The sky’s blood mist is like a watermelon smashed in a void, and the entire Ascending Immortal Plaza is silent. Many people think that after being trapped by Di Jiu’s blade array, Mei Bashan is fierce, but no one thinks that Mei Bashan will be smashed into pieces by Di Jiu.

Even if Mei Bashan is heavy injury, it is not a punch. Di Jiu punched Mei Bashan and smashed Mei Bashan into scum. How strong is this fist?

Di Jiu didn’t have a good time. He only saw the ring that Mei Bashan had fallen, but he didn’t see Mei Bashan’s Origin Spirit.

Although his punch is strong, he is not strong enough to even hit the teeth of Mei Bashan’s Origin Spirit.

But his spiritual sense, no matter how you look, can’t find where Mei Bang’s Origin Spirit is hiding.

When Mei Bashan was killed by Di Jiu and Di Jiu was looking for Mei Bashan Origin Spirit, when all the people on the plaza were silent, a woman rushed out of the Hanging House and stumbled on the dark red ground on the plaza.

The entire Ascending Immortal Plaza seemed to wake up, and all sorts of low-pitched voices rang.

Di Jiu stared at the woman who was kneeling in the place of Mei Bashan, and he was amazed. This woman is indeed beautiful, she has something that people can’t tell. Obviously it seems to be very pitiful, there is a kind of extreme gentleness, but the feeling of giving people is also a kind of wild.

The pear’s raining charming face makes people feel heartbreaking and willing to die for her.

Di Jiu sighed, he is sure that this woman is Shui Tianwan, no wonder Jue Zhan will forget this woman, this woman has the capital that people can’t forget.

Jue Zhan is like a lightning strike, blankly staring at the woman, then slowly walking towards this woman.

The woman raised her head and looked at Jue Zhan with her tears. She had a desperate and self-pity in her eyes.

Ascending Immortal Plaza was quiet again, both watched to Jue Zhan of Shui Tianwan.

The identity of Jue Zhan is not known to anyone, and very few people know it. Now that Mei Bashan has been killed, a very small number of people have whispered, and now almost the entire plaza knows the relationship between Jue Zhan and Shui Tianwan.

Jue Zhan walked to Shui Tianwan and didn’t move, just staring at Shui Tianwan.

Shui Tianwan stood up, her face was still full of tears, and the charming face I saw was also a well-watched Jue Zhan, who seemed to forget that she was still crying for Mei Bashan not long ago.

“Senior Brother Zhan, your back is already smashed, I, sorry for you…” If Shui Tianwan is too beautiful, her voice is a perfect interpretation of her beauty.

Jue Zhan, like he didn’t hear Shui Tianwan, is still a watched Shui Tianwan with a pity and memories. He seems to have been immersed in the scene of the sapling in the lake with Shui Tianwan. At that time, the Earth Domain was booming. He was also the Earth Domain’s little Domain Lord…

After a long time, Jue Zhan came back to God. He said, “I don’t blame you, I don’t have the ability to protect you. If it weren’t you, maybe I was killed…”

Shui Tianwan had more tears in her eyes. She grabbed a short blade and pressed it into her eyebrows.

Jue Zhan gently grabbed Shui Tianwan’s hand and stopped Shui Tianwan’s self-sufficiency. He shook his head and seemed to persuade Shui Tianwan not to suicide. His tone was softer. “Wan’er, you know me. Who is the most sorry person?”

Shui Tianwan’s watched Jue Zhan’s eyes are gentle, she seems to know the words of Jue Zhan. Jue Zhan is definitely the one to say. In the heart of Jue Zhan, she is everything. A little Domain Lord who was so proud of that year, she is willing to be a dog for hundreds of years. Just as she was going to talk, Jue Zhan shook her head for the second time and looked up at the distant void. “My most sorry person is my parents and the entire Earth Domain’s innocent soul…”

“Hey!” When it came to the last two words, the dagger in the hands of Jue Zhan directly penetrated Shui Tianwan’s eyebrows.

Shui Tianwan can’t believe watched Jue Zhan, she feels that the strength of her body is dissipating, “You…”

She really didn’t understand, she didn’t even have a dog in her eyes, and how could Jue Zhan who used her as a heaven and earth kill her?

The reason is that she let Jue Zhan die, and Jue Zhan should die right away.

It’s not just Shui Tianwan who didn’t think that the rest of the people, including Di Jiu, didn’t think of why Jue Zhan wanted to kill Shui Tianwan.

When Di Jiu’s spiritual sense saw Jue Zhan’s Parting Earth Flame Light Flag nailing an Origin Spirit, he finally understood it.

Mei Bashan’s Origin Spirit is teleported, and the teleport is Shui Tianwan’s Purple Mansion. Others couldn’t think of it, but didn’t get through Jue Zhan. Mei Bashan can teleport the Origin Spirit to Shui Tianwan’s Purple Mansion, which means that Shui Tianwan has only one Mei Bashan in his heart, and there is no such thing as Jue Zhan.

It is because Jue Zhan knows this and knows that Shui Tianwan still wants to save Mei Bashan, which is a decisive killer.

“Jue Zhan, you kill my husband, kill my son, and now kill me, you…” Shui Tianwan sounded like a cuckoo blood, sad.

Jue Zhan once again looked up at the watched distant void and murmured, “I didn’t realize until today that I was with Mei Bashan who found the hidden protection array that my Earth Domain evaded, and let Mei Bashan put my Earth Domain’s old and weak women together. Killing the light. I am a beast, for a whore beast…”

Shui Tianwan stopped the scream of anger. She suddenly thought of Jue Zhan and Mei Bashan. Mei Bashan had a good percentage of her without Jue Zhan, but she was squatting to fall in love with Mei Bashan. She was wrong. ?

In the hands of Jue Zhan, the Parting Earth Flame Light Flag was twisted and two tears screamed. Di Jiu sighed and he knew that Mei Bashan was really killed.

Mei Bashan estimates that he did not expect that his Origin Spirit was killed by Jue Zhan.

Di Jiu withdraw Mei Bashan’s ring, Jue Zhan also collected Shui Tianwan’s corpse, then walked to Di Jiu and kneeled on the ground and raised Parting Earth Flame Light Flag to Di Jiu, “Thank you!”

No matter how much he said, he could not replace Di Jiu’s gratitude at the moment.

Di Jiu withdraw Parting Earth Flame Light Flag, taking Jue Zhan and patted him on the shoulder. “The past is over, everything has to start again.”

Jue Zhan shook his head and he once again gave Di Jiu a ritual and turned and walked out of Ascending Immortal Plaza.

No one knows where he is going, maybe he doesn’t know where he is going.

Watched Jue Zhan Some lonely, still bleak back, Di Jiu is not called Jue Zhan, he also does not know how to comfort Jue Zhan.

“Brother Di, thank you, if it weren’t for you, Mei Bashan that Old Fogy would never let me go.” Xian Ze came over.

His injury was not heavy, and he was quickly recovered after being rescued by Di Jiu. He is excited that Di Jiu get rid of Mei Bashan, this kind of thing is incredible as long as you think about it, Di Jiu has done it.

Ascending Immortal City’s City Lord Xigu Boyang didn’t wake up until now, coming out of Di Jiu and going to Di Jiu to kill Mei Bashan. The expert on Hanging House didn’t stand up to speak. This is the default, which means that it has passed.

He immediately said, “The first two rounds of the True Domain Great Competition of Geniuses are over. The first place is Di Jiu from Lesser Central World, the second is Hu Burang from Lesser Central World, and the third place. It is Zhuo Wenshu from True Domain. From the fourth to the twentieth, Bai Xizhou, Gu Jue, Come and…”

Di Jiu’s eyes fell on Gu Jue, the strength of this fellow is very strange, the Origin Spirit hidden in Gu Jue, he can not see the depth.

After completing the name, Xigu Boyang continued, “All Beast Cores that entered the Evil Beast Valley genius will need to turn in, hand over the genius of Beast Core, and assign True Domain natural resources according to the number of Beast Core…”

Di Jiu This is to know that the True Domain Great Competition of Geniuses also comes with the natural resources allocation of True Domain, just like the Five Lands Dao Tower of Lesser Central World.

Many cultivators have begun to pay for Beast Core, and Di Jiu has also paid for one hundred Oriental Monster Beast’s Beast Core. As for the Illusory Beast’s Beast Core, he won’t pay, and the maximum amount of the outer technique screen displayed is 100. No one knows how much Heast Core he got.

“Fellow Daoist Di, congratulations, get the first place in this True Domain Great Competition of Geniuses.” When Di Jiu paid the Beast Core, Xigu Boyang also specially congratulated.

Di Jiu This achievement, combined with the power of Mei Bashan, has just killed the Di Jiu challenge. That is to say, Di Jiu has already locked the first place in this big ratio.

Although he is sure that Di Jiu has an Illusory Beast Beast Core, Di Jiu has only paid 100 ordinary Beast Cores, and he can’t say that Di Jiu took out the Illusory Beast’s Beast Core. Trial in the Evil Beast Valley, the most precious Beast Core is the Illusory Beast Beast Core. After the general cultivator goes in, you can only get at most one Illusory Beast Beast Core. As long as you kill Illusory Beast, it is absolutely impossible for the second Illusory Beast to be found.

Di Jiu was able to kill two Illusory Beasts, and he was already discovering the hidden form of the second Illusory Beast when he killed the first Illusory Beast.

“many thanks.” Di Jiu also took a fist. Xigu Boyang Domain Realm 1st layer, can host this game, simply because everyone needs a person to do things.

Xigu Boyang nodded and said, “Now that the third round of the challenge, as long as your ranking is in the top 20, you want to enter the top three genius, you can challenge the top three. Remember, each person only One chance. Now let me talk about Law, from the fourth to the twentieth genius who wants to challenge the top three, please stand up. If there are more than three, you need to challenge the top three to challenge the genius.”

In the past, after the end of the two rounds, at least seven or eight talents who wanted to challenge the top three, so they need to choose three of the seven or eight talents to challenge the top three. After Xigu Boyang said the challenge, it took a long time and no one stood up.

Everyone fell on Bai Xizhou.

The top three Di Jiu’s are unpredictable and no one dares to challenge. Hu Burang seems to be close to the Transforming Truth late stage. It is not difficult to challenge Hu Burang. Only Zhuo Wenshu is the Transforming Truth 4th layer, and the surface seems to be the easiest to challenge.

If someone can challenge, this challenge will be the fourth place Bai Xizhou, the fourth to the twentieth Bai Xizhou’s cultivation base is the highest, Transforming Truth 3rd layer.

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