Di Jiu picked up Divine Fire Mirror on the ground and looked away from everyone.

Those cultivators who want to grab the Di Jiu top grade spirit vein in front of Ran Bushang are hurrying down their heads. There is only one thought in their hearts, and the Red Tassel Young Master is terrible.

From the beginning, even Ren Hai couldn’t take it anymore to easily defeat Jin Xun into the Sea List, and then to kill the Cauldron List’s second Yue Henghe. Not long ago, he defeated Life List’s thirty-seventh Ran Bushang…

How much time is it all?

To be sure, when Red Tassel Young Master goes out of Lesser World Star, he doesn’t even have a Transforming Truth cultivator. To rob the Red Tassel Young Master of this kind of person’s spinal vein, do you think you have lived too long or do you live too long?

The cultivator that did not come to snatch the muscle vein in the distance is far from Di Jiu cup one fist in the other hand. This fight erected Di Jiu’s peak in Lesser Central World.

Di Jiu, a cup one fist in the other hand, said, “Fellow Daoists, I have a few friends who are also in the Lesser Central Star. If everyone meets them in the future, please let me know. If they have any difficulties, please help everyone. One or two. Any helper’s Fellow Daoist, after going out of Lesser World Star, I will definitely give a medicinal pill…”

Just send a medicinal pill? Just as everyone thought Di Jiu was a little stingy, Di Jiu continued, “Fellow Daoist of Opening Sea Realm, I sent Kun Mounting Pill, Fellow Daoist of Mounting Cauldron Realm. I sent Converging Tribulation Pill, Life Tribulation Realm’s Fellow Daoist to True. Spirit Pill is not impossible. The medicinal pill I sent is all top grade Spirit Pill.”

Di Jiu is fighting prevention, he has too many people to offend, those fellow can’t help him, and he is likely to target his friend.

All the people are taking a breath of cold air, and a medicinal pill is also divided into medicinal pill. Di Jiu said that each of these medicinal pills can only appear in a large auction, that is, major sect may not always be available. Not to mention top grade medicinal pill, which is extremely rare.

“Red Tassel Young Master rest assured that as long as we see your friend, we will bring the message.” Many cultivators are far from cup one fist in the other hand.

Di Jiu rises too fast, and it takes only a few moments to compete with the Life List expert. Whether you can meet Di Jiu’s friend, they can make a relationship with Di Jiu.

Thanks to Di Jiu, once again began to break the restrictions. The second top grade spirit vein restriction is too simple for Di Jiu. After the 109 blade, the restriction was torn by Di Jiu and then the second top grade spirit vein was removed.

Article 3, Article 4…

The rest of the people saw that Di Jiu had collected dozens of top grade spirit veins without half a column of incense, and they all had big mouths, and some could not believe what they saw.

What is this ability? Then everyone thought that it would be a great fortune to take away so many top grade spirit veins.

Even if I knew that Di Jiu had been sent, no one dared to go forward to Di Jiu. Even Life List master Ran Bushang can only be seriously injured and escaped. They went to grab the Red Tassel Young Master. Is that looking for death?

Less than an hour, here 153 top grade spirit veins were all in the hands of Di Jiu. In addition, Di Jiu still took away 47 high grade spirit veins, exactly two hundred.

The rest of the eyes were red, and in the same way as Di Jiu, they didn’t even drink the soup.

Fortunately, after Di Jiu took away two hundred spiral veins, he did not continue to work on the remaining three hundred spicy veins, but directly escaped.

“It’s amazing.” After Di Jiu left, someone dared to say it.

“It’s really amazing. It’s estimated that for another hundred years, Red Tassel Young Master should be the first person in my Lesser Central World.”

“heng!” came a coldly snorted voice. “Is it so good? How do I feel that he is greedy? One person took away two hundred vein veins, and except top grade spirit vein is high grade spirit vein. A selfish person, even if it is the first person in my Lesser Central World, I am afraid that it is not a good thing.”

Talking about a red clothed cultivator, the cultivation base is already the Opening Sea Realm 4th layer.

One is also the cultivator indifferently said of Opening Sea Realm. “I think Red Tassel Young Master is not only greedy, but also very big. Don’t look at him taking two hundredspirit veins, which is actually one is not taken. top Grade spirit vein’s restriction, I believe no one can open it here? As for high grade spirit vein, everyone told me, in addition to Life List’s thirty-seventh Ran Bushang, who else got high grade spirit vein?

Red Tassel Young Master can take all the spirit veins here, and he even took a third of the high grade spirit vein. If you take away something that we can’t take, greedy, Fellow Daoist can tell me who is not greedy? ”

No one refutes this Opening Sea Realm cultivator, although most people are 嫉妒Di Jiu, but this is the case. Di Jiu can take all the muscle veins here, but he just took some of them and can’t take them. This is not just greed, but also generous. After all, even if Di Jiu took all the spirit veins here, no one can tell him.


Di Jiu is in a good mood. He got two hundredspirit veins at a time. This is not only the spirit vein of the protection array arranged by Star River School, but also the natural resources of his cultivating to Domain Realm.

After leaving Spirit Vein Canyon, Di Jiu looked for a place to sort out Yue Henghe’s ring. In Yue Henghe’s ring, high level spirit grass is piled up. From grade 7 to grade 9, there is everything in the spirit grass. These spirit grass don’t say that he is allowed to step into the Grade 8 Pill King, even if it is to enter the Grade 9 Pill King.

It is a pity that in Yue Henghe’s ring, not only did you not see the Suo Fruit that refines the Converging Tribulation Pill, nor the real spirit grass that refines the True Spirit Pill, or the ice radish that refines True Radish Pill, which makes Di Jiu The idea of ​​refining Converging Tribulation Pill advance Life Tribulation Realm was lost.

In desperation, Di Jiu can only return to Cultural Mountain again.

There are still a lot of cultivators under Cultivation Mountain. A month has passed and many have become new faces.

There are not many people who care about the arrival of Di Jiu. When you come to Cultural Mountain, the probability of death is more than 90%. Generally come here for the cultivator, not the top-grade genius in the well-known figure, that is, some ages are unable to step into the next realm’s cultivator.

“everyone, excuse me. Where did the Lesser Central Star ever appear Suo Fruit?” Di Jiu came to the crowd and asked for a cup one fist in the other hand.

It would be unrealistic to ask where there is Suo Fruit, but ask where there has been Suo Fruit, and there should be no problem.

“Fellow Daoist is estimated to be disappointed. If it is Lesser Central Star and Suo Fruit, it must be on Cultural Mountain.” An old man sighed and replied.

“Why?” Di Jiu asked in confusion.

The old man sighed, “The Lesser Central Star has been opened too often, and the rare spirit grass has been collected, such as Suo Fruit, a treasure that can be used to refine Converging Tribulation Pill. Once found, it is even dug away. And where will it be reserved for later generations? Unless Fellow Daoist can find a natural restriction that has never been discovered before, there is something like Suo Fruit. Otherwise, you can only climb Culture Mountain, and Culture Mountain has some cultivators that have died for countless years. So maybe there is Suo Fruit in their ring.”

“many thanks.” Di Jiu thanked and went to Cultural Mountain.

The cultivators coming here are naturally going to Cultural Mountain. Most of the cultivators are in Insights at the Foot of the Mountain for a while and then climb. And Di Jiu does not have any insights, it is not much to climb directly. It’s just that everyone is here, and they’re all out of their lives. Not many people care about Di Jiu.

Di Jiu as soon as he set foot on Cultural Mountain, he realized that a mile of life aura quickly passed, and then he felt a kind of gray. This is not seen with the eyes, nor with the spiritual sense, but with the darkness felt by the body.

Di Jiu closed his eyes and took the second step. The passage of life aura disappeared, as if it were no different from Cultural Mountain. There is no difference, and even Di Jiu feels that he can go to the top of the mountain, and then it doesn’t matter if it comes down.

But Di Jiu knows deep inside that even if he doesn’t feel the passage of life, his life must be in the madness. In other words, if he can feel the passing of life himself, maybe there will not be so many cultivators on the Culture Mountain.

Three steps, four steps…

Di Jiu tried to insights this Law of Mountain’s Law of Time aura, but unfortunately he did not say Law of Time aura after he got out of 100 step, that is, he couldn’t feel any aura. He clearly climbed, but he didn’t feel anything.

Di Jiu looked up and looked at the top of the mountain that still couldn’t be seen clearly. The dark road may indeed be able to climb to the top of the mountain.

From now on, he will increase his life expectancy by taking a step. When Di Jiu wants to step into 101st step, he suddenly can’t move his legs. His senses are still there, but his spiritual sense can no longer penetrate. He can’t look up at the top of the mountain. Change again.

A kind of loneliness rushed into the heart, and the passing of life flashed again, only for a moment. Years like Blade, Di Jiu stood quietly in the same place, the top of the watched vague.

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