After leaving Ascending Immortal City and coming to an open space, Di Jiu once again inspired Splitting Realm Talisman.

The violent force instantly rips the void in front of you, and Di Jiu’s spiritual sense is ten times stronger than when you first applied Splitting Realm Talisman? His spiritual sense quickly found the familiar Heaven Screen.

Di Jiu breaks into the split void, the divine body fleshly body and the powerful Escaping Technique, Di Jiu almost just outside the Heaven Screen when the Splitting Realm Talisman is fired. Splitting Realm Talisman broke out for the second time, tearing the Heaven Screen apart, and Di Jiu rushed into the gap and was already on the Heaven Screen.

Di Jiu was only Origin Soul Realm and couldn’t feel the Law here. Now Di Jiu Transforming Truth 5th layer peak, spiritual sense is Grade 11, and when you fall on Heaven Screen, you can feel the broken Heaven and Earth Law.

Di Jiu did not intend to cultivating here, he felt the location of Shudi in the first place.


At the beginning of Di Jiu’s seeing azure flame’s Flaming Mountain at Heaven Screen, a dull dry eucalyptus shook his head, not far from the tree, and a fist-sized black bug.

“Little shudi, you don’t have to die like a boss all day long.” The black bug was black and shiny, and it didn’t know how many times it was brighter than the dry Shrubman.

“dung beetle, I warn you, I will call Brother Shu in the future, call me Shudi again, I will sever the relationship with you.” The Shrubman who pulled his head was like a stepping on the tail, how high it was.

The black bugs flew in the air without showing weakness. “You are little shudi. Don’t call me dung beetle. I am much more handsome than your dry bark. I must call Brother Hei later.”

“dung beetle, dung beetle, dung beetle…”

Shrubman screamed a few times dung beetle. According to the previous plot, these three words must be called at least dozens of times, until the mouth is dry, there is no way to talk, it will stop.

But today, Shrubman just called three dung beetles and stopped to call dung beetle. Instead, he jumped up in surprise. “I feel Big Brother coming, hahaha, I Shudi wise, I know Big Brother. I will abandon me and find another new one…”

Black insect obviously also felt Di Jiu’s aura, flew directly to the top of Shrubman’s head, and said, “I also felt that Big Brother really came.”

Shrubman reacted and left the black insect aside at the first glance. “dung beetle, you just smashed Big Brother and I will tell Big Brother.”

Black insect is three feet high, “little shudi, don’t talk, when do I smash Big Brother dead? Big Brother doesn’t like the roots of lying, don’t like to be burned by Big Brother. I suggest you Still tell Big Brother, can’t come here.”

Shudi reacted and said eagerly. “Yes, I can’t come here. The TB Ghost outside has been refining this Flaming Mountain. Big Brother is coming to him. It’s over, it’s over…”

“Or do we secretly go out?” The black insect didn’t seem to be as arrogant as before, not knowing if the handle was caught by Shudi.

Shudi snorted, “dung beetle, you bought this goods. It was also said that you were hiding here. This is Flaming Mountain. It doesn’t matter if you can eat the fire. The smooth skin of your tree is ugly every day. Now that TB Ghost is outside the trapping array, you say you want to go out. If you can go out, will your Uncle Master hide in this ghost place?”

Black insect 耷 pulling his head, seems to dare not argue with Shudi. Although she despised Shudi before she came in, she was old bark, but when she was hiding here, it did not think that this little tree root was so fragile, but it was under Flaming Mountain, and it was not for the roots to make a fire.


“You are refining this Flaming Mountain?” Di Jiu landed on the surrounding of Flaming Mountain, and the flame of the azure on the top of the mountain has long since disappeared. At the foot of the mountain, a man is refining Flaming Mountain.

The man stopped the refining Flaming Mountain and slowly stood up and looked up and down Di Jiu.

Di Jiu is also looking at the man at the same time. It should be in the initial stage of Domain Realm. It is as thin as a TB Ghost. Di Jiu know This person is not weak, but he is only beaten if he is on the present.

“How did you appear on Heaven Screen?” The man stared at Di Jiu for a while and didn’t see Di Jiu’s strength before he frowned and asked.

Di Jiu indifferently said, “How did you come, how did I come.”

The man seems to think of something in general, he said awkwardly, “Right, when I entered Heaven Screen, the spiritual sense seemed to sweep over an ant, is it that you are the ant?”

After knowing that Di Jiu was the cockroach, the man no longer scruples, offering a magical treasure, and then rolling up a flame cover towards Di Jiu.

Di Jiu’s strength, but he is too clear, using Splitting Realm Talisman in the void is also scarred by the void blade glow, he can even grab Di Jiu with the palm of his hand. Offering a magical treasure to deal with Di Jiu, it is a Di Jiu.

Domain Realm 3rd layer, Di Jiu really doesn’t care, not to mention the other party dare to burn him with flames.

Di Jiu didn’t even have a Heaven Dancing Blade, and he directly gave Dao Fire.

“Dao Fire?” The cultivator of this Domain Realm 3rd layer screamed at Di Jiu at the sight of Dao Fire. Obviously he has a deep understanding of the flames.

In the face of a cultivator with Dao Fire, attacking with a fire, it is an idiot.

TB Ghost wants to take back his own flame, but unfortunately it is too late. Di Jiu’s Dao Fire is like tornado, taking away the flame that the other party just fired. I haven’t waited for this Domain Realm cultivator take action to grab the flame, Di Jiu has already squatted on the chest of this cultivator.

On the cultivation base, this TB Ghost is ten streets worse than Mei Bashan.

Di Jiu kicked his internal organs, and the whole man flew up with Di Jiu’s Great Footprint and fell directly into the distant Flaming Mountain.

This Flaming Mountain is only a part of refining, and some of them are not refining. At this moment, Di Jiu took him to the terrifying flame, and it was sure to die.

“Don’t kill me…” This Cultivator just said four characters and was swept away by the endless flames. Di Jiu’s True Origin has been hand-printed and a ring has been caught in his hands.

The Heaven Dancing Blade sacrificed, the azure glow flashed, and the trapping array of the Flaming Mountain surrounding was smashed into pieces.

The trapping array was broken and Shudi and dung beetle rushed out at the same time.

“Big Brother, I know you won’t abandon me, hehe…” Shudi cried the miserable.

Di Jiu, but I know the little tree root’s mobs very well. He ignores Shudi, but is surprised to watch the fist-sized black insect. “Yes, both of you are grade 6. And you…”

Black insect doesn’t wait for Di Jiu to call it dung beetle, hurry and say, “Big Brother, I have received a flame here, you see.”

After saying this, black insect has an azure flame on top of it, and the flame is actually grade 5.

“Big Brother, this flame will be for you. For Big Brother, I am not calling dung beetle now, I changed my name to…”

Black insect I didn’t think about my name for a while. It now has some regrets. I should think of a name earlier. Now it is stuck in the head, which is really a mistake.

Di Jiu couldn’t know the idea of ​​dung beetle, his eyes fell on that Flaming Mountain. This is an Azure Lamp, the highly ranked Heavenly Fire.

“Yes, this flame, keep it yourself, I have a flame. You don’t want to call dung beetle, I will give you a name, it is called Black Shell Lang.” Di Jiu is too lazy to take the time to think about the name.

He can think that dung beetle can refine an Azure Lamp, which is definitely a type of not simple. What puzzles Di Jiu is that the origin of the dung beetle was not found on the World Book. If this dung beetle is not the final form, it is something that has suddenly changed.

Black insect knows that this time can’t shrink, the name is not good, and it is tormented by little tree root. It hurriedly said, “Big Brother don’t want my flame, I am similar to Big Brother’s flame, or I will be called Hei Huo. All right.”

Di Jiu waved his hand. “Hei Huo is on Hei Huo, how do you get stuck in this place with TB Ghost?”

Shudi mouth is good, just a short time to say something an almost.

When Di Jiu disappeared, it went to find Hei Huo alone, and Hei Huo was found at this Flaming Mountain. Hei Huo received the Azure Lamp Flame, and the two couldn’t find Di Jiu. They could only find treasure cultivating everywhere in the Heaven Screen.

Shudi’s aptitude is not good, but Hei Huo aptitude is very high, and there are more ways to find treasure than Shudi. Both rely on Heaven Screen’s Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures, both cultivating to grade 6. If it wasn’t for Hei Huo, the natural resources needed were ten times more than Shudi. At this time, Hei Huo may be higher than grade 7.

Until a few years ago, the closed Heaven Screen suddenly came up with a fellow, that TB Ghost. After Shudi and Hei Huo were seen by TB Ghost, they were chased and Hei Huo could only hide under the Flaming Mountain with Shudi. If Di Jiu does not come, TB Ghost will refine the flame of Flaming Mountain sooner or later, taking Shuudi and Hei Huo.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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