One hundred thousand high grade spirit stone One night is also a high price, Di Jiu feels not as expensive as Ascending Immortal Inn.

It is not the cave man Qi of the cave mansion. In fact, after Di Jiu got one or two hundred top grade spirit veins, it was not too much attention to Spiritual Qi when cultivating. He cares about the Heaven and Earth Law where cultivating is located. Is it clear?

His cave mansion is not only full of Spiritual Qi, but also cultivating Law is much clearer than Lesser Central World. How big is True Domain Di Jiu doesn’t know, since the Law here is clearer than Lesser Central World, it means that the domain of True Domain is slightly higher than Lesser Central World.

Di Jiu has no interest in True Domain. He has only two things from here, that is, to participate in the True Domain Great Competition of Geniuses and to take away Jing Moshuang. Jing Moshuang was taken away by Han Qingyi. According to the agreement, Han Qingyi should bring Jing Moshuang to Ascending Immortal City. So before he received the news, he would not leave Ascending Immortal Inn, simply stay cultivating in Inn.


The main influence of True Domain is not sect, but the Five Great Domains and the major families. Sect in True Domain, that is completely down.

Zhuo Family is definitely the top three Great Domain in the True Domain, Patriarch Zhuo Changgeng Domain Realm 4th layer, which ranks among the top ten in the True Domain.

At least a dozen of the Zhuo Family’s Elder-level experts are present at the Zhuo Family Hall. A young and beautiful woman sits on the right side of the head and is more prominent. If Di Jiu is here, I will definitely know that this woman is Zhuo Wenshu. Even if Zhuo Wenshu wore a veil, her style could not be covered.

“True Domain Battle of Geniuses is about to begin, this time I am going with Wenshu and Elder Shu. As long as Di Jiu is coming, it will be handed over to Elder Shu and cleaned up.” Zhuo Changgeng has a dull tone. With a trace of unquestionable murderous aura.

Zhuo Wenshu, who was originally sitting in the seat, was very calm. Hearing this, he stood up and gave a gift. “Please Patriarch let Di Jiu once. My brother Wencheng’s death has nothing to do with Di Jiu. I watched it too many times. It was my brother who wanted to take the ring from him. The result was fall on Cultural Mountain. From the beginning to the end, he and his brother had no contact.”

An old man sitting on the top left frowned, and his tone was somewhat unpleasant. “Wenshu, your Elder Brother is obviously dead because of Di Jiu. If Di Jiu came to True Domain, my Zhuo Family is still in the air. Didn’t see, my Zhuo Family is not going to be a joke of True Domain.”

“But my Elder Brother’s fall has nothing to do with him.” Zhuo Wenshu said with some sorrow.

“heng!” This old man once again coldly snorted, “It doesn’t matter? Isn’t Di Jiu Wencheng going to Cultural Mountain? Besides, Di Jiu is the only cultivator that has survived Culture Mountain. He can save Wencheng but save it. A woman who is worthless, my Zhuo Family, if it is not reported to this hatred, why is it based on the True Domain family? Such a worthless woman, Han Qingyi actually has a face to ask for Ji Family take action. Uninteresting that’s all.”

Zhuo Wenshu’s face is a bit hard to look at. She walked out of the seat and gave herself a tribute to Zhuo Changgeng. “Patriarch, Di Jiu has graciousness of life-saving for me. I was not Di Jiu at the Desert River Forbidden Land. I have already fallen inside. Although I don’t know how Di Jiu escaped, but his graciousness of life-saving, I not only did not report, but to kill him, I will not go by myself. If my Elder Brother really died in his hands, I will definitely Killing him, then committing suicide returns his graciousness of life-saving. But my Elder Brother is not dead in his hands, but my Zhuo Family is going to harm him. I can’t accept it.”

When Zhuo Changgeng heard Zhuo Wenshu, his face was a bit gloomy. Di Jiu is bound to kill, and Zhuo Wenshu can’t help but listen.

Zhuo Wenshu Transforming Truth 4th layer, this True Domain Battle of Geniuses Zhuo Family has dozens of entrants, but Zhuo Wenshu is the only one who is eligible for the top three.

Seeing that Zhuo Changgeng was sullen and no longer talking, another Elder stood up. “If the Young Master is not harmed, the current cultivation base will not be weaker than Wenshu. My Zhuo Family is two geniuses, and the hard life is caused by this person. Die one, my Zhuo Family can you just let it go in True Domain?”

In the eyes of all Zhuo Family people, Zhuo Wenshu’s status is naturally not as good as her brother Zhuo Wencheng. Even if Zhuo Wencheng is dead, this pot needs people to back, and the purpose of killing Di Jiu’s is not only to make Di Jiu back.

Why is Zhuo Wencheng falling at Cultural Mountain? Still not because there are hundreds of top grade spirit veins on Di Jiu? It is the Zhuo Family, and it is far from this family.

“Patriarch, I am afraid that this is not the case for our Zhuo Family. Dijiu’s a friend also killed a scorpion of Severing Star Domain Domain Lord Bai Hong, Bai Hong will definitely not let him go. If it is my Zhuo Family Hands-on, it will definitely conflict with the Domain Lord Bai, but it is a pity that he has something.”

When the Zhuo Family had Elder say this, all the people in the Zhuo Family’s House of Deputies were silent.

It’s easy to kill Di Jiu, and it’s not that easy to deal with the Severing Star Domain Lord.


Di Jiu madly absorbed the surrounding spirit Stone Spiritual Qi, plus the clear Law here, Di Jiu even has a feeling, the next moment, he can rush into the Transforming Truth 6th layer.

At this time, a sudden voice sounded outside. “The True Domain Battle of Geniuses was held at Ascending Immortal Plaza one day later. All eligible geniuses entered the competition area with their qualification token.”

The impact of the Transforming Truth 6th layer was interrupted, and Di Jiu only paused the impact.

One day, Di Jiu saw Xian Ze and found that Xian Ze’s aura increased significantly. It seems that cultivating in this place is still very useful for Xian Ze.

Don’t look at Xian Ze now is the Transforming Truth 5th layer, it’s not because Xian Ze’s aptitude is worse than Lesser Central World or True Domain. On the contrary, Xian Ze’s aptitude may be more genius than those of genius. Where is his Extreme Night Continent, where is Extreme Night Continent? Even the lack of Spiritual Qi in the Opening Sea Realm cultivator, Xian Ze can also cultivating to Transforming Truth Realm, showing how high the aptitude of Xian Ze is.

Because of this, after Xian Ze arrived at Lesser Central World, even if he was busy with other things, the cultivation base still advancing from the Transforming Truth 3rd layer to the Transforming Truth 5th layer.

“Di Jiu, don’t worry about anything else, concentrate on going to Dabby. Even if it fails, don’t worry.” After Xian Ze cultivating half a month here, there is a sudden thought in his heart, if he has been cultivating in True Domain Even if it is into Domain Realm perfection, it is not impossible. When he got to Domain Realm perfection, there might be other means to go to Immortal World.

“Senior Xian, don’t worry about me, I have a way to get into the top three.” Di Jiu smiled and didn’t take the game to heart.

“Di Jiu, your strength should be stronger than me, Culture World is the strength, we don’t have any sect relationship, nor do we have a relationship, we will be brothers in the future. Or, our relationship is more closely.” Xian Ze patted Di Jiu.

Di Jiu still respects Xian Ze. Now Xian Ze says that his brother is commensurate, and he doesn’t care. “If that’s the case, I will call you Brother.”

Di Jiu thinks that Xian Ze is right, and Xian Ze and his relationship are different from Huan Mingzi. Huan Mingzi also had the grace to bring him, so Xian Ze proposed to become a friend with him, and he agreed with the slightest hesitation.


Ascending Immortal City plaza is a sea of ​​people, with a platform about three feet above the ground. Di Jiu’s spiritual sense swept, this platform can accommodate at least four or five thousand people at the same time. There is a strip between the platform and the plaza, the strip is protected by a protection array, and a dedicated channel leads directly to the platform.

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense quickly swept many acquaintances, Di Feixue, Ji Hongchuan, Han Qingyi… He even saw Zhuo Wenshu.

“Big Brother Xian, you wait, I have some things.” Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation went to Han Qingyi. Because I know that Han Qingyi will definitely come here, he will wait until now. Otherwise, he has already found Falling Ice Mountain.

“Stand up.” Di Jiu was stopped when he reached the distance of Han Qingyi.

Di Jiu yelled at Han Qingyi, “Fairy Qingyi, Moshuang?”

Han Qingyi saw Di Jiu, his eyes were somewhat evasive, and Di Jiu sank in his heart. Before he could talk, a terrible imposing manner was crushed, and Di Jiu felt a cold ice.

The Heaven Dancing Blade behind Di Jiu trembled. He couldn’t help his murderous aura. If Han Qingyi didn’t give him a positive answer, don’t blame him for doing it here.

This is an elegant man behind Han Qingyi who is crushed by the imposing manner. In Di Jiu, the cultivation base should be around the Domain Realm 5th layer, even the Heavenly Gold Domain Lord, and dare to crush him with the killing potential.

Han Qingyi also felt Di Jiu’s murderous aura. She even saw the red tassel of the blade behind Di Jiu without the wind, with a very imposing manner. Di Jiu and even Zhuo Wenshu don’t save, she believes that Di Jiu is going crazy and dare to start here.

She said quickly, “Fellow Daoist Di, don’t worry, Junior Sister Moshuang is fine. The Great Competition of Geniuses is about to begin. How can I tell you later?”

It seems that in order to verify Han Qingyi, her words have just fallen, a middle-aged man appears in the center of the plaza, Lang said, “please invite all cultivators with True Domain Great Competition of Geniuses qualification token to enter the arena. ”

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