Huan Mingzi also rushed back in time. He put a ring on Di Jiu and said, “Hurry up. The Lesser Central Star is open for a year. I hope that you can go further in the year.”

Di Jiu know This ring should be exchanged for three qualifying jade tokens. He didn’t politely draw the ring. “Senior Huan, Lesser Central World is open once in a hundred years. I used to listen to Heavenly Gold Domain Lord. Most of them are more than a thousand years. What is going on?”

This sentence Di Jiu has long wanted to ask, but there has been no time.

Huan Mingzi didn’t answer Di Jiu’s words directly, but the sound transmission told Di Jiu. “I heard some piecemeal information saying that the Lesser Central Star is wrapped in a layer of Law of Time fragment. Whoever gets this thing will be able to win. Cosmic top expert ……”

Di Jiu suck in a breath of cold air ,Law of Time fragment ……

He didn’t know before changing to it. After getting the World Book, he knew exactly what it was. It is rumored that there are some extremely precious Law worlds in the universe, no matter which kind of Law world, it is invaluable.

Lesser World Star has a Law of Time fragment outside, and the Law of Time fragment is actually what is split in the Law world.

If this is known by the expert, it will definitely be taken away with the Lesser World Star.

Di Jiu suddenly remembered one thing, “Senior Huan, you just said that Lesser Central Star is open for a year…”

Without Di Jiu continuing to ask, Huan Mingzi already understood Di Jiu’s meaning, “You are right, on the surface, Lesser Central Star is open for a year, in fact you have to stay in it for ten years.”

Di Jiu’s heart is violently shaking, which is a charity for him. What he lacks now is time. In ten years, even without the spiritual grass natural resources of Lesser Central Star, he believes that he can also enter Life Tribulation Realm.

“Well, you have to go in.” Huan Mingzi vaguely felt that the spiritual sense of the Heavenly Gold Domain Lord was always sweeping over here. He worried that Ye had a long dream and quickly said.

Di Jiu took a group of people to the colorful beam, and as he was about to enter the colorful beam, he vaguely felt a hidden spiritual sense falling on him. After Di Jiu’s spiritual sense swept out, the spiritual sense disappeared again.

It was normal to be stared at, and Di Jiu did not care. He told Geng Ji and others, “Let’s go, we also enter the Lesser Central Star.”

At this moment, the cultivator that is qualified for the jade token is rushed to the front of the colorful light column. No matter who is close to the colorful light column, it will be swept away by the colorful light column and disappear.

As soon as Di Jiu approached the multicolored beam, he felt a strong roll and followed him to the whole person. He graded 10 spiritual sense, vaguely aware of the multicolored light column with some basic Law Aura.

“Hey!” Di Jiu’s spiritual sense hasn’t had time to continue watching, he landed on the ground.

There is no one around, it seems that this colorful light column is to transmit light, and the person who is sent in is not the same place as him.

Looking down, I saw a grade 7’s Phoenix Cloud Grass at the foot, Di Jiu was amazed, and the Lesser Central Star really was Spirit Grass Holy Land. Even without spirit grass, the Lesser Central Star is also a good place for secluded cultivation with its strong Spiritual Qi.

Picking up Phoenix Cloud Grass, Di Jiu took a few steps and saw more spirit grass. He is all the way to collect all kinds of spicy grass. As long as it is gradespinum above grade 4, it is all come.

Just two months ago, Di Jiu’s Small World was filled with a variety of spicy grasses, and some of the high level spirit grass was planted in Small World’s Medicine Garden.

In two months, Di Jiu did not see Geng Ji and others, and did not receive their message. However, Di Jiu doesn’t care. Lesser Central Star is full of natural restrictions. It is only after a very short distance that messages can be received by each other.

Di Jiu just collected a grade 8 Blue Shadow Flower and saw a Seven Colored Immortality Peach flowing down the stream.

If Culture World is the most precious, many cultivators may choose Seven Colored Immortality Peach, even if Seven Colored Immortality Peach is not the most precious. The reason is that Seven Colored Immortality Peach rumors can add a million years of life essence, knowing that a Transforming Truth cultivator is just a life essence of thousands of years. If you can get a Seven Colored Immortality Peach, which is aptitude, you can also pile up your cultivation base to Transforming Truth Realm.

This kind of treasure, Di Jiu, naturally has long wanted. At first he saw a plant at the bottom of the snow mountain, but the Seven Colored Immortality Peach withered.

Although the Seven Colored Immortality Peach is not yet fully mature, Di Jiu is not going to let it go. It is a sin to let this precious thing pass.

Di Jiu hits the Array Flag and wraps around the Seven Colored Immortality Peach.

Just as he was going to send this Seven Colored Immortality Peach into Small World, he heard: “And slow.”

Someone came, Di Jiu’s spiritual sense has discovered the coming, he has no intention of being a little bit slow and still raises his hand and sends this Seven Colored Immortality Peach to Small World.

A blue-haired youth fell in front of Di Jiu. “You just brought the Seven Colored Immortality Peach?”

“Yes.” Di Jiu’s voice was cold, and when the blue-haired youth swept him with a spiritual sense, he realized that this person was the hidden spiritual sense that swept him before he entered the light.

Blue hair youth nodded. “I know you, your name is Di Jiu. It should come from Extreme Night Continent. I don’t know if you are lucky or bad luck. Say you are bad luck, you can even see Seven Colored Immortality Peach. Said that you are lucky, this is only two months, you will be found by me. In order to thank you for your help, before killing you, I should tell you why I am going to kill you…”

Speaking in between, blue hair youth has thrown out dozens of Array Flags, will be all around this, it seems that he is not going to let Di Jiu go.

Di Jiu didn’t move, he allowed this blue-haired youth action. He has some hunch about the origin of this youth, and it is still not very sure, so he waited for the other party to take the initiative. The trifling is one layer, the cultivation base is weaker than him, and Di Jiu will be in the heart.

After the blue-haired you arranged the Troping Slaughter Array, I found that Di Jiu had not moved yet. I was surprised to say, “You are very calm, my name is Jian Yiwu, from Eversky Star Jian Family. Right, I am still a Grade 9. Array King.”

Di Jiu smiled. “I haven’t heard of it, but I can guess what you are looking for. If I remember correctly, I should have got one of your Spiritual Sense Escaping Technique jade slip, that jade. There is a mark on your slip, so you guessed that I might have Forging Spiritual Sense…”

When I heard Di Jiu’s, Jian Yiwu said with amazement, “Yes, whether you have a Forging Spiritual Sense Chapter or not, you just tell me how you learned Spiritual Sense Escapee. I can’t let you go.”

At the moment when his Troping Slaughter Array was completed, he knew that Di Jiu was dead. He is a Tropped Slaughter Array with a Grade 9 Array King, and Di Jiu can’t get away.

Di Jiu hehe said, “I am not a pig. I can’t learn anything like this. I want to use Forging Spiritual Sense Chapter… Yes, you just want this because you can’t learn such a simple thing.”

An open hand, the Forging Spiritual Sense Chapter that Di Jiu first exchanged appeared in his palm.

“It’s really…” Jian Yiwu screamed with excitement, and with the slightest hesitation, the magical treasure broke down to Di Jiu, completely forgetting that Di Jiu was a pig. He hadn’t done it before, just want to ask Di Jiu how to learn Spiritual Sense Escapee. Now Di Jiu has taken everything out, and he still needs to care.

Di Jiu Heaven Dance is in the hands, under the foot does not move, it is such a blade strike out, Rupturing Blade, one of the three blades.

“Haha, you shouldn’t have thought that I was a Mounting Cauldron…” Jian Yiwu’s words were only half-sayed and suddenly stopped.

The seven seas that he broke into were ordered to suppress Di Jiu. Under the shield of Di Jiu, his sea is one of the seas, followed by the terrible blade momentum. The violent blade intent is like a huge wave, and a wave is followed by waves.

Bang bang bang ! Only two waves, directly smashed the seven seas that were rolled up by the squad, and there was no such thing as the sea. The killing intent of the Rupturing Blade flew to Jian Yiwu unscrupulously.

Jian Yiwu madly throws out the Array Flag and wants to fire the Troping Slaughter Array. Then he discovers that his Trapping Slaughter Array can’t be stimulated at all.

Jian Yiwu big regret, he should not first trigger the Troping Slaughter Array, but should first block the Di Jiu’s blade. Unfortunately, he wasted the best time, and the blade wave was already on his body.

The killing intent of death swept, and Jian Yiwu was frightened. He cried, “Di Jiu, I am the person of the Eversky Star top grade family Jian Family, you can’t kill me…”

Di Jiu sneered, “I even got rid of Kun Sect Sect Master in Five Great Sect, what is your trifling family?”

“Ah…” Jian Yiwu stunned Di Jiu, and there was only one voice in his heart crying repeatedly, Shu Haolan turned out to be Di Jiu….and why his Troping Slaughter Array couldn’t fire, Why?

“Hey!” The Blade wave of the Rupturing Blade is on Jian Yiwu. The endless broken blade is transformed into a killing intent that drowns Jian Yiwu, and Jian Yiwu is torn into pieces by this infinite blade intent.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night, ask for a monthly pass!)

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