Zhen Man’s eyes have been on Di Jiu. She is eager to talk to Di Jiu and several big sisters. She can talk to her alone and even tell her to go to the place where she is after Lesser Central World. It is a pity that after Di Jiu finished talking with the big men, he only said a few words with Di Di and Tian Ku, and he did not go to her side.

Hai Hong Union Lord is already telling them to go to the transmission array, and Zhen Man can only disappoint and leave with Hai Hong.

It is impossible to say no regrets, but for Chen Man, it is more curious. She really wanted Di Jiu to sit in front of her and tell her everything carefully. She even thought, if she was still in Pearl City, she was afraid that even the gesture would not be needed, Di Jiu moved to Union Lord to tell her about these things.

Di Jiu naturally won’t go to Chen Man’s nonsense. After breaking the unreal bubble in the boy’s heart, Zhen Man is no different from an ordinary woman in his heart. And the character of this woman, he is very demeaning.

Hai Hong gave his aptitude jade slip, he has seen it. Zhen Man is a single gold Spiritual Root with a trace of impurities, and Yu Yongzhen is a single Fire Spiritual Root with a trace of impurities. And clearly stated above, Yu Yongzhen’s single Spiritual Root impurity is less than that of Zhen Man.

It can be seen that Twin Wave Sect does not really engage in malpractice, but speaks with facts. Zhen Man must have known this, but she is squatting and knowing herself, so on this occasion she stands up and down the stone against Twin Wave Sect.

This is his Di Jiu, replaced by another person who really likes Zhen Man, which is a disaster for Twin Wave Sect. So when it was said that Twin Wave Sect Sect Master Hui Baiyu saw Zhen Man complaining to himself, it was not surprising that he was panicked.

Zhen Man was born in an ordinary mortgaged country. In this case, Twin Wave Sect accepted Zhen Man as a disciple and was kind to Zhen Man. In order to go to Lesser Central World, Zhen Man did not care about it. In this case, it was too much and faithless and heartless to down the Twin Wave Sect.

Moreover, with the aptitude of Zhen Man, even if he entered the 20-man list, I am afraid that he will eventually lose. In this case, it is strange that Di Jiu can have a good impression on her.

Zhen Man or thought she knew Di Jiu, Di Jiu would give her a quota. In fact, if Huan Mingzi can’t help, Aaron Continent really only has five talented disciples to enter Lesser Central World, and Di Jiu will choose five with the slightest hesitation, and Zhen Man will finally fall.


Ji Country Ridge northern mountain.

Di Jiu stood a little embarrassed when he left last time, and those things he experienced were just like yesterday.

If he didn’t get the small gray stone here, if not the small gray stone absorbs a golden lightning here, if it is not Qu Xiaoshu to report, if it is not golden lightning, it will crack a gap…

All of these are missing, and Di Jiu has long since disappeared.

It is a pity that he never found Qu Xiaoshu. After sending Di Di, he went to a singer and asked about where Qu Xiaoshu might go. He spent another two months looking for Qu Xiaoshu. Any result.

Di Jiu can only go back to Earth and say that he decides to wait until his spiritual sense can be spread over the entire Aaron Continent, then look for Qu Xiaoshu to try it out.

The reason why I chose to go back to Earth was in the Back Mountain. It was because he left here and the result was to earth. Void mystery is incomparable, maybe this can’t be used as a measure of symbol, but leaving from here is definitely a little more successful than anywhere else.

After all the preparations, Di Jiu took out a Splitting Realm Talisman.

After the splitting Realm Talisman fired, a terrifying void power broke out. Feeling the majestic void power aura, Di Jiu is shocked. If he is also in the tearing range of Splitting Realm Talisman, under this void power, he will definitely disappear.

Ka! Void sent a crack, a void crack was torn open. Di Jiu’s spiritual sense At this moment, all the stretched out, Splitting Realm Talisman tearing the void crack is getting bigger and bigger, Di Jiu’s spiritual sense can feel the domain aura flashing in the spiritual sense, his Sea of ​​Consciousness begins Pain, the head is a little dizzy.

Di Jiu is secretly glad, but fortunately his Sea of ​​Consciousness has entered grade 10, if Sea of ​​Consciousness is below grade 9. His spiritual sense is simply impossible to feel the flashing domain aura in this void crack. It is a dream to find the location of the earth through the Splitting Realm Talisman.

The spiritual sense didn’t know how many domains passed through. Di Jiu finally felt a familiar aura. He couldn’t think too much and rushed into the crack.

The terrible space wind blade swept through, just a breathing time, Di Jiu was covered all over with cuts and bruises.

Di Jiu was too late to think about why he was able to go through the domain to go to earth. At this time he could only run Body Refining Arts insanely. Then the spiritual sense stretches to the extreme, rushing along the corner where the familiar aura is, while avoiding the large space wind blade and some unknown space vortexes.

Unlike the last through the void crack in the aircraft, this time Di Jiu’s spiritual sense is always clear and can feel the outside world. As he continually traversed the domain under the void cracked by Splitting Realm Talisman, Di Jiu became more and more invented, and the split crack of the Splitting Realm Talisman and the golden crack teared by his Sea of ​​Consciousness were not at all On a grade.

The last time he entered the crack, even the aircraft was intact, which indicated that the last golden arrow tearing the void domain was very thorough, he went directly to the earth.

This time Splitting Realm Talisman’s tearing void crack is too much. He doesn’t know how long it has gone in this void crack. The void domain doesn’t know how much it has gone through, but it is still unclear how far away from earth. Even his direction is not earth, he is not clear.

As time went by, Splitting Realm Talisman’s tearing effect was getting worse and worse, and the familiar aura was about to disappear. Once the familiar area of ​​aura disappears, it means that the Splitting Realm Talisman tearing effect has completely disappeared. In this case he has only one choice and continues to inspire another Splitting Realm Talisman. Otherwise, he can only stay in the void crack in his life.

Di Jiu was anxious and no longer allowed to be smashed by the void blade glow into two halves, directly using the Spiritual Sense Escapee.

“Hey!” A terrible pain came from Di Jiu’s legs, and Di Jiu felt a touch of light in the blink of an eye and rushed out.

“Hey!” At the same time as Di Jiu rushed out, the aura of the void crack closed on the back of Di Jiu’s, and Di Jiu’s skeleton was broken.

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense Crazy stretch out a spiritual sense net to hold his body and fall to the ground.

At the moment of falling on the ground, Sea of ​​Consciousness hurts, and the spiritual sense can no longer stretch out. Di Jiu is in a sigh of relief. Whether it is earth or not, he has already understood that with his current cultivation base, even if the spiritual sense is grade 10, it is dangerous to go through the domain through the Splitting Realm Talisman. If his spiritual sense is not grade 10, it is transmitted through Splitting Realm Talisman, which is simply a fate.

The bones of the body were torn and the thighs were torn by a wind blade by more than two-thirds. At this moment, Di Jiu can only stay in place to heal and run the Great Earth Body Refining Secret Art.

Can’t help but say that void is the best place for Body Refining. When Di Jiu passes through void crack, Great Earth Body Refining Secret Art starts running. Body Refining is more than a few times stronger than other places in void. Now even if he comes out of the void crack, he can still clearly feel the sharp rise of his fleshly body.

“ka ka ka ka !” The sound of the bones has been heard, and Di Jiu is even more crazy to run Body Refining Arts.

Sure enough, one day passed, Di Jiu’s body began to tremble, the bones were creaking, a roaring sound came from the body, and finally disappeared.

Di Jiu was relieved and there was some luck in his heart. This time, using Splitting Realm Talisman almost sent out the fate, and it was not a good thing. At least he succeeded in taking advantage of the void crack to get his Body Refining into Three God Realm’s Tribulation Realm.

Tribulation Realm’s fleshly body, the Transforming Truth cultivator, punched him, and he shouldn’t collapse the fleshly body.

“Friend, are you injured?” A man carrying a long spear walked up to Di Jiu, and there was a man carrying a longbow behind him.

Di Jiu has seen these two people coming, but his fleshly body has just broken through to Tribulation Realm. Now Di Jiu hear this person’s speech, my heart is overjoyed, this is Chinese.

“It was a little hurt and it didn’t get in the way.” Di Jiu stood up and the use of Great Earth Body Refining Secret Art was fully reflected at the moment. After entering Tribulation Realm, his injuries disappeared completely. It’s just that his Sea of ​​Consciousness is still a little painful, and the spiritual sense can’t stretch out immediately. Otherwise, his current grade 10 spiritual sense can completely cover the entire earth.

What puzzled Di Jiu was why the two men were open and aboveboard carrying control weapons. The long spear that talks to him and the man’s back, obviously is not the general hunting spear, but the real step spear.

The man carrying the long spear was tall and his hair was not sorted out. It looked very messy. He watched Di Jiu squatting on his blood. He said, “Your injury should be very serious. What is the Monster Beast? If not, If you are fighting, I suggest you go to the supply station first.”

Monster Beast? Supply station ? Is this really earth?

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