiu’s strength before, although it is not weak, but at most it can only fight against Bai Xiao or one of the scattered black and white, and can not win this humble one, or can win one. But if you want to punch an expert like Bai Junxiao, Di Jiu can’t do it. Now that Di Jiu with no difficulty can do it, it can only show that Di Jiu’s strength has increased by several levels after the Gate of Life and Death.

“You ask, but you must leave me half of the alchemy gold, otherwise, I would rather die.” The male cultivator who was paralyzed on the ground hesitated for a full 2.5 minutes of time, which was slowly said.

He is not reconciled. Today, he can only step into the Seventh Step by one step. How can he be reconciled?

Di Jiu is puzzled, and it’s reasonable to say this step, any cultivating Dao, will not say something that would rather die. Since the follow bones are so hard, why do you ask yourself?

Di Jiu was just puzzled, and he didn’t say anything more. He could find it by himself in the future. Thinking of this, he asked to slow down his tone as much as possible, “When you chased Zhai Yi, it seems not at all with all your strength, could you know that Yu Zhaiyi is not far?”

With the strength of the fellow in front of him, if he wants to pursue Yu Zhai with all his strength, Di Jiu estimates that Yu Zhai has no chance to escape to his boat.

“Yes, I know he can’t walk away. Because as long as I embark on the road of Grand Dao, there is no turning back. Going forward for a while at Fellow Daoist, I will be crushed by the Grand Dao rules in the vastness, and I have to Turn back.” The burly male cultivator replied without hesitation.

Yu Zhaiyi secretly feared that he really did not know that he could not look back after embarking on the road of Grand Dao. This matter was well known on the way to Grand Dao, so he never asked about it.

Di Jiu frowned, “You mean, as long as you come to this road, you can only pursue a higher level, step by step, simply does not have a retreat?”

The burly male cultivator nodded, “Yes, on the road to Grand Dao, you can only go forward, simply without a retreat. Many experts, after unable to step into the Grand Dao Array Gate, can only slowly wait for death on the lookout stone …”

Di Jiu coldly snorted, “Not to mention God Realm 5-Layer or even 6-Layer, even if he is a Dao Cultivator, he should not wait to die.”

The burly male cultivator sneered: “You will understand when you stay on the Grand Dao road for a while, you may not see it in the first few years here. After a few years, your Grand Dao Dao Rhyme will be automatically stripped, and then Incorporate into the Grand Dao road and become the Law fragment. Then every one year, the stripped Grand Dao Dao Rhyme will multiply, and finally even the Dao Foundation will collapse, and Universe World will collapse…

hehe, a Fifth Step cultivator? Even if Ninth Step’s expert comes here, I’m afraid it can’t stop the damage. After all, one day, his Grand Dao was stripped away, his world collapsed, and he would only die slowly. Wang Daoshi is where the cultivator on the road to Grand Dao waits to die…”

Di Jiu now understands why the other party hesitated in front of life and death. It turned out that there was not enough alchemy gold in this place and the Grand Dao Array Gate could not be crossed. Sooner or later, it was a dead word.

No wonder the fellow in front of him hesitated between life and death just now. He knew that if he couldn’t enter the gate of Grand Dao, it would be dead sooner or later.

Yu Zhaiyi’s face is hard to look at. Although following Di Jiu, he doesn’t have to worry about being slaughtered, but his strength has no way out in Grand Dao Array Gate starry sky.

Di Jiu also fell silent. After a dozen breaths, Di Jiu continued to ask, “Is there a chance to enter the Seventh Step after entering the Grand Dao Array Gate?”

The burly male cultivator said, “After entering the Grand Dao Array Gate, there was a wash basin of Condense itself Dao Foundation and Grand Dao. It is rumored that as long as the Dao Foundation is re-finished through this wash basin, more than 50% of them Grasp the Seventh Step.”

Di Jiu sighed, he still has a lot of questions, such as what is going on at Tianqimen, who put the Gate of Life and Death there. But he didn’t ask, and he certainly didn’t know the fellow in front of him. Raise your hand and take out a Dao Pill and throw it into the mouth of this burly male cultivator, then say: “Take half of your alchemy gold out.”

This Dao Pill fell into the mouth of the male cultivator and instantly became infinite. Dao Rhyme penetrated into the male cultivator’s body. He was reorganized in the shortest time by the skeleton that Di Jiu punched into pieces. In a short time, the male cultivator, who was still paralyzed, stood up.

Although his Dao Foundation has not responded, it is only a matter of time. For other injuries, Di Jiu’s Dao Pill was all solved.

“You just ask these two questions?” The burly male cultivator has some unbelievable watched Di Jiu. He thinks that he will not stop if he does not retreat. Di Jiu will not stop even after Di Jiu finishes asking. kill him. He never thought that Di Jiu not only did not kill him, but only asked him two questions and gave him a Dao Pill to heal him.

“Yes, on these two issues, you can leave Alchemy Gold,” Di Jiu indifferently said.

“Yes, yes.” The burly male cultivator quickly grabbed a ring and handed it to Di Jiu, “Secretary Ye many thanks Fellow Daoist, the generous grace, which is 60% of my alchemy.”

Di Jiu’s gracious grace not only saved him, but more importantly, Di Jiu did not let him open the Universe World. To know the universe world of a cultivator, that is all the secrets of this cultivator. Once opened, many things are leaked to outsiders.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that all of your Universe World has been opened by others. That is always a trace on your Grand Dao. This trace may never disappear until you die. Grand Dao has traces, how to pursue a higher place?

Di Jiu grabbed the ring and said, “Let’s go.”

“I haven’t asked Fellow Daoist for his honor.” Si Ye, a cup of one fist in the other hand, respectfully asked again.

Di Jiu know This is not provocation, but really grateful to him, he does not care, said casually. “My name is Di Jiu.”

“Then I will go first, and brother Di will see you again.” Si Ye bowed again, and then escaped the flying boat, and turned away disappeared. Say goodbye, that is to know that Di Jiu will definitely go to Grand Dao Array Gate starry sky city.

“Brother Di is really generous, I think the matter just changed to anyone, then Si Ye is also dead.” Si Ye said after leaving, Zhai sighed.

Di Jiu shook the head, did not speak. In fact, what if he opened the world of Ye? Whether Si Ye lied to him or not, after getting Si Ye’s alchemy, he still had to find alchemy.

The most important thing is that Di Jiu has a sympathetic emotion. To put it bluntly, it is the Grand Dao road, where you can step into higher levels and even step into Seventh Step. In fact, after the Grand Dao road came, most people would have to wait for death on the lookout stone.

If this is really said to Si Ye, then he may fall on the lookout stone in the future. Even if it is not this level, it may be behind.

No matter what others say, he needs to see for himself. After arriving at the Grand Dao Array Gate starry sky city, immediately go to the Grand Dao Array Gate to observe and see if you can find out some situations at your own level. After all, the Gate of Life and Death, which has existed for countless years, was also broken by him, and the Grand Dao of life and death was stripped away.

(Today’s update is here, friends good night!)

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