Liang Jueren is a Grade 5 Array Great Master himself. Can he not know what is going on? This is someone who blocked Profound Fire Sect with Twisting Slaughter Array.

Profound Fire Sect is grade 6 sect and grade 6 sect recognized by Aaron Continent. Liang Jueren really can’t figure out who has such a big guts, dare to lay down the Twisting Slaughter Array at the Profound Fire Sect door. Because of the whole Aaron Continent, there is no one who dares to do this. Even if the Constant Star Guild Union Lord comes here, I dare not do this.

Because of this, Liang Jueren was angry.

“I would like to see, who is such a big guts, dare to use the Trapping Slaughter Array to seal my sect of Profound Fire Sect…” Liang Jueren stepped into the sect main conference hall.

The sect was trapped by the killing array. It was not just Sect Master Liang Jueren, but all the Elder Peak Lord integers in the main conference hall quickly stood up and followed Liang Jueren to go out and see.

“Sect Master…” was another panic voice, followed by a middle-aged woman with a flustered face.

Liang Jueren stared coldly at the middle-aged woman who rushed over, the voice of ice cold said, “If you can’t say why, you don’t have to live.”

Liang Jueren knows who this woman is, sect Deacon of the Sword.

When she heard Liang Jueren, this middle-aged woman calmed down, and she said, “reporting to Sect Master and Elders. Not long ago, the soul light of Young Sect Master dimmed and it was about to go out…”

Before this middle-aged woman said that Great Pill Master Ge Yi and two Golden Core soul lights were extinguished, Liang Jueren had disappeared from the door.

At this moment, his heart was anxious like a flame burning, and Liang Lu was his only son. All his hopes were on Liang Lu. When Liang Lu goes to Lesser Central World, he will definitely be able to enter Lesser Central World with his son’s abilities in the future.

Now, the soul lamp of his son who has high hopes is going to be extinguished. Is this still enough? Liang Lu will go crazy if something goes wrong.

Di Jiu doesn’t have the most top grade healing medicinal pill. Fortunately, Di Di is just an ordinary mortal. In just a short time, Di Di’s life force is getting stronger.

Di Jiu didn’t continue to help Di Di conditioning, he stood up and raised his hand, and all the places were collapsed, leaving only the wall nailed to Liang Lu. His spiritual sense has already swept to Liang Jueren and he rushed over, followed by his revenge.

“A’Jiu ……” Di Di panic watched the numerous experts who fell, and she saw for the first time that someone could fly. And she and Di Jiu have only two people. In the face of these experts flying through the skies or escaping through the ground, what do they use to resist?

Liang Jueren landed on the ground, saw his eyes digging, and was pinned to the wall, the bloody son Liang Lu, smashing.

He had no time to kill Di Jiu, madly rushed over and wanted to put Liang Lu down.

Only he just rushed to the wall of the three-foot range, a fierce killing glow banged, even if Liang Jueren is the second floor of the Opening Sea Realm, also got a fuss by this killing glow, eagerly retreating thehund feet More than enough.

After the madness, Liang Jueren calmed down. He is a Grade 5 Array Great Master. It is already seen that the wall where his son is located has a grade 8 killing array. It takes half a day to break this grade 8 killing array with his ability.

What’s more, can someone who can lay out the grade 8 killing array be simple?

Deeply sighed, Liang Jueren watched Di Jiu said, “Where is Fellow Daoist? My Profound Fire Sect and Fellow Daoist lacking hatred and enmity, you are so heart-wrenching, put grade 8 Twisting outside my Profound Fire Sect sect Slaughter Array, killing my Profound Fire Sect disciple. I also dig my eyes and nail it to the wall to let the blood flow down. Is Fellow Daoist too poisonous?”

Speaking in between , all the Elders of Profound Fire Sect have been separated and surrounded by Di Jiu.

In the face of Di Jiu, an opponent who can easily grade the 8 Twisting Slaughter Array, Liang Jueren didn’t have the idea of ​​trapping Di Jiu with the Troping Slaughter Array.

Di Jiu calmly watched dozens of people around him, and more and more cultivators coming to the place, the sound is not a little temperature, “this Young Master Di Jiu, has been in the Pearl City of Ji Country. You Profound Fire Sect sent people to Ji Country Pearl City, killing my father, and digging my old sister Di Di eyes, giving you Liang Lu. Even my Di Family servant more than 760 mouths are completely killing, There is no living thing, why do you say that I am so ruthless? There is another one called Sang Li, where is the person?”

“Your grandfather is here, it turns out that you were the ants who escaped that year…” Sang Li said nothing, and he stopped short. His neck was pinched by a big hand and the whole person was suspended in the air. Seeing that his eyes are going to come out, no one can believe that he is an Origin Soul Realm expert.

Originally, I would like to say hello to everyone, Liang Jueren suck in a breath of cold air, I am afraid that he does not have this strength.

“pu pu pu pu !” Sang Li was thrown out by Di Jiu, feeling that Sang Li, who had a good breath, had not had time to do anything, and several Array Flags had pinned his hands and feet.

He and Liang Lu were nailed side by side on a wall, like two geckos, looking ridiculous.

None of the people here feel that this is a ridiculous thing, and all of them are chilling in their hearts. They are guessing Di Jiu’s cultivation base, which is probably more than Opening Sea Realm.

Some people are thinking that Profound Fire Sect has finally caused a lot of trouble, and some things really can’t do much.

Liang Jueren felt the throat dry, he took a breath and tried to slow down his tone. “Fellow Daoist Di, this is my Profound Fire Sect. Now you have taken your old sister’s eyes back and killed. I have more than 10 people in Profound Fire Sect. The so-called family is not suitable for the knot, Fellow Daoist Di can let me go, my Profound Fire Sect is willing to make some compensation…….”

Even the Sect Master of Opening Sea Realm is so weak, the rest of the cultivator of Profound Fire Sect is not a nonsense that dares to say a word.

Di Jiu once again opened the hand, a Dao Flame fell under Liang Lu and Sang Li, and then sneered, “Do you think Profound Fire Sect can still exist today?”

“You are looking for death…” Seeing that Di Jiu dared to burn his son with fire, Liang Jueren was completely crazy, and he grabbed the falling tower and threw himself at Di Jiu.

Seeing Sect Master rushing to Di Jiu, all the Profound Fire Sect Elder completely rushed to Di Jiu.

Di Jiu was originally intended to kill, and did not wait for Liang Jueren’s fire tower to inspire layers of volcanoes, hundreds of top grade spirit items long blade to grade 5 Nieburn blade array.

Dealing with trifling Opening Sea Realm, the rest are cultivators of Virtual God and Origin Soul Realm, and Di Jiu can’t use his grade 7 Heaven Covering Blade Array.

Grade 5 blade array sacrifice, the sky is a blade intent raging, this is not the blade array of the spiritual sense True Origin illusion, but the blade array synthesized in the top grade blade artifact.

Under the control of Di Jiu’s grade 10 spiritual sense, the grade 5 Niagny blade array has almost no flaws. Under a wave of blade waves, the Origin Soul Cultivator almost squats and dies. Void God Cultivator can only block a few blades, the same is a dead word. At this moment, all Profound Fire Sect Elders in the Di Jiu blade array have no resistance at all.

It’s not that they can’t, it’s really a bit of a huge array of Di Jiu’s top grade blade artifact.

When a Supreme Elder of a virtual god 9th Layer was passed through the neck by a top grade blade artifact, the tear was called, “Liang Jueren, your father and son are the biggest sinners of Profound Fire Sect, and will die in the future, Profound Fire Sect The ancestors will not let you go…”

Just finished a sentence, the second blade of the blade is coming, and his head is directly taken away.

Liang Jueren’s face was terrified. He guessed that Di Jiu might be stronger than him, but he didn’t expect Di Jiu to be strong enough. It stands to reason that Di Jiu is just a mortal who escaped from Di Family. Where can it be strong in just a few years?

He is still insisting, but he is very clear that he can’t hold on for long. The Falling Tower has long been used by him to withstand the endless blade artifacts in the blade array. Where is the gap to attack Di Jiu?

This battle has not yet begun and it is over. He was not a grader in front of Di Jiu. At least until now, Di Jiu has not yet sacrificed the red tassel blade behind him.

“Hey!” A blade artifact tore his eyebrows, Liang Jueren watched Liang Lu, swallowed by the flames, some unwilling to fall to the ground.

One ring was taken away by Di Jiu, Profound Fire Sect has nothing good, but these rings can’t be wasted.

“A’Jiu, you…” Di Di’s sluggish watched Di Jiu withdraw hundreds of top grade blade artifacts, some awkwardly watched Di Jiu.

“Di Di, my Di Family ancestor is a cultivator, so you have a Holy Spirit Eye. You will also be cultivating in the future. Only after cultivating will you be bullied.” Di Jiu killed Profound Fire Sect Many Elders did not Stop Di Di from watching.

As soon as you step into the Culture World, Di Di will face these sooner or later.

Di Di nodded. “I understand that I will also be cultivation in the future. A’Jiu, where are we going now?”

Because of the change, she forgot that Di Jiu called her back to Di Di.

“There is another thing I need urgently. I took it out and left here.” Di Jiu said that he had finished a roll and took Di Di to the mountain with a strong heat wave.

Standing at the foot of the mountain, Di Jiu grabbed an Array Flag and threw it. As the Di Jiu’s Array Flag was thrown out, the mountain split directly and the terrifying flames rose. Di Jiu’s spiritual sense falls, and a thousand fire vein with a thousand feet is found between Di Jiu’s spiritual sense. Di Jiu know earth fire vein, but he was the first to see such a quality earth fire vein. This earth fire vein at Legender Central World, trifling 6-star Sect simply can’t keep it.

Dao Fire was sacrificed by Di Jiu and rushed directly to the earth fire vein with a long feet. The black Illuminating Starry Sky hasn’t rushed to the earth fire vein, and the endless flame is swept away by Illuminating Starry Sky.

The aura of Dao Fire Illuminating Starry Sky has risen sharply and the flames have become blacker.

Just a musk time, Di Jiu’s Dao Fire broke through grade 7 and entered grade 8. Di Jiu clearly felt that the space around it was extremely unstable. He was sure that it was caused by Dao Fire. Dao Fire absorbed the earth fire vein here, causing space instability.

Just as Di Jiu was ready to retreat, Dao Fire advancing to grade 8 suddenly swallowed up the rest of the earth fire vein.

“Boom!” The earth fire vein was taken away by Dao Fire, and the underground magma was no longer suppressed, and it rushed up. Di Jiu hand roll, directly rolled up Dao Fire and rushed out of Profound Fire Sect. Behind him, the Earth Fire magma has already rushed out of the thousand feet and continues to spread.


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