Di Jiu walked out of the closed room, and the front of him was the large piece of the withered Spirit Medicine Garden he had seen before. Two top grade spirit veins were suspended above the Spirit Medicine Garden, and Strong’s Spiritual Qi rushed to the surface, and Di Jiu felt refreshed. When he came in, he was at the front end of the two top grade spirit veins, now he is behind two top grade spirit veins.

After the spiritual sense has entered the grade 9, Di Jiu’s spiritual sense once again falls in the middle of the two muscle veins, and some transmission array patterns can be seen faintly.

There should be no danger here, and there are two Earth Core Mark Metal gates that block Spiritual Qi, where he can cultivating.

Di Jiu cultivating’s cultivation technique was born out of Star River Secret Art. Because of his small gray stone in Sea of ​​Consciousness, his current circulates qi way can’t be said to be Star River Secret Art. It should be said Starry Sky Secret Art.

There are two top grade spirit veins, plus Di Jiu’s unbridled absorption of Spiritual Qi. In a short time, Di Jiu is surrounded by the spirit cloud. The Spiritual Qi on the two top grade spirit veins was continuously extracted and then continuously taken away by Di Jiu.

Cultivating No years, Di Jiu is completely immersed in this carefree cultivating.

As Di Jiu absorbs Spiritual Qi faster and faster, the small gray stone in his Sea of ​​Consciousness hangs up, a mysterious world aura falls in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, then spreads out and steadily stabilizes Di Jiu’s foundation. .

With the reason of small gray stone, Di Jiu cultivation base progressed faster, and he did not feel that his foundation was unstable.


After the Five Lands Dao Assembly, Di Jiu found a place to cultivating.

The four sect Sect Masters in Lesser Central World Five Great Sect entered the Desert River Forbidden Land. After more than a year in the forbidden land, the four Sect Masters were not only minor but not too heavy. Safely out of the forbidden land.

If you say that the Great Great Sect Master, who is the most depressed, it must be Shu Haolan.

In order to chase Di Jiu, Shu Haolan missed the opportunity of Desert River Forbidden Land. As a result, the Sect Master Xiao Wu of Void Sword Sect from the Desert River Forbidden Land has entered the Transforming Truth 7th layer from the Transforming Truth 8th layer. Sea King Palace Palace Lord Ao Huang, from the Transforming Truth 6th layer into the Transforming Truth 7th layer, entered the Transforming Truth late stage.

Not only that, but Yan Xueyi of Purple Thunder Sect and Shen Feng of Rising Moon Snow Mountain both entered the Transforming Truth 6th layer from the Transforming Truth 7th layer.

Now in the Five Great Sect Master, only the Kun Sect’s Shu Haolan is left in the cultivation base. He is still the Transforming Truth 6th layer.

Shu Haolan hates Di Jiu. He is sure that if Di Jiu is caught, whether Di Jiu has any good things or not, he will rip Di Jiu after Di Jiu soul search. Slag.

Unfortunately, he could not find Di Jiu’s with his feet. If you can find Di Jiu’s with your feet, he promised to razed the place where Di Jiu had lived.

Fu Che, who is familiar with Di Jiu, has been repeatedly asked about it many times. The news is temporary. Only Fu Che and others have joined Void Sword Sect, even Void Sword Sect’s inner sect disciple. Void Sword Sect’s Sect Master Xiao Wu is not a good talk. The cultivation base is still two levels higher than him. He is big and doesn’t dare to kill Fu Che in Void Sword Sect.

Now he can only stare at Di Jiu in Setting Sun City. If Worshiping Night Lake really has treasures related to Five Lands Dao Tower, Di Jiu will definitely return to Worshiping Night Lake. As soon as Di Jiu went to Worshiping Night Lake, he immediately rushed to Worshiping Night Lake to take Di Jiu.

Looking for Di Jiu’s in Lesser Central World is not only one of Shu Haolan, but Han Qingyi is looking for Di Jiu everywhere. It was only when she was looking for the wrong direction, thinking that Di Jiu had come out of Five Lands City and had been chasing Five Lands City. When she returned to Five Lands City, she realized that Di Jiu not only did not go out, but also fought with Sea List cultivator Ren Hai.

This makes Han Qingyi very regretful. When she once again chased Five Lands City, where can I find Di Jiu’s shadow?

It’s really because Splitting Realm Talisman is too important for her. After more than a year of Five Lands Dao Assembly, she has been looking for Di Jiu. For more than a year, she didn’t have Di Jiu’s half-point news, and even Di Jiu’s direction was not clear.

For more than a year, there was no cultivating, and her cultivation base still came to Mounting Cauldron 3rd layer, showing that her aptitude is powerful.

Just Mounting Cauldron 3rd layer, she entered the top ten of the Cauldron List, ranked seventh. This is still the top five she did not challenge the Cauldron List, otherwise she may have been the top five.

This is to let Lesser Central World’s cultivator see the terrible of the True Domain genius, know that the Cauldron List’s top ten cultivation base is also the Mountain Mountain Cauldron 8th layer peak. A Mounting Cauldron 3rd layer cultivator climbed the top ten of the Cauldron List, which was hard to imagine before.


boom! Di Jiu broke through a hole again, True Origin changed again, and the cultivation base also crossed the Void God Realm 6th layer from the Void God Realm 7th layer.

In just over a year, Di Jiu upgraded his cultivation base from the Void God to the Void God Realm 7th layer between the two top grade spirit veins.

The strength of top grade spirit vein makes Di Jiu feel more and more, cultivating requires the best cultivation resources, otherwise, even aptitude will spend more time than others.

Unfortunately, he does not have a top grade auxiliary medicinal pill. If he has a top grade auxiliary medicinal pill, he may be ready to hit Opening Sea Realm.

Despite the Void God Realm 7th layer, Di Jiu still knows that his strength is still too bad. This strength does not mean to escape the Transforming Truth cultivator, it is not necessarily the impact of the Sea List.

Ren Hai of Sea List has fought, and it is still difficult to get rid of Ren Hai with his current strength. He is able to kill Ren Hai, and he must be the means. That Ren Hai is estimated to be only the lowest ranked fellow in the Sea List, so the rest of the Sea List cultivator is more comfortable.

To get rid of Ren Hai’s Sea List expert, go to Sea List and he has to fix Open Sea Realm to get out.

Insights Through various Laws, I have seen World Book, Di Jiu knows that cultivating is not the best. With his current realm, it is the best cultivating road.

After advancing to Void God Realm 7th layer, Di Jiu decided to suspend cultivating and study the Great Sword Array Art that Dong Youjian gave him.

Dong Youjian’s sword array might Di Jiu have seen that in the case of True Origin far less than Hong Kui, Dong Youjian is Hong Kui who is ranked above him by sword array get rid of, which is definitely not so lucky. Dong Youjian’s aptitude is not necessarily better than Hong Kui. He can kill Hong Kui, which means the sword array is amazing.

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense falls on the jade slip of Great Sword Array Art. The opening is, “Sword is killing, battle is power, sword array is out, no blocker! Sword is intentional, array is domain, sword array is out, Wanfa are weak……”

Di Jiu was originally a Grade 9 Array King. Although it is not a sword, because of the help of golden lightning in small gray stone, his understanding of Blade Dao is more profound than the many years of expert immersed in Blade Dao.

In the face of this Sword Dao and Array Dao’s fused sword array, he quickly became addicted to it.

Ten days later, Di Jiu’s spiritual sense exited from the jade slip.

In Di Jiu’s opinion, the most valuable thing about this jade slip is not the sword array, but even God Art. This approach allows the cultivator to control the magical treasure, and the physical sense consumed is no more than controlling one or two magical treasures.

Even God Art is a craft that is tailor-made for the sword array, allowing the sword array to control the most swords.

When I first saw the first sentence of Great Sword Array Art, Di Jiu also thought that ‘sword is killing, and the sword is out, the sword array is out, no blocker! The sword is the meaning, the array is the domain, the sword array is out, and the law is weak! ‘This statement is a bit exaggerated. However, he did not care, after all, no sect would belittle his cultivation technique. One point is strong, and it is understandable to say that it is a three-pointer.

Now that Di Jiu has finished reading this jade slip, he doesn’t think so at all. Sword Dao is king and Blade Dao is respected. Whether it’s Sword Dao and Blade Dao, if combined with Array Dao, then the might is definitely a multiple of several times or even hundreds of times.

According to Great Sword Array Art, Di Jiu is the Grade 9 Array King, which can be used to display the Grade 9 Blade Array. Even if he is the strength of Void God, once the Grade 9 Blade Array is displayed, I am afraid that even the Transforming Truth cultivator can be played.

Of course, this is only theoretical. The Grade 9 Blade Array doesn’t just need the Grade 9 Array King, it also needs at least 6,642 ped.

This blade array is displayed with 80 a top grade blade artifact as the center of the blade flag, and each blade flag is supplemented by 80 a blade artifact.

A top grade spirit item price is a high price. Don’t say 6 642 top grade spirit items. It is estimated that the average person can’t afford it.

To take a step back, it is to give Di Jiu 6 642 top grade spirit items, Di Jiu’s spiritual sense is not enough to use this blade array.

Sword Array Sect’s sword array is a means of solving the lack of spiritual sense and even God Art, which is the most valuable place for this jade slip. In this way, Di Jiu could not be used to display 6,646 top grade blade artifact magical treasures at the same time.

This also allows Di Jiu to understand why Sword Array Sect requires tool refining and Array Dao to improve at the same time. Only the blade artifact that is refining itself is the most cost-effective to consume.

Due to the relationship of cultivation base, Di Jiu’s True Origin is not enough, but his physical sense and Array Dao are both grade 9. If he wants to display the Earth 9 Blade Array against the enemy, then at most 2,000 pieces of blade artifact can be applied at one time. This Grade 9 Blade Array is a residual array. At the beginning, Dong Youjian’s grade 6 scream array was a remnant.

Considering that his enemies have a Transforming Truth expert, Di Jiu decided to choose grade 7 blade array , grade 7 Heaven Covering Blade Array . The name of this blade array is Di Jiu’s own, which is the meaning of Heaven Covering Blade.

Heaven Covering Blade Array requires 2,450 top grade blade-like spiral items, and Di Jiu has no top grade spirit item. He didn’t care, he really gave him more than 2,000 top grade spirit items, and he couldn’t control it. He plans to refine his low grade spirit item, and more than two thousand low grade spirit items are much easier to control than two thousand top grade spirit items. Although the number of falls has dropped several times, it is still several times stronger than all his means.

As for the material for refining the low grade spirit item, there is just a lot of it here, that is the Earth Core Mark Metal.

If anyone knows that Di Jiu refines the low grade spirit item with Earth Core Mark Metal, it is estimated to be crazy. For Di Jiu, as long as you can improve your strength, you can use the immortal material to refine the low grade magical tool.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night, the last two days, ask for monthly and recommended ticket support!)

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