
Di Jiu grabbed an Array Flag and threw out a cosmic Dao pulse.

Ding Xiaoding’s mouth widened when he saw Di Jiu grabbed the cosmic Dao veins. This thing is a rare thing, he did have it, the quality is even better than Di Jiu’s. But this thing is very precious, his cosmic Dao vein has long been used up.

When he had it, he hid it more carefully than anyone else. Who would take it out like Di Jiu?

“This is the cosmic Dao vein?” Ding Xiaoding turned his head and asked lightning.

Lightning’s eyes are full of contempt, “Cut, there really is no such thing as has seen in the world. I didn’t even bother to pick this kind of cosmic veins at the beginning, you see you are nervous.”

“Where?” Rays of light suddenly appeared in Ding Xiaoding’s eyes. If there is such a place, he must go and pick up the cosmic Dao veins.

“Then it’s far away, I can’t remember the far away…” After Lightning blew casually, he didn’t bother to pay attention to Ding Xiaoding, but instead focused on Di Jiu’s actions.

Di Jiu keeps dropping Array Flags, and at the same time, he keeps constructing countless Law Array Flags in void. That cosmic Dao vein has long been sent into it by Di Jiu.

In just a few days, Di Jiu arranged all the Array Flags and arranged a hazy great array.

Ding Xiaoding’s spiritual sense tried to penetrate, and immediately felt dizzy and dizzy. He quickly took back the spiritual sense, and at the same time, he understood, “This is a great array of time passing?”

Di Jiu’s voice came in time, “Yes, this is a time array, to be precise, a great array of years. You enter this great array, and you can pass countless years in just over a month, and then complete you The Grand Dao pledge.”

“Let me see.” Ding Xiaoding impatient rushed into the great array of years, and then he was pleasantly surprised to find that standing in this great array, he could actually see the exit of the Grand Dao Array Gate. This is almost exactly the same as his vow, that is, no matter how long he stays here, he should keep the Grand Dao vow to keep the exit of Grand Dao Array Gate.

“Master, although this Ding Xiaoding seems to be pleasing to the eye, there is no need to use a cosmic Dao pulse to help him arrange the great array of years.” Lightning said with a bit of irritation, it does not have a universal Dao pulse. cultivating.

“Ding Xiaoding’s Grand Dao cultivation technique is not simple. It can be regarded as a friend. Maybe he can help us.” Di Jiu replied.

Lightning was so simple, Di Jiu didn’t bother to explain it to Lightning. Ding Xiaoding’s cultivation technique is indeed not simple, because Di Jiu is not simple. After saving Ding Xiaoding, is there any way to ask Ding Xiaoding to do him a favor.

Di Jiu is certain that even if Ding Xiaoding has been guarded for 30,000,000 years, the life and death Dao Principle bondage of Saint’s life and death should not disappear like this. He made Ding Xiaoding understand that Saint of Life and Death is not the one to talk about.

Secondly, helping Ding Xiaoding and letting Ding Xiaoding leave here is actually suppressing the life and death of Saint. Ding Xiaoding has a fight with everyone here, which is equivalent to revealing all the expert information that passes here to Saint. He helped Ding Xiaoding get out of here, and Saint’s control of the Grand Dao gate was blind.


Ding Xiaoding stood in the great array of the years that Di Jiu arranged, and was shocked. He was sure that the level of the great array might not have been seen. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to stand in it with his strength. It can be seen how terrifying the young cultivator who arranged this great array is. At least the other party’s understanding of Time Rule, he Ding Xiaoding used the fastest Escaping Technique, and was far behind the least.

This method, I am afraid it is much stronger than the big one.

Unfortunately, the great array is not useful for this time, it’s just that’s all. Otherwise, he has been cultivating here for more than 20 million years, which is a beautiful thing.

In the great array of years, when more than 20 million years passed, Ding Xiaoding’s mind was already confused and unable to think about any problems. Time Change is really too fast, and he can’t even react quickly.

While Ding Xiaoding was still thinking about how long he would be able to escape from the great array of these years, he had a meal around him, Ding Xiaoding immediately rushed out of the great array, and eagerly shouted, “senior , Uncle, don’t let me go in again, I’m still obediently and honestly staying here for the full time.”

Di Jiu laughed, rolling up the great array and the remaining cosmic Dao veins, “Plus the time you stayed here before, you have completed the 30,000,000 years of your Grand Dao vow. You see, the bond between your eyebrows Dao Is the Principle of Grand Dao still there?”

Ding Xiaoding immediately understood, and immediately cursed, “King Qian Wang, you big-headed kid, dare to lie to you Ding Xiaoding grandfather.”

Di Jiu said, “It’s useless to scold you. Don’t say that Saint of Life and Death simply can’t hear it. Even if people can hear it, they won’t pay attention to you. By the way, is Saint of Life and Death called Qian Wang?”

Ding Xiaoding sat on the ground decadently, and nodded said, “Yes, the fellow is called Qian Wang Jiang, the one with the big head is as big as a toilet…”

Speaking of this, he seemed to think of something, he eagerly watched Di Jiu and said, “Big Brother, you must have another way, right? You said before, you have another way.”

Di Jiu nodded, “Come here, don’t be defensive, after my Dao Principle of Grand Dao enters your eyebrows, you can’t resist, otherwise your body dies and Dao disappears. I have no effect anyway. .”

Ding Xiaoding patted his chest, “I Ding Xiaoding clangs poorly, what is there to be afraid of, come on.”

Ding Xiaoding does not fear Di Jiu plot against. In his opinion, even if Di Jiu kills him, he can’t open his world. Why does Di Jiu do such a thankless thing? Of course, if he knew that Di Jiu could easily open his world, he would not think so.

Di Jiu walked up, raised his hand a Dao Principle of Grand Dao and banged on Ding Xiaoding’s eyebrows. Ding Xiaoding immediately felt that his thoughts had stopped and everything was stuck.

Di Jiu is too familiar with Grand Dao of life and death. He was stripped of the Dao Principle of life and death that bound Ding Xiaoding Purple Mansion in the shortest time. Next moment, the Dao Principle of life and death was refining by Di Jiu. Disappeared without a trace.

The recovered Ding Xiaoding stared at Di Jiu in amazement, “Big Brother, that’s it”

Immediately Ding Xiaoding knew it was really good, that kind of heavy bondage and crushing feeling disappeared without a trace at this moment. At this time, his whole body and even his soul revealed a relaxed and freehand feeling.

“Of course, how long will you think about it?” Di Jiu said.

“Then why didn’t you just strip off the rule that binds my Divine Soul before, and left me tortured for more than a month?” Ding Xiaoding asked in a puzzled way. He wondered if Di Jiu was going to fix him. .

Di Jiu said silently, “That’s because you made the Grand Dao oath yourself. Your Grand Dao oath is not so easy to crack.”

For Di Jiu, he can strip away the shackles left by Saint Jiang Qian Wang, Dao Principle of Grand Dao, but he cannot break the Grand Dao vow for Ding Xiaoding. Because he didn’t know Ding Xiaoding’s Grand Dao either.

“Many thanks Big Brother, from now on, the younger brother will only do the Big Brother.” Ding Xiaoding bowed and saluted excitedly.

“My name is Di Jiu, this is Lightning. I plan to find a way back, but unfortunately I am lost now. You should be cultivating the real primal chaos space Grand Dao, right? So I may need your help. “Di Jiu patted Ding Xiaoding on the shoulder.

Ding Xiaoding previously said that he had the first method of escape. Di Jiu was a little skeptical. Finally, with the help of Ding Xiaoding stripping Jiang Qianwang’s Dao Principle of life and death, he was convinced that he did not guess wrong. Ding Xiaoding’s cultivating is the highest. primal chaos space Grand Dao.

Don’t look at the lightning speed, even he has a regular Escaping Technique. Among the primal chaos, it would be difficult to catch Ding Xiaoding.

Ding Xiaoding laughed, “Big Brother, yes, I am the cultivating primal chaos Grand Dao. No life is born in the primal chaos, but I, Ding Xiaoding, is an exception. Don’t say to help Big Brother find a way back. , Even if I find that big head Jiang Qianwang, I Ding Xiaoding has no difficulty.”

One more thing is that Di Jiu also wants to see how Jiang Qianwang’s Taoist tree is.

(Today’s update ends here, good night friends!)

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