Yan Xueyi on the other side said, “Reverend Yun Ming I heard that the rumor is one of the most top grade experts in the history of Lesser Central World. The age of his life is not very clear. This person kills no one, he kills no one. The reason is that he is murdered when he is in a good mood or when he is not good. As long as he meets this person alone, there is only one result, which is killed by this person. Only a few cultivators can escape from him.

Because of the murderousness and the self-proclaimed Reverend, he was awarded the title Reverend Yun Ming, which is actually an sarcasm title. Later, after Reverend Yun Ming disappeared, he was rumored to have murdered Immortal World. I did not expect this person to have a tomb in the Desert River Forbidden Land. ”

Cheng Ji also nodded. “I know that the situation is similar to that of Sect Master Yan. I thought it would be a little stable after this person fallen. It seems that this person is still a virtue after death.”

Shen Feng shook his head. “I think Reverend Yun Ming should not die yet.”

The rest of the people were silent, and Reverend Yun Ming did not die. Everyone here knows. The voice that was just now was apparently issued by Reverend Yun Ming. The only thing to consider is whether Reverend Yun Ming can rush out of Dying Coffin.

“Red Tassel Young Master, what do you mean?” Cheng Ji turned to Di Jiu and asked very sincerely.

In the view of Cheng Ji, Di Jiu’s strength is probably the strongest of them. Not only that, Di Jiu’s Array Dao means definitely not bad. If the Array Dao method is poor, it will not refine the restrictions that he left in Small World at Origin Soul Realm, and he can’t find it here.

Di Jiu said, “Reverend Yun Ming is not dead, but he is only half-sighing and breathing, I guess it is just an Origin Spirit and a decaying corpse. He can still breathe in Dying Coffin. Second, once he came out, it was when he died, so he did not dare to come out.”

Di Jiu is sure that Reverend Yun Ming is afraid to come out, and Reverend Yun Ming dares to come out. When he rushed out of Dying Coffin, the fellow came. Seven Colored Immortality Peach is estimated to be more important to Reverend Yun Ming. After eating Seven Colored Immortality Peach, he clearly felt that Reverend Yun Ming didn’t want him to leave Dying Coffin.

“But we can’t go out either.” Shen Feng sighed, Rising Moon Snow Mountain has only two Transforming Truth experts, in addition to her, there is a Supreme Elder. Once she falls here, Rising Moon Snow Mountain is also a little weak. She still doesn’t know that Kun Sect and Void Sword Sect’s Transforming Truth expert entirely are killed by Di Jiu, which is even more subtle than Rising Moon Snow Mountain.

“If you go out, you can go out. I need a good grade of gold.” Di Jiu said that although there is material on his body that can replace the virtual gold, the effect is not as good as the gold. If these few people can’t get the money, then he can only use a slightly different material to arrange a one-way transmission array.

“Red Tassel Young Master can arrange the transmission array?” Cheng Ji asked with amazement.

Yan Xueyi and Shen Feng are also shocked watched Di Jiu, they are naturally understand the virtual suspension is the main material for the layout of the transmission array. Di Jiu wants to hang gold, isn’t that a transmission array?

Whether it is before or now, Culture World can arrange transmission arrays are rare. Even if you want to arrange a transmission array, you must also use Space Crystal Stone.

The value of a Space Crystal Stone is probably much higher than that of an 9-star Sect. With Space Crystal Stone, the transmission array can be placed in both places. Using Space Crystal Stone to arrange the transmission array, you don’t have to understand the Law of Space, but use the Law of Space in Space Crystal Stone to form a spatial transmission echo.

With the increasing lack of Cultural World natural resources, Space Crystal Stone has become a legendary existence, and now CultureWorld’s transmission array is left in the ancient times, and at most it is tinkering.

The transmission array group outside Lesser Central World Heavenly Road City, the vast majority of which are ancient legacy, some of which were later built, and then part of it, almost used up the Space Crystal Stone left by the entire Lesser Central World.

“If there is a hangover, I am going to give it a try.” Di Jiu replied that he intended to arrange a one-way transmission, which was originally arranged.

“I have a virtual gold.” Cheng Ji took out a gray bullion for the first time and handed it to Di Jiu.

Yan Xueyi and Shen Feng didn’t even speak when they were shocked. They did not ask Di Jiu how to arrange the transfer.

If Di Jiu has Space Crystal Stone, once this thing is known, it will cause the entire Culture World. If Di Jiu can also arrange space transfer without Space Crystal Stone, then Di Jiu touched a little Law of Space. This is no different. A person who is touching the Law of Space, who is willing to offend?

Then several people thought about the situation where Di Jiu interrupted Reverend Yun Ming transmission array. Di Jiu and Reverend Yun Ming’s transmission array can be interrupted. Is it normal to arrange transmission array?

“That’s easy, everyone waits for me to arrange one-way transmission.” Di Jiu took over the virtual gold that Cheng Ji gave him, and he was overjoyed.

An Array Flag is reworked by Di Jiu and then laid out.

Whether Cheng Ji, Yan Xueyi or Shen Feng are Array Dao experts, especially Cheng Ji, or a Grade 9 Array King, he still can’t understand the placement of Di Jiu Array Flag.

But he was sure that Di Jiu had a touch of Law of Space.

It was only half a day later that Di Jiu stopped the action and then said, “Everyone is in the place where my layout is.”

No one doubts what Di Jiu has the means of plotting, and the three are involved in the transmission array of Di Jiu with the slightest hesitation. Di Jiu wants to do it to them, and they don’t have to wait until now. When they first come in, Di Jiu can take action to kill them three.

“Fellow Daoist Di, is this transmission array going to be destroyed after we leave?” Shen Feng asked on the transmission array.

Di Jiu chuckled, “Of course not destroyed, Yun Ming that son of a bitch dare to plot against me, this transmission array will stay here to later people. All the Reverend Yun Ming led the cultivator, it is nothing to get, too You can leave from this transmission array.”

“I was worried that after we left, Yun Ming will destroy this transmission array.” Cheng Ji tickles Reverend Yun Ming’s teeth. He was able to get Reverend Yun Ming’s Drop of Blood Jade Token, which is obviously the ghost of Reverend Yun Ming. The goal is to get him in here and then be cheated by coffin nail.

“Don’t worry, your Drop of Blood Jade Token is integrated into the transmission array, and others can send it. If it is Yun Ming dare, it will be trapped here.” Di Jiu said indifferently.

Cheng Ji sucks in a cold air, how strong is the Array Dao strength? A hidden Troping Slaughter Array is also placed in the transmission array, but he has not found it yet. With Di Jiu’s current strength, he has True Spirit World and he has been taken away by Di Jiu. He does not dare to have any nonsense.

Transmission array starts, a soft light is rolled over, and Di Jiu is swept away by the light at the same time.

Almost as Di Jiu was swept away, a gray shadow rushed out of Dying Coffin. The gray shadow was just close to the transmission array, and a tearing scream was made, quickly rushing back to Dying Coffin. He swears that if one day he can restore his strength, he will surely kill Di Jiu one inch.


“This is Desert River Forbidden Land surrounding?” When it fell to the ground, Yan Xueyi recognized it and immediately cried.

“Yes, it’s Desert River Forbidden Land surrounding. Fellow Daoist Di, many thanks for your graciousness of life-saving.” Shen Feng even a Sect Master, and now thank Di Jiu.

Di Jiu saved them three times in a short time, and this kind of kindness is really hard to repay.

Di Jiu, a cup one fist in the other hand, said, “I have to go back to sect seclusion, and there will be a few afterwards.”

After finishing Di Jiu’s body shape, go directly to Spiritual Sense Escapee.

His current strength, even if he is using the Spiritual Sense Escapee in front of the Heavenly Gold Domain Lord, the Heavenly Gold Domain Lord does not dare to treat him.

“Which sect is Fellow Daoist Di?” Yan Xueyi remembers that Di Jiu is a rogue cultivator. Now I hear that Di Jiu will sect and ask some questions.

“It’s Star River School. This time we owe a lot of goodwill. I will definitely go to Star River School to thank you,” Cheng Ji replied.

Yan Xueyi also wants to come back to thank Di Jiu again. When I heard Cheng Ji’s words, I asked some doubts. “Star River School? This sect, why haven’t I heard of it? Is it because we were trapped behind the Desert River Forbidden Land? thing?”

He didn’t know how many years he stayed at Lesser Central World. He must know Star River School.

“Wait…” Shen Feng stopped a passing young cultivator. “Do you know Star River School?”

The young cultivator couldn’t feel the strength of Shen Feng, and quickly went to salute. “Back to senior, junior knows Star River School. Star River School’s Sect Master is Red Tassel Young Master Di Jiu, Young Master Di becomes Star River School Sect Master. Later, the Star River School was renamed Star River Sect. Many rogue cultivators went to Star River Sect, and now Star River Sect is Lesser Central Star first sect…”

Sure enough, as they guessed, Star River School was the sect they built after being trapped in the Desert River Forbidden Land.

“Lesser Central World first sect?” Yan Xueyi has some frowns, although he is grateful to Di Jiu for several graciousness of life-savings, Star River Sect wants to say Lesser Central World first sect, and some have passed.

Shen Feng indifferently said, “Lesser Central World has Heavens Secret Pavilion, and Five Great Sect. Star River Sect is a very strong Sect Master. It is also a newly created sect. Is there some distance from first sect?”

The young cultivator chuckled questioned, “Senior doesn’t know, Kun Sect and Void Sword Sect in Lesser Central Star Five Great Sect are almost de-named. The two sect’s Transforming Truth cultivator goes to Star River Sect and wants to smoke Star River Sect’s spirit vein, the result was killed by Sect Master Di. If not Sect Master Di is in the heart of Lesser Central World cultivation, these two sects have long been leveled by Sect Master Di. Sect Master Di is broad-minded and is really an example of my generation cultivator.”

“Kun Sect and Void Sword Sect’s all the Transforming Truth cultivators are killed?” Yan Xueyi couldn’t help but ask.

He knows that Xiao Wu and Ge Shu are being pushed against the Lesser Central Star, and Kun Sect and Void Sword Sect have three other Transforming Truth experts.

Only Cheng Ji silently said that when Xiao Wu was killed at the Lesser Central Star plaza, he suspected that Di Jiu had done it, and now it seems to be the case.

“That is, of course, when Star River Sect was opened, it was not just the Heaven Lord Chang Xiao of Heavens Secret Pavilion who personally came to the door to congratulate, even the True Domain’s Heavenly Gold Domain Lord also congratulated.” Young cultivator did not feel the idea of ​​three people The change is still admired.

(Second more likely to be late.)

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