See Di Jiu with no expression, You Huli took a deep breath, watched Di Jiu said, “A’Jiu, do you know what happened after Fairy Maiden Star? Monster Beast entered earth, the first two years were fine. Later, Monster Beast began to ravage the human city. From the Australian chestnuts to the Monster Beast massacre, Monster Beast has now swept the entire earth.”

Having said that, You Huli stood up and pointed out the outside of the conference room. “From the far side of Daicheng City, there is an endless snowfield, but there is an endless and powerful Monster Beast. After all, those Monster Beast will come here one day. I swallowed up all of us. Yes, I killed Fei Qi and grabbed his Di Six Blade. I know that Fei Qi and you are friends, you saved Fei Qi’s life, but I have to do this. Do. In this era, I am not strong, I will die.

Fei Qi is not willing to hand over the Di Six Blade and say what is not his thing. I have to kill him in order to survive. And Qi Xiang, Saitama has a graciousness of life-saving. When I was offended, I was chased and killed. It was Yuyu who helped me and saved me. Qi Xiang The brother of Yu Er, who is imprisoned, must be in her head. A’Jiu, the reason why I told you this is not to explain to you, because we used to be friends, I hope you can understand what I mean, come here to help me. In this era, no strength is ultimately a dead bone that’s all. ”

Di Jiu calmly waited for You Huli to finish, and no longer had any expectations for this former friend. Moreover, You Huli is not his friend, but his friend is only his past life. He is also watched You Huli, asking indifferently, “If that is the case, then Teng Ling’er He Wei? As far as I know, Teng Ling’er’s family is much better than you. Her family does not want her. With you, she still runs out of home to be with you. Even if you don’t like her, let her go, why kill her?”

You Huli bowed his head and he was a little embarrassed only to kill Teng Ling’er. For a long time in the days of the blood of the blade, he even forgot the diligence of Di Jiu. But he can’t be with Daiyu without killing Teng Ling’er.

Di Jiu open hand grabbed a quaint book from the ring and threw it on the table. “You Huli, you want Di Six Blade, I gave it to Big Brother Fei Qi. Actually, Di is seven blade, not six blade. I am here. It was the original of Di Clan Seven Blades…”

Di Jiu’s said that the sudden awkward pause, his spiritual sense just seemed to feel that Di Clan Seven Blades had a gray flash, this gray mantle quickly disappeared. Then his spiritual sense fell on the Di Clan Seven Blades again, as usual.

This Di Clan Seven Blades was searched by Profound Fire Sect after the Pearl City Di Family was destroyed. Later, he was taken from Liang Jueren. Is this really related to Di Family?

You Huli’s eyes are bright, Di Six Blade is actually tailor-made for him. Now that he has learned the Di Clan Sixth Blade, every time he learns a blade, he feels that his strength has reached a big level. Now seven blades are here, then…

“A’Jiu, many thanks, you will find the seven blades for me…” You Huli said that he is going to grab the Di Clan Seven Blades book. In these years, he knows better than anyone that only if he is strong is true, and everything else is false.

Di Jiu hand roll, Di Clan Seven Blades disappeared.

His cold watched You Huli said, “Di Clan Seven Blades I didn’t intend to give you, I am not looking for you. This place is not my first time, I remember when I came last time, here is still A boxing center. Yes, I killed Jia Buliao here last time. I didn’t expect to kill for so many years…”

“Kill him…” When Saitama saw Di Jiu take out Di Clan Seven Blades, his eyes lit up. Then she heard that Di Jiu was killed by Jia Buliao and immediately knew Di Jiu not simple.

“ka ka 咔.” The sound of spears sounded.

a fierce wind blade was randomly scattered by Di Jiu, the blood mist exploded, and each wind blade took a life.

There is also a wind blade across the neck of Saitama. It looks like a delicate head and will fall to the ground like her men.

You Huli’s sluggish watched Di Jiu kills twenty or thirty people with just one open hand, and his brain is blank.

Is this the master of Innate realm? No, Innate realm is probably not so strong. The only possibility is that Di Jiu started cultivation, and the cultivation base is still very powerful.

“A’Jiu ……” After a few breaths, You Huli reacted.

Di Jiu watched You Huli said, “Look at my past lives and what you know, you commit suicide, I don’t do it.”

You Huli doesn’t understand the meaning of Di Jiu’s words. His face is pale, and the more people kill, the more he fears death.

“Hey!” The sound of spear rang, and You Huli had a bullet hole in his eyebrows.

Qi Xiang withdraw said, “Brother Jiu, he won’t commit suicide, he will commit suicide, he won’t do this.”

For Di Jiu, you can easily kill dozens of You Huli, and Qi Xiang is not a bit shocked. Di Jiu’s You Huli is not clear, he is too clear.

Di Jiu nodded. He thought that Qi Xiang was right. “Qi Xiang, you also got a gang like You Huli?”

Qi Xiang shook his head. “No, now Monster Beast is getting more and more powerful. The living space of many people on earth has been compressed into a city with a lot of protection. To leave the city, you must have your own strength. Now internationally, it is allowed to set up an adventure squad. These people are our ninth adventure squad. But the adventure squad is not allowed to enter the settled city, can only rest at the supply station or Daicheng City, there is basically no defense and residents. City. So the place of Daicheng City is where the expert lives and there is no legal protection.”

Di Jiu knows that he has a relationship with this name. He patted Qi Xiang’s shoulder and said, “Let your squad people wait outside, I have something to say to you.”

Qi Xiang waved. “You have all the foxes outside the adventure squad. If you are willing to follow us, let him follow us. Later, Brother Jiu is our captain.”

After waiting for the person to leave, Qi Xiang said, “Brother Jiu, I also have important things to tell you. After you leave, Forgotten River Temple has a monk called Hong Chen specifically to find you, saying that there are very important things. I have to find you and say that it is your life, but I thought you went to Fairy Maiden Star.”

“What about Monk Hong Chen?” Di Jiu asked eagerly. One of the main things he came back was to find Monk Hong Chen.

“I am afraid that Monk Hong Chen is really going to Fairy Maiden Star.” Qi Xiang stunned his head. If he didn’t think Di Jiu went to Fairy Maiden Star, he would not mislead Monk Hong Chen.

Monk Hong Chen Qi Xiang still knows, rumors do not say slang, as long as he said, it is true. Because of this, Qi Xiang did not dare to ignore the words of Monk Hong Chen.

Missed by Monk Hong Chen, Di Jiu has some helplessness. He decided to go to Extreme Night Continent to look for it. The cultivator that went to Fairy Maiden Star was inexplicably seen in Extreme Night Continent. Since Monk Hong Chen also went to Fairy Maiden Star, it may also appear in Extreme Night Continent.

“Qi Xiang, I am going to leave the earth soon…”

“Ah…” Qi Xiang was shocked by Di Jiu’s words, leaving earth?

Di Jiu stopped the meaning of Qi Xiang to ask, and said after saying the general experience of his years, “I can’t take you because I have to cross the void. I will teach you the cultivation technique and leave it for you. The next part of cultivation resources, what height you can reach in the future, depends on yourself. When I return to earth next time, if you are alive, I can take you out of earth with alive.”

“Brother Jiu, I have to learn, I have to learn. Earth’s Monster Beast is getting stronger and stronger. If there are no powerful people coming out, Earth will soon become the world of Monster Beast.” Qi Xiang said eagerly.

Di Jiu smiled. “Don’t worry, when I go, I will kill Monster Beast above grade 2 on earth. After you enter Golden Core, grade 3 Monster Beast is just a little idle in your eyes.’ All.”

Di Jiu can open Star River Vein for Qi Xiang and give cultivation resources to Qi Xiang. He believes that Qi Xiang wants to enter the Origin Soul Realm and still have a chance.



Because it is close to the Forgotten River Mountain Range and has a Martial Academy, it is now the largest defense city in the country.

A circle of laser walls and laser cannons outside the city is more rigorous than the Fairy Maiden Star.

At the moment, in the huge conference room of the Luojin Monster Beast Defense Command Room, there are at least seven or eight Innate experts and even a cultivator of the Foundation Establishment Stage.

But it didn’t work. At the moment, everyone in the conference room was sullen. Because the Forgotten River Mountain Range grade 4 rogue tiger left the depths of the Forgotten River Mountain Range and began to move around. To be sure, the grade 4 rogue tiger will come to Luojin sooner or later.

A gray-haired old man sighed and said, “The disaster of Fairy Maiden Star will be repeated again. As far as I know, the rogue tiger is even more powerful than the violent temper of Fairy Maiden Star.”

No one spoke. The video of the Fairy Maiden Star accident was seen. The beast tide attacked the horrible scene of Fairy Plaza, even if it was not seen on the spot, it was still disturbing.

Just when everyone was frowning, a middle-aged man rushed into the conference room with a hurry and said, “Measureless Thousand Li Mountain’s grade 3 monster fox king was killed by a blade. ……”

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