Di Jiu scorned in his heart and said in his mouth, “Senior, although you give me cultivation resources, I have a way to not be killed by those fellows.”

Let me help you with the Heavens Secret Pavilion. There is no such thing as a haircut. It’s so grand, Di Jiu is hehe. He knew that what Huan Mingzi said might be true, but what about it? Cultivation resources This thing, naturally, the more the better.

Huan Mingzi’s old face is a little awkward. He really didn’t lie to Di Jiu, but a little natural resources don’t give it. That obviously can’t be said. From the Heavens Secret Pavilion, the natural resources to Di Jiu will definitely not work. After hesitating, Huan Mingzi took out a ring and handed it to Di Jiu. “This is my own private savings. The auction of Five Lands Dao Assembly is about to begin. You can take what you need to buy.”

“many thanks Senior.” Di Jiu wouldn’t be embarrassed, and took the circular sense of Huan Mingzi’s ring and swept it in.

When Di Jiu saw at least 50 million high grade spirit stone, his heart was secretly screaming, and these old bastard were rich.

“I only have this thing for you. The cultivation resources behind you need to work hard. In fact, if you just immerse yourself in a bunch of cultivation resources, even if you cultivating to high realm, you can’t challenge True Domain. Genius.” Huan Mingzi saw Di Jiu withdraw the ring and was relieved.

It’s really because geniuses like Di Jiu are too hard to find, and occasionally one or two, they are quickly taken away by True Domain. As for the geniuses on the Dao List and the Potential List, none of them are qualified to go to the True Domain Battle of Geniuses.

Heavens Secret Pavilion has a hard time getting out of a Potential List, for what, not just to find geniuses who can participate in the True Domain Battle of Geniuses.

“Senior, I will definitely help the Heavens Secret Pavilion to participate in the True Domain Battle of Geniuses. But before that, I have something to deal with.” Di Jiu hopes to return to Pearl City, this hate is not reported, his Dao Heart is flawed.

Huan Mingzi took another hand to Di Jiu. “This message is held by you. I will pass you this message before the competition. True Domain Battle of Geniuses requires participants to be two hundred years old, to others. Very nervous, but you don’t have to worry, you just have to work hard to improve your strength. Now, you have other questions to ask me?”

Di Jiu said quickly, “There are really a few questions to ask about senior. The first is how my Five Lands Dao Tower score is used. Secondly, I want to go to the Constant Territory Star. Is there any good way to senior?”

Huan Mingzi nodded. “Five Lands Dao Tower’s scores are very useful. Each score of sect scores can bring a disciple into Secret Realm. These Secret Realm include Lesser Central Star, Heaven Screen, World Medicine Garden, etc. Personally, you must I have a chance to enter these Secret Realm very much. Your personal score is sold to sect, and you can only use it as a sect. You have a lot of points and this auction should be useful.

As for the Constant Territory Star, I suggest that you better not go. Constant Territory Star cultivation is low, not even stronger than the broken Dwelling Night Star. You also left his sight during the observation of Shu Haolan, which is not a good thing for you. Shu Haolan is a human face and a hot heart. It is not impossible to kill all your friends in the Constant Territory Star. What’s more, you have a Gym World of Cheng Ji…”

Huan Mingzi Needless to say, Di Jiu understands what he means, that is, if his strength does not grow up, going to the Constant Territory Star is a harm. It seems that Huan Mingzi guessed that he was from the Constant Territory Star.

“Many thanks Senior, the junior will step into the Transforming Truth Realm as soon as possible.” Di Jiu decided to go crazy and raise his cultivation base.

Huan Mingzi shook his head. “Transforming Truth is not the strongest realm of this World cultivation base…”

“Is there an expert above Transforming Truth? Is it not acceptable to Heaven and Earth Law, can’t I stay at this World beyond Transforming Truth?” Di Jiu asked with surprise.

Huan Mingzi didn’t know that Di Jiu was the knowledge he got from Qian Fenghua, but the surprised watched Di Jiu said, “Your insight is also very broad, but there is a hidden realm behind the Transforming Truth, this realm called Domain Realm. Some The cultivator does not need to reach Domain Realm to enter Immortal World, but to reach Domain Realm’s cultivator, future achievements are much larger than those of cultivators that have not reached Domain Realm.”

Domain Realm is not Domain Realm, Di Jiu does not care at all, he thinks that Huan Mingzi’s words are not untargeted. If he goes to the Constant Territory Star before he grows up, it is really possible to succumb to the Constant Territory Star.

Sighed, Di Jiu said to Huan Mingzi, “Senior, there are still a few days in the auction, and the junior is ready to go for a few days.”

“Go, everything is careful. Lesser Central Star is about to open, don’t forget to go there, that place is very helpful for you to improve. Also, don’t let yourself be too eye-catching. True Domain genius is like a cloud, You are too eye-catching, maybe you haven’t waited for you to enter True Domain’s sight of an ancient obscurity, you have been get rid of those potential competitors.” Huan Mingzi gave Di Jiu a few advice before leaving.

He is very satisfied with this conversation, he is very optimistic about Di Jiu. If Di Jiu grows up like this, when the True Domain Battle of Geniuses is waiting, it’s really possible to get a top ten and get a quota to the Immortal World for the Heavens Secret Pavilion.

After leaving the Inn at the Heavens Secret Pavilion, Di Jiu returned to his own cave mansion. Huan Mingzi didn’t give him any means to save his life, and Di Jiu knew exactly what was going on.

Strictly speaking, he is not a disciple of the Heavens Secret Pavilion. If it is aborted, it can only be said that he has no ability and ability to replace the Heavens Secret Pavilion to participate in the True Domain Battle of Geniuses. The quota for participating in the True Domain Battle of Geniuses is also limited. He can’t keep his own life, and naturally won’t let him waste this quota.

Back to the cave mansion, Di Jiu laid out the protection array and immediately took Small World in his hands. This Small World has been refining twice, and there is actually a spiritual sense imprint in it. It is obvious that these native place things are really bad.

Di Jiu’s current spiritual sense is grade 8, and his spiritual sense is more condense than other people’s spiritual sense. This time his spiritual sense has been overwhelmingly dropped on Small World, it took only half a day, in Small World. Once again found a spiritual sense mark.

Dao Fire rolled out and the group’s spiritual sense mark was burned directly by Di Jiu.

After going to the spiritual sense mark, Di Jiu repeatedly checked Small World, convinced that there was no problem anymore, and then once again put Small World on the toe and marked the restriction.

As for the Void Web Pill Di Jiu given by Shu Haolan, there was no movement, and even the spiritual sense did not go through the inspection. This pill medicine is definitely a bomb on him, but unfortunately he can’t give it to anyone, which makes Di Jiu somewhat helpless.

In order to prevent accidents, Di Jiu is still a temperament male cultivator that looks like a bad temper, and then controls the cultivation base aura in the Origin Soul perfection, which is going to the upcoming auction. Hidden cultivation base, he does not need Huan Mingzi’s technique jade slip.


When Di Jiu went to the auction venue, the auction was already crowded. At this time, Di Jiu knew how wise he was when he bought a hall ticket.

At the moment, the auction is full of cultivators for ticketing. Even if many cultivators know that they are not capable of taking an item, they still want to enter the auction. This kind of large-scale auction, coming in and seeing it, is also good.

Di Jiu’s seat is on the 116th row of 39th. It is not too much to count on this seat. It is mainly because he bought the ticket early.

Some cultivators who want to buy auction tickets from others see Di Jiu’s fierce look and let Di Jiu pass.

Originally Di Jiu thought that the cultivator sitting in the hall like him should be some rogue cultivator, or the cultivation base is not too high. Di Jiu came to his seat and found out that he had some problem. Di Jiu’s spiritual sense, who is sitting on the left side of a tall figure, feels a little touch, knowing that the old man’s cultivation base is much stronger than him, most likely a Mounting Cauldron cultivator.

On his right is a Daoist Nun, the cultivation base is not weak, it is estimated to be in the Opening Sea Realm middle stage.

On the contrary, the cultivation base displayed by Di Jiu, Origin Soul Realm is not very prominent here.

Di Jiu’s fierceness can only threaten the cultivator whose cultivation base is weaker or the same level. The cultivation base is higher than him and directly ignores the fierce appearance of Di Jiu’s.

The auction has not yet begun, and Di Jiu tempering spiritual sense in his seat. Several hours passed quickly, and a crisp hammer made Di Jiu open his eyes.

A white man who was white and unneeded stood in front of the auction floor, and the lights around the bright light array reflected the entire auction floor.

There is a strong spiritual sense array around the auction floor, and Di Jiu’s spiritual sense can’t be swept away. He can feel that the cultivation base of this old man is at least a Life Tribulation Realm.

The old man’s eyes swept a round of auctions, and the sound of the sound was loud. “This person Five Lands Pavilion Tai Yan, every ten years of Five Lands Dao Assembly, has an oversized auction, this time still not Exception. This auction was jointly organized by Five Lands Pavilion and Heavens Secret Pavilion. I will not say the rules of the auction. I believe everyone knows.

As Heaven and Earth Origin Qi become thinner, natural resources are scarcer day by day, and rare cultivating treasures are not so common. Every time these things appear, they represent a chance. I hope everyone can grasp the opportunity. Without saying a word, the auction will begin now. ”

To put it bluntly, let everyone bid hard to bid that’s all. Di Jiu also knows that this native place is good, Heaven and Earth Origin Qi is getting thinner, and Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures are indeed less and less.

The old man waved and a jade box void was sent to his hand. He raised the jade box in his hand and said, “The first item in this auction is a very rare treasure. This jade box contains a Splitting Realm. Talisman. As far as I know, no matter whether it is Lesser Central World or the other World Plane, no one can refine the Splitting Realm Talisman. It is True Domain, which is extremely rare. The only remaining splitting Realm Talisman is also an ancient legacy. Originally it was a finale, but this auction was too much good, and it was the first one to be auctioned.”

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