
In Grand Dao Array Gate starry sky city separation, Di Jiu even felt that this was the most leisurely period of time since cultivating. During his seclusion, let alone someone disturbed, even the spatial law fluctuation did not appear.

Grand Dao Array Gate starry sky city often has fighting methods. Any cave mansion is impossible and there is no space fluctuation. Now his cave mansion surrounding is so quiet, the only explanation is that those cultivators fighting in Starry Sky City must choose to stay a little farther away from Di Jiu cave mansion, so as not to disturb Di Jiu, the newcomer of the world expert.

To anger the expert of Di Jiu, then think about who owns the cave mansion where Di Jiu lives, and think about where the original owner of this cave mansion is.

In such a quiet place, with a lot of time, Di Jiu naturally wants to refine a best flying boat.

Di Jiu’s original idea was to refine a flying boat in the shape of a starry sky flying cone, but he quickly rejected his idea.

He felt that his thoughts were a little rigid. His flying boat was mainly walking in void and primal chaos, but there was no air resistance. Besides, even if there is air resistance, he can add an array. Because of the inertia of thinking, when refining flying magical treasure, the first thing to think about is to refining a pointed magical treasure.

Would you refine a flying car magical treasure? Di Jiu casually constructed a Space Rule in void, then raised his hand to grab the vast iron crystal.

If you don’t build the Law of Space, the cave mansion he currently lives in will not hold the vast iron crystal in his hand. The vast iron crystal in his hand is absolutely the size of an ordinary planet.

watched The vast and irregular iron crystal in front of him, Di Jiu shook the head, dispelled the idea of ​​refining a speed car.

He didn’t plan to cut this vast iron crystal. If it were made into a speed car, it would be too ridiculous and a great waste.

Perhaps refining a Giant Overlord starry sky ship……

Di Jiu frowned. He doesn’t like the starry sky ship. What he wants is a casual flying magical treasure. With his strength, he probably doesn’t need his own magical treasure to contribute much attack means.

A vast iron crystal the size of a planet…Di Jiu hesitated again and again. When he was preparing to refine the starry sky battleship, a flash of light flashed. Didn’t he say to break the inertial thinking before? That being the case, why do you want to refine a flying boat or a battleship or a speeding car? He just made a flying planet just like this vast iron crystal, can’t he

Thinking of controlling a planet flying in the primal chaos, Di Jiu felt eager.

If there is an expert in the primal chaos, and seeing his planet flying, you might be shocked. Planet appears in primal chaos, which ordinary people can’t even think of.

Just refining a flying planet, this flying planet is called ‘primal chaos flying star’.

His primal chaos flying stars must not just fly, but also have other uses. Since it is a planet, it is best to refine it into a real planet. What is a real planet? There can be life on the planet. This existence does not refer to people sitting on the primal chaos flying stars. apart from this life planet has the life, his primal chaos flying star also has. For example, there must be a variety of spirit plants, as well as a variety of Spirit Beast……

Others can’t realize these things, he can. He is a top-level expert, and more importantly, he cultivating Grand Dao Law. He can build his primal chaos flying star into a real regular flying planet.

Di Jiu became more excited the more I thought about it, and the more I thought about it, the more eager it became. Others use flying boats to drive, but they use planets to drive. And his planet is not only faster than a flying boat, but also a life planet.

The material form of the vast iron crystal and its own rules are only suitable for refining magical treasure, not suitable for growing spirit plant and Spirit Beast. However, Di Jiu believes that he can definitely realize the spirit plant and Spirit Beast’s survival on the vast iron crystal. His method is not to transplant soil. If it were to cover the surface of the vast iron crystals by transplanting soil, it would be too bad. Moreover, by transplanting soil, it is impossible to fly quickly in primal chaos or void.

Di Jiu thought of the way that the vast iron crystal itself can definitely survive the spirit plant, and his basis is alchemy gold.

He had a lot of alchemy gold on his body, Di Jiu grabbed a piece of alchemy gold casually. The color of alchemy gold is not fixed, there are everything from golden to black.

Originally, Di Jiu thought that golden alchemy gold was the highest level, but after he compared it, he determined that the real highest level alchemy gold should be the most unremarkable gloomy and dull color. This kind of alchemy gold of gloomy and dull seems to be no different from clay.

Alchemy gold is the embodiment of Grand Dao’s condense. If a spirit plant is added with some alchemy gold, the growth rate and spiritual intelligence of this spirit plant will increase immediately.

And how did the alchemy gold come from? That is the vast iron crystals that have scoured the condense through the endless Grand Dao rules and endless years. Because of this, Di Jiu believes that vast iron crystals can also be refined into top materials that can grow spirit plants.

He is impossible to turn the vast iron crystals into endless alchemy gold, but what he cultivating is the Grand Dao Law, and it is also cultivating the way of all things and the unity of Grand Dao. When he came to Grand Dao, he had unexpected harvest. The Grand Dao of life and death. With the help of Dao Shu, even if he can’t turn the vast iron crystal condense into alchemy gold, it is still possible to turn it into a life force material that can grow a spirit plant.

Maybe this process takes a long time, Di Jiu doesn’t care. Grinding the blade does not accidentally chop the wood. It takes more time here, and less time in the vast primal chaos in the future.

Behind the Dao Tree Dao Principle golden light surrounds, Grand Dao Law, Grand Dao of All Things, Grand Dao Consolidation, Grand Dao of Life and Death form an almost perfect Grand Dao Road Ring, which wraps Dao Tree and Di Jiu Together, then slowly spread, and then wrap the vast iron crystal almost the size of a planet.

In just a short time, Di Jiu completely entered the process of using his Grand Dao condense vast iron crystal. With his condense vast iron crystal, Di Jiu has opened up a new tool refining precedent. Before tool refining, do something that has nothing to do with tool refining, which is to use its own Grand Dao condense Artifact Materials.

As Di Jiu used the Grand Dao condense vast iron crystals, a circle of Grand Dao Dao Mark was formed around Di Jiu’s cave mansion.

Just glance at these Dao Marks, and you can feel the vastness of the Grand Dao Aura. It seems that this aura will guide the cultivator to the highest level.

If Di Jiu’s strength is not too terrifying, I am afraid that some people have used spiritual sense to penetrate or even forcibly break into Di Jiu cave mansion.

Even if Di Jiu’s is famous, it still can’t stop those cultivators in Starry Sky City who are passionately pursuing Grand Dao. They dare not use spiritual sense to penetrate, but they can sit far away, insights about the vast Grand Dao. Aura, seek your own breakthrough.


Si Ye, Gong Qianyi, and Yu Zhaiyi have arrived at the plaza at the entrance of the Liandao universe. Yu Zhaiyi is still a little uneasy. There are too many arrogant people in this place. At the beginning, he was chased and killed by Si Ye, if he hadn’t met Di Jiu, he would have ceased to exist in Zhai Yi.

“Haha, Brother Si, that’s okay, I still caught this ant.” There were a lot of plaza Reverends. After another Zhai came here, someone laughed up to say hello. It can be seen that he did not know what happened in Starry Sky City.

When Si Ye chased and killed Yu Zhai Yi and left, there was not one person he saw. Now the two are back again, although Gong Qianyi has been added, no one cares. Although Gong Qianyi is also the Sixth Step, but a sleek person that’s all. If you want strength but no strength, you want a fellow who has no backstage.

Si Ye face turned cold, “Brother Yu is now my friend, pay attention to speaking.”

The talking cultivator’s face also sank, “Si Ye, others are afraid of you, I don’t care who you are, to have no shame. In my eyes, that’s just an ant.”

Originally, Si Ye’s strength is good, and there are also some popularity here. This cultivator just wanted to make friends. Didn’t expect Si Ye to have no shame. He flattered and said wrong?

Grand Dao Array Gate starry sky City Three Holy Lord, besides Hu Yezhi and Yang Si’an, the third one is Wen Qianyi.

Wen Qianyi always looks smilingly, with a pale complexion and a teenage face. But if you think that this person is easy to get along with, you would be wrong. Among the three sages, Wen Qianyi is the most vicious. This person never fights with others in the face. Anyone who offends him will disappear for no reason. So Wen Qianyi also has a nickname behind it, called Yin Sheng. It’s because he often hangs on his smiling face, and the man behind his back.

(Today’s update is here, good night friends!)

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