The voice has not fallen, Di Jiu’s Heaven Dancing Blade has rolled up a blade of tearing space, azure blade glow wrapped Bai Shaoxiang in it, Bai Shaoxiang wants to avoid, but he has no ability to escape.

“Oh!” After the azure blade glow, it was a red mist cracking.

Compared to Mei Zhiyun’s insistence on Di Jiu’s hands, Bai Shaoxiang didn’t even hold on to one stroke. He even killed his own magical treasure and was killed by Di Jiu.

“You killed Bai Shaoxiang…” When Bai Shaoxiang’s body was transformed into nothingness, An Xiaoqi couldn’t believe it.

Di Jiu laughed, “Yeah, I killed Bai Shaoxiang.”

An Xiaoqi has some numbness in her scalp. She is scared of watched Di Jiu. She doesn’t believe that Di Jiu will not kill her. If you switch to any one person, I am afraid that after killing Mei Zhiyun and Bai Shaoxiang, I will leave an insider, because this is a behavior to find death.

“My father is Annong Domain Domain Lord An Lingzhou.” An Xiaoqi said this sentence for a while. She felt that her sentence was a bit dry, so she did not even ask for mercy.

Di Jiu nodded. “Can guess, your father is the Domain Lord, you are surnamed An, and it is also the daughter of the Annong Domain Domain Lord.”

“Do I have to die?” An Xiaoqi really didn’t want to die. Her talent was not the first in the True Domain, but she was able to rank in the top. After True Domain goes out, she will have countless great times, True Domain, and how many people can cultivating to her level in two hundred years? Now I am dying in the hands of Di Jiu with her latex hatred and enmity, and I am not willing.

Di Jiu was shocked by Watched An Xiaoqi, and soon he understood. In fact, he is sure to kill Mei Zhiyun himself. Mei Bashan should have guessed it, so he is not worried that he has killed Mei Zhiyun. In other words, it is exposure, and he does not kill and annihilate his Xiaoqi with latex hatred and enmity.

“I guess you have to die.” Di Jiu touched his nose. He didn’t believe that An Xiaoqi could be cultivating to immortality.

“I can die by myself?” An Xiaoqi asked this question, Di Jiu found that this woman is really a little cute.

Di Jiu said in a serious way, “I still give you a suggestion, you can choose to die.”

After saying this, Di Jiu’s figure flashed and left. He now kills 96 Monster Beasts and two Illusory Beasts. In fact, his score has exceeded one hundred percent, because the two Illusory Beast Monster Core Di Jiu did not intend to send it out, so he still needs to kill a few more Monster Beast.

It wasn’t until Di Jiu had been away for a long time that An Xiaoqi woke up and Di Jiu didn’t plan to kill her. She hurryed to escape, even if she left a long distance and believed that she was safe, she still couldn’t believe that Di Jiu would not kill her. She made up her mind that she would never say that Di Jiu had killed Bai Shaoxiang and Mei Zhiyun.


After Mei Zhiyun was killed, Xian Ba ​​was smashed by Mei Bashan on the scoreboard, and Ascending Immortal Plaza did not change much.

The crowd is still staring at the score cards and wants to know who the top three are. According to past practice, the scores on the Ascending Immortal Plaza array technique screen may be slightly changed at this time, and there will be no major changes in the rankings.

Array technique The first place on the screen is still Di Jiu, another hundred percent, and there is still one day at the end of the distance. Very obviously, Di Jiu’s previous question became a reality, that is, Di Jiu scored more than one hundred. Xigu Boyang touched his face and he felt like he was being beaten by Di Jiu.

Ranked second is Zhuo Wenshu, with a score of seventy-four points, which is a very high score. The third is Bai Xizhou, which is sixty-seven points. The fourth is Hu Burang, with a score of sixty-five points. The fifth is Bai Shaoxiang, which is sixty-four points. Ranked sixth in Gu Jue with 56 points, which is another genius from Lesser Central World. The seventh place is to come and score, forty-three points. The eighth place is Han Qingyi, with a score of forty-two points. Ranked ninth is An Xiaoqi, with a total of 40…

This time, Lesser Central World’s geniuses accounted for three of the top six, which is a bit strange.

The Hanging House on the edge of the plaza is a bit quiet, but Ascending Immortal Plaza is a bit of a discussion, and everyone is guessing who will be the first in the True Domain Great Competition of Geniuses.

As for the nominal first name Di Jiu, it has already been ruled out by many people. Very obviously As soon as Di Jiu comes out, Mei Bashan will kill and Di Jiu will be killed, and the ranking will naturally be lost.

Bai Hong was a little excited, and he was not excited because Bai Shaoxiang got 70 points in the first round.

In fact, the first round of Bai Shaoxiang got 70 and a lot, but this time the genius is too much, and 70 is only ranked in the twelfth place. This ranking makes him feel a little lost. It is really too many experts this time. Bai Shaoxiang is a Transforming Truth 2nd layer, which is worse than Mei Zhiyun, Bai Xizhou and Zhuo Wenshu.

He was excited that Mei Zhiyun was killed, the first round of scores was naturally void, and Di Jiu, the number one, must not survive. Remove the first two, it is very likely that the elephant will enter the top three. I can’t get into the top three, and that Hu Burang is in front. Trifling Lesser Central World’s rogue cultivator, his Bai Hong has 10,000 ways to get the other side off.

Bai Hong is still thinking about how to make Bai Shaoxiang into the top three. The name of Bai Shaoxiang on the array technique screen suddenly collapses and disappears into a little bit of astigmatism.

Bai Hong suddenly stood up and he felt his hands tremble. His son Bai Shaoxiang has fallen in the Evil Beast Valley. How is this possible…

At this moment, he suddenly understood the wrath of Mei Bashan.

“Di Jiu, must be Di Jiu killing me!” Bai Hong mad, he can no longer contain the killing intent.

The people around are very speechless. If Bai Shaoxiang is also killed by Di Jiu, then this Di Jiu is too have guts, or it is too bold.

“Domain Lord Bai, the elephants and the dragons, the fall in the Evil Beast Valley is really sighing. Just more powerful than the less powerful, I am afraid more than one Di Jiu?” Heavenly Gold Domain Lord indifferently said.

Bai Hong An open hand, a Fish Patterned Halberd is suspended above the head. He said with murderous aura: “Huan Changzhu, do you have to fight with me?”

Huan Changzhu said, “Since you said that Di Jiu killed, it is Di Jiu to kill, I am not interested in playing here with you.”

A man with a bronze colored face frowned, indifferently said, “Everything is waiting for the True Domain Great Competition of Geniuses. This time, the True Domain Great Competition of Geniuses is a shame for True Domain. “”

Seeing this person talking, Bai Hong finally did not continue to worry, and the draw Fish Patterned Halberd sat down.

Mei Bashan doesn’t have much to say. The person who speaks is the Domain Lord Bai Cangxing of the True Domain 2nd Great Domain Bright Jia Domain. The cultivation base is at the peak of the Domain Realm 8th layer, which is not much weaker than Mei Bashan.

Bai Hong is more emboldened and does not dare to compete with Bai Cangxing.

Bai Cangxing is really uncomfortable. Mei Bashan is also the Domain Lord of the first domain of True Domain. He actually grabbed an insignificant person and nailed it to the array technique screen. Now Bai Hong has to make trouble again. Is this bigger than that?

The reason why he didn’t stand up and talk before was not because he was afraid of Mei Bashan, but because he knew that if he stood up to stop Mei Bashan, he would definitely fight.

Huan Changzhu and An Lingzhou can stand up and talk, he can’t Bai Cangxing. Because his position is almost equal to Mei Bashan, he stood up and asked Mei Bashan, which made Mei Bashan have no way to go.

Bai Hong will stand up and make trouble, then he will naturally not let it go.


Di Jiu stopped and he estimated that he should have reached the innermost part of the Evil Beast Valley. His spiritual sense was suppressed to only the range of severe feet.

In front of his spiritual sense is a huge array. This array Di Jiu knows, Great Transforming Life Array.

The Great Transforming Life Array is of a high rating, and Di Jiu suspects that if he is injured here, just by blood essence aura, he may be taken away by this Great Transforming Life Array and transformed into nothingness.

No wonder the rest of the Evil Beast Valley, all fallen life will be transformed into nothingness, it turns out that there is a top grade Great Transforming Life Array.

Who is this Great Transforming Life Array? Di Jiu is not clear. He definitely wants to explore this Great Transforming Life Array with his current strength. It is estimated that it is a bit tired to dislike his life.

Di Jiu Although curious, he was not curious enough to even ignore his own life, he began to retreat.

His sign hanging on the waist gave a faint glow, Di Jiu know, it was time for the game, Di Jiu was thinking about exiting Evil Beast Valley.

A huge palm grabbed Di Jiu. “If you are here, come in.”

At this moment, Di Jiu’s body seems to be stuffed into the middle of the boulder, and it is impossible to move.

Seeing that the huge handprint was about to be caught, Di Jiu spiritual sense stretched out, and finally he had a little space when the palm approached him. At this moment, Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation is a kick out, Great Footprint.

“Oh!” The violent power swept over, Di Jiu’s throat was sweet, and everything that kept his body finally disappeared.

At the moment when the bondage of the body was lifted, Di Jiu was a Spiritual Sense Escapee and then madly rushed to the exit of the Evil Beast Valley.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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