Di Jiu watched Shu Haolan, who disappeared in Worshiping Night Lake, was shocked. Worshiping Night Lake’s terrible experience, Shu Haolan A Transforming Truth expert fell into Worshiping Night Lake, even struggling to do it, this Worshiping Night Lake water does not know what it is.

Anyway, he has killed Shu Haolan. Di Jiu was relieved and the spicy sense fell carefully into the Worshiping Night Lake.

The heat came again, but this time the heat fell in Di Jiu’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, no longer terrible, and soon disappeared.

Grade 10 Sea of ​​Consciousness is really powerful. Di Jiu’s spiritual sense began to infiltrate from the lake. Soon he saw a black Burning Divine Grass under the lake.

Sure enough, as recorded in the World Book, the black Burning Divine Grass is nine inches long and has a black spirit mark outside…

Di Jiu is ecstatic, this is the Grade 9 Spirit Grass. In Di Jiu’s view, the black Burning Divine Grass is much more valuable than the average Grade 9 Spirit Grass, but how can he get the black Burning Divine Grass out.

Although his Body Refining is in a respectful position, the spiritual sense is grade 10, and Di Jiu still knows that his fleshing body is not much better than Shu Haolan.

Grade 10 spiritual sense A little volume, to Di Jiu’s surprise, his physical sense easily brought the Burning Divine Grass out.

Originally, the Spirit mark Divine Grass, which was very clear in the spirit mark, fell into the hands of Di Jiu and immediately became a dead object. There was no more spiritual intelligence.

Di Jiu sighed and threw the Burning Divine Grass in his hand on the ground. It seems that Burning Divine Grass must be caught by hand. I really don’t know what it is.

Spiritual sense After the grade 10, Di Jiu didn’t have to wait until dark, his spiritual sense turned around the lake, and soon found several red Burning Divine Grass. Di Jiu quickly reached into the lake and grabbed the Red Burning Divine Grass.

The sound of “嗤嗤” sounded, even if Di Jiu’s speed was very fast, it was also the Body Refining expert of Zunjing, and his skin was still corroded by a layer. But compared to his fleshly body or King Realm, it would be much better.

At the beginning, he still got Burning Divine Grass by the lake, and the night Worshiping Night Lake was much weaker. So every time he burned the Burning Divine Grass, he only had bones in his hands, and finally the bones turned gray. It is. That’s when he has Great Earth Body Refining Secret Art. If there is no Great Earth Body Refining Secret Art, he can’t even get a Red Burning Divine Grass.

Over the course of the day, Di Jiu used this powerful spiritual sense and Great Earth Body Refining Secret Art to harvest 53 Red Burning Divine Grass and eleven Black Burning Divine Grass in Worshiping Night Lake.

The Burning Divine Grass on Worshiping Night Lake was almost searched by Di Jiu, and Di Jiu’s spiritual sense began to penetrate the lake.

A faint hexagonal slab appeared in Di Jiu’s spiritual sense, and Di Jiu spiritual sense was attached. When I wanted to see what the hex was, a terrifying aura rushed directly into his Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Di Jiu’s Sea of ​​Consciousness roars, and a sly sound surrounds the Sea of ​​Consciousness. Di Jiu’s brain immediately got up in the vague, and he raised an idea in his heart, rushing into the heart of the lake and kneeling on the edge of the hexagonal table.

Di Jiu’s Sea of ​​Consciousness is too big, and the sound of the sound is very weak in Di Jiu’s Sea of ​​Consciousness. Di Jiu wakes up briefly, and a fierce erosive pain comes from the foot, Di Jiu crazy Back.

After withdrawing a few hundred feet, Di Jiu looked down at his left foot with a horrified look. He had already walked into Worshiping Night Lake if he didn’t suddenly wake up.

Di Jiu’s Sea of ​​Consciousness Clean and clear, or grade 10 Sea of ​​Consciousness, there is a faint gray in the middle of the Sea of ​​Consciousness. Di Jiu’s mind was moved, Dao Fire landed in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and the faint gray was burned by Dao Fire.

Great, Di Jiu never dared to get close to Worshiping Night Lake. He finally understood the origin of the name Worshiping Night Lake, which is the altar to worship the lake.

Burning Divine Grass He is enough, plus the spirit sense is originally grade 10, just accept it. Di Jiu quickly retired and soon left Worshiping Night Lake.


“I thought you wouldn’t come.” Di Jiu just returned to Five Lands City and saw Han Qingyi wearing a purple skirt with a blue sword.

“Miss Han, is it another way for me to withdraw the blade on my back and then bend over into Five Lands City?” Di Jiu said sarcastically.

To be honest, he didn’t want to avenge Han Qingyi. But this woman is too much, even if he kicked Ji Hongchuan on the Five Lands Dao Tower, it was also too shameful to take the initiative to him.

Han Qingyi looked up and down Di Jiu, indifferently said, “concealment cultivation technique is good, even I can’t see your cultivation base. Transfer a thing to me, how much spiral stone I pay you, the previous thing A write-off.”

“What?” Di Jiu asked immediately.

Dijiu would be happy to do this if he took out one thing and made the woman not pester.

“Splitting Realm Talisman.” Han Qingyi stared at Di Jiu while speaking, with a hint of oppression in his tone, and the impering manner of the whole body was to control the surrounding space. Once Di Jiu wants to escape, she immediately starts.

Di Jiu sinks in his heart, how does Han Qingyi know that Splitting Realm Talisman was taken by him? At that time, he was easy to accommodate.

“I don’t know what you are saying.” Di Jiu has no expression on his face and his tone is dull. He knew very well that Han Qingyi must have known that Splitting Realm Talisman had been taken away by him, otherwise he would not stop here for a few years to wait for him to come back.

“You can’t admit it, I promise that I will kill you. No one in Five Lands City dares to say half a word to me.” Han Qingyi voice with a hint of murderous aura.

Di Jiu suddenly understood, he understood why Han Qingyi knew that he was bidding for Splitting Realm Talisman. Because this woman is from True Domain, no one dares to provoke it in Five Lands City or Lesser Central World.

Since no one dares to provoke, the woman just goes to the auction to check who is buying his seat ticket. At that time, his auction tickets were purchased at Five Lands Pavilion. He also rented the cave mansion at Five Lands Pavilion. With so much information added, if Han Qingyi could not find him, it would not be normal.

Di Jiu sighed and he missed the origins of Han Qingyi.

Switching to any one person, even if it is the Sect Master of Five Great Sect, I wouldn’t be able to check the information on the ticket sales of Five Lands Pavilion. However, Han Qingyi went to check the ticket and the Five Lands Pavilion did not dare to offend.

Sure enough, when you can’t pin your hopes on others.

The Heaven Dancing Blade behind it turned into an azure glow in Di Jiu’s hands. Di Jiu, who was still explaining it, has become lazy at the moment. “To play, this Young Master will play with you once.”

“You are looking for death!” Han Qingyi almost spurted fire in his eyes, and the long sword turned into a circle of azure swords covering Di Jiu.

Di Jiu is a bit stunned, so big fire? Then he understood it. He didn’t pay attention when he spoke, and he was misunderstood by this woman.

What about misunderstanding? Di Jiu doesn’t care about a blade chopped. Mounting Cauldron 3rd layer, just want to crush him, then don’t dream. He even killed the Transforming Truth cultivator, not to mention a Mounting Cauldron 3rd layer.

Moreover, this woman is looking for death, and dare to use the spirit sense sword in front of him.

Switch to someone else, even if it is a Mounting Cauldron perfection, under this kind of spiritual sense sword, I am afraid to protect the whole body first.

It is a pity that Di Jiu grade 10 spiritual sense, his spiritual sense easily tore apart the other’s spiritual sense sword pattern, Heaven Dancing Blade accurately found Han Qingyi’s sword, azure glow fell, blade sword hit together.

Ding! True Origin blasted, Han Qingyi’s spiritual sense was broken, and Di Jiu felt a terrifying true Origin Qi sighed, and this really Origin Qi sighed in his chest and couldn’t help but go backwards. Ten steps.

Han Qingyi, who was shocked by the real Origin Qi to the red, clenched the long sword, and some unbelievable watched Di Jiu.

She is Mounting Cauldron 3rd layer, but her strength is not the Mounting Cauldron 3rd layer of the ordinary. At Lesser Central World, she doesn’t even have a Life Tribulation Realm initial stage. And now she and Di Jiu fight a trick, actually did not take any advantage. It’s always her leap-forward match. When is someone overstepping her to Han Qingyi?

Han Qingyi did not continue to work, she did not have the full strength, she also saw that Di Jiu did not do their best. With Di Jiu’s skill, she is fully taking action and can’t take Di Jiu.

“It really is hidden, an Opening Sea Realm perfection, on the Five Lands Dao Tower, a cultivator, hehe, who just entered the Opening Sea Realm.” Han Qingyi is all ridiculous.

She admitted that she was able to see it. Di Jiu was able to attack Ji Hongchuan because Di Jiu was not an Origin Soul Cultivator at all, but an Opening Sea Realm perfection cultivator. Now Di Jiu can barely block her sword, because Di Jiu cultivation base is almost the same as her, and also to the Mounting Cauldron 3rd layer.

Di Jiu is too lazy to be jealous of this woman, indifferently said, “If you don’t fight, I have to enter the city.”

In his heart is hehe, Opening Sea Realm perfection? If he was Opening Sea Realm perfection, he still needs Great Footprint 踹Ji Hongchuan? I have already slapped the ball.

Don’t say that at the beginning, even now he is Opening Sea Realm perfection, just a blade has let this woman eat and leave.

“Are you going to the auction after the end of the Five Lands Dao Assembly?” If anything else, Han Qingyi is fine, and the Splitting Realm Talisman is too important for her.

“No.” Di Jiu naturally would not admit it, regardless of whether the other party has evidence. If this woman is not too big, he has already entered the city, and he will stay here.

Han Qingyi asked coldly, “Have you bought an auction ticket?”

“Yes, I bought a ticket.” Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation admitted that the other party found him based on the ticket.

“What about your ticket?”

“The tickets are for others to help me buy. If you give me 50,000 high grade spirit stone, let me buy a ticket for the auction of 50,000 middle grade spirit stone, I agree.” Di Jiu pushes things up net.

“You said someone asked you to help buy a ticket?” Han Qingyi was taken by Di Jiu and thought of another possibility. That was really because the price of the Splitting Realm Talisman was too high, and Di Jiu didn’t seem to have so many spirit stones. If someone else wants to hide their identity and let Di Jiu buy tickets, this is a good explanation.

Di Jiu said coldly, “This is my business.”

After saying this, Di Jiu got into the shape and went directly to Five Lands City.

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