
Lightning stopped Shen Muyuan’s movements, “It’s useless for you to do this, look at me.”

After finishing talking, the lightning raised its paws and grabbed dozens of times in the void. A slight crack appeared. The two claws of the lightning burst into a violent void Dao Rhyme aura, and the crack was directly Ripped apart.

A piece of alchemy gold the size of Grand Dao Array Gate starry sky appeared in front of Shen Muyuan, but Shen Muyuan stared at the lightning claws dullly.

The size of the alchemy gold didn’t shock him at all. At the beginning, he could find alchemy gold the size of a planet. Now this alchemy gold, which is only the size of a starry sky city, really counts nothing in Shen Muyuan’s eyes.

“How? I didn’t lie to you.” Lightning said triumphantly, then Dao Rhyme aura stretched out, ready to send this alchemy gold into his world.

Shen Muyuan murmured, “What you tore just now is the outer dimension?”

External dimensional space is simply not something that Array Flag can display. Shen Muyuan once discussed with Dao. Any space they are in may hide some external space. These outer dimensional spaces, the overwhelming majority, are formed naturally by the universe, just like natural restriction. However, unlike natural restriction, the outer dimension space is not crackable by Array Flag.

In Shen Muyuan’s view, the existence of the outer dimension space for a long time can form a hidden Small World of the same domain.

Lightning said while locking the alchemy gold, “Of course it is the outer dimension, don’t you understand, hehe, do you want me to teach you?”

“Then many thanks Brother Lightning.” I heard that Lightning can give himself this Grand Dao secret sect at will, Shen Muyuan was so excited that Brother Lightning came out.

Lightning disdainfully said, “Outer dimensional space and so on is nothing more than the multidimensional existence of the space where we are. My grandfather taught me that any space is multidimensional, and I want to fully understand how many dimensions exist in the space. You need to understand the Dao Principle of Space. To put it simply, it’s the Space Rule. You are not cultivating Grand Dao Law, and speaking of which you are struggling…”

Speaking of this, Lightning suddenly stopped, and then accelerated even more. In just a short time, he rolled up the alchemy gold the size of starry sky city and sent it into his Universe World. It’s actually a little understanding of the external dimension. Di Jiu didn’t explain it that way when he taught it, but it’s a long time ago. It’s just to fool Shen Mu Yuan that’s all. It can find alchemy gold only because of Grand Dao Law that’s all.

“Fellow Daoist, you have a share, such a big alchemy gold can swallow it alone, maybe you can’t swallow it?” A fair-skinned young scholar suddenly blocked the path of Lightning and Shen Muyuan. When he saw the lightning, An excitement flashed in his eyes.

Shen Muyuan’s heart jumped, and he felt that this teenager is definitely a top expert. The Jitai who was killed before was not at the same level.

“Lightning, go out first.” Shen Muyuan made the decision in the shortest time.

The lightning body flashed and rushed out. Shen Muyuan was going to take action to stop the opponent as soon as he acted. Unexpectedly, the opponent didn’t stop by take action.

Shen Muyuan turned his mind and understood what the other party meant. The other party also wants them to go out. This is the Dao Shayuan. Once he and Lightning rush into the depths of the Dao Shayuan, the other party may not be able to catch them.

Lightning and Shen Muyuan didn’t go deep into the Daosha, but in a short time, the two rushed out of the Daosha. Before the two stopped, they immediately felt that the space was locked, and a powerful spatial suppression came.

“Quickly send a message to Fellow Daoist Di, we are trapped by the great array of space.” Shen Muyuan experienced Old Daoist. He felt that something was wrong when the boy didn’t stop them from rushing out of the desert sand plain, just waiting for them to come out At the time, it has been trapped in the space array.

Lightning also knows that things are a bit big. It got such a large amount of alchemy gold, and there are at least dozens of people here coveting his alchemy gold. Dare to be careless.

Several messages were sent by it, but the lightning quickly became dumbfounded. All the information is blocked, that is to say, the fellow who arranged this great array of space has no worse understanding of the Space Rule than it.

“Can’t it be posted?” Shen Muyuan’s face was also a little unsightly.


The Space Blockade Array was opened, and at the exit of the Array Gate was standing the white-faced teenager who had stopped them before. The cultivator next to the white-faced boy, regardless of the strength of the cultivation base, looks respectful to the white-faced boy.

Compared to Ji Tai, who took the lead before, this white-faced boy is more like a leader.

“The Ji Tai who followed you to enter the Kudaoshayuan before is gone. If I didn’t guess wrong, he should have been killed by you, right?” The white-faced boy was still smiling.

Lightning raised his paw and pointed at the white-faced boy, “Why, then Fellow wants to kill us, can’t we still fight back? It was Lao Shen killed, so what about you?”

Shen Muyuan looked at the lightning silently, why didn’t you say that he killed him? Isn’t it obvious that he hated him?

The white-faced boy smiled warmly, “No, it’s just that Jitai is my best friend. Now he has been killed by you, do you plan to leave like this?”

“The seven-claw god Kunpeng is the Kunpeng Transformation Divine Beast. It can not only travel primal chaos, but also ignore the Dao Principle in the Dao Dao Shayuan. More importantly, the seven-claw god Kun has a unique ability. , That is, you can find a way out in the primal chaos. If you use the blood essence cultivating of the seven-claw god, you can insight into the innate talent divine ability of the seven-claw god…” A sudden voice suddenly came to the side Said.

It is a slightly fat male cultivator, Sixth Step initial stage, which should stabilize soon.

Lightning fiercely stared at the fat male cultivator, barring his teeth, if there is an opportunity, it even rushed up and swallowed the bastard thing. This bastard thing actually instigates others to use its blood essence to cultivating, it is simply not too good-looking to make oneself dead.

The white-faced boy’s eyes lit up. He stared at the talking fat male cultivator and asked, “Do you have a cultivation way?”

The slightly fat male cultivator obviously has been waiting for this sentence a long time ago. While the boy asked, he held up a jade slip in his hands and said, “Senior, this is what the junior got by accident. Useful.”

The white-faced boy took the jade slip and swiped it, and then laughed withdraw jade slip and said, “Yes, I like this thing very much, what’s your name?”

“The junior is called Sanwu. It doesn’t take a long time to come here.” The fat male cultivator had narrowed his eyes, and quickly replied. He came in with Di Jiu and planned to plot against Di Jiu’s Sanwu.

The boy patted San Wu on the shoulder, “Very well, in the future, if you have anything wrong with Grand Dao Array Gate starry sky, just report me Wen Qianyi’s name.”

“Yes, yes, many thanks Senior for your support.” After San Wu said a few yes, he stepped back respectfully. What he wants is these few words. As long as there is Wen Qianyi’s words, no one in Starry Sky City would dare to disperse him. He doesn’t need to hide in the refining universe anymore, as long as he finds a certain amount of refining gold, he can enter the starry sky city to cultivate for a period of time.

“You killed my best friend, extremely bad, now I take away your beast pet, if you don’t want to, then let me see, you have several points of ability.” Wen Qianyi watched Shen Muyuan with a smile After speaking, he raised his hand and grabbed his magical treasure.

His magical treasure is like a rolling pin, but Dao Rhyme circulates on the outside of the rolling pin, and it seems to be full of various Dao Marks.

Shen Muyuan’s face is ugly. He knows that he has been plotted against. In a hurry, he just wanted to escape. He didn’t expect that the other party was already prepared. He originally planned to drive him and Lightning out of Kudaosha Plain and use it outside. Kill Divine Formation and lock them in the void.

Without this lock-in formation and Divine Formation, Shen Muyuan would be able to stop the opponent with absolute certainty, and then walk away calmly, but now it is not necessarily.

“Give you 3 breaths time to consider, I will do it after three breaths, one breath…” Wen Qianyi just finished speaking, the magical treasure has turned into a soaring column and directly hit Shen Muyuan. At the same time, Divine Formation was launched.

Strong space suppression and the killing potential in the Divine Formation were suppressed. Together with Wen Qianyi’s magical treasure offensive, it was difficult for Shen Muyuan to breathe. Before Shen Muyuan had time to scold the other party shameless, dozens of experts beside Wen Qianyi did it at the same time.

However, as soon as his magical treasure was taken out, he felt a powerful Dao Rhyme force engulfing his magical treasure, making his magical treasure unable to enter any more. Following him, he heard a voice, “The lightning is right, you are indeed scum.”

The sound moved from far to near, and it was near in a blink of an eye.

(Today’s update ends here, good night friends!)

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