Lesser Central World In addition to House of Commerce and the news of the master’s Heavens Secret Pavilion, Five Great Sect’s reputation is the biggest. In the Five Great Sect, Void Sword Sect is the most famous.

Di Jiu stood outside the Void Sword Sect and saw the magnificent Void Sword Sect, secretly sighing. This major sect is about to be removed from the Lesser Central Star, which is a pity.

If he did not exterminate Void Sword Sect, in the future Void Sword Sect will eventually destroy Star River Sect. Although Star River Sect Spiritual Qi is the most powerful of the entire Lesser Central World, it is not as clear as Void Sword Sect, or it is not at all a level.

Di Jiu took out the first Array Flag and he planned to lay out an Exploding Array to explode the entire Void Sword Sect. At the time of leveling Void Sword Sect’s, let some of the disciples of Void Sword Sect’s escape.

This Array Flag has not been thrown out, and Di Jiu suddenly feels a little fluctuation in space. Di Jiu was shocked and quickly stepped back a few steps.

With his Grade 11 spiritual sense, he can only feel some microwave movements. It is impossible to determine who the person is. It is obvious that the strength of the fellow should be above the Heavenly Gold Domain Lord.

“Fellow Daoist wants to blow Void Sword Sect?” Sure enough, a gentle voice rang around Di Jiu, and at the same time Di Jiu’s spiritual sense perceived each other, a delicate and pretty Daoist Nun wearing Buddha Tassel wearing azure clothed Appeared in front of Di Jiu’s.

When Di Jiu’s spiritual sense fell on this Daoist Nun, the heart was secretly shocked. The strength of this Daoist Nun is at least Domain Realm perfection.

Does Lesser Central World have this expert?

“Heaven Cleansing Sect Mo Yu, has seen Fellow Daoist Di.” Delicate and pretty Daoist Nun didn’t feel that he was very strong. When he came to Di Jiu, he was still in a hurry.

Di Jiu hurriedly cup one fist in the other hand, “Star River Sect Di Jiu has seen Fellow Daoist Mo, Fellow Daoist strength is really only my life.”

Mo Yu smiled and was a Daoist Nun. It just showed some smiles and immediately dotted the whole wilderness. Even if Di Jiu knew that this person should stop him from destroying Void Sword Sect’s, he also had a pleasant feeling.

“Fellow Daoist heaven’s favored is in the body, the aptitude is high, and there is no one in all ages.” Although Mo Yu’s eyes are not covered in Di Jiu, there is a kind of generosity that does not make people feel a little bit of being examined.

Di Jiu secretly, this is probably the first time someone feels aptitude heaven defying.

After Mo Yu praised Di Jiu, his tone turned and his eyes moved to the distant Void Sword Sect encampment. “Fellow Daoist wants to destroy Void Sword Sect?”

“Yes.” Di Jiu simply said two words. Since the other party knows that he wants to destroy Void Sword Sect, he must know the reason.

Mo Yu sighed and said to Di Jiu, “Fellow Daoist Di, Void Sword Sect kills your friend with Ran Bushang, and you are killed at Lesser Central Star plaza. Whether it is Sect Master Xiao Wu or on stage Elder Ge Shu and Guan Xuanxiang, all in the dust. Void Sword Sect The rest of the cultivator and Fellow Daoist have nothing to do with it, and the Void Sword Sect exists in Lesser Central World. It is more than just a sect. Fellow Daoist can let Void Sword go. Sect?”

Di Jiu calmly asked, “If it’s just for me, it doesn’t matter if I let Void Sword Sect. I let go of Void Sword Sect. After I leave Lesser Central Star, Fellow Daoist Mo can guarantee that Void Sword Sect will not go out. My star River Sect?”

Mo Yu, “Fellow Daoist Di, I have a hundred years in Lesser Central World. Within a hundred years, I guarantee that Star River Sect is safe and sound.”

“If it is a hundred years later?” Di Jiu stared at Mo Yu, and the heart secretly said that the beauty of this Daoist Nun is different from the beauty of all the female cultivators he had seen before. There is a kind of natural beauty that can’t be said.

Mo Yu said again: “A sect can survive if it needs to kill a stronger sect. The inheritance of this sect is not worth mentioning.”

Di Jiu opened his mouth, Mo Yu said yes, if a sect needs to kill a stronger sect to survive, this sect will soon be destroyed by others.

Without waiting for Di Jiu to speak, Mo Yu said again, “Fellow Daoist Di, issuedly eliminate Void Sword Sect and Kun Sect, is indeed a moment of carefree, and in fact will also bury the Star River Sect. Fellow Daoist Di kills Peng Yun and Guang Xuanxiang Several Transforming Truth cultivators, they are self-defeating. Void Sword Sect and Kun Sect, not just those of the Transforming Truth cultivator. If Fellow Daoist Di takes the initiative to kill the two sect encampments, it will cause Lesser Central. Not only that, but Star River Sect will also take the take action of the True Domain expert.”

Di Jiu is silent, he is strong, and he can’t compete with a Culture World. Moreover, his confrontation may not be a Culture World.

“Fellow Daoist Di, my Union Lord moved to find the next successor to Kun Sect and Void Sword Sect’s, telling them where they are right or wrong. And with your aptitude, future achievements are inevitable. Void Sword Sect and Kun Sect and your grievances It’s already closed, killing more, and it’s not good for your Grand Dao.” Feel that Di Jiu’s attitude has eased somewhat, and Mo Yu’s tone is sincere.

Di Jiu was silent for a long time, and he said, “Okay, I believe in you.”

Mo Yu has two points. Di Jiu still agrees. If a sect needs to rely on Sect Master to kill another sect to survive, the existence of this sect does not make sense. The second is that even if he let the disciples of the two sects all leave the sect and then use the array to explode the two sects, there must be some disciples who are unwilling to leave. Those who are unwilling to leave must be killed by him.

“Fellow Daoist Di has great wisdom and a big belly, Yu many thanks.” Mo Yu is a singer.

Di Jiu is very embarrassed. In fact, he feels that Mo Yu’s strength will not be worse than him. If Mo Yu forces him to stop him, he can’t do it. As an expert of Domain Realm perfection, Mo Yu didn’t have overbearing, and it was like a cup of tea. It was very comfortable.

“Senior Sister Mo, I have been in Lesser Central World for a while, why haven’t I heard of Heaven Cleansing Sect?” Di Jiu gave up and eliminated Void Sword Sect and Kun Sect, and suddenly became more relaxed. He knew in his heart that Mo Yu prevented him from destroying Void Sword Sect and Kun Sect, which did not necessarily mean that he did not help him. He has a crush on Mo Yu and even changed his name to Senior Sister Mo.

Mo Yu’s voice is very calm. “Heaven Cleansing Sect is the Guardian Sect of Lesser Central World. It has always existed secretly. I am the last disciple of Heaven Cleansing Sect.”

“Why don’t you continue to accept your disciples?” Di Jiu asked subconsciously.

“I don’t want my disciples to be like me. Everyone has the right to pursue their own life, not to let her wait for a lifeless thing.” Mo Yu’s voice finally has a slight wave of fluctuations, obviously saying this sentence When I was talking, my heart was a little fluctuating.

“Guarding Lesser Central World is meaningless?” Di Jiu asked.

“I think a Star Land can exist if you need a sect for guarding. The existence of this Star Land doesn’t make much sense. Junior Brother Di, I am gone, I will see you later.” Mo Yu answered The last question of Di Jiu disappears into void in one step.

Di Jiu watched Mo Yu The direction of disappearing, my heart suddenly a bit stunned.

Mo Yu’s thoughts are very independent. She is not willing to continue to teach disciples for Heaven Cleansing Sect to guarding Lesser Central World because she doesn’t think it is necessary. Just as she persuaded herself, if Star River Sect needed to kill Void Sword Sect and Kun Sect to survive, what does Star River Sect mean when it survives?

But Mo Yu obviously was a woman who kept her promise. She inherited the task of guarding Lesser Central World from the Master, so even if she thought it was wrong, she stood up and stopped herself to destroy Void Sword Sect and Kun Sect.


Void Sword Sect and Kun Sect’s only few Transforming Truth experts all went to Star River School and wanted to take the Spirit River School’s spirit vein. The result was sent out by Star River School Sect Master Di Jiu to launch the guardian great array. Afterwards, the entire Lesser Central World was waiting for the Void Sword Sect and Kun Sect to be leveled.

For all people, this is inevitable. The two major 9-star Sect’s Transforming Truth Cultivators are all killed, and the two major sects naturally cannot survive. The two Hall Lords of Axe King Hall heard this news and were even more fortunate that they made the best choice.

To everyone’s surprise, Star River School’s Sect Master and two Transforming Truth Elders did not destroy Void Sword Sect and Kun Sect. Not only that, Star River Sect held an opening ceremony.

Star River Sect is probably the first sect of Lesser Central World, so Star River Sect’s opening ceremony, almost all sects come, are also Sect Master. Void Sword Sect and Kun Sect, who survived the battle, also sent representatives to congratulate.

Di Jiu, as the sect Sect Master, naturally took the lead in receiving Sect Masters at the entrance of the sect, and then brought them to Hall by the reception disciples, accompanied by Huan Mingzi and Xian Ze.

Soon these sect Sect Masters have come to feel that Di Jiu is different from the rest of the Sect Master, that is, no matter which sect Sect Master comes, whether you are a star or a nine star, Di Jiu is very enthusiastic.

For half a day, Lesser Central World’s faceted sects are almost all over. What makes Di Jiu somewhat puzzled is that there is no one coming from Purple Thunder Sect and Rising Moon Snow Mountain. This is the second of Five Great Sect of Lesser Central World. It is reasonable to say that he has nothing to do with these two major sects.

“Sect Master Di, this is a senior let the junior come.” After all the Sect Masters entered the Star River Sect, a cultivator with only the Golden Core cultivation base walked to Di Jiu and handed a jade slip I gave Di Jiu.

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense falls on the jade slip, there is a slightly vague positioning in the jade slip, and there is a sentence, “Splitting Realm Talisman has found, I am now trapped, request Sect Master Di take action to help, Cheng Ji stay!”

Di Jiu feels from the aura on this jade slip that this jade slip is indeed the result of Immortal Accumulation Sect Sect Master Cheng Ji. He reached an agreement with Cheng Ji that he was no longer looking for Immortal Accumulation Sect, and Cheng Ji needed to give him a Splitting Realm Talisman.

Now that Splitting Realm Talisman has not received it, he has received a request for help. Even if Star River Sect is still holding the Hall, Di Jiu decided to look for Cheng Ji first, which is related to the safety of Jing Moshuang.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night, by the way, ask for monthly ticket support!)

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