A man with a squat on his back just walked outside the cavage mansion, and saw Di Jiu coming out of the cave mansion.

He is dumbfounded, how can Di Jiu come out? He took a step slower and did not intercept Di Jiu, and Di Jiu was taken away by the people of Falling Ice Mountain.

Falling Ice Mountain is naturally not as simple as Plum Domain. He didn’t dare to rush into Falling Ice Mountain. After asking the Domain Lord, he first came to Falling Ice Mountain and wanted to take Di Jiu.

The reason is that Di Jiu is the first of the True Domain Great Competition of Geniuses. He invited Di Jiu to attend the celebration party after the first round of True Domain genius.

What he didn’t think of was that he had just arrived at the encampment of Falling Ice Mountain and Di Jiu came out. Did Falling Ice Mountain not ask the secret of Di Jiu?

“Red Tassel Young Master, I am looking for you some things, I don’t know if I can take a step to talk?” The back-to-back man quickly spirit slowly recovers and said to Di Jiu gently.

“Who are you?” Di Jiu’s spiritual sense falls on this man, his Grace 11 spiritual sense, it is easy to see that there is a restriction on the back, this restriction should be in control of the restrictions, once there is any back Resist, the person who is under this restriction can let the smog fly away.

“My name is Gou Shang.”

“If that’s the case, then take the lead.” Even if Gou Shang’s murder is so deep, under the Di Jiu Grade 11 spiritual sense, it is still invisible. The strength of this Gou Shang Domain Realm 1st layer, Di Jiu is not in the eye, he also wants to know who is behind him.

Gou Shang stunned, is this Di Jiu a monk? Otherwise, how could it be so easy to agree to his request? He also prepared Di Jiu to crush Di Jiu and then take Di Jiu’s when he disagreed. Now that he has not released the imposing manner, Di Jiu has led him to lead the way.

“Why, I don’t want to lead the way, I go back to sleep.” Di Jiu snorted.

Gou Shang came back and said quickly, “Red Tassel Young Master please follow me.”

Gou Shang thinks that if Di Jiu doesn’t want to leave Ascending Immortal Inn, he still has to use it. If Di Jiu is taken out of Ascending Immortal Inn, Di Jiu will let him squeeze.

However, Di Jiu didn’t even think about it and left the Ascending Immortal Inn. Gou Shang was really hurt. He really didn’t understand why the Di ji cultivator can still live to the present.

Then Gou Shang found that he didn’t understand more than that. When he walked outside Ascending Immortal City, Di Jiu was still behind him. Until he came out of Ascending Immortal City, Di Jiu followed Ascending Immortal City.

“You can go faster. At this speed, when can you stay away from Ascending Immortal City and find a place where other people can’t sweep the spiritual sense.” After the Ascending Immortal City, Di Jiu finally couldn’t help but say One sentence.

Gou Shang had a good meal. He looked up and looked at Di Jiu with his stunned eyes. For the first time in his heart, there was a mess. What is this with, isn’t Di Jiu not willing to go, is he pressed away? How did he become unhappy and despised by Di Jiu?

“Well, I am old, I have to work hard to get there.” After Gou Shang finished this sentence, the figure was completely turned into a shadow.

He didn’t know where Di Jiu came from, but since Di Jiu had this guts, it would definitely follow him.

Half an hour later, after Gou Shang stopped, the shocked discovery of Di Jiu stopped at him not far away.

“You…” Gou Shang couldn’t help but feel the horror of his heart, staring at Di Jiu, suddenly there was a kind of embarrassment. Can he really get rid of Di Jiu?

Di Jiu took a few steps forward and Gou Shang subconsciously stepped back. Then he understood that he should not step back.

“Gou Shang, who sent you to kill me?” Di Jiu stopped, some silently watched Gou Shang.

“You know that I am coming to kill you, are you still coming out with me?” Gou Shang stared at Di Jiu inexplicably. He absolutely did not believe that a cultivator less than two hundred years old could be his opponent.

Di Jiu laughed, “You trifling Domain Realm 1st layer ,within the body is still being used to smash the restrictions, and want to kill this Young Master? I want to ask you, what guts do you have, dare to lead this Young Master come out?”

Gou Shang was completely messed up in the wind. From Di Jiu’s follow-up to Ascending Immortal Inn, he had a feeling that Di Jiu should not be the kind of idiot. Now he finally understands that the idiot is himself. Everyone even sees his strength and the restrictions of the body. If Di Jiu can’t beat him, he doesn’t believe it.

Seeing Gou Shang is silent, Di Jiu said again, “If you honestly account, I can consider breaking the restrictions of your with the body, let you be free. If you don’t want to say it, then don’t blame me.” As for who you are sending you, you are like a bear, it is estimated that you can ask someone if you can find someone.”

Gou Shang heard Di Jiu’s words, not only did he have no fighting spirit, but he showed a kind of sorrow in his eyes, muttering to himself, “I am a dog, I am Mei Bashan’s dog. He wants me to bite me. Who bite… haha, I was originally a dog.”

It seems that I feel that I have no longer lived today. Gou Shang said that the back seems to touch the last trace of self-respect in the heart, haha ​​laughed, and finally laughed, even tears laughed.

It turned out to be Mei Bashan, Di Jiu know Mei Bashan, I heard that this fellow is True Domain first expert, Domain Realm 9th Layer strength. It is the Domain Lord of Plum Domain. It seems that the third Mei Zhiyun of the True Domain Great Competition of Geniuses is his son.

“You are wrong.” Di Jiu suddenly interrupted Gou Shang’s laughter.

Gou Shang finally woke up from that madness, and he regained his stunned look at Watched Di Jiu. “Where am I wrong?”

Di Jiu laughed, “You are not a dog, because you are not even a dog. Dogs can also find bones for themselves. You don’t have this qualification.”

“Yes, I don’t even have a dog…” Gou Shang muttered again.

When the owner let him bite, he just needs to rush to bite, because every time he can bite. When he found that the person he was about to bite was far stronger than him, his inner support finally collapsed.

“Talk about your story. If you can make me feel a little compassionate, I can consider uncommenting the restriction with the body.” Di Jiu indifferently said.

It is not that Di Jiu wants to be a good person, but that he feels that Gou Shang is forcibly detained by Mei Bashan. If he can pull Gou Shang to his side, he will have a helper when he plots against Mei Bashan.

Mei Bashan Domain Realm 9th Layer strength, and True Domain first expert, Di Jiu is really not sure can be positive and regret this fellow. Once he developed Gou Shang as his collaborator, the plot against Mei Bashan was a bit more grasping.

In the True Domain place, as long as Mei Bashan is done, Di Jiu believes that no one else can threaten him.

Gou Shang shook his head. “My restriction can’t be solved. Except Mei Bashan, no one can unlock my restriction. I can’t kill you today, I don’t intend to go back alive, because going back is also a death.”

“Haha…” Di Jiu laughed, “Gou Shang, I see that you have been called a dog for too long, and even the most basic brain is gone. I can see your restriction at a glance, even Can see that your restriction is the involvement of the Sea of ​​Consciousness Origin Spirit and Dantian, I can unlock your restriction.”

“You…” Gou Shang stared at Di Jiu with a shock, and he could see at a glance that his restriction was started from Origin Spirit. How strong is the spiritual sense?

He is sure that Mei Bashan does not have this strength.

“I don’t want to be with you, if you still don’t agree, then pull down, this Young Master doesn’t have much time to accompany you.” Di Jiu said impatiently.

Gou Shang sighed. “I finally understand why Han Wushui of Falling Ice Mountain can let you walk out of the seventh mana mansion, because he has no ability to leave you.”

“You are wrong again. It is not that he has no ability to leave me. It is my good heart. I have not planned to kill all the people at Falling Ice Mountain.” Di Jiu laughed.

Gou Shang nodded and he believed in Di Jiu’s words.

Di Jiu did not say that he was waiting for Gou Shang to speak.

After two or three minutes, Gou Shang said, “In True Domain, the first Great Domain called Earth Domain, Earth Domain’s Domain Lord called Jue Yueshao, he is not only the Earth Domain strongest, but also the strongest of the entire True Domain. One day, a cultivator called Mei Bashan came to the Earth Domain. He said that from True Domain Mei Family, he got a Seven Colored Immortality Peach and wanted to give it to the Earth Domain’s Domain Lord…”

Di Jiu laments, this Mei Bashan is really worth the money, don’t look at him there are a few Seven Colored Immortality Peach, in fact, Seven Colored Immortality Peach is something that can’t be met. The Seven Colored Immortality Peach on his body is not particularly good because it is a new tree and has been transplanted.

Any cultivator, especially the older cultivator, is not resistant to Seven Colored Immortality Peach, and the gift of Mei Bashan is unforgivable.

“Jue Yueshao has no doubts, because the Earth Domain is too strong. He called Sect Elder to welcome Mei Bashan’s peaches…” Gou Shang had a bit of pain in his eyes. “When Sect Elder was all gathered in Hall, Mei Bashan opened the jade box, which is a peach in the jade box, but that is not the Seven Colored Immortality Peach, but the Mirror Moon Peach…”

“Not good.” Di Jiu said subconsciously, others did not know Mirror Moon Peach, he was too clear. The value of this peach is much more precious than the Seven Colored Immortality Peach, the World Book introduction, which is a kind of Law of Time spirit fruit, which is also in the Immortal World. This kind of peach can make people’s insights Time Divine Ability, at least not at his level.

But the first time you see Mirror Moon Peach, there is an illusion that you are stuck in the mirror and fall into a stop of time. The name of Mirror Moon Peach is also from this, meaning into the flower in the mirror, the moon in the water.

Gou Shang didn’t care about Di Jiu’s, he said, “At the moment I saw the Mirror Moon Peach, everyone including the Domain Lord was caught in the stop, and Mei Bashan suddenly started, killing in a short two-time period. The entire Earth Domain’s expert.”

“Why is there no thing for Mei Bashan? And who are you, how do you know so clearly?” Di Jiu stared at Gou Shang.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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