
Di Jiu put the 9th layer a cup one fist in the other hand, “many thanks to put Fellow Daoist.”

It’s not for the 9th layer. I will definitely not find Jiang Qianwang so quickly.

“Master, I am already Fifth Step.” Lightning rushed up and shouted excitedly.

Di Jiu has long seen that lightning is Fifth Step. With a wave of his hand, two Dao Principles of Grand Dao penetrate into Ding Xiaoding and Lightning’s Purple Mansion respectively, and Di Jiu is snorted for a moment.

Seeing Di Jiu’s action, the 9th layer slightly smiled, “Are Ding Xiaoding and Lightning both branded?”

Di Jiu nodded, “Yes, but now I can peel off this imprint at any time.”

“It looks like Jiang Qianwang and Xu Mulun know that we are here, let’s go, they should also be waiting for us.” Fang 9th layer said.

Di Jiu felt the faint mark of Dao Rhyme in the Tao tree slightly moved, and he immediately knew that this was King Qian Wang looking at him. Just for a moment, Di Jiu knew where Jiang Qianwang was.

“Let’s go, let’s go, if there is anything wrong with the new universe, I will not kill these two people.” Di Jiu’s tone was calm, but with an unquestionable attitude.

Sometimes, not killing is more terrifying than killing. If Di Jiu chooses not to kill, he will make Jiang Qianwang regret cultivating Dao.

The primal chaos flying stars are extremely fast, just an hour, and they stopped in the primal chaos.

“What a big pen.” Jiang Qianwang sighed when he saw the primal chaos flying star, secretly admiring Di Jiu’s good luck. Even such a vast iron crystal can be found, and this vast iron crystal is made into a primal chaos flying star.

How many universes did King Qian Wang have visited and how much time did he experience in primal chaos? But he has never seen such a vast iron crystal.

“It turns out that you got my vast iron crystal and alchemy gold.” Xu Mulun stared at Di Jiu under the foot, like a planet-sized vast iron crystal, his tone was ice cold, with a kind of extreme killing intent.

This killing intent tone automatically formed a transmission rule in the primal chaos, and it fell in everyone’s ears.

Even Qianwang Jiang was surprised to watch Xumulun, until now, Xumulun has a calm and calm attitude. He has never been like this before, with a killing intent in his tone, and his face is a bit sullen.

“You put it?” Di Jiu watched Xumulun in surprise, this fellow is really bold. Leave alchemy gold and primal chaos flying stars and let them grow. It is a pity that Vajra was taken by himself as soon as he grew up.

“Yes, I put it. I want to thank you for helping me deliver the stuff.” When he said this, Xumulun had already recovered his calm, and his tone became extremely calm.

Di Jiu faintly smiled, no more nonsense.

Xu Mulun continued, “You should have obtained the vast iron crystal from somewhere else? You took the alchemy gold from where I placed it.”

Di Jiu simply didn’t ask how the vast iron crystal of Xumulun flowed out, and said flatly, “The vast primal chaos, I don’t know how big and wide it is. If you can become your own at any place, Hehe, the whole vast primal chaos is mine, don’t you agree?”

Xu Mulun ignored Di Jiu, but Jiang Qianwang on one side said indifferently, “It turns out that I thought who built such a regular universe on this side. It turned out to be you. What makes me wonder is that you are How to construct this universe.”

Jiang Qianwang is indeed puzzled. He feels the vastness of the Grand Dao Law in the new universe, as well as the Grand Dao and Grand Dao of all things.

Even if Di Jiu contemplates the three ways, he cannot create such a universe with the help of primal chaos. This is not a question of ability, but a question of Tao. Unless there are three people constructing the same universe in primal chaos at the same time, and these three people must completely trust each other and cannot have half a snack, then they will have the opportunity to build such a top-level regular universe.

But Jiang Qianwang thinks this is impossible, let alone how difficult it is to find these three people. Because the Grand Dao of each of these three people is the highest Grand Dao, it is extremely difficult for such a person to find one, let alone three? Secondly, even if you find these three people, Jiang Qianwang never believes in such three shocking and stunning experts. He will completely trust each other, open up his Grand Dao operation, and allow each other to view his Dao Principle of Grand. Dao.

Know that for any cultivating Dao person, oneself

Grand Dao is the ultimate secret, a secret more important than life.

Di Jiu has already sensed the new universe at this moment. The new universe is only bound by various Grand Dao, and has not been broken open, which makes Di Jiu relaxed.

Di Jiu simply didn’t bother to pay attention to Jiang Qianwang’s question, but said sarcastically, “You should be thankful that you haven’t done anything to this life force universe, otherwise, you will regret cultivating Dao.”

“haha…” Jiang Qianwang laughed wildly before grabbing Di Jiu with his open hand. At the same time, his magical treasure came out.

“Do you think that if you stripped off my Gate of Life and Death Dao Principle, you are qualified to fight with me? Today I will teach you what is stripping off Grand Dao……”

Speaking in between Jiang Qianwang, Dao Principle with his hands rolled up is endless.

As Jiang Qianwang’s handprints were rolled up, Di Jiu’s complexion became pale, and even his hands trembled. The Heaven Dancing Blade that had been taken out seemed to pause in the void, even under the foot. He staggered out of the primal chaos flying star, completely locked in Qianwang Jiang’s domain, and Dao Principle around his body was even more chaos.

I took a step back with the 9th layer subconsciously, this is not right. Could it be that in the Dao Principle of Life and Death that Di Jiu stripped, the Dao Seal of Qianwang Jiang still remains?

“Give me points…” Jiang Qianwang stared at Di Jiu who staggered towards him, his eyes were full of hideousness, and his huge head trembled with excitement. He clearly felt that the a-seal he had left had locked Di Jiu’s Dao Principle of life and death, making Grand Dao not working smoothly under Di Jiu’s haste.

He knows how strong Di Jiu’s Grand Dao is. After getting Di Jiu’s Grand Dao, he will be able to enter the Xeon Seventh Step first. After he arrives at the Seventh Step, he will strip away all the Universe Dao Principles in the new universe he discovered. At that time, he was afraid that he was the only Ninth Step in the vast primal chaos.

No, Jiang Qianwang saw Di Jiu’s calm cold intention in his eyes.

Di Jiu’s Dao Rhyme is not at all separated from the soul and fleshly body. At the same time, Jiang Qianwang felt a desolate and tragic passing years aura.

The bleak passing years are incomparably clear in the primal chaos, with a kind of loneliness and helplessness that are gone forever.

One machine, weaving shuttles, the years go by! Life is like a post, not seeing Twilight.

Jiang Qianwang’s handprints stopped abruptly, he himself couldn’t control his head up looking towards the endless vast primal chaos, there was a sadness flowing in his eyes.

Looking at the flowers blooming and falling, life is gone!

Feeling this sadness, even if he is an idiot, Jiang Qianwang knows that the life and death imprint he planted on Di Jiu Grand Dao has no effect on Di Jiu at all. What he felt before was an illusion. Not only that, Di Jiu can even use this Dao Principle to kill him Qian Wang Jiang.

But Di Jiu simply didn’t do this, but used his own divine ability to deal with him Qian Wang Jiang.

“pu!” A blood light exploded, and Jiang Qianwang’s body was torn in half by the time and space of Heaven Dancing Blade, Dao Principle.

King Qian Wang ran Dao Rhyme frantically, forcibly recovering his body again. It’s just that his face is pale like snow, and the death Dao Principle at the fracture is constantly circulating. Even Jiang Qianwang, an expert who once stepped into the Seventh Step, cannot stop the time and space Dao Principle at the wound from passing by at this moment.

Until this moment, his magical treasure fell from void and landed on his under the foot. It was a pair of rivers of life and death, and this pair of rivers of life and death accompanied him. Jiang Qianwang didn’t know how many years had passed, and now he fell on the dust like discarded garbage.

Xumulen stopped, he felt something was wrong before Di Jiu took action. It’s a pity that even he couldn’t rip the Di Jiu’s Grand Dao field hastily. He could only watched Di Jiu and hacked Qian Wang.

Jiang Qianwang is such an expert. In front of Di Jiu, it is a pity that he was heavily injured without the opportunity to take action. He knows very well how strong Jiang Qianwang’s life and death river is, even with his full strength, he has to deal with it carefully, now…

“You don’t sneak attack and I’m not your opponent…” Jiang Qianwang’s tone was low, and the blood around his waist kept exploding. Under the Dao Principle of a single machine, there was simply no possibility of healing.

Di Jiu coldly said, “You know yourself, I don’t sneak attack you, you are in my eyes that’s all.”

(Today’s update ends here, good night friends!)

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