When Huan Mingzi sound transmission, Cheng Ji had seen Di Jiu and came over at the same time.

Cheng Ji’s cultivation base should be around the Transforming Truth 6th layer, not weaker than Shu Haolan. There are two men and one woman who are next to Cheng Ji. Among them, Di Jiu knows two people, Cheng Bijun and Zong Min. Both Cheng Bijun and Zong Min are Void God initial stages, and the progress is fast. However, compared with Di Jiu, it is still slow. It is another man, the age looks like it will not be more than Zong Min, and the cultivation base is to Opening Sea Realm.

In this place, plus Huan Mingzi is there, Di Jiu is not fear of Cheng Ji. And that Small World is now completely refining by him, and outside is his own grade 9 restriction. Now that he put his hand in front of Cheng Ji, Cheng Ji may not be able to find Small World on his finger.

“Dad, that’s him, he is Di Jiu.” Cheng Bijun At the first sight, Di Jiu shouted at Di Jiu.

Cheng Ji just went to Lesser Central World, and in the years since Heaven Screen was closed, he was almost on the road. It was Cheng Ji who didn’t think that he would see Di Jiu under the Lesser Central Star in a few years.

If you know that Di Jiu will come to Lesser Central World, he just needs to transfer it. Where do you need to take off your pants and go to Dwelling Night Continent, and then Dwelling Night Continent to find Lesser Central World?

Without Cheng Bijun, Cheng Ji had already recognized Di Jiu, he stood in front of Di Jiu, and the spiritual sense fell on Di Jiu unscrupulously.

At this moment, Heavenly Gold Domain Lord is talking about all the cultivators that will enter the Lesser Central Star before the Lesser Central Star opens.

Di Jiu, a cup one fist in the other hand loudly said , “Heavenly Gold Domain Lord senior , junior because he is about to enter the Lesser Central Star, is listening to the senior talking, some unscrupulously use the spiritual sense to spy on everything in the junior, even through the junior Clothes.”

Although the mental sense of Cheng Ji could not penetrate Di Jiu’s clothes at all, Di Jiu still shouted out loud.

In the Culture World, using the spirit sense to sweep through other people’s clothes, it is a bloody vengeance, but also the scum of the entire Culture World. Five Great Sect Master dare to do this to Di Feixue, it is powerful, Di Family simply can’t dare to say about them, even dare not say, and there is a sense of spiritual sense that Di Feixue can’t detect. .

Cheng Ji was shocked. He couldn’t think of Di Jiu being so bold and dare to interrupt the words of Heavenly Gold Domain Lord. Just did not wait for him to explain, a clear big hand caught. Cheng Ji is a Sect Master in the Transforming Truth Realm world. He can’t avoid this big hand.

The big hand grabbed Cheng Ji and directly threw it out, and then the voice of the Heavenly Gold Domain Lord’s coldly snorted came, “Roll!”

Cheng Ji is like a broken kite. He was thrown out by this big hand and directly hit a huge stone on the edge of the plaza. The stone monument was not broken, but Cheng Ji squirted a blood arrow, and the whole person wilted to the ground.

Cheng Bijun Several people rushed over to protect Cheng Ji.

Others have taught Cheng Ji, maybe they still want to get back to the game. True Domain’s Heavenly Gold Domain Lord taught Cheng Ji that they didn’t dare to have a nonsense in addition to their bad luck.

“Dad! I blame me…” Cheng Bijun was anxious.

Cheng Ji once again spit out a blood stasis, and finally it was a little smoother. “I don’t blame you, I just looked at him, it’s amazing…”

I don’t know if he is talking about Di Jiu or the Heavenly Gold Domain Lord.

Di Jiu is also taking a breath of cold air, and his heart is also three words, so good, he really thinks Heavenly Gold Domain Lord is very good. Cheng Ji is also a Transforming Truth expert, or a Sect Master of the first rate sect. In front of the Heavenly Gold Domain Lord, even the ability to resist is lost. It is no wonder that in front of Huan Changzhu, even Huan Mingzi did not dare to have a little disrespect.

Di Jiu, despite the Heavenly Gold Domain Lord, also knows that he is looking for death. This kind of open use of the Heavenly Gold Domain Lord is not normal if the Heavenly Gold Domain Lord does not account. But Di Jiu also knows that he does not use the Heavenly Gold Domain Lord, and the Heavenly Gold Domain Lord also records him. The reason why this blonde fellow did not move him until now, just loves the feathers. In this case, it is better to use it.

Xian Ze entered the Lesser Central Star. The plaza below stopped the subconsciously. He saw that Cheng Ji was thrown out. Not only that, Cheng Ji was heavy injured.

“Is it you?” Cheng Ji also saw Xian Ze. The Xian Ze cultivation base was several levels lower than him, but he escaped from his hands.

This is not the point. The point is how did Xian Ze come to Lesser Central Star? To know that he used a few characters, it took a year or two, and this came here. In any case, you can’t let this Transforming Truth 3rd layer slip away again.

Even if Cheng Ji heavy injury, at the moment of seeing Cheng Ji, Xian Ze is going to escape, he saw the killing intent in the eyes of Cheng Ji. But then he stopped, he escaped, and the few people behind him were a dead end.

“It’s Brother Jiu…” Geng Ji first saw Di Jiu and immediately shouted.

It is not that his spiritual sense is more powerful than Xian Ze, but because he is familiar with Di Jiu, and Xian Ze has no has seen Di Jiu at all.

When I heard Geng Ji, Xian Ze discovered Di Jiu and immediately said, “Hurry up.”

Heavenly Gold Domain Lord At this moment, the heads of Lesser Central World’s major sect and Heavens Secret Pavilion are on the round and begin to award the qualification jade token to the Lesser Central Star.

Di Jiu also saw Geng Ji, and the surprise ushered in the past, “Geng Ji, how come you?”

Then he understood that Geng Ji must have received his message and then found the transmission array of Extreme Night Continent Dark Star Ruins.

“Brother Jiu, finally found you.” Geng Ji saw Di Jiu is the happiest, in his eyes, Di Jiu is his only relative.

After Di Jiu and Geng Ji greeted, they greeted Zeng Beizi, Yu Jie, He Tai, Wei Shanshan and others. As for Xian Ze, he doesn’t know at all.

Don’t look at Zeng Beizi and others like him from Earth to Fairy Maiden Star to Extreme Night Continent. In Di Jiu’s heart, Geng Ji and his relationship are much deeper than the rest.

“Brother Jiu, many thanks for your graciousness of life-saving outside of Heaven Screen.” He Tai said gratefully, Di Jiu saved him from Heaven Screen and gave him access to Heaven Screen. Qualification, otherwise, his cultivation base can not climb so fast.

“Big Brother Di, I am sorry, I lost my word at the earth.” Zeng Beizi walked to Di Jiu and took a sigh of relief.

“Nothing, the past things will pass. Now that you have come here, go to the Lesser Central Star with me and try your luck.” Di Jiu waved his hand and he had forgotten things at the time.

“Ah…Senior Brother Di, can we also go to Lesser Central Star?” Wei Shanshan gave a pleasant surprise.

Di Jiu nodded to Wei Shanshan, “Wei Junior Sister, this will be said.”

After saying this, Di Jiu walked over to Xian Ze and gave him a gift. “Many thanks Senior took care of several friends of junior and brought them to Lesser Central World.”

Although no one has said to him, Di Jiu has already guessed that Geng Ji and others must be brought by Xian Ze. Only Xian Ze is the Transforming Truth expert. Otherwise, a few people with Geng Ji found his transmission array and didn’t send it so quickly.

Or it is transmitted, and it is not easy to safely go to the plaza under the Lesser Central Star.

“Haha…” Xian Ze laughed, “I didn’t miss you. My name is Xian Ze. It’s Dwelling Night Continent’s Transforming Truth cultivator. I’m looking for you. After a few years, I finally saw you at Lesser Central Star. “”

Di Jiu’s thought carefully and did not disappoint Xian Ze. If Di Jiu is only aptitude high, other aspects are weak, and Xian Ze is disappointed. In Cultural Continent, aptitude is a high genius, and there is no ability to protect yourself. It is also a dead end.

After Di Jiu and Yu Jie greeted each other, this led Huan Mingzi to everyone.

“Brother Jiu, Moshuang’s nephew was taken away by the woman, if it wasn’t for us to go to the Lesser Central Star.” Geng Ji didn’t know the occasion. After everyone’s chill, he brought up Jing Moshuang.

“Moshuang scorpion?” Di Jiu asked with a puzzled question. Who is Moshuang scorpion? Is it Jing Moshuang? Jing Moshuang, who is married, Geng Ji wants to call her nephew?

Xian Ze is an old man. When he listens to Di Jiu’s doubts, he guesses that this is a bit weird. It is reasonable to say that Jing Moshuang is Di Jiu’s wife and children. When Geng Ji talks about Moshuang’s nephew, Di Jiu can react to it?

Wei Shanshan said quickly, “Senior Brother Di, is Senior Sister Jing Moshuang. When you saved us in Heaven Screen and didn’t come out, Senior Sister Moshuang said that it would protect your life forever…”

In fact, she is not very clear about the relationship between Di Jiu and Jing Moshuang.

When he heard Wei Shanshan, Di Jiu immediately came over with clear comprehension. In Heaven Screen, he saved several people from Jing Moshuang, Wei Shanshan and Qin Yin and did not escape. Jing Moshuang must have thought that he was falling, and he was jealous of him, and he wanted to be his survivor.

Jing Moshuang said this, one is that he is dead, he has no idea, and one is that he really went to the church with her.

Thinking of this, Di Jiu quickly said, “Moshuang is okay?”

He must not deny this kind of thing. Once he denied it, it was only a dead end for Jing Moshuang.

I haven’t waited for someone to answer. Someone on the round called, “The sect jade token that entered the Lesser Central Star has been released. Now please have the cultivator with the Five Lands Dao Tower score in exchange for the qualification jade token. The Five Lands Dao Tower scores every tenths. , can be redeemed for a qualification jade token…”

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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