
purple haired man doesn’t even bother to speak, and takes a step forward. It seemed that he had taken a small step easily, but all the space between him and Hanfan disappeared without a trace with this small step, and at the same time Hanfan’s domain was broken under this step.

Han Fan’s heart is shaking violently, and the other party hasn’t taken action yet, by virtue of this step, he knows that this is at least the other existence of the three major Holy Lord Levels in Starry Sky City. Where can he dare to rely on his Sixth Step late stage firmly resist? A handful of Urso took out and rolled up hundreds of millions of Dao Rhyme Law.

At this moment, the purple haired man has already slammed down with a punch, just in time for the chilling Urso.

bang! The billions of Dao Rhyme Law rolled up by Uso burst, and the broken Divine Ability Law overflowed. Some of the cultivators surrounding the cold and the weaker cultivation base were broken by this broken Divine Ability Law. Boom, all blood spout from mouth rewinds.

Han Fan also spouted a blood arrow with his mouth open, Urso seemed to be caught by the invisible handprint in void, he burned Dao Rhyme Law frantically, and then took back before Urso was completely restrained, and then without the slightest The retreat of hesitation.

Han Fan Sixth Step late stage, so much difference from the opponent. Although there are two Sixth Step late stage behind Han Fan, no one wants to make it out again.

They are the prerequisite that they can block each other. Now that the opponent is so strong, if they are now, it is offending an expert who is about to appear in Starry Sky City. Only idiots will do this. More importantly, the violent divine ability Dao Rhyme has already hit Di Jiu’s protection array surrounding with the hands-on just now. Unless Di Jiu is dead or simply unable to exit, he has already woke up from the seclusion.

Di Jiu woke up from seclusion, and their take action was meaningless.

Han Fan tried to calm down the shock in his heart, he barely escaped the shackles of the opponent, his heart beating wildly. If the opponent wants to take action, he immediately flees. This person is amazing, simply not what he can compare. The seven-claw god Kun is good, so you have to have life.

Han Fan escaped from the shackles of the purple haired man, and the purple haired man did not continue to hunt down. He just glanced at Han Fan coldly, “Now there are who dares blocking me from catching my beast pet? Next time I will But you won’t be so polite.”

In fact, he was not polite the first time, but was forced to break free by Han Fan that’s all.

The despairing eyes of the seven-claw god Kun suddenly lit up, and it rushed to the Di Jiu cave mansion frantically.

Where can the purple haired man take care of the cold and the others, a long spear took out, and the long spear rolled up a terrible Spear Dao killing intent exploded towards the seven-claw god Kun.

The purple haired man has been chasing and killing the seven-claw god Kun for many years, and has long known the skill of the seven-claw god Kun. His spear can only make the seven-claw god Kun dodge at most, and he will definitely not seriously hurt the seven-claw god Kun. As long as the heptapod god dodges, his companions can use his domain to trap the heptapod god horns. This is the best opportunity since chasing the seven-claw god Kun.

What made the purple haired man simply didn’t expect was that after his spear exploded towards the seven-claw god Kun, the seven-claw god Kun not only did not escape, but instead borrowed his strength and added a divine ability Dao Principle. The two forces blasted on Di Jiu’s protection array, and the protection array split directly.

Despite the use of force, the seven-clawed god Kun was still injured by the backlash, and then staggered into the protection array.

The purple haired man was not surprised and delighted, he grabbed an Array Flag without the slightest hesitation to surround the protection array, and said to the other two people around him, “Go in.”

No one stopped them, and no one dared to stop them.

They stopped as soon as they entered, because they saw the seven-claw god Kun also stopped, and a grey clothed youth was standing in front of the seven-claw god Kun.

“This Fellow Daoist has invited me. Just now we chased down my beast pet and accidentally broke the protection array of Fellow Daoist. I must make up for one or two.” After seeing the grey clothed youth man, the purple haired youth gave a fist at random. , His eyes are staring at the seven-claw god Kun.

After all, Di Jiu is also the previous owner in their opinion. If they come, they will leave that’s all. In the future, they may live here permanently. Since I will live habitually in the future, I have to say something kind when I came here to break the cave mansion protection array of others. Otherwise, it will arouse public anger here.

For him, he simply doesn’t care about the attitude of the grey clothed youth standing in front of him. What they care about is the seven-claw god Kun.

grey clothed youth is obviously Di Jiu, but Di Jiu did not look at the purple haired man, but instead focused on the seven-clawed god Kun.

“Lightning, for so many years, you haven’t grown at all. You have been chased by a few rubbish here. You really lost me.” Although Di Jiu was pleasantly surprised, his tone was very unhappy.

Di Jiu has a lot of questions to ask Lightning. According to the truth, Lightning cannot come here.

Lightning is also very excited, secretly thought My grandfather’s intuition is indeed correct, I feel that this is the way of life, here is the way of life. Ten thousand did not expect that the grandfather would appear here.

Even though he was proud, there was a pitiful look in Lightning’s eyes, “Master, I can’t do anything, a few rubbish chase me down, I’m still young. These rubbishes are all old and dying. Together, how can I beat them.”

In fact, what Lightning said was not wrong. Compared with the three purple haired man, Lightning’s strength is indeed worse. If it weren’t for the lightning speed, I’m afraid I would have picked up the lunch. Coming to this starry sky city is actually a stake all on one throw for Lightning, because if there is no way out here, then it is really dead.

The three purple haired man are dumbfounded staring at Di Jiu and Lightning. They really can’t figure out that Lightning and Di Jiu are actually related. It was so shocked that Di Jiu called them some rubbish, and they didn’t even think of it for a while.

“Hehe, stop acting. This saint has limited patience. You peel off your soul mark, and then we take away this seven-claw god…”

It is a short and stout male cultivator behind the purple haired man. This person is as vigorous as Dao Rhyme. Although not as good as the purple haired man, it is obviously also a Peak expert. He asked Di Jiu to peel off his soul brand, guessing that the seven-claw god Kun might really be Di Jiu’s beast pet. It’s just that he hasn’t finished speaking yet, Di Jiu suddenly punched out, “There is a lot of rubbish.”

Seeing that Di Jiu took the initiative, purple haired man coldly snorted, he decided not to bother to talk nonsense with Di Jiu, killed Di Jiu, then stripped his soul and took away the lightning.

But when he rolled Dao Rhyme, his face changed immediately. All the rules around do not belong to him, even he has never seen it before. This is not just the category of trapping array, but the control of the rules of the universe. In fact, even if the other party controls the rules of the universe, don’t want to use the rules of the universe to restrain him from moving at all, because he understands the rules of the universe around him.

Now Time Rule and Space Rule are completely unfamiliar to him. He is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered in this realm of time and space. Obviously, the opponent is the Grand Dao rule controller of this time and space. Even an idiot knows that Heaven and Earth Law in this space-time is completely constructed by the other side. He rushed in stupidly, almost equivalent to rushing into the opponent’s Law World, which is no different from courting death.

Di Jiu’s protection array took more than a month to set up, and in order to keep others from disturbing his condense vast iron crystal, the rules of Grand Dao have long been connected to this space, the Heaven and Earth Law has nothing to do with the universe where Starry Sky City is located.

The protection array I set up for more than a month, plus the Grand Dao rules I built in this space. Don’t say that the purple haired man has not yet entered the Seventh Step, even if he has entered the Seventh Step, his strength is far better than Di Jiu. On this territory, he has to set himself up.

The purple haired man can’t even move, and the talking short fat cultivator is even bound by the Grand Dao rules of this space. His face is pale like a snowflake, almost burning all his blood. Essence reluctantly exclaimed, “senior spare the life, junior is willing to contribute to the world portal……”

“bang!” A blood mist exploded. The short and stout male cultivator didn’t even finish the words. Di Jiu’s Dao Rhyme has shattered his fleshly body, and the next moment countless Dao Principles were wrapped around him. Around the collapsed Grand Dao Dao Rhyme, a brand new world portal was torn open.

Following Di Jiu’s hand, this short fat cultivator didn’t even have the ability to fight back. It didn’t matter if Di Jiu punched him, everything in the world was also swept away by Di Jiu.

The face of the purple haired man is also pale at this moment. Even if he is not caught in the protection array of Di Jiu’s, he can easily tear open his companion’s Universe World with Di Jiu. He is probably not Di Jiu’s opponent. The cultivator in front of me is afraid that he has already stepped into the Seventh Step. He has seen such a terrifying expert since his debut for so many years.

“Senior, this time we are reckless. Senior arbitrarily asks, I do not fail to comply…” Although the purple haired man has not done it yet, his heart has sunk to the bottom. The other dark-skinned male cultivator standing behind the purple haired man had already flashed despair in his eyes. He never thought that the three of them would be together and one day they would be crushed.

Di Jiu snorted, “Let’s say, how did you come to this place? Didn’t you look for opportunities to create a world in the primal chaos between the universes?”

Although Di Jiu said that the primal chaos is only the primal chaos in the Kuihe universe, but lightning can come here, Di Jiu believes that he does not need to explain, and the lightning can understand it.

(Today’s update ends here, good night friends!)

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